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2571538 No.2571538 [Reply] [Original]

Finally downloaded the original Zelda on 3DS's Virtual Console after all this time. I've never played it (I started with Link to the Past.)

Should I be drawing my own map as I play? Sounds tedious as fuck.

>> No.2571551

That or just use a downloaded one. It came w/ a map. I would discourage you from using anything not available to players of the time if you're trying to play blind but need help.

>> No.2571559

I guess I'll just print a scan of the original manual's map and keep handy.

>> No.2571564

Playing blind can be fun right now I'm playing the first saga game and I got murdered a few times before figuring out you choose your party instead of having the inverse be the case as I've been trained to believe

>> No.2571569

Yeah do that. Lot of fake gamers think the early Zelda didn't have tutorial or indications like the modern ones but it's wrong. It just wasn't in the cartridge due to technical limitations

>> No.2571681

The American NES version came with a map because Nintendo thought Americans were retarded. The original FDS game did not.

>> No.2571685

>playing a loose copy of Zelda without a map makes you a fake gamer

>> No.2571692

Oh yeah, I forgot that detail.
Honestly, as a kid, I barely paid attention to maps. Super Metroid, Resident Evil 2... I just sort of wandered around and learned things by instinct (fuck, I don't think Metroid II even had an in-game map, either, and it's manual map was vague as fuck).

>> No.2571746

>Should I be drawing my own map as I play? Sounds tedious as fuck.
Mapping a video game can be be a very rewarding experience, anon. But for this one, use the thing in the manual.

I didn't have a problem with Metroid 2 but I used a map for the original and I honestly think it's more fun that way. For a lot of games, if you hit up spoilers, there almost isn't even a game left, but not so with the original Metroid. Zapping monsters and trying to make the time limit is fun, wandering around and bombing dead ends and grinding health is beyond my tolerance limit, and I'm pretty damned autistic.

>> No.2571775

Just get that crayons out and do it!

>> No.2571879

That's exactly what he said. Good job.

>> No.2573224

No, the world is not nearly complicated enough to need a map.

>> No.2573229

But I still beat it just fine without one, because I didn't get mine in box. And I'm really, really glad I didn't use one, it made the experience more fulfilling.

By all means, OP should find and use a map if he ends up absolutely needing one, but it is very beatable without it, and worth trying.

>> No.2573236

Metroid II has a manual map? For real?

Because if there's a game I played mapless that I wish I did use a map, it's that. I remember being painfully lost many times.

>> No.2573239

Drawing the Metroid map on graph paper is some of the most fun I've had with a console.

>> No.2574000

You don't need to, you can keep most of the map you need in memory as far as I recall.

>> No.2574018
File: 856 KB, 1954x2385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame they never added the map in the 3DS manual.

Best you could do is write down some notes in the notes tab or draw the map.

>> No.2574913

Started playing this for the first time yesterday, absolutely love how barebones it is. Is there anything else like it?

The one criticism I have of it is that the secret caves are often too secret. I mean how many hours did people have to spend planting bombs and shooting fire next to every rock, bush and wall in the game to discover them all? It's the kind of thing which you can never really discover without a guide, and even if you do find them on your own you don't feel clever, just lucky. There should be some kind of very subtle visual clue or cryptic message.

>> No.2575039

Later games fix this. I'm sure other people would respond saying

>I did it as a kid! Kids these days.
>It takes skill to bomb and burn everything!

The game is very open ended...for better or for worse. I really should try to play this game again with no outside help, but I get bored because I don't know what the hell to do.

>> No.2575449

There is no need to map out Zelda. The overworld is small enough you'll have it figured out in an hour and each dungeon gives you a map in the corner to work with, plus most are pretty linear anyway.

>> No.2575597

Stay mad

>> No.2577894

If it sounds tedious as fuck, don't do it. You're supposed to have fun, not slog through a chore. Do what you want and don't worry about whether or not anonymous strangers approve or assess your worth as a Tru retro GamR.

>> No.2577898

I thought it was intentional anti-piracy measures. It was at least more creative than the code cards a la Commodore 64.

>> No.2578278
File: 371 KB, 2104x788, Zelda Hints Boxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the game came with. No need to make it harder for yourself than it was for the first people who got to play it.

>> No.2578285

The first people who played it were Japanese who didn't get that map.

>> No.2578602

Unless you were born and raised in Japan, save your judgment for something you actually have some semblance of a right to judge over.

>> No.2578640
File: 52 KB, 600x344, normal_Zelda01-JapanManual-Page42-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that Zelda came with that map in Japan? Because this is the only map it had.
Not t o mention a lot of people pirated it and played it without manual.

>> No.2578649

>Are you saying that Zelda came with that map in Japan?
No, I'm saying that unless you personally were a Japanese kid in the 80s, clicking your tongue over how the game shouldn't be played with a map is inapt. In fact, let's take it a step further--clicking your tongue over how the game should be played, period, is inapt.

>> No.2578690

Only the first Famicom Disk system release had this map. The cartridge re-release did have that map >>2578278

i know for sure 'cause i have the famicom cart release cib

>> No.2578703

I'm just saying that the map was an addition for the American release. >>2578278 was the one who claimed it should be played with the map.

>> No.2578716

He didn't actually say that, and while it's great that glorious Nippon-Ichi didn't get a map, generally speaking their experience wasn't ours, and thus generally speaking it's not ridiculous for non-Japanese players to recall the experience being accompanied with a map. If you want to pretend that playing without a map is the only true way to play and everything else is pussycore, you go right on ahead, rockstar.

>> No.2578721

>Should I be drawing my own map as I play?

Can't you remember how the overworld looks as you play it?

>> No.2578725

Could you project any further?
If you aren't a 10 year old boy named Takeshi playing it in front of his little sister Himeko on a Sharp TV in 1986 you shouldn't play it at all.

>> No.2578745

>The one criticism I have of it is that the secret caves are often too secret. I mean how many hours did people have to spend planting bombs and shooting fire next to every rock, bush and wall in the game to discover them all? It's the kind of thing which you can never really discover without a guide, and even if you do find them on your own you don't feel clever, just lucky. There should be some kind of very subtle visual clue or cryptic message.
With all the time I had as a kid I actually burned and bombed everything, and then marked it on the map. That's my credential to be "that kid" at school.

>> No.2578932
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With one entrance/door max per screen, there really isn't too much to go through.

>> No.2579165

errr exception the dungeons, d'oh.

>> No.2580993
File: 6 KB, 130x234, 1424242758620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, my thread is still up? I forgot how much slower /vr is.

Finally got to sit down with it at length, and gosh it's hard to survive in the original Zelda. Hyrule is dangerous as fuq.

Just beat the second dungeon, tho. I'm quite having fun.

>> No.2581003

Time consuming but smart.

>> No.2581004

Using a map, OP?

>> No.2581014

Nah, I'm just wingin' it. Like other anons said, it's not like the world is big or complicated, and it's how I played shit as a kid. Though I did download the map onto my phone and glanced at it to help guide me to the second dungeon, because I was running in circles.

>> No.2581030

I don't get how people can do that, I mean...the game is REALLY open ended. I'm afraid of wandering around getting bored.

>> No.2581036

So yes, you are using a map. Just "glancing" at a map means using a fucking map.
Don't forget to just "glance" at it every time you want to find a dungeon from now on.

I just "glanced" at my penis entering a girl, so i'm still a virgin
fucking a you're stupid

>> No.2581039
File: 442 KB, 1920x1080, well fuck backer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean.... animals do it. They keep the lay of the land in their heads. Same with people. You ever get to know your hometown like the back of your hand just by memory alone? Same with something like this.

I used to get lost as fuck in the woods and wander aimlessly until I find my bearings again. Fuck, that actually happened to me a month ago.

>> No.2581043

You're trying too hard.

>> No.2581050

I understand what you're saying, I mean I do know some parts of the map, but actually finding some of the things you need seems hell of daunting.

>> No.2581059

Yeah, so when I do find myself running circles, I'll check the pic on my phone. So I guess I actually *am* using the map, like fuckface >>2581036 says. I'm trying not to even need to look at it, though.

>> No.2581063

Is the map labeled, or just a map? I think I can get by burning bushes, but bombing everything is more....annoying. Looking at it, it's definitely a game you most likely won't play in one sitting, considering with a guide which trims the fat it's probably two hours.

>> No.2581069

I'm using the same one as >>2578278
>one sitting
Not my style, so it's good. I don't really plow through games, and probably will end up putting this away midway through then come back to it months (years?) later and be like "oh yeah, I should finish this."

>> No.2581078

Oh yeah, I can dig that map. It gives you ideas but doesn't blatantly tell you.