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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 6 KB, 560x384, Microprose - Conflict in Vietnam (1986).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2582984 No.2582984 [Reply] [Original]

The Vietnam War has never been a popular subject for gaming. How come?

>> No.2582990
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, 1_2597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is NAM. And it's 97cents.


>> No.2583004
File: 243 KB, 713x1045, nam_1965-1975_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the C64 version, and if so how did you get it to run? I couldn't manage in my emulator (Frodo).

Anyway, there's also this game:
It has lots of strategic and political elements, not just a pure tactical wargame.

>> No.2583015
File: 208 KB, 713x1021, lost_patrol_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another interesting one:

>> No.2583031
File: 4 KB, 320x200, SEAL Team_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This takes place in Vietnam iirc

>> No.2583032

because it really wasn't a war, it was an occupation where the populace REALLY didn't want the US there... as juxtaposed with the korean war, where the koreans tolerated the US because they hate japan and china

>> No.2583037

>Is that the C64 version, and if so how did you get it to run? I couldn't manage in my emulator (Frodo)

Screenshot shows the Apple II version and if you want to run the C64 version, make sure your emulator supports low-level 1541 emulation.

The Apple version was on a flip disk. One side had the 64k version that ran in normal HGR mode and the other (shown in the pic) was the 128k side that runs in 16 color DHGR.

>> No.2583039

This was part of Microprose's "Command" trilogy, the others being Decision in the Desert and Crusade in Europe. They were released for the C64, Apple II, IBM PC, and Atari 800XL, but no Amiga yet (Microprose began releasing Amiga games in mid-1986).

>> No.2583043

Vietnam hates China too.

"It's better to eat the French shit for 100 years than to eat the Chinese shit for 1000 years."

-- Ho Chi Minh

>> No.2583083

well duh, of course eating shit for 100 years is better than doing so for 1000 years.

>> No.2583103

because the US was the undisputed bad guy who invaded a faraway country when imperialims had almost died out and while based on a flimsy excuse that is no longer accepted these days
>muh pureblooded capitalism

>> No.2583107

Works better as an FPS than a point and click tactical game.

>> No.2583108
File: 278 KB, 1024x1427, platoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like average action game, but the Operation Wolf parts might be interesting:

>> No.2583114

Because America lost.

>> No.2583121

>it was an occupation where the populace REALLY didn't want the US there

North Vietnam had seceded (if I recall right) and become it's own communist nation which was supporting the Vietcong guerrilla, which was vying to take South Vietnam and turn it into a communist nation.

South Vietnam begged the US for help, initially getting military aid and military advisors but the US eventually got personally involved.

Now, that the entire war was a gigantic shitshow and that both sides did some incredibly heinous things to each other and the local population, that's a different matter.

>> No.2583123

>because the US was the undisputed bad guy who invaded a faraway country when imperialims had almost died out and while based on a flimsy excuse that is no longer accepted these days
Except, again, South Vietnam begged the US to help them combat the Vietcong and North Vietnam because they didn't want to be under communist rule.

I'm not saying that the US didn't handle it in the worst way possible, but it wasn't as simple as "Oh shit they're becoming communists let's go stop this", it was on South Vietnam's behalf.

>> No.2583124


Nothing to celebrate.

>> No.2583149
File: 127 KB, 640x803, P.O.W._-_Box_scan_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the better Operation Wolf clones:
This game even supports light gun on Amiga!

Btw, HOL database says "Not related to the NES game with the same name."

>> No.2583181
File: 56 KB, 640x256, 254_dbs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as good as P.O.W. but I'd still play it.

>> No.2583193

Abs that's the difference between western occupation and eastern occupation

>> No.2583204
File: 76 KB, 853x640, Flight of the Intruder_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flight sim, based on the movie...

>> No.2583256

Cool game - never made it far though.

>> No.2583295
File: 547 KB, 640x350, nuking israel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Cold War themes welcome in this thread?

I'm normally not one for these types of Strategy/Sim type games, but there is something about Shadow President for MS-DOS that is really quite compelling.

It takes place shortly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the beginning of Operation Desert Storm.

You play as the President of the United States and the goal is to implement public policy in a way that will improve global quality of life. Everything from the economy, military action, etc. is in your control.

But it doesn't have to be difficult. You have your White House Advisors, Secretaries, and Staff to get advice from. Or, you can screw around like gif related.
I did something like this, but towards Mexico (who decided to invade several Latin American countries and build up their space program and nuclear armament). Got assassinated.

>> No.2583303

>nuking Israel
Edginess: The GIF

>> No.2583308

Have fun telling that to America.

Also, if getting two nukes dropped on us is winning Vietnam can go ahead and think they won.

>> No.2583320
File: 103 KB, 640x858, halls-of-montezuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the scenarios is set in Vietnam:

>> No.2583336


>> No.2583338

As an American I can confidently say that no one here thinks we won in Vietnam. Also, no nukes were dropped on Vietnam.

Are you thinking of Japan?

>> No.2583350

Probably, idk. I'm in the process of passing a kidney stone and a little messed up on pain killers.

>> No.2583354

Oh, that makes sense then. Good luck.

>> No.2583357
File: 904 KB, 1744x2620, Wargame_Construction_Set_-_Box_scan_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever run out of Vietnam games to play, just make your own!

>> No.2583403


Pretty sure that was Korea, bro.

Vietnam was a french colony at the time and they asked for the US to come help. France also started their nuke program after we repeatedly refused to give them nukes to use there.

Basically >>2583032

>> No.2583406
File: 108 KB, 800x982, 223580-thud-ridge-american-aces-in-nam-commodore-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another flight sim, for C64 and DOS CGA/EGA (the back of the box shows colorful "Amiga" screenshots that apparently never came to be):

>> No.2583442
File: 103 KB, 640x774, Gunboat_-_Box_scan_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boat sim, for when you're tired of flying...

>> No.2583459
File: 16 KB, 640x400, conflict-in-vietnam_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It turns out there's actually a DOS version of Conflict in Vietnam, and it looks very much like the Apple II version.

>> No.2583461
File: 743 KB, 604x800, mia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M.I.A., the sequel to Green Beret (Rushn Attack) is set in Vietnam.

>> No.2583463

Probably because it's a somewhat of sensitive subject? If I recall the government apologized for it? It was a needless conflict to say the least. But I'm just beating a dead horse.

>> No.2583474

because in the 80's and 90's it was a relatively fresh wound. nobody probably wanted to play it in a game for fun. but it's become sort of acceptable in the past decade.
It would be like if today someone wanted to make a game about the Iraq war

>> No.2583489
File: 179 KB, 800x1218, 169503-nam-apple-ii-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually the game I was having trouble emulating for C64. But there exists also Apple II and Atari 8-bit versions...

I found that old thread from last year too:

>> No.2583506
File: 716 KB, 556x800, nam1975[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2583507

It's not DOS, it used a self-booting disk.

>> No.2583534

Microprose ported all of their Command trilogy to IBM compatibles, although the first one (Crusade in Europe) is CGA-only.

>> No.2583578

It probably got re-released later for DOS. Either that or some pirate "took care" of it at one point. A lot of the PC booter stuff can now be found in more conventional format on the various abandonware sites:

Conflict in Vietnam> unzip -lv conflict-in-vietnam.zip
Archive: conflict-in-vietnam.zip
Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name ("^" ==> case
-------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ---- conversion)
0 Stored 0 0% 06-23-2008 17:38 00000000 ^conflict-in-vietnam/
327680 Defl:N 108462 67% 10-17-1999 08:54 d11abb66 ^conflict-in-vietnam/game.dat
327680 Defl:N 334 100% 10-17-1999 08:55 8e5c3d7a ^conflict-in-vietnam/save.dat
464 Defl:N 382 18% 10-17-1999 09:36 080fdab0 ^conflict-in-vietnam/vietnam.com
-------- ------- --- -------
655824 109178 83% 4 files

>> No.2583605
File: 212 KB, 800x1106, 204011-vc-apple-ii-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DOS version of this game is actually a tokenized BASIC program (not unusual for that time):

Seems to run fine in GWBASIC, and it's only 238 lines of code! (some of that is even wasted on their fancy title/logo) I'll be impressed if this turns out to be a fun game.

>> No.2584619
File: 85 KB, 736x732, CYAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a Vietnam War video game. Talk to Chuck.

>> No.2584716

>It probably got re-released later for DOS

There was no DOS rerelease of this game.

>> No.2584808

Sure there was. I played it, in fact. Maybe it wasn't official, but there was a DOS release. Download the game from most abandonware sites, and you'll get DOS version most likely, just like the one I have. You actually have to go out of your way now to find the original booter disk image. But the DOS version is everywhere.

>> No.2584824

Is this game worth getting? It looks bad, but in an interesting way.

>> No.2584850

It's a cracked game they converted to run under DOS. There wasn't any "official" DOS release of Conflict in Vietnam.

>> No.2584906

Yeah but I never implied it was official. Re-read my post and you'll see I didn't know and wasn't assuming it to be an official release.
Anyway, pirates also used the term "release" when they cracked a game and uploaded it to their BBS's. The term is not just related to the original game publisher.

>> No.2584932
File: 6 KB, 328x340, 1406440411772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came in here to post this

>> No.2584972

Hell yes Nam 75. Loved the intro and attract screen.

>> No.2585013

Runs on EDuke32. Bit harder than Duke.

>> No.2585029

Because war isn't fun, OP.

>> No.2585117
File: 3 KB, 320x256, cannon_fodder_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War has never been so much fun,
war has never been so much fun,
war has never been so much fun,
war has never been so much fun!
Go (up) to your brother
Kill him with your gun
Leave him lying in his uniform
Dying in the sun


>> No.2585219
File: 38 KB, 426x616, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love action and excitement, but I'm annoyed anyone glorifies actual war.

I'm glad there's at least one that no one wants to romanticize.

>> No.2585221

Probably because it's in recent memory. I live next to a Vietnam vet and my dad remembers guys being drafted. We might see more romanticized games based on the concept soon.

>> No.2585302

War would be AWESOME if it was a matter of getting someone to cast raise on you before 3 turns have passed.

>> No.2585679

It's cause the war was so bad that both sides just decide to call it quits and it resulted into a tie or so I heard

>> No.2585681

And then North Vietnam decided to overrun South Vietnam after the Americans had pulled out and South Vietnam provided no notable resistance despite being trained and equipped by the USA.
The US might even have won the war in military terms but public pressure amounted against them.

>> No.2585765

You're thinking of Korea. The north won in Vietnam. Although it was still that terrible for everyone.

>> No.2585951

Yeah, the US had been bombing the everloving shit out of North Vietnam with Operation Rolling Thunder, but eventually support for the war was as stated, completely gone, Americans didn't want any part with it anymore.

If support hadn't died off, I'm sure the US would have continued bombing the shit out of the North and eventually gotten them to at least stop supporting the Vietcong.

In retrospect, I think most sides involved in that conflict were pretty ashamed of how that war was fought, horrible shit happened there.

>> No.2585982


>> No.2586006

Fun fact: During the Vietnam War President Nixon ordered multiple bombing campaigns of Vietnamese military bases in Cambodia which he falsely claimed to have been approved by the Prince of Cambodia. Not only did this lead to Congress passing new legislation limiting the Presidents powers as the Commander in Chief of the military, it also destabilized the Cambodian government, creating the necessary political climate for the Khmers Rouges to take over five years later, and thus indirectly leading to the Cambodian genocide.

>> No.2586010
File: 38 KB, 480x254, domino-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laos as well. In can be argued that by trying to contain and combat Communism in Vietnam the Americans ended up spreading it.

>> No.2586012

A Vietnam game wouldn't be all that much fun.

Just about every battle would be some kind of decisive U.S. victory. Then you'd be forced to hold back some because hippies. Then eventually Henry Kissinger would tell you to go home. Then when you do go home everyone hates you.

>> No.2586037

Except there is a fun Vietnam game. Its by Dice, and not in the realm of this board. But it was the shit.

>> No.2586080

Why are there no retro games about the American Revolutionary War? That should be something for Americans to take pride in yet the only game I've found is one of Koei's strategy titles.

>> No.2586085
File: 40 KB, 640x400, dokuritsusensou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture.

>> No.2586095
File: 9 KB, 158x225, sons of liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like SSI made a revolutionary war game back in '88.

No clue if it is good or not.

>> No.2586586 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 657x791, 1438646269323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.2586606

I can't take anyone that seriously doesn't think the Vietnam war was a complete and utter disaster and illustrative of the monstrosity of US greed seriously.

>> No.2586854

>Revolutionary War
He wasn't even born until decades later.

>> No.2587613

There is also the part where the US installed a dictator in South Vietnam because he was anti-communist, then he kind of went insane and had to be deposed by another American-backed dictator, who then had to be propped up by American marines because we're pretty horrible at picking random Vietnamese people to run a country.

>> No.2587638

Whats interesting about a revolutionary war game? There just isn't enough there. If a developer wanted to make an colonial strategy game, there are much better real life events or just something made up that uses the same tactics. Essentially, a game about the Revolutionary War would be very limiting, and the time that it would require to make the gameplay work could applied to other scenarios for a broader range of appeal.

>> No.2587645

>If a developer wanted to make an colonial strategy game
Like Sid Meier's Colonization?

>> No.2587654

WW1 is a very interesting scenario with a large variety of warfare (no, it wasn't all sitting in trenches for four years) yet as far as retro games go it's all just flying and a handful of strategy games.

>> No.2587673

Yeah thats what I was getting at. There are other games too, but it's the same principle, where you have a much more options in terms of what you can do, and you're not just limited to a few areas among the American east coast.

Another concern would be where the market is? The genre itself hasn't always been the most popular, and going this specific is sure to dissuade many.

>> No.2587740

The US was always one of if not the largest market for games.

>> No.2587764

Let's be honest, most island nations around China hate it, and still have reason to hate it.

>> No.2587776

so? That doesn't mean a game based off the Revolutionary War would sell.

>> No.2587796

You could always make a scenario for Wargame Construction Set, Universal Military Simulator, or XConq:

>> No.2587876

"Vietnam has faced many conquerors over the centuries - the Mongols, the French, the Japanese, the Americans. They come and go. Unfortunately for us, China will always be there."

"If the Chinese come again, they will never leave. The last time they came, they stayed a thousand years."

>> No.2587878

China literally has no allies or friends. All of their neighbors pretty much want to see them nuked from the map.

>> No.2587880

The reason there's few Vietnam games is simple - it was primarily irregular action which doesn't lend itself to simple "Click on X division to attack Y division" setups. It was a war that lends itself better to the FPS format.

>> No.2588225

China has enough debtors and dependents to stave off any threat from their enemies. Some countries are basically both enemy and dependent.

>> No.2589083

It was a noble cause to stop the spread of communism.

>> No.2589115

What did the US have to gain from Vietmeme

>> No.2589209


There's nothing noble about self-interest.

>> No.2589225

Yeah it's really noble to fight to protect one dictatorship from another dictatorship.

>> No.2589232

Noble in intent from some of the people involved, maybe, as communism is manifestly evil, but the way it was handled was an atrocity, good intentions does not absolve one of sin.

>> No.2589271

All East Asian countries hate each other at the end of the day, honestly.

>> No.2589318

Which was ironic coming from LBJ, the man who expanded the welfare state for the better.

>> No.2589873

I think an American Tunnel Rat vs VK Tunnel Rat simulator would be fucking amazing.

>> No.2589960

Don't you have a Che Guevara shirt to iron right now?

>> No.2590167

That'd be pretty cool actually.

Could showcase some lesser known special weapons, such as those silenced revolvers with shot loads.

>> No.2590282
File: 904 KB, 1024x768, dosbox 2015-08-02 16-33-10-824_zpsmf6nm9vc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda cheap on the edges, and you're going to die, a lot.
However I found it a lot better than I had expected. Environments are surpringsly varied, although you're going to find a lot of forest, but they are well designed. Fights are fun, and the game has some really cool effects sometimes, like how some maps have partner AI, a radio guy and a medic that can heal you. They follow you and you can order them to follow you or not.

>> No.2593742

Ruined by balancing but was extremely fun when at peak imbalance.

>> No.2596096


Op, are you really that fucking stupid?