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File: 87 KB, 350x400, Knight_Templar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2591917 No.2591917 [Reply] [Original]

> Decide to change my standard Knight into a Templar Knight

> Set the Gameshark code

> mfw the model in-combat appears as a regular foot soldier.

Literally why live

>> No.2591920

I just got my Hori Mini controller so I'm finally going to play Ogre Battle 64.

>> No.2592075

Just get paladins

>> No.2592349

maek black knight

>> No.2592450

A lot of enemy only groups only have forward facing sprites. The single soldier is used as the placeholder error sprite.

Lycanthropes work however, but sadly the generic ones don't change forms at night.

>> No.2592464

>wanting a Templar Knight
>not just gamesharking based Deneb in

Now that I think about it, you might be able to get a fully functional Yumil in your party, since he joins temporary in one of the maps.

>> No.2592480

You can GS Deneb in, but if she dies, it's game over.

And you can GS Yumil in as well, but the question is... why would you? He's terrible, although I guess you could mod his stats and use him as a fluffy leader for a party or something.

>> No.2592513

>He's terrible

Is he?
I thought being able to use a combo move (Spiral something?) all by himself would make Yumil worth using, at least. How disappointing.

>> No.2592531

He's technically terrible because he has low stat growths. He does get blue spiral I think, but he doesn't really have enough damage with it.

Actually I can't remember if the version you get in Chapter 4 actually gets combo magic, he might be a different class than the one you fight later on. I think there's two different values however for a character, one controls the portrait and sprite of a character, the other is the character's actual class.

>> No.2593790

You can and I have. Of course if he or Deneb die then the game is over.

I just wanted based Carth and Biske without sacrificing Zenobians.

>> No.2593796

I remember when I found a guide for GSing characters into the party and it was such a pain in the ass because my version of OB64 must have been different than the guy's who found the codes. Ended up having to planeshift the numbers down a bunch but I can't remember by how much anymore.

>> No.2593871

So who keeps buying all low priced copies of this game and selling them 1.5x more dosh?

>> No.2593880
File: 641 KB, 480x749, 46111004_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low priced copies of this game
You wish.

>> No.2593898

I consider 45$ low. They always get bought up and instantly resold for 60$ base. I got my copy finally but God damn. The snes one is even more brutal

>> No.2594878
File: 15 KB, 300x325, Dragonmaster1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OB64 had such cool models. Kinda reminds me a little of SD3's look.

>> No.2595020
File: 334 KB, 480x711, 44677170_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 Deneb

>> No.2595097

Welcome to eBay. Don't bother with SNES and N64, only go for shit no-one cares about, like imports or Game Boy.

>> No.2595142

I do remember these guys have rear facing sprites, but those were only in a few of the little cinematics, so it stands to reason that they wouldn't have anything for actual combat/gameplay.

Back in the day I remember using peace and love or whatever the 'convert an enemy unit' item was and being frustrated at never getting a templar. It didn't even occur to me that you couldn't.

>> No.2595167


Is she her own character, with unique skills and stat growth or just a generic Witch in a different skin?

>> No.2595204

I usually saved my Love and Peace for a Seraph. They were just too damn hard to make legitimately.

>> No.2595273

Reminds me of trying to play TO

>seraph pact skill to recruit an angel
>equip it asap
>wait whole game to use it
>never see an angel
>second post game dungeon
>0% success at recruitment

I later learned that map had the only enemy ones in the game and if you want one you have to go through some 5-10 hour process to make it. Yah nah screw it.

>> No.2596513

So was anyone else majorly disappointed with the vampire class? All that work for a shitty character who can't move for half a day every day but he can lifesteal a little bit which is rendered redundant since any unit worth its salt has a priestess tucked away in the back anyway.

>> No.2596527

Vampires and werewolves both suck, but at least you can use werewolves in a reduced capacity during the day.

>> No.2598695

Why does the NTSC-U cart sell for so much? God damn.

>> No.2598784

It's one of the few SNES games that has always been that expensive, even back in the 90s. Not sure that Enix released that many, same with EVO.