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File: 68 KB, 800x429, framemeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2500131 No.2500131 [Reply] [Original]

Currently in the market for an upscaler, thinking of saving up for a framemeister. The upscaler I got "works", but it doesn't output at 4:3, which fucks up the graphics, and it has a bit of input lag.

Anyone have an upscaler of choice? Does it output at 4:3? Input lag? is it cheaper than the framemeister

>> No.2500138

There really aren't a lot of good upscalers besides the Framemeister. It's probably the best of the bunch and is well worth the money.

Here is a great website that reviews pretty much every upscaler under the sun:


>> No.2500142

Why would you need an upscaler? You are using a CRT aren't you?

>> No.2500143

>using a CRT

>> No.2500176

Imo, if you're not going to use a CRT just save yourself the hassle with that bullshit and emulate.

>> No.2500194

The Framemeister is the best unless you want to play games that switch between 240p and 480i. They're unplayable for the most part.

>> No.2500210

What he said.

I have a framemesiter, and it's great for Genesis / NES / Master System, but going to get an XRGB3 for N64 and Saturn. On the framemeister, there's a long video lag switching between menus on many games due to the resolution switch.

>> No.2500219

Should add I use an xrgb3. Problem is it outputs vga. Scaling quality is about the same as the Framemeister. But the Framemeister has extra features like zoom and better 1080/720p scaling.

As a low lag line doubler it's perfect minus the vga output.
Hopefully the XRGB4/5 wont have the problem. Who knows when that'll come out though.

>> No.2500260

idk, but after watching this video:


I can't help but think this is an absurd waste of money. Get a USB controller port, and play emulated games. It will look absolutely perfect by contrast to vaseline smeared RF composite out. Really interesting concept, but why the hell obsess over the hardware itself.

>> No.2500261

>but why the hell obsess over the hardware itself

>> No.2500264

I look forward to the day that we can discuss a console topic without people trashing it with "use an emulator".

>> No.2500291

>all these people playing on emulators instead of the original hardware
>all these pcfats not knowing the joys of couch gaming

>> No.2500294

Nah man i just drag my desktop over to my shitty LCD I bought at Target. It's just as good man trust me.

>> No.2500535


Old games aren't meant to be played in HD. If that's really what you want emulators are a much better option than bullshit upscalers.

Also, here are tons of people here who use original hardware with crts, so I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.2500563

People are using consoles from the 90s with CRTs from the 2000s and production/medical monitors.
Just stop...

>> No.2500574

So? Is long as the Display can receive the native signal from the console, who gives a shit?

The whole point of playing on console is to be using the real thing. Once you throw in upscalers that recreate the signal, it defeats the purpose and you might is well just save yourself the hassle and the money and emulate.

>> No.2500580

>So? Is long as the Display can receive the native signal from the console, who gives a shit?
You seem to since that's all upscalers do.

>> No.2500609

I was thinking about getting a Framemeister to start an RGB setup, but then I realized that the Pioneer AV receiver I have upscales all composite and component sources to 1080p. I modded all the systems that needed it to output to RGB SCART, convert that to component video with one of those processors off Ebay, feed component video into the receiver, outputting to HDMI. The whole chain looks great, with no lag that I can discern. It keeps it at the same aspect ratio, so if the source is 4:3, then it stays 4:3. The only thing missing is glorious scanlines. I'm thinking of getting one of those scanline generators and adding that to the chain.

I'd like to compare it to a Framemeister to see how the video compares, but that's an expensive experiment that I'm not willing to do just yet. I've never seen anyone do a retro RGB setup with an AV receiver before instead of a dedicated upscaler, and I searched a lot before deciding to try it. For the same price as just the Framemeister, you can get a powerful home theater receiver along with it, so it seems like a no-brainer to me.

>> No.2500615

They lag terribly and generally don't have very good scaling.