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2539193 No.2539193 [Reply] [Original]

Is the first Super Mario Bros. the perfect (retro) Mario game? I've done a lot of thinking on the subject, and most people tend to agree that Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World are the pinnacle of the series. While both of those games are fantastic, they do have flaws (3 admittedly has more flaws than World, with the erratic level pacing and no save function), while on the other hand, having recently played through the entirety of Super Mario Bros., I can't find anything major wrong with it.

It is perfectly paced, tailor-made for people who have never experienced a 2D platformer before (1-1 alone stands as one of the most smartly designed tutorial levels in history) yet with a steady, robust difficulty curve that concludes in a grand fashion in World 8, which utilizes every single technique beforehand to its highest degree. It is a marvel of game design that I can't see any discernable flaws within.

>> No.2539198


>> No.2539208

Is there really anything interesting or new to say about SMB? Congratulations, you have a popular opinion on a popular game.

>> No.2539209
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It's pretty great, don't get me wrong, but I feel if we start mentally masturbating over it too much we'll end up sounding like those tryhard hipsters from extra credits.

>> No.2539220

Don't watch them, but how are they hipsters?

>> No.2539229

Just because something was the first of its kind doesn't make it the best, anyone who really thinks this is the best platformer out there is quite blinded by nostalgia. The genre really didn't fully come into its own until the 90s.

>> No.2539271

It's good but it's just a bit boring compared to its successors.

So that makes it not perfect.

>> No.2539287

It's a bit unfair to critique something based on the merits of what succeeded it.

>> No.2539306

I don't see why not, it's probably one of the better ways to judge things as they're so similar. Mario Bros 3 is better, so SMB can't be perfect as that'd make SMB3 above perfect.

While we can equally judge SMB3 or World with its successors and most people would say they don't match its level.

But maybe logic reasoning doesn't fit into what's subjective. It's just opinions at the end of the day

>> No.2539661

I just ran through it in what felt like 20 minutes, didn't even die. I even remembered all the mazes, it was awesome.

>> No.2540207

I felt like the physics were a pain to get used to after 3 and World had better jumping and enemy bopping.

Therefore, the physics are the problem.

>> No.2540241

I'm not taking this bait.

>> No.2540246

Watch a couple episodes, you'll understand.

>> No.2540247

>When your opinion is so shitty someone else thinks it is bait.

Oh. :(

>> No.2540340

If it makes you feel any better, anon, I agree with what you said even if he doesn't.

>> No.2540384

World is better than those, but it had a better system to run on and they had a lot of time to tinker with platforming making the first few games.

>> No.2541045

Super Mario World's one flaw is that the red and blue blocks contain no items when they could very easily have had fire flowers and stars respectively.

>> No.2541989

I say Super Mario All-Stars was the pinnacle of the series :)

>> No.2541991

Sorry but Sonic 2 is the greatest platformer of all time.

Find a flaw, literally find one.

>> No.2542009

Trial and Error? I dunno, spitballing.
Special Stages.

>> No.2542074

The autism of it's fans?

>> No.2542204

Final boss is bullshit.

>> No.2542680

>Trial and Error
>a flaw
Very funny.
>Special Stages
But okay, you found one flaw.

>> No.2542686

I honestly could never beat all of them when I was a kid. It took a decade of time a second player as tails to finally legit beat all those special stages. Fucking christ who's idea was that?

>> No.2542829

They're not hard, you just need to memorise the stages.

>> No.2543324


I don't get how people play SMB1 so easily. I play the Deluxe and All Star versions, which have save features, yet it's still a challenge. I can play a level for a hour before beating it. I can't imagine beating the game in one go, three lives.

>> No.2543436

Not enough reaction space
>All Star versions
Fucked up physics