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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2587609 No.2587609 [Reply] [Original]

I have never played a genesis game as I had a SNES growing up and so did all my friends.

I'm interested to try emulating some good genesis games. Does pic related still hold up? The sonic games just don't look as good to play as some of the snes platformers like mega man x, dkc, smw, yoshis island etc.

Also, I've heard Phantasy star IV is supposed to be the best rpg on the system, is that any good? Again, I checked it out on youtube and can't see how it could compare to classics like chrono trigger, ff iv - vi etc.

If i should try these what emulator is best?

>> No.2587631

I am running and rolling then looping and blurring and the screen it is jittering as if it might. A mechanized wasp. A needled pit. A dull gray rock. But I return to a slope and I’m off no I’m on and I think of the term Sega used in the nineties to describe what it is I’m supposed to be feeling but.
Sonic the Hedgehog irritates. Aggravates. I’ve quit playing Sonic, but I’m still chasing that feeling. Of stopping. Interruption. It carries forward, even when I’m caught up in the speed, the blast processing I suddenly remember being promised. This feeling of annoyance sticks, as little else does in Sonic.
Perhaps I used to relish feeling out of control. At least for those moments before I burst into rings of rings. Or maybe the wash of checkerboard hills and parallaxed water was enough reward for pressing right and (sometimes) a button.

Now all I feel is tension. This is the lingering sensation of Sonic the Hedgehog. It follows from speed without involvement, from exhilaration unearned. Momentum’s one problem: either I can’t stop once I get going or I can’t get started at all. But I always feel pushed forward, some abstract urgency at my back. Besides, there’s no point in lingering.
I want to zip through the levels as quickly as possible. Pretty as they are, there’s little pleasure in exploring their space, seeing it all. Or much fun to be had with Sonic’s imprecise platforming. I’m either tripping through stages (or rebounding or drowning), or I’m coasting along a path laid down for me by the distant gods of Sonic Team. Neither satisfies. I can’t prepare or predict; I can only memorize. And yet afterwards, I remember little of Sonic. It’s less than a blur.

>> No.2587632


>> No.2587634

Sonic’s levels aren’t built to be remembered. Their architecture is limited to a series of discrete situations, modular units, and too often not even that – just a collection of paths, rails, not a cohesive gamespace. A map of any one level resembles some sloppy mash of jagged elements whose slick patterns never convince me that I’m anywhere other than a stylish simulacrum, skimming a surface.
For a game supposedly built around speed, the first Sonic is remarkably slow. I can only recall sustained careening in its more spacious zones (Green Hill, Star Light). The underground block-pushing of Marble Zone, the maddening kickbacks of Spring Yard, the twirling conveyors of Scrap Brain, the water – WATER! – of Labyrinth Zone. Who was in charge of these levels? The game feels designed against itself, and all I’m left with is the resulting tension.

Sonic has no pacing, no rhythm. Moments of balls-out speed punctuate interminable stretches of clumsy platforming. Interminable because you never know how long til the next break, the level modules being cobbled together without logic, sequence, flow. There is no buildup, no climbing the roller-coaster hill, no anticipation. Not much looking back either because most joyous spurts are cut short by some unfairly placed, unforeseeable foe.
Sonic must have half-inspired the many dead-serious speed runs that populate YouTube. But speed runs showcase seemingly superhuman (often computer-augmented) skills or a kind of game-breaking that comes through intense repetition and learning to maximize the through-lines of a structured space. They cut through the Gordian knot of game-design to reveal a simpler path, one present but invisible to our slow thumbs.

>> No.2587637

Sonic, however, must aspire to this gamestate AT ALL TIMES. It’s the only way to motivate play and promise a way through its sluggish platforming. The primary strategies are pathfinding, memorization, and a bit of timing. Sonic himself can only gain additional protection and speed to help with this. He has no other meaningful ways to interact with his world.

Still, Sonic the Hedgehog thinks it’s a platformer. And certainly it was marketed as such against the Super Mario series, which was, and remains, the heart of the genre. Twenty years running, it seems an unworthy comparison. But it does illuminate some of the tensions inherent to Sonic’s design.

Sonic is sharp, a hedgehog as game. The landscape is pointed, the edges harsh. Mario curves, his belly, his jump. He is round, smooth, malleable, as is his world. Mario is even a ‘round’ character, in the high-school-English sense. He can absorb his environment (mushrooms, fireflowers, leaves) or swap clothes (capes, wetsuits, giant shoes). In other words, he changes; he’s human.
Sonic, though, is raw, elemental, pure – an animal. He can only extend his basic nature, becoming tougher (rings, a shield) or faster (ruby slippers). He’s flat, fixed, one-note, which would usually consign him to the role of sidekick. Actual protagonists who cannot change often meet a tragic fate (kissing/killing/eating some family member). Maybe Sonic would be more compelling if he gouged out those smirking eyes and ran blind. Actually, that’s exactly how I feel while playing.

Invoking Greek tragedy around Sonic is silly not only for lack of a chorus. Sonic may have the requisite hubris, but he’s too cool for human longing and the icky emotional viscera of the slow. All he really wants is speed, but it’s not even full-on desire; it’s only the fulfillment of his nature. Besides, you can’t imagine Sonic accepting blame for any dawdling. The fault, his cocked eye claims, lies with the player.

>> No.2587641

kill yourself

>> No.2587643

Sonic’s cool proceeds not only from his unflappable character; it’s also a function of his slick sci-fi world. Compare the defiled nature and urban congestion of the Sonicverse to the warmth of Super Mario’s elemental themes and wacky magic. One invites you in to play; one assaults your senses and dares you to take your time.
While Mario is an ordinary man in a fantastic world, Sonic is clearly of his own posthuman universe (whether an amnesiac mutant or just a precocious native). Both avatars are empty vessels, but only Mario has an interior that can be actively inhabited, filled up. Sonic is all surface and attitude, a style to be passively performed. It’s the difference between playing and being played.

In the end, though, it’s the control – the actual way Sonic and Mario play – that makes the biggest difference. Yes, cool doesn’t age and sharpness eventually grates, but it’s poor gameplay that annoys forever. Press a button, any button (there’s only one), and feel that tiny delay before Sonic jumps; those milliseconds are milliseconds that your hand-eye registers mercilessly. Feel the cutesy animations stutter on ledges, the sloppy skids and stiff mid-air retractions. Compare this to any Super Mario and feel the difference, the just-rightness that’s missing. Even the first Super Mario Bros, five years before the original Sonic, had the sense to include a second button for controlling running speed.

It’s almost as if Sonic Team knew that their gameplay was no match for their style. The entire ring collection mechanic seems designed around failure. You will get hit, and hit often, it assumes, so there’d better be some means of recovery scattered throughout each zone. Compared to the slimmer margins of Mario, where a hit means a precious loss of ability, and another certain death, the Sonic player, like a delinquent student, can quickly sense the lowered expectations.

>> No.2587649

Mario gathers lives, second chances to the nth, and his 1ups have become emblematic of a videogame structure that makes death a natural part of life. Consider the pleasure that usually comes with earning a 1up – another chance to play, to try again in a world that, however difficult, feels just and fair (and your death your own responsibility). The rare extra life in Sonic, though, feels like a burden, a heavy gift necessary to face some bullshit lurking just beyond the right edge of the screen. It offers a dire forecast of stoppage, rupture, of a failed run.
The more plentiful rings offer little consolation. The penalty for becoming absorbed in the pleasures of a smooth run and then exploding into rings (weren’t you paying attention?) is too harsh. The loss of shiny baubles can still sting (see Kirby’s Epic Yarn) without killing the player’s motivation to collect. To keep 50 rings until the end of the level and access a round of bonus vertigo, the astute player will learn to slow down and poke through each level. And in a game about boldness and speed, what’s the point in skulking about?

Tension pervades Sonic. It’s a game at odds even with its own professed genre. It may look like a platformer; its weaker sections certainly ape the classics. But its distinctiveness emerges when it acts more like a racer or shooter. Its driving characteristics make intuitive sense, given the shared pleasures of speed. It’s here, though, that such a hybrid reveals its limits. Part of the thrill and satisfaction of racing comes with seeing what’s ahead and reacting in time. Sonic, as a platformer though, turns the course on its side and provides a severely restricted viewing window. Without being able to see further ahead in the course, the player is forced to race blind (or at least profoundly nearsighted).

>> No.2587650

Its shooting pedigree may seem more obscure. But if we consider some of what a classic shooter requires (sharp reflexes, memorization) and how it rewards play (that surge of graphics and sound, the satisfaction of mastering speed and overwhelming odds), then it becomes clearer how Sonic fits in and how it fails. Obviously, Sonic can’t shoot, so his interactions with enemies and the environment are limited to avoidance and direct contact. But Sonic’s forward roll and simplistic jumping (the platformer verb) just don’t offer enough control in the gamespace to sustain the exhilaration a shooter promises (again the tardy Sonic button – imagine a shooter that paused before each bullet). Sure, Sonic can sometimes deliver a spiffy audio-visual rush, but the memorization required to maintain it leaves the platforming stiff, tired, joyless.
So, Sonic doesn’t jump well, we might think, so what? Sonic’s about going fast, not bouncing about. But this supposed difference in focus is telling. Jumping involves a choice, and thus it creates a world. Running is about power and endurance; it is monocular, limiting its depth and gaming appeal. Running can be meditative as well, a centering and even generative repetition, but Sonic’s tension makes this impossible. It bears too many contrary impulses to achieve any calm. Internal contradictions can sometimes work within a clever risk/reward structure (consider the excellent Burnout 3: Takedown’s use of close calls with other vehicles to boost the player forward), but what reward does Sonic really offer? What fun is to be had?

>> No.2587652

It’s become common to lament how the Sonic games somehow lost their way over the past twenty years. Even I have good memories of Sonic 2 and Sonic CD. But it’s fair to say now that the original Sonic the Hedgehog was never very good. And later iterations could never really overcome its inherent tensions, even if some managed them better than others. Maybe the promise of Sonic in the days of 16-bits – of being cool and stylish, of playing a viable alternative to Mario, of launching us into a shinier, faster future – continues to beckon. But the Sonic series has just never been able to keep pace with modern gaming.

I can’t deny: Green Hill Zone does still call to me. Maybe some day someone will make a game worthy of those crisp screenshots that first appeared over twenty years ago. Until then, the particular anxiety that defines Sonic the Hedgehog remains. That persistent fear of being stopped. Interrupted. Out of the blue.

>> No.2587656

~ Tevis Thompson

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

I recommend his other essays including Saving Zelda.

>> No.2587667

tl;dr: I'm bad so the game is bad

>> No.2587668

>I want Sonic to be Mario: an excursus on pretentiousness

Yeah nah, I'll pass.

>> No.2587670
File: 73 KB, 395x545, 1438658054466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to write a fucking essay on a video game without sounding like a pretentious tool?

No it isn't. So don't try.

>> No.2587678
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend Truxton

>> No.2587680

Instead of watching videos of the games with a negative attitude that they're not as good as your childhood favourites, why not just play them with an open mind and see if you have fun?

>> No.2587685

It's vastly superior to DKC because that shit is mediocre at best.

>> No.2587690

The industry as it is now treats videogames as toys. They only write about their objective build quality. Reviewers instead of critics.

Talking about our subjective experiences with videogames is the only way videogames will ever become more than playthings and ever get any amount of respect.

>> No.2587694

Are you joking? Games ARE playthings.

>> No.2587696
File: 42 KB, 300x392, 1437227393680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell the guy who wrote that wall of nonsense just loves the smell of his own farts. Maybe he should write an essay on them.

>> No.2587702 [DELETED] 

Because leaving your Nintendo safe spot can be traumatizing, since you're finding out Nintendo is not this monster god of perfect games you have grown to believe. If your experience with other brands or consoles isn't diluted adequately through gameplay videos and bitter reviews, you would actually have form your independent opinion, which could shatter some of your inner beliefs. I feel bad about writing this junk, but it could actually be accurate for some people.

>> No.2587707

OP here. This was an excellent read, probably pasta but whatever. Seems like I'll stick to SNES platformers!

>> No.2587714

>probably pasta
>~ Tevis Thompson

yes go back to your snes because you won't get very far reading

>> No.2587719

Don't act like you're not the person who posted it.

>> No.2587721
File: 50 KB, 540x540, 1436794766402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a SEGAfag but it really is amazing how SNES fanboys always manage to be the most odious of all.

>> No.2587723

>23 posts, 8 posters

>> No.2587731

love the new counter

cant wait to see a

>20 posts
>1 poster

>> No.2587736

>Sonic autists in charge of handling any sort of criticism, never mind the banter
Sonic is a mediocre-at-best series that never knew what it was trying to be.
OP could pick any other Sega property on the Genesis, with the possible exception of Alex Kidd, and have a better time.

>> No.2587743

There's legitimate criticism, then there's "I'm bad so the game is bad", which is bullshit. This applies to all games, I don't give much of a fuck about Sonic.

>> No.2587819

What are your thoughts on phantasy star iv vs some of the top tier snes rpgs?

>> No.2587838

I'm a SNESfag and even I hate SNESfags who think Mario, Zelda and Sonic are all there is to retro gaming.

>> No.2587864

anyone know why the up,down,left,right code for sonic 1 doesn't work on the 6-pak version?
it still plays the tone indicating it worked but it plays normaly.

>> No.2587867

in the japanese version it's up c down c left c right c hold a and press start

>> No.2587870

thanks, i'll try it.

>> No.2587882

That essay is some of the most badly written trash I've ever had the misfortunate to subject myself to. You should be ashamed for promoting it.

>> No.2587886

the fucking theme of the essay is that sonic abruptly stops and starts, it crashes and it lulls, momentum is broken. Writing with that style meshes with the content. You're just too stupid to understand that. It's pretty fucking blatant how it starts
>But I return to a slope and I’m off no I’m on and I think of the term Sega used in the nineties to describe what it is I’m supposed to be feeling but.

There's plenty of other essays on his website. And he's published in many of other websites as well.

>> No.2587889

Funny how the media treats reviews like toy reviews yet continue to try to emphasize that games are more than that.

In any case, video games are toys.

>> No.2587890

>I've ever had the misfortunate
Mate, given you can barely string a sentence together it's a little rich for you to attack that review.

>> No.2587893

Genesis is mostly for action games, platformers, shooters, and sports. Although the sports games have aged poorly with a few exceptions.

Sonic is OK on Genesis, especially 1 and 2.

Best games imo are these:
Gunstar Heroes
Alien Soldier
Contra Hard Corps
Thunder Force II
Thunder Force III
Lightening Force
Dragon's Fury
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Championship Bowling
Castlevania Bloodlines
Gauntlet IV
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Mega Bomberman
ECCO - The Tides of Time
General Chaos
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
Dynamite Headdy
Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Shinobi 3
Trouble Shooter
Battle Mania 2
Panorama Cotton
Splatterhouse 2
Splatterhouse 3

>> No.2587903

>not mentioning Truxton or Hellfire
Niggah PLEASE.

>> No.2587909

> turns the course on its side and provides a severely restricted viewing window. Without being able to see further ahead in the course, the player is forced to race blind (or at least profoundly nearsighted).

It's the same shit everybody already spouts. Except now with tons of extra filler and subjective comparisons which he tries to pass off as some objective fact about platformers. Followed by some trivia shit about 16bits or marketing people who want to read a review don't really care about, mixed with some 2deep4u analogies some of which aren't even video game related. All of this just to repeat "I didn't have fun so everybody shouldn't have" ad nauseam. Then he's even going to acknowledge stuff that is CASUALLY more popular in the games (Green Hill, Sonic 2) as things he enjoyed, just to let you know he's not a grade A tool. True criticism wouldn't be so narrow minded and extreme, stop defending this stupid mouthful.

Just because he writes fancy does not mean his points hold any value.


>> No.2587921

I would add

Alisia Dragoon
Elemental Master
Mega Turrican
Super Fantasy Zone

>> No.2587926

Thunderforce 1,2,3 but not mentioning iv? fuck outta here clueless cunt. No mention of ristar, no mention of rocket knight adventures, no mention of Aladdin? You don't deserve to live.

>> No.2587930

>Lightening Force
Learn to read, maybe it will keep you from throwing fits in the future.

>> No.2587940

Here's your reward for that spicy put down:


>> No.2587953

>OP could pick any other Sega property on the Genesis, with the possible exception of Alex Kidd, and have a better time.
Sonic's not the worst but pretty much, yeah

Nobody in human history or in any parallel universe has ever complained about Sonic being too hard

>> No.2588001

Sonic is a precision platformer with some fast areas in the beginning to wow the kids. If you were expecting something else you will be disappointed. If you want to press right and jump fast play Mario, in Sonic you explore levels and avois traps. They're great games, in any case.

>> No.2588005

Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I don't want to hype it too much because you might get disappointed but it's amazing.

>> No.2588308

>rocket knight adventures

Not top tier.


Awesome graphics and animation, shit gameplay.

No point when you can play them in MAME.

I almost put Mega Turrican on there. Quackshot is borderline as are the Mickey Mouse Illusion games.

>> No.2588316

I don't think Phantasy Star IV is as good as the SNES Final Fantasies. But it is better than the massive dump of other RPGs on the platform.

The Genesis isn't really an RPG system, though, you need a Sega CD for that.

Check out the shooter library for the Genesis. Anything that says Tecnosoft or Toaplan on it is going to be good. Along with a bunch of other assorted shooters.

>> No.2588327

>Not top tier.

Yeah well, know what, you're a huge faggot and a disgrace to this whole board.

>> No.2588336

Ok, Mark.

>> No.2588398


No, because people are too embarrassed to admit that they find a classic platformer hard. Instead they start saying stuff like "this game is bullshit" and "it's all memorization" to draw attention away from the fact that maybe they just aren't that good. Do people honestly believe that Mario, or Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Contra or any classic platformer require any less memorization, or absurd reaction times when you first encounter something? Why is Sonic always the game people shit on when talking about memorization being a bad thing? When people talk about Ghost and Goblins, Ninja Gaiden or the classic Mega Man games they praise them and tell people just to "get gud scrub".

Seriously, being skillful at platformers is like being able to bench 3 plates in the gym. Every tough guy thinks he can do it, but when push comes to shove there's always some excuse as to why they can't on any particular day. Rather than take the time to learn the game, it's quirks, and it's mechanics, people just give up.

If you complain about the reaction times needed to play Sonic you're the cause of games becoming increasingly casual. Games generally weren't made to be easy, you usually weren't supposed to make it through them on your first shot. The only reason people hate on Sonic is because of his hugely autistic fanbase, and some dumb-ass memesters who have taken to hating on the game for YouTube views as of late.

>> No.2588430

There are many more autistic Nintendo fanboys than sonic autists or even sega fans in general.
The annoying thing is most if these Nintendo fanboys haven't even played any if the decent sega games, or if they have its five minutes on an emulator with shitty sound and using a keyboard.

>> No.2588434

>There are many more autistic Nintendo fanboys than sonic autists or even sega fans in general

This is the most objectively wrong thing ever posted on /vr/.

>> No.2588453


If Sonic is so easy then you should be able to beat the original in an hour or two right?

>> No.2588479

It really isn't, pretty much every American manchild 'retro' fan has only played Nintendo games.

>> No.2588485

This is the second most objectively wrong thing ever posted on /vr/.

>> No.2588490

What's your point? Game itself was meant to be played in short bursts, that's what I like a lot about the original.

>> No.2588493

There's that word again

>> No.2588784

For fuck's sake a simple topic asking for Genesis games and this is how you autistic fucks answer?

Way to be /v/ faggots

>> No.2589439

OP Idk if you're a fan of yu yu hakusho, but if you are or just want to play a good fighter, get Yu Yu Hakusho: Sunset Fighters/ Maikyou something something. You'll have to find an english patched version but it wasn't had for me. Definitely a must have

>> No.2589518

Google Sonic 3 Complete, download it, play it. Pretty much the ideal way to play S3&K.
Phantasy Star 4 is great.
Fusion will do perfectly. If you like and use RetroArch, Genesis Plus GX is considered to be more accurate (it's lead platform is the Wii so there's no standalone PC version).

OP reads vaguely like bait, so people are responding like that.
and honestly, I haven't seen a board on 4chan that doesn't respond poorly to bait or perceived bait (not even wonderful boards like /wsg/ or /m/)

what the fuck am I reading
why hasn't the person who wrote this used an exit bag

he pretty much wants Sonic to be Mario

>and feel that tiny delay before Sonic jumps
go read the disassembly -- jumping is immediate

maybe this is bait, but god fucking damn it makes me want to bite
probably the one thing that's right in this is
>The entire ring collection mechanic seems designed around failure
and it is: it's a safety net designed to let the beginning player go fast without worrying too much

the rest of the segments of this are just as bad, but this one jumps out to me

This is a good list.

tried getting into Panorama Cotton though, not a huge fan
it's rather impressive with the amount of shit it shoves on screen though

Eh? Ristar is wonderful. Great graphics, sound, rather enjoyable level design. It's the whole package.
I'm iffy on RKA being up up there, but it's still pretty damn good.

that other guy is clearly trying to start shit

>> No.2589782

simply this.

>> No.2589808

Panorama Cotton is not very good. Could have been ok on the Sega CD. As is, it is a frontal shooter where depth perception is awful because there's no real scaling.

>> No.2589820

I find Sonic 2 is better. Sonic 3 is great for the first few zones but starts to get a bit convoluted the further you progress. plus they overdo it with the water zones

>> No.2590557

Infinite Fast.

>> No.2590668

sure man, play sonic if you wanna go fast. they all hold up? yoshi's island doesn't, it is a big gimmick. play dkc if you want to... go slow, and search for bananas? you can still search for bananas so it "holds out", yeah. other than that they hold up

>> No.2590758

Alien Soldier
Gunstar heroes
That one McDonald's treasure land game by treasure
Ka ge ki
Kid chameleon
Comic Zone
Golden axe 1-3
Streets of rage 1-3
Sonic 2, 3 and knuckles
Shining force
Phantasy star games
Beyond oasis
Crusader of centy
Road rash 1-3
Zero wing
Land stalker
Panorama cotton
Still trying to think more up I'll get back to you

>> No.2590767


>> No.2590792

The Sonic games hold up better than the SNES Mario games in my opinion, except Super Mario RPG of course.
And comparing them to Mega Man X is like comparing Mega Man X to something like Metal Slug or Gunstar Heroes: Not quite the same thing.

And what Phantasy Star might lack graphically and aurally in comparison to the best SNES has to offer (though only in the sense that the compositions are compressed to save space), it makes up in story, setting and battle system. It's my favorite 16-Bit JRPG, better in my opinion than Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI, two great games that I also love.

>> No.2590901


Having a Stroke While Typing : The Post

>> No.2590902

>Yoshi's island doesn't hold up and is a big gimmick

Fuck outta here.

>> No.2591161
File: 95 KB, 640x416, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, what's going on in this thre--

>> No.2591196

Sonic CD
Shining force
Shining force II
shining force CD
Streets of rage
Streets of rage 2
Streets of rage 3
Monster World IV
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Golden axe
Golden axe 2
Golden axe 3
Ecco 1
Ecco 2
Space Harrier
Puyo puyo
Puyo puyo tsu
Super Hang On
Out run
Super Fantasy Zone
Toejam and Earl
Comix Zone
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Gunstar Heroes
Shadow Dancer
The Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
After burner