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2528990 No.2528990 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody have experience replacing Nintendo 64 thumbsticks?

I'm looking at replacing like ten thumbsticks on controllers my grandfather bought at flea markets over the years. All I've found are complete thumbstick assemblies for sale, and it looks like I can get away with only replacing the thumbstick itself, cause that's what gets ground down.

It looks like there are two types of thumbstick assemblies for sale on ebay, ones for actual N64 controllers and pic related, which I assume is for third party controllers. The"official" assemblies are all about $5 each and the third party ones are $1.

Does anybody know if I can get away with buying ten third party thumbsticks for $10+shipping, tossing all the electronics away, and using the third party thumbstick in the original controller's assembly?

>> No.2528997

Completely different technology.
The ebay sticks are using pots. The original stick is optic. Not interchangeable. There are no new N64 sticks being made that would have interchangeable parts.

The ebay replacement sticks are all garbage too.

>> No.2529025

no, you need to replace the bowl as well as that also gets ground down, usually more than the stick itself. You can sorta fix it with some super glue though.

>> No.2529083

get the gamecube style replacements and some N64 Stick Converter PCB v3's to make them super awesome because
>The ebay replacement sticks are all garbage too.

but with the new pcb they're just as good as stock.

>> No.2529145

I got some Gamecube-style sticks a while ago, they technically work well but are massively sensitive compared to the originals - you have to relearn how to move somewhat. Really easy to put on at least, just disconnect a tab or two.

>> No.2529151

>but with the new pcb they're just as good as stock.
No. All ebay sticks are trash.

>> No.2529182
File: 129 KB, 800x506, eN9ngAR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you did extensive research on that?

because i have 5 replacement sticks, 4 with the new converter pcb v3.
with the new boards they are better, imho, than stock. the only thing you use in the new sticks are just that, the sticks (and outer shell). when you buy the new pcbs you get pic related

what are your issues? dead zones? sensitivity? yeah, all fixed with the new pcb v3's.

stop spewing shit out of your face you know nothing about

>> No.2529193

I know this will probably sound dumb, and I'll be told to do my own research, but can I just get controllers that already have the gamcube stick in them? I've wanted to get an N64 for a while now, but what's held me back has been the fact I know from personal experience the sticks go bad in like a week.

>> No.2529203

Those aren't ebay sticks you fucking retard.

>> No.2529204

a quick check on ebay shows a couple with the gamecube style stick, but NONE with the Stick Converter PCB v3.

you can get a hori mini, they have great sticks that don't have the issues that the new replacements have.

or buy a original controller that is described to have a tight stick or mint stick... then you just have to be gentle not to fuck it up
IE: no mario party

>> No.2529208

are you fucking retarded?


you need both, you mongoloid, fucking read my post you shit.

>the only thing you use in the new sticks are just that, the sticks

>> No.2529213

I have access to a 3D printer at the local library, and was thinking of making some of these bowls. Anything other spare parts /vr/ would recommend 3D printing while I'm at it?

>> No.2529214

and in case i wasn't clear enough for your simple mind let me dumb it down EVEN FURTHER.

you buy the shitty gamecube style replacement sticks on ebay/amazon
you buy the stick converter pcb v3s
you take apart the shitty stick assembly
you replace the shitty parts with good new parts
you reassemble
you kill yourself because you're fucking retarded

>> No.2529243

Are you really this dumb?
It's not an ebay stick.

I use those.

Common core at its best right here. Feel sorry for you kids.

>> No.2529247

>I use those.
no you don't

if you did, you'd know that it requires the physical stick and housing of a replacement gamecube style stick.

>> No.2529251
File: 3.80 MB, 4000x2248, IMG_0467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty special.

>> No.2529253
File: 181 KB, 827x460, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you be so wrong?

are you saying you DON'T need the shitty gc-style stick in order to use the new converter pcb v3's?

so you'll end up with just a metal post coming out of your controller with no housing to hold it in?

seriously, you're retarded.

directly from the latest manual, pic related

>> No.2529258

They aren't ebay sticks. Sorry that your comprehension skills are that terrible. Doesn't change the fact it's not an ebay stick.

>> No.2529261

you have the replacement stick in your photo and you are saying you don't need one...

>They aren't ebay sticks
no, the N64 STICK CONVERTER PCB V3 are not ebay/amazon sticks, i never said that you moron.

you still need a shitty replacement stick to use the housing and actual rubber stick. a shitty replacement stick you get on ebay or amazon.
reread everything, i'll wait.

>> No.2529265

>no, the N64 STICK CONVERTER PCB V3 are not ebay/amazon sticks
Oh hey the dummy is getting somewhere now.

>> No.2529268

i never said that

show me where i said that.
when you can't i expect an apology for your retardation.

>> No.2529273

>The ebay replacement sticks are all garbage too.

>but with the new pcb they're just as good as stock.

>> No.2529286

>new pcb
that's your best? are you serious?

it is so incredibly obvious i'm talking about the NEW STICK CONVERTER PCB V3s.
i'm done, have a nice life working for minimum wage because you can't fucking read.

>> No.2529293

Get told and leave. Have a nice day, champ.

>> No.2529445

>None with the stick converter PCB v3
Ah, in that case I'll just keep an eye out for a lot of broken ones and do the stick swap myself. Gives me an excuse to solder something haha

Now to save up like $250 so I can get the console, 4 controllers, Everdrive 64, et cetera

>> No.2529517

I got one of these, and I am enjoying it. I did the setup so I can use the button combinations to re-calibrate and use extended range. My question is, what is the point exactly in being able ot re caliberate? Once you do it the first time shouldnt that be it?

>> No.2529530

If you screw up the initial calibration.

>> No.2529539

Are these new pcb v3s good for smash bros? I go to tournys sometimes so its gotta be good

>> No.2529543

If horipads are good then those will be good.
The hori and that have the same pros and cons.