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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2591850 No.2591850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They haven't released a price for this thing yet. If its more than $90 it's going in the fucking trash.
What do you think of it, /vr/?

>> No.2591853

No one is going to make games for it and even if they do they'll have to deal with the costs of manufacturing cartridges.

>> No.2591858

I wish there was some outside chance that thing would be even slightly good, but there isn't.

>> No.2591859
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, my wife loves it!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2591862

"Is this like the RETRON 5?

No. RETRON 5 is a console that plays old games on old game cartridges. The RETRO VGS is for playing NEW RETRO style games on cartridges moving forward."

>New Retro

What the fuck...

>> No.2591868

They could have at least made all new sega games for it. I would love a new old style sonic game.

>> No.2591870
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>> No.2591875

Hate on the Retron 5 all you want, but its a decent piece of hardware and kind of nice alternative to playing gameboy/gba games on your TV as opposed to using the Gamecube Gameboy player.

It has its place, and its not for everyone, but there are people who can utilize and enjoy it.

Not even shilling, just genuine feelings about it.

This RetroVGS is just a trainwreck waiting to happen. It'd be like if someone announced they were bringing back Hydrogen filled Zeppelins.

>Kickstarter in July/August of this year

Dis gon be gud.

>> No.2591876

It might of actually been cool if the fucking name wasnt " LE RETRO FAD"

>> No.2591879

Like VVVVV I guess.

>> No.2591880

>Kickstarter in July/August of this year

Perhaps the Ouya taught people a lesson.

Oh, who am I trying to kid? Of course it didn't.

>> No.2591890

This post brought to you by StoneAgeGamer.com

>> No.2591892
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The fact that it's trying to cash in on the so retro crowd, uses the Jaguar console design along with carts, and is so desperate for games it's listing Super Noah's Ark 3D as one of the featured ones on the site should have already let you known it was trash.

>> No.2591894

their reasons for using the Jaguar molds is simple economics. Design & production of new tooling is crazy expensive; why buy new shit when you can buy the rights to perfectly working old shit?

>> No.2591898

>why buy new shit when you can buy the rights to perfectly working old shit?

I can understand that logic but it still seems like a stupid decision to use the mold of a console that has a horrible reputation. If you're selling a new console would you really want the first thing that pops into nearly every potential new customer's mind be the Jaguar?

>> No.2591902
File: 59 KB, 453x439, 1438584135495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they ever list Noah's ark as a selling point? That's fucking retarded.

>> No.2591904

The top 2 games have gameplay videos.

They look unbelievably generic, unbelievably boring, and they don't even look technically impressive.

They'll never have a talented developer make games for it. Its going to all be fucking horrible.

>> No.2591924
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>yfw someone releases a flashcart for this shit and all the developers stop wasting money making carts for it

>> No.2591928

Because its fucking retro FUCKTARD

>> No.2591930
File: 5 KB, 200x200, shiggy my diggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny knight
looks boring and generic
>Sydney hunter
Looks boring and generic
tumblr trash
>song bringer
looks some what interesting
>Noah's ark 3D
>pier solar
looks boring and generic

This thing will crash and burn.

>> No.2591932

I wonder if the controller would be any good though

>> No.2591939

Its literally the wii u pro controller but with a few tweaks.

>> No.2591945

It doesn't take a genius to know this idea is horrible. The Ouya is out there for everyone to laugh at, yet someone just though they could do better by making it worse.

I will be surprised if they break 10 individual games for this.

>> No.2591947

I'll be surprised half of the six games they are advertising on their site doesn't get canceled.

>> No.2591965

Reading their FAQ, the concept they have in mind is quite interesting. And the videogame itself looks absolutely amazing, specially the transparent versions.

I also like how they made a limited print run of cases to sell as-in, for Jaguar owners to replace their broken cases. A smart way to raise some money.

Still, the base problem persists. People just won't buy this if there's no games for it.

>> No.2591967

Depending on how easy it is to port games, I can image dozens of retro style indie games being released on it.

>> No.2591969

The jewel series looks pretty neat-o.
Too bad the games are garbage.

>> No.2591978

Okay, but who's going to take the leap and be the first one to dump all that money and work into it?

>> No.2591981

I wouldn't be surprised if early developers have their cart/art/box/docs costs paid for by the people making the console.

>> No.2591986

Alright, so then you still have the work of trying to sell an expensive dedicated console that doesn't have any other functionalities, whose only games are indies that will play on literally any toaster and you can pay 1$ for each on humble bundle.

>> No.2591998

I wouldn't be surprised if they just has some equivalent of roms sent to them by their devs and then just flashed them onto generic carts, printed a label, and then grabbed a manual and box just like repro cart makers do (I realize making a good repro isn't nearly so simple) on a to-order basis.

I mean honestly. The only place you'll be able to get this shit is direct. If they actually took pride in their shit and offered it in clamshells or something equivalent, instead of cardboard boxes then I'd be more interested, but being at a 2% from a 0% on the interest meter is basically nothing.

>> No.2592006

Oh, I don't disagree that this will most likely be a failure (I'm not >>2591967), I just imagine that the first developers could very well not be taking a large monetary risk. I definitely think that there won't be many games for this, especially since probably not many developers even know about it, and even when/if they find out it seems hard to believe that they'd put in a whole lot of effort to try to manufacture and sell game packages to the assuredly limited userbase held by the RVGS when there are much larger userbases for Wii U/PS4/XBOXOne/3DS/Mobile/PC/whatever.

I honestly wouldn't mind something like this existing, but Jaguar carts look so dinky and I bet the boxes will look just as bad. If they had quality previously download-only games with exclusive features and awesome box and cart art, I might be up for getting one. But since I doubt MM9 and 10 will ever be released for this, two of my potential primary reasons for considering such a console are pretty much void right off the bat.

>> No.2592035

It sounds like the boxes are indeed clamshells.

>> No.2592067

>If its more than $90 it's going in the fucking trash.
wouldn't you have to buy it first before putting it in the trash? 730

>> No.2592072

>wouldn't you have to buy it first before putting it in the trash? 730

We don't like your kind around here, boy.

>> No.2592115

You're the first person I've seen online that's played VVVVV other than the guy whose review i watched. Well done, you.

>> No.2592130

Dude, everyone has played that. Get a grip.