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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 951 KB, 500x384, Consider_the_following_with_Mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2492431 No.2492431 [Reply] [Original]

>calling consoles 'systems'
>calling handhelds 'systems'

Why? They're consoles.

>> No.2492434

Getting bothered by semantics? Why? Their words.

>> No.2492435
File: 43 KB, 540x482, Console..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss /v/ by any chance?

>> No.2492437
File: 169 KB, 1000x745, tmp_24782-SAAB-Jag-Console-panel-pc-x1000359731100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. THIS is a console.

>> No.2492441

plural noun: systems
1.a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.

Sounds like an appropriate term to me, what exactly is your complaint?

>> No.2492454

Then why don't you refer to your phone or PC as systems? Why only retro consoles?

>> No.2492462

I refer to my PC as a system, a lot of people do

>> No.2492470
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>> No.2492481

>uses mario picture


>> No.2492482
File: 60 KB, 256x375, Disgaea_Hour_of_Darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions that don't mean shit an aren't important. The thread.

This is now a Disgaea thread.
Post favorite games and discuss why this series is so great.

>> No.2492489

Never played it. What's the draw?

>> No.2492493

Best turn based strategy game of all time.

>> No.2492494

Debatable. What's so great about it? Fighting system? Story?

>> No.2492512

Computers are one of the reasons to use the more generic systems instead of consoles.

>> No.2492559

Because it's not common parlance.

>> No.2492565
File: 73 KB, 600x563, 1432070141200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was named Nintendo Entertainment System because Nintendo was trying to distance itself from the 'games console' moniker, after the video game crash. It's still a console though

>> No.2492571

Grind ad infinitum.

>> No.2492583

Not /vr/ and take your Kusoge out of here.

>> No.2492595

>These people that made the name are wrong.

Doesn't surprise me that you're a dumb stupid frog poster either

>> No.2492607

System is better suited for discussing any system that runs machine code. I could port software (like games) to a toaster, which is a system (but not a console). The same goes for personal computers.

>> No.2492690

So why was it called Family Computer in Japan when it's use as a computer is very limited with Family Basic and practically worthless without? Computer being a general purpose programmable device.

>> No.2493394

Love Dis but dat shit ain't retro

>> No.2493405


Can't help but read that in Capt. Lou Albano's high-pitched Mario voice.

>> No.2493473

Why was it called the Genesis? It wasn't even the first Sega system. In Japan it was called the Mega Drive but it didn't use floppies or hard disks.

>> No.2493502


It's actually a little above average at best, Anon. Sorry.

>> No.2493518

I like how Nintendo's manuals used to say "control deck".

>> No.2493535

Huh, in Germany it was a "traurigkeit akkumulator".

>> No.2493547


>extra life
>free guy


Any of these words trigger you too, OP?

>> No.2493554




>> No.2493824

Oh wow. OP is a faggot after all.

>> No.2493967

>Fairchild Channel F SYSTEM
>Sega Master SYSTEM
>Atari Video Computer SYSTEM (VCS)
>Commodore 64 Games SYSTEM
>Sega Master SYSTEM
>Nintendo Entertainment SYSTEM
>Family Computer Disk System
>Konix MultiSYSTEM
>nah..they're Consoles

>an electronic SYSTEM that connects to a display and is used primarily to play video games

>> No.2493973

>Nintendo was trying to distance itself from the 'games console' moniker
Looks like you're the only one hanging on to that 'console' thing dude...even Nintendo doesn't have your back. :^)

>> No.2493980

That definition is the Very Last definition in the "console" entry. If you go out and bbuy a paper dictionary tomorrow that definition won't even be in there. In 20 years when they finally get around to putting that into paper dictionaries people won't even give a good damn..just you..and the dictionary will still be proving you wrong..20 years from now.

>> No.2493983

Google "define console"...they don't even recognize it as a noun because every instance of a "console" is generally something else, like a 'mixing board' (or "console) in a recording studio. You can't even get Google to get your back!

>> No.2494000

Old timey slang.
>PlayStation 2 computer entertainment SYSTEM
(It's official name)

So eat it kid!

>> No.2494050

they're systems only when being used to play videogames; afterward they revert to being [specific name of device]

>> No.2494052
File: 55 KB, 448x576, dagobah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will go to the Degobah Console...

>> No.2494082

The term "console" wasn't really used that much for gaming platforms back in the old days. It seems to had been popularized rather recently by the media (I'm guessing around sixth gen after the Xbox was launched, which referred to the main unit as a console).

>> No.2494107

>thinking word meaning is stagnant

>> No.2494405
File: 110 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhh shit nigga!

Op btfo.


Yeah literally every system in the Sony plays action two system is calle a system. Fucking hell, summer came fast

>> No.2494418

I kept hearing about consoles all through the 5th gen.

>> No.2494593

I am pretty sure that it was not.

>> No.2494632

Similar to how you you can't buy Android games from Apple's closed ecoSYSTEM

Each SYSTEM's games are only compatible for the SYSTEM OF INTERCONNECTED ELECTRONICS IN A BOX that is your CONSOLE...

...Just drop it.

>> No.2494635
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1422884518638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling PSX "PS1"

>> No.2495012

OP you're a fucking champ

this reminds me of /k/'s autismic rants about magazines vs clips but this one takes it to the next level and son i am proud

>> No.2495081

Well, your post is to blame really. Mario got really popular on the NES, the Nintendo Entertainment System. System evolved as a term for game consoles because Nintendo was a major market player and they were calling their stuff System for 10 years. It's just remnant of those days.

I also like it as an umbrella term to refer to anything that isn't a PC.

>> No.2495082

>Their words

>> No.2495085

How is a PC not a system?

>> No.2495106
File: 406 KB, 1600x1200, psx-desr-5000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're indeed right. It's wrong to call the PSX a "PS1" since it can play PS2 games too.

>> No.2495112

it's both you faggots

>> No.2495174

I have never understood the whole "calling PS games PSX". I'm pretty sure they were called PS games like any sane individual would back at the start of the life of the PS and then for some bullcrap reason Sony PR guys decided PS games would now be abbreviated as PSX games. It doesn't make any sense and imo sounds terrible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSX

>> No.2495180

If you were alive and playing vidya during the 90s, you would have known that magazines started the PSX thing and Usenet and the Web followed suit. These days it's silly, but we didn't know back then.

>> No.2495186

that looks like a fuckin printer

>> No.2495201

It's a DVR.

>> No.2495209

I was born in 1985 and totally into videogames all the time so don't ever say something like that when you don't have a fucking clue. Aside from that nothing you have said in any way is contradictory to the facts I said.

"but we didn't know back then"... wtf are you talking about.

>> No.2495215

Not him, but is English not your first language?

By Sony, the PlayStation was always referred to as either the PlayStation, the PS, or the PSOne. Some gaming tabloid magazines called it the PSX for some reason and people picked it up.

Then Sony released the PSX DVR box and no one knew because searches on "PSX" turned up PlayStation search results.

The acronym "PSX" doesn't make sense unless you're referring to the PlayStation series of consoles as a whole, X being the variable replaced with a number.

>> No.2495223

>calling people who play video games 'gamers'

Why? We're not gambling.

>> No.2495224

>X being the variable replaced with a number
But X is 10 in Roman numerals. PSTen.

>> No.2495225

PS1 came up after the PS2 was announced, PSOne typically refers to the specific slim redesign launched around the same time.
It's silly to use anything but PS1 nowadays.

>> No.2495227
File: 173 KB, 435x599, PSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the term was coined before there was such thing as an actual PSX. The name comes form the original project where Sony was building a CD add-on for the original SNES. But since Nintendo formed an alliance with Phillips who were in direct competition with Sony. They went a made the Playstation. I've heard it called the PSX project and the X project. But the name has stuck throughout the years.

>> No.2495229
File: 8 KB, 308x296, 1431107158031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2495298

> Not him, but is English not your first language?

English is my first language.

I resent your suggestion that there was anything I said in any way, even in the slightest, that would give you cause to ask that question. I think there's something wrong with you.

>> No.2495305 [DELETED] 

One more question.

___________________________u mad?___________________________

>> No.2495354

This thread has no potential for anything but pointless arguments and unchecked autism, no surprise it's getting so many replies.

>> No.2495383

>Sony PR guys decided PS games would now be abbreviated as PSX games
The PR guys didn't just make up that name.

>> No.2495559

how autistic are you?

>> No.2495565
File: 1.18 MB, 300x188, coach-hines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2495604
File: 7 KB, 206x305, 1427827252395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2495610

Those people are called gamblers, anon.

>> No.2495632
File: 811 B, 64x64, Gamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite.

Though to be fair, a lot have hacked this to the correct term.

>> No.2495636
File: 517 KB, 510x480, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2496118

i think the real problem with being a gamer is identifying your whole personality by this one unproductive thing you do

>> No.2496759

PSX stood for PlayStation eXperiment.

>> No.2497097

calling faggots faggots
calling autists autists

Why? They're OP.

>> No.2497136

Pretty much this. The Playstation was the name for the SNES CD ROM drive and when Nintendo broke it off after so much development had gone into it Sony turned it into a semi-secret project to develop it into a stand alone, code name PS-X. Yes, a lot of game systems had and continue to have code names during development but that X resounded at the time in the West with the 17 year old demographic Sony was laser focused on (that I just happened to be exactly) and the word "play" really didn't so SoA definitely used it in their communications with the gaming press and the Internet.

Yeah I'm sure you had your finger right on the pulse of the scene when you were in 5th grade.

>> No.2497351

you just confuzed me

>> No.2497383

I don't know but my complaint is that OP is a total faggot.

>> No.2497405

Yeah what a dick. Not even being sarcastic fuck that guy, I hate people who point out minor mistakess but this jizz stain has nothing there were no mistakes.

>> No.2498198

You samefag or another fag who can't into English? Or is your mind also overclocking itself.

>> No.2501070

check mate atheists!

youre hyperboling
no one that says im an electrical engineer/nerd/ huband, is identified by that adjective