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2517846 No.2517846 [Reply] [Original]

What are some parts in your favorite RPG that you absolutely hate?

Like to the point where you are discouraged from completing the game or just flat out rage the entire time.

I'll start.

this fuckin' nonsense

>> No.2517854

The beginning of any rpg prior to skippable content. But after the 16-bit era of the dialog being the cutscene

>oh it's time to revisit this classic
>oh I have to wait an hour and a half for it to get to a point not governed by cut scenes and dialog

Looking at you early ps1 3d

>> No.2517856

When they force you to play the card tournament in FF9.

>> No.2517890

>What are some parts in your favorite RPG that you absolutely hate?
The Ninja chapter in Live-A-Live. Not really hate, it's pretty cool in concept, but it keeps turning into an infuriating backtrackpalooza every time forcing me to resort to walkthroughs and it's the only part of the game I haven't repeatedly seen and beat out-and-out and know by heart. The medieval part is a bit boring once you know all the spoilery stuff too.

>> No.2517979

>out of 100 nobles watching, 99 were impressed

A classic.

>> No.2518037


It's actually the end of the game for me.

>no random encounters the entire game
>then random encounters

>> No.2518050 [DELETED] 

>What are some parts in your favorite RPG that you absolutely hate?
pic related

>> No.2518053
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>> No.2518056

Fuck that part was a pain in the ass, but I feel like there was worse parts in WA than that. Just can't name any off the top of my head.

>> No.2518067


It takes like 45 seconds if you get it right the FIRST TIME and know EXACTLY where you're going.

But yeah, regardless. It's one of the most tedious parts of the game.

>> No.2518081
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This fucking thing. After a couple of laws enabling you to say "fuck the police" it gets less annoying, but before then it's pretty unfun. Especially blind.

>> No.2518084
File: 52 KB, 640x509, BOFIVplains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you meant to post the Golden Plains in BoF4.

>> No.2518218

This is literally the only interesting part of the entire game for me

>> No.2518226

There aren't any. The game is essentially perfect.

>> No.2518249

In BOF3, the NPC gives you wrong instructions.
In BOF4, you can find all the locations by trial-and-error. I even found Cray's mother.

>> No.2518257

They don't give you all the instructions on purpose. You're supposed to walk towards the satellite.

>> No.2518268

if you follow the instructions you take the long route and barely make it there with enough water

>> No.2518278

I get the whole law thing and it's pretty neat, but it isn't really fun doing it multiple times.

>> No.2518289

The problem here is that the NPC gives a set of instructions, and the notes on your camp gives another set. IIRC, the NPC tells you to go west, and the notes tell you to go east. Someone told me this was a mistranslation, and was corrected in the PAL version, but I'm not sure.

Another case that I remember was the password for that room in Tales of Destiny. If you follow the instructions, you think EASE is the password, but it's actually FATE, because the tips for the first and third letters are wrong.

>> No.2518490

the rest of the game is just as much of an unholy grind without any interesting dungeon mechanics to make it any less boring.

>> No.2518502

Tales of Destiny is pretty much the only time I've ever looked up a walkthrough in an RPG.

IIRC, there's another error in the game where it tells you something wrong, but it's been like 3-4 years since I've last played it.
still love that game (started playing on a whim, kept going and didn't stop for ages), but god damn

>> No.2519124

Now I'm curious if you can use the Invisibility spell in that part.

There are also the teleport traps in the mirage castle that are kind of annoying, but like the guards, not too bad if you know what you're doing.
The biggest blunder is the de la metalica puzzle which is broken do to mislocalization, Fortunately a FAQ helps (and it would remind you to get the Necronomicon at that point)

Other than those, the game is really well made. There are only three missables (A summon with some crests, another set of crests, and the Necronomicon) which is amazingly friendly for something from that era.

>> No.2519398
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>> No.2519406

I somehow glitched ToD on my second playthrough and got stuck. It was something in one of the Aether dungeons...I couldn't progress after it. Can't remember exactly what part it was.

As for part of my favourite RPG I dislike...

I always hate the first trip to the moon in FF4, it's quite a steep difficulty jump in monsters, especially in the DS version.

>> No.2519407

Oops, meant to quote >>2518502

>> No.2519503

Act III in Diablo II.
Also Duriel, but primarily all of Act III.

>> No.2519627

>years later, playing on emulator, I found there were actually valuable treasures that you could only get by jumping off certain parts on purpose
for gods sake square

>> No.2520073

You could hear the disc spin up, anyone who fucked this up twice is retarded

>> No.2520137

The Sylvan Cave and the Moon are where you really need to start using crowd control. Knowing what disables what gives you complete control and eliminates the grind.

Despite being the most iconic Final Fantasy in a series where crowd control is useless, IV's status debuffs are pretty powerful.

>> No.2520160


>> No.2520161

No, I posted what I meant to post

As other anons said, the directions in BoF3 aren't the best, and you have to keep track of how many days you've gone which direction. Not only that, but it takes a long fucking time to find out if you even got it right

In BoF4 you can just walk towards the "interesting" things to find all the stuff, and it's a rather quick process

>> No.2520279

Not my favorite RPG but that one cave in Pokemon RBY that you need flash to see in even though it's a useless HM move you can't get rid of.

>> No.2522094

That's pretty valid.

All cave parts in Pokemon are annoying at best

>> No.2522102

That one place with the random encounters and the waist high fences that you need to suffer through 20 hours of meaningless exposition to get past.

>> No.2522103

Cloud's flashback in FF7.

>> No.2522373

EarthBound: Every time I get to the Stonehenge base I realize I'm super underleveled because I've been cheesing every boss fight and avoiding most of the enemies so I have to sit there and grind on Starmen for a long-ass time.

FFVI: Realizing at the cultist's tower that I've been doing the same thing I did in EB with cheesing bosses and avoiding enemies and needing to grind because I'm shit at JRPGs.

Yeah I know I have to grind in the 2 easiest RPGs on the whole fucking system what of it.

>> No.2522383

The only problem I have now with SaGa Frontier is that I have completed it with all the characters. While they do have their own stories, final dungeons, final bosses, and sometimes story bosses, I can only go through the same areas so many times. At most I play JRPG's about two times through, so completing it with all seven characters meant I REALLY liked the game.

>> No.2522386

the fucking sewers (Deling City) in FFVIII

>> No.2522421
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the whole pretending to be students in Greenhill thing in Suikoden II.
it was fine the first time, but in subsequent playthroughs, it's just really boring whenever I get to that part.

>> No.2522440

I could put an FFT savefile on the world map after Balbanes' death behind an adfly link and retire.

>> No.2522462

Metal Gear Solid.

>Drop the PAL key
>Down the Metal Gear
>Get the key
>Up the Metal Gear
>Use the key
>Down the Metal Gear
>Freeze the key
>Up the Metal Gear
>Use the key
>Down the Metal Gear
>Through the freezer
>Up the lift
>Into the furnace
>Warm the key
>Down the lift
>Through the freezer
>Up the Metal Gear
>Use the key

Jesus fucking christ. Worst part of the game by far.

>> No.2522473

First visit to 2300 in Chrono Trigger isn't very enjoyable. The scenery is all the same, the areas aren't fun to traverse, and the enemies are annoying.

>> No.2522504


Damn, Suikoden 2 looks good.

>> No.2522506


That's why you get an HM slave.

>> No.2522743

I actually just started playing Wild Arms yesterday. How far into the game is this and why does it suck?

>> No.2523121

any time there is a ghost ship sequence.

>> No.2523127

Ghost train sequence in FF6 is pretty great though. Nice music, ghosts will join your party, and then you get to suplex a train.

>> No.2523197


Well, that's supposed to be right before the game actually begins.

In which I put in about 4 and a half hours before I got here, which is in testament to how long PSX RPGs take to fully begin.

You have to escape the castle and get to the cellar to get out so you can save the town.

Its just a pain in the ass because if you don't know exactly where to go, you get caught and escorted back to your room over and over again. Often before you've even fully gone through a door to another corridor.

It was just irritating. The rest of the game is on point.

>> No.2523209


Well, that's not exactly RPG but I don't care. You have a valid point.

That shit was stupid.

And I love MGS

>> No.2523221

>suplexing the train
>not throwing a phoenix down at it

I know that it's a meme, but it's fucking stupid to do it when you've got ten kinds of status disabilities on you and a surefire OHKO item in your inventory.

>> No.2523229

Oh I know, just thought I'd mention it. I don't like using Phoenix Downs, feels unfair to me. To be honest, using any blitzes other than Aura Bolt rarely occurs to me.

I'll just leave this here:

>> No.2523231

God, that was an absurd amount of backtracking.

Although it did make the fact that you just TURNED ON the giant killer nuke mech all the more surprising.

>> No.2524825
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I never got passed this part as a kid :(

>> No.2525557

The grinding to get some skills and jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics. And that Ramza, the main character, had kinda underwhelming skills.

>> No.2525572

On a regular Gameboy this can be worked around though.

>turn up the brightness
>I can see the cave layout now
>turn it back down when a battle happens