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2509497 No.2509497 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider this game to be hard?

>> No.2509504

It's pretty hard. I mean have you held one? Not like you can really bend it. Would just crack if you did.

>> No.2509508

I got as far as the Grim Reaper and then I died. I couldn't continue.

>> No.2509527

Not really. The enemies are incredibly predictable once you learn their patterns.

>> No.2509532

I own it and I've never beaten it.

It's kind of monotonous. You just walk and walk and walk.

I always get to the third or fourth level boss and say "fuck this". The boss who like sends ghosts at you or whatever. Fuck that boss, man. He kicks my ass every damn time.

>> No.2509549

It's not too bad. Death is the only real troublesome part, but I never did the Holy Water trick.

>> No.2509556

Once you learn the enemy patterns and have patients it's easy. Death is the only frustrating thing in the game.

Plus if you play the Japanese version you can pick easymode and the cheap-deaths are taken out.

>> No.2509578

I can get to Death, no problem. Though I have to cheap shot Frankenstein. I have no idea how you're supposed to kill him "legit". As for Death, he doesn't seem to have a pattern and its pretty random whether I can kill him.

>> No.2509582

Not really considering I beat it on my first try

>> No.2509585

>The boss who like sends ghosts at you or whatever.
Vampire Bat, Medusa, Mummies, Frankenstein, Grim Reaper, Dracula

I don't know which boss you're referring to, none of them have the behavior you're talking about. And really, almost all 2D games could (wrongly) be summarized as "all you do is walk", that's a baseless criticism.

>> No.2509594

I don't understand how you could even have problems with the Frankenstein fight. Frankenstein himself mostly stays to the right so you just have to hit him. The fleaman just hops around and sends homing bullets at you. Just move out of the way of the bullet or stun the fleaman by hitting it. It's really not the fucking hard to grasp.

>> No.2509609

He also jumps into you frequently, and sometimes Frankenstein does too, since he wanders around somewhat randomly. It's easier if you try to keep the little guy stunned though.

>> No.2509614


Grim Reaper.

He makes ghosts appear that come after you.

>> No.2509619

Oh, guess I just always beat him before he reaches that part of the pattern

>> No.2509628

It's hard the first time you play it, then it's pretty quick overall, Grim Ripped and Frankestein are the only tough bosses due to how random they are.

Castlevania 3 was harder IMO, although Dracula was a piece of cake despite having 3 transformations.

>> No.2509634

>Grim Ripped
just use holy water

>> No.2509725

to be fair though, in order to use the holy water stunlock trick you basically have to do a no death run on all the stages between him and the continue point or you won't have both the holy water and the 3x

>> No.2509734

>He makes ghosts appear that come after you.

they're sickles. they look nothing like ghosts.

>> No.2509737

Reaper's stage is easy to not die on, after a little practice. even the hallway of doom isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

>> No.2509745


I thought they were ghosts.

Why would sickles float and follow you around the screen?

>> No.2509840


Because it's the fucking Grim Reaper's sickles, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

At least that one's a challenge, compared to the pussy piece of tissue paper in CV2...

>> No.2509858

Honestly it's a great example of a "Nintendo Hard" game. Yeah, it's fairly hard and it has a pretty steep learning curve but it's that Death fight that will really separate the men from the boys because there's no WAY you will beat it on your first blind play through so you're going to have to step back, think about it and play all the way through again for the opportunity to try a different approach. That sort of shit plagued my dreams when these games were new.

Ninja Gaiden is an even better example of this. It's even harder to get to the endgame areas and the endgame areas are even less forgiving.

>> No.2509860

Learning those is part of the difficulty though

>> No.2509880

>At least that one's a challenge, compared to the pussy piece of tissue paper in CV2

You can just run right past him and Carmilla, too.

>> No.2509885 [DELETED] 

Simon's Quest is rushed garbage, it would be decent if at least it had some decent challenge, but respawn on the same place where you lose a continue? please.

>> No.2509887

Simon's Quest is rushed garbage, it would be decent if at least it had some decent challenge, but respawn on the same place where you lose a continue? please, they didn't even try.

>> No.2509889

>It's even harder to get to the endgame areas and the endgame areas are even less forgiving.
Jeeezus nothing made me throw a controller when I was a kid, but I came really close to having a stroke on Ninja Gaiden. Just getting back to the boss is such a fucking struggle sometimes, only to die in a few seconds.

>> No.2509897



>> No.2509950

Frankly I always felt the whole, NINTENDO HARD, thing was really over hyped

>> No.2509953

GL beating the game if you skip them.

>> No.2509959

>It's kind of monotonous. You just walk and walk and walk.
I've never encountered this comment before I don't think. I think Castlevania does an extremely admirable job of staying interesting throughout the run of the game.
I don't find it hard anymore. I've played through it countless times that I don't have many issues. Death is still a dick, but other than that it's not too hard.

For most people, especially on initial plays, the game is quite hard though. Castlevania is a good example of a game that you have to understand the philosophy of in order to be good at it. Patience and control are all it takes. Don't freak out. Move deliberately. It's great design.

Of course it also means that once you're good at one classic Castlevania game you're probably good at all of them without much effort.

>> No.2509973

not really, it was the first NES game i ever sat down and fully played. it only took me about 3 hours.

Castlevania 3 on the other hand...

>> No.2509985

>the whole, NINTENDO HARD, thing was really over hyped
Was? You mean, is? That was never a meme back in the day. It's totally stupid now.

>> No.2510001

Death is the worst. The clocktower isn't bad because it's so short and saves before Dracula.

>> No.2510041

It's fucking hard, but not impossible. I'd say an average gamer could beat it on their third try. It's not hellaciously soul crushing like Battletoads or even another good game like Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.2510047

Like the other anons said, I consider the death fight to be bullshit, I've never beaten her nor do intend to.

>> No.2510065

Personally, I thought Ninja Gaiden was a lot easier than Castlevania. That being said, I can sort of breeze Castlevania except for Death.

>> No.2510131
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Of course it's a hard game...

Is it impossible? No!
Are there harder games? Yes.
Is it easy once you get good at it? Isn't all games?

This is quite objectively a hard game. If you don't think so, you probably don't think any games are particularly hard?

>> No.2510157

Same here. I think I remember hearing that you're supposed to use a certain weapon (was it holy water?) to defeat him. Even though I got stop on the Reaper, I don't think I'd consider this a particularly hard game. It is challenging but I feel that it's a fair challenge and it was nice of them to give unlimited continues and a few checkpoints. If they hadn't done that, it would have been bullshit.

>> No.2510180

i don't know what you mean. nes games are clearly way harder than modern games, although in some cases its due to bad design

>> No.2510181

The phrase seems to have virtually no online use (save for one entry on urbandictionary from ~2004) until it showed up on tvtropes.

>> No.2510207

Nope, not at all. I'm a bit biased since I've played it a lot but it's still the easiest in the series, and the series itself is pretty tame difficulty-wise compared to other games of the era.

>> No.2510219

>Simon's Quest
>harder than Castlevania

>> No.2510223

It's hard to gauge the difficulty now when it's one of my favorite games and I often give it a casual play through when I'm bored.
I'm sort of practicing for a no-death run but I always lose several lives on Drac at least, his teleporting is pretty random.

I've never actually beaten the Grim Reaper without triple holy water though, I just keep it through the whole game. IMO item weaknesses are part of this game and are perfectly legit, for instance first two bosses fall to time stop, but it doesn't work for other two so you need holy water. They knew what they were doing.

So, if you haven't figured out the items then the game is very frustrating indeed, but that's obvious.

>> No.2510226

Oh yeah, my bad. I meant just the classicvania style games. I guess Rondo is easier too, especially with Maria.

>> No.2510230
File: 176 KB, 477x640, simonbelmontcutcopyyj5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Using cheap holywater...
Not filling the area with triple boomerang crosses jumping and dodging scythes like a madman hoping enough of the crosses will hit the Reaper.


>> No.2510232


Utilizing the game mechanics to your best advantage isn't cheap, this argument is tiring.
I guess time stopping the Medusa is also cheap?

>> No.2510249
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>> No.2510281
File: 53 KB, 250x355, 250px-GhostsnGoblins_flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... has anyone ever beaten Ghosts'n'Goblins using only the torch?

>> No.2510313

I honestly couldn't beat it back in the 80's and have yet to beat it now.

>> No.2510331

Beating Castlevania for the first time a couple years back was one of my all time favorite gaming achievements.

I can beat it in now with little to no issues but that first complete play thru(no holy water trick either) was fucking brutal.

>> No.2510418

This weapon has not effect.

>> No.2510438

agreed. i hope you guys don't level your characters in an RPG or change equipment because that's cheap too

>> No.2510590

I do that because I need the cross to get him. Then if I die on death, I might as well do the whole level over again because I can't beat him with neither.

>> No.2510618

>Problems are no longer hard once you solve them.

You don't say?

>> No.2510674

Castlevania games kept up the challenge on later systems. Dracula X is a lot harder than the original, Rondo has some very challenging bosses with Richter as well. There's nothing really that hard here to justify its reputation as one of the hardest games or whatever.

>> No.2510839

Every time. "Hurr durr it's easy once you memorize everything in the game!" Like I'd like these assholes to name a game where that isn't true.

>> No.2510858

It's pretty easy tbh. Once you realize you can stun the knights with holy water and walk through them undamaged the only hard part of the game becomes a cakewalk.

>> No.2511031

I'm shit at games, so I don't consider any games I can beat to be hard.

>> No.2512397

Ghosts and Goblins is harder.

>> No.2512490

The difficulty of the earlier Castlevania stems entirely from the stiff controls. That's why the games became easier every generation as the controls became more fluid.

>> No.2512494


>> No.2512595

The knights weren't that hard to me. They're more so pace breakers that take quite a bit of punishment. Is this trick useful on Death's stage?

>> No.2512601

On a first playthrough, it can seem excruciatingly difficult, the last 3 or so level especially.

However, I found it incredibly easy on my second playthrough. It's gotten to the point where I can beat the game in about an hour. It's not like my experience with other games like Ninja Gaiden and Contra, which felt retained more difficulty on subsequent playthroughs.

>> No.2512606

The first Castelvania isn't all that hard. Takes a few tries in some levels. Castelvania 3 is harder in my opinion.

>> No.2512639

>still the easiest in the series

SCIV and Bloodlines are both easier.

>> No.2512659

At first, then you get good. The second run is a pain in the ass.

>> No.2512695

I still cannot defeat Grim Reaper without holy water. Whenever I play I have to beat that stage in one go

>> No.2512759

when I was a kid I used to beat Reaper with tripleshot boomerang. I knew Reaper was supposed to be weak to holy water, but never new exactly how and where you need to be to get the quick kill

>> No.2512882

It's main use is on Death's corridor. Just douse and dash.

>> No.2513114

I can sleepwalk through the game up to that point, then shit gets real in a hurry. I really wish the game had passwords or something.

>> No.2513368

>stiff controls
What? The controls are completely precise and predictable, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.2513390

I guess stiff because Belmont isn't Mario or Sonic.

It's a deliberate platformer, it requires patience.

>> No.2513459

CV3 is the hardest game in the series, unless you're trying to beat CV2 without a guide, which is arguably impossible.

>> No.2513467

- No momentum nor acceleration
- No air control
- Slow attack animation without variation

Sounds pretty stiff to me.

>> No.2513801

>- No momentum nor acceleration
Well he's walking, not running, so no there wouldn't be.

>- No air control
Just like real life.

>- Slow attack animation without variation
It's a whip, it takes time to pull it back and fling it out.