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2561015 No.2561015 [Reply] [Original]

I love Doom, but I can't stand repetition and a lot of FPS games from the 90s seem to have that. Every single FPS game from the 90s which I've played are almost exactly like Doom. Are there any out there that aren't like Doom?

>> No.2561164

System Shock series.

>> No.2561368


>> No.2561370

Terminator Future Shock and Skynet.

>> No.2561376

Does Half-Life count? It has great variety.

>> No.2561380

Goldeneye, Medal of Honour, Half-Life
There's dozens after Quake got us past the early-nineties FPS hump.

>> No.2561451


Quarantine, System Shock 1, NAM, descent series, battlezone, uprising, console version of powrslave (an early metroidvania-style game), terminal velocity

>> No.2561759

Wolfenstein 3D. It came before Doom, so it couldn't possibly be a doom clone.

>> No.2561840
File: 12 KB, 320x200, catacomb-3-d_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go far back, anon. Beyond the desert of 32-bit, past the mountains of VGA...

>> No.2561852
File: 148 KB, 640x861, Za_Zelazna_Brama_-_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll travel to strange lands, see things better left unseen, hear things better left unheard...

>> No.2561861
File: 43 KB, 254x388, 3D-Monster-Maze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you survive those challenges, and manage to not go mad, you'll reach the land of Nirvana where the gods play.

>> No.2561872


>> No.2562048

Be more specific! Not like doom how? What cutoff year after doom are you looking for?

>> No.2562956

Thanks everyone, I will be adding these to my buy/download list.

>> No.2562965

Half-Life is an FPS game which has a storyline but manages to keep the action, variety and good level design. One of the best FPS games IMO.

>> No.2562972

I'm looking for any game which isn't like Doom really, but has a lot of variety and great level design. Anyone game ranging from early 90s to early 2000s (although I guess it's not considered retro at that point)-- after that you just get the CoD clones which are even worse.

There's already some interesting games which people have recommended me, I will definitely check em out. Already played Half-Life, System Shock and Catacomb 3D though (I guess I should've mentioned that at the start of the thread, sorry).

>> No.2563034

ROTT is quite different to Doom gameplay wise. But it still has that element of switch/key hunting if that's what bothers you about Doom clones. And indeed the switch and key hunts are a lot worse than in most games. Most levels are fairly maze-like and abstract. It's a turbocharged Wolf3D clone rather than a Doom clone.
May or may not be of interest. I'd at least check out the shareware version (different levels than the retail one, and as usual for shareware games some of the best levels are the free ones.)

>> No.2563098

>after that you just get the CoD clones which are even worse.
Not denying that they're shit, but CoD clones didn't really begin until 2008 with CoD4 exploding the series into popularity. Early/mid 00's were more full of half-life/halo clones.

>> No.2563110

You must have terrible reading comprehension because he specifically said he didn't want to play games AFTER the early 2000s to avoid the CoD clones.

>> No.2563130 [DELETED] 

>he specifically said he didn't want to play games AFTER the early 2000s to avoid the CoD clones.

And I said that the CoD clones didnt begin until 2008. Whats your point?

>> No.2563138

Hmm, you're right. He did indeed say early 2000's. Misread it as just 2000's

>> No.2564476

I completely forgot about RoTT, thanks.

I use "CoD clone" as a term for a military shooter game with linear levels, which I believe started appearing around the mid 2000s. I remember first buying Quake 4 around 2005, that's a great example of what I'm talking about. You have military bros and medics who heal you every second, and you have amazingly boring levels with no creativity put into them (though some of the latter levels of that game were interesting).

I think most FPS games from mid-2000s onwards are just "through the motions" type of games.

>> No.2564793
File: 51 KB, 640x480, witchaven2-shot3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flawed game but I still loved it.

>> No.2564828

Anyone here remember Corridor 7? Was pretty nice for being built on the Wolf 3d engine.

>> No.2565104

back then it was full of sub-par FPS. Many are never to be found again.

>> No.2565471

Quake 4 was far closer to Halo, than CoD. A true CoD clone would be Fear 3 or Homefront.

>> No.2565481

>Every single FPS game from the 90s which I've played are almost exactly like Doom.

Did you just refuse to play anything made past 1995 or something?

>> No.2565505

Actually, no. Fear 3 was closer to halo aswell.

>> No.2565532

SiN, Hexen, Marathon, Delta Force, Mechwarrior games, Tribes games, Giants:Citizen Kabuto (sort of), MDK, Outcast, Evolva, Thief, Deus Ex (sort of), Postal, Die By The Sword, Messiah, Kingpin.

A lot of these use the Quake 2 engine but are known for level design, story, unique mechanics or otherwise. Some are partially third-person.

You could also try Blood, I hear that was one of the best of the Doom clones.

>> No.2565539

Also, the Turok and Redneck Rampage series both had their moments for tone, although in terms of level design were pretty generic.

>> No.2565540

I remember thinking it was pretty poor. I liked other Wolf clones but found C7 instantly distasteful. Never really gave it a proper chance, though. I think I only played it once.

>> No.2565558


>> No.2565628
File: 192 KB, 800x600, ridesagain6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level design in Redneck Rampage Rides Again in Arkansas is anything but generic.

It did things with the Build Engine that no other Build game did. It has tons of sector over sector, there are maps based around driving a motorcycle or an overcraft over swamp water, etc

The best example is probably the factory map. Look at this room and how it mixes sector based and sprite based structures making for a Y-axis oriented design giving a "true 3D" feel to the game. Look at how shading is a mix between the wall-based shading system of the game and of shading/lighting directly applied on the textures, to go past the limits of Build's shading system.... No other Build game did this. They really knew how to make the most of the engine and go past its limits.

>> No.2565678

This was a great game. Ahh the memories.