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2532683 No.2532683 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the audience only cheer when Kintaro wins the round and is dead silent when you win?

Also thinly veiled MK1/MK2 thread.

>> No.2532690

Because who doesn't want to cheer on a grotesque Goro knockoff 4-armed freak into murdering human fighters?

>> No.2532692

Kintaro > Goro

>> No.2532693

Also, MK2 is better, even though I don't play it as often as I should.

>> No.2532706


Kintano will murder them all if they don't

>> No.2532707

MK1 and 2 are my favourites.

>> No.2532708

What would you say MK1 has that MK2 doesn't?

>> No.2532725

I like the methodical tight combat

the AI isn't as input-reading, although they still do a bit but I've learnt counters to most stuff

nostalgia goggles

my favourite music in the series

And yeah just the impact on the sounds and brutal stuff like the heads on the spikes in the pit stage. Everything got less serious and brutal looking and more goofy looking as the serious went on, quite literally.

>> No.2532728

perhaps it is because the tournament takes place in outworld and the entire audience is made up of outworlders

>> No.2532731

I dunno, the music for MKII's more memorable, imo.

>> No.2532743



MK2 is great but nothing beats that stuff above for me. All preference I guess.

>> No.2532753

Ehh, it's cool. For me, the immersion is closer in MKII. Only bad thing in MKII is no Sonya. Hot little green tomato.

>> No.2532958

Because Kintaro is THEIR boy. And you're the heel.

>> No.2532986

Name me a GOOD fighting game.

>> No.2533042

He's the face, and the one they root for. You're the one who's supposed to be disliked and stomped flat by his feet, so when you win they're in shock that someone defeated one of the mightiest warriors in the realm.

>> No.2533061

Because he's a qt :3

>> No.2533240

>all these posts 100% supporting Kintaro

Well shit. Are you guys really that biased? Not based, but biased.

>> No.2533253

Kintaro = WCW defending his realm from the outsiders.

You = Quad Tearing Nash

>> No.2533307
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>Everything got less serious and brutal looking and more goofy looking as the series went on, quite literally.


MK1 was a very brutal/violent fighting tournament with the goofiest thing being Johnny Cages nut punch.
Also had the best music and best stages;_; of the series.

MK2 kept the violence but added that bit of crazy to the equation toastey! . It's still the best overall retro MK ever made but it set the precedent for some over top silly stuff that just really got out of hand in the following sequels.

>> No.2533316

I found MK2 so much more difficult than MK1, so Kintaro's always been the more mysterious and interesting one to me. Goro's well known, but for a while Kintaro was much more underrated.

>> No.2533326

They added the goofy shit exactly so the series looks less violent, since there was a ton of outcry.

It's MK3 where they went full retarded though.

>> No.2533342

I feel like MK3 is still a good addition to the series because their are now combos and more special moves and an even bigger character roster.

>> No.2533345

But its still no MK2

>> No.2533430

>even bigger character roster.

Sadly they all paled in comparison to MK1/2's chars.

>> No.2533440

But...most of the characters in MK2 are in MK3.

And when you play Trilogy, even more.

>> No.2533458

what was so bad about MK3 or UMK3 which is what I have. Im not too big on the running aspect but its nice having that wide array of characters.

>> No.2533474


I also felt MK started to lose its " Oriental Martial Arts " feel as the series progressed, that's what I loved about MK1 the sole focus was on the fighting. Not knocking the lore the MK because I'm a huge fan but I felt they relied too heavily on the whole Medieval, Wizardry and God-Like themes akin to Western RPG's. Not mention having a lot of focus on the Special Forces which to me was always a drainer with MK's dialogue, when they started using weaponry within the storyline it just took away the magic ( no pun intended ) of it all.

Also, I love the soundtrack on the Mega Drive version of MK1, got to love that sound chip.


>> No.2533476 [DELETED] 


>> No.2533485

UMK3 is the best one, you nostalgic neckbears.

>Deal w/ it

>> No.2533545
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>Not knocking the lore

I will.

MK1 was about an old ancient fighting tournament that was corrupted by a Sorcerer. Badass premise.

MK2 throws in Outworld and the whole 10 victorys thing... Ok.. now the tournament will take place in Outworld with fucking talking tree's, acid pits, and spikes on the ceiling. Alright that's actually pritty gud. Different but in some ways better.

MK3 has Shao Kahn pissed and attacking earth thru portals.... Sooo no more tournament and now the fights happen in streets, subways, and ro-roof::YAWN::rooftops. Oh and now we have a bunch of cyborgs.

I really stopped caring about the "lore" from 3 on. Although to be fair, even tho it was awesome, it started going off the tracks with 2.

>> No.2533548

Outworld and the 10 wins thing had been part of the story since the beginning. Wasn't really explained unless you got the comic, though.

>> No.2533568

You're in Outworld during that fight and he's the champion of their realm. You winning the fight means that their planet loses, they're not going to cheer for the enemy.

>> No.2533575
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As someone who absolutely loves the batshit retarded lore of MK, I wonder if Midway could ever do a game with the atmosphere of MK1. It feels serious, violent, and the music actually gives it a sense of tension. MK2 has some of that, but not even close to the same extent.

I love MK, but it has totally lost the feeling of any threat or danger in the stories.

>> No.2533580

I don't know why you guys treat the story as some sort of super serious epic saga when right from the start of the series it was pretty much a mashup of every kung-fu and ninja movie trope in existance.

>> No.2533581

Outworlders think of the others as niggers. Only cucks root for niggers.

>> No.2533591

Did the comic debut with the arcade tho? Sounds like something they came up with after it became a hit.

>> No.2533597

Yes, it was advertised in the arcade game itself and written by John Tobias.

>> No.2533605

I stand corrected. Learn something new everyday.

>> No.2533653

Because when he wins he always throws a really rockin' after party and invites all of the outworlders.

>> No.2533736

I don't think 10 wins was in the original comic

That and the album... I guess they were pretty confident they were going to make some money.

>> No.2533773

>the album
I think that came out a couple years after the arcade game. Source: I have it.

While a lot of the lyrics are cheezy as Fuck, It's actually not terrible.


>> No.2533821

>guess they were pretty confident they were going to make some money.
They weren't wrong.

>> No.2534984


MK2 for myself felt like an adventure for the fighters, going into an unknown realm and seeing supernatural things that weren't on Earthrealm, the soundtrack really captured that sense really well and I loved the dark tone of it all.


But yeah you're right about MK losing it's sense of danger as it progressed, especially when they started bring back characters that were believed to be dead I just didn't take the story so seriously anymore.

>> No.2537964


>> No.2537969

Trilogy is my favourite

There I said it

>> No.2537989

Speaking of MKII, bought this bootleg of a hack the other day


>> No.2539861


This is the only correct order.