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File: 56 KB, 600x338, EarthBound-Beginnings-West-Ann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490782 No.2490782 [Reply] [Original]

I've been playing Mother/Earthbound Beginnings and I have to say I am very pleasantly surprised so far. For some reason, I had painted a picture in my head of this game being an unplayable, outdated slog, but it is shockingly enjoyable to me so far. I can definitely see where Earthbound/Mother 2 expanded on its foundation but the original still has an identity of its own.

>> No.2490797

Oh man, finally someone with an opinion about Earthbound. Seems like I've been waiting forever. Any other revelations for us, Anon-kun?

>> No.2490843
File: 50 KB, 600x600, MotherJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In his defense, he's at least admitting that he was doing like everyone else with the herd 5th genner mentality that "Mother 1 is unplayable because ... uh, it's a NES RPG! and it has encounter rates!" and finally broke through his own prejudice.

Yeah OP, it's a pretty good game.

>> No.2490860

shut the fuck up you little bitch.

>> No.2490864

No need to be a douche.

>> No.2490868

>In his defense, he's at least admitting that he was doing like everyone else with the herd 5th genner mentality that "Mother 1 is unplayable because ... uh, it's a NES RPG! and it has encounter rates!" and finally broke through his own prejudice.
This. I never understood all the arguments that Mother 1 is "too dated". It's just like fucking Mother 2, but without the visible enemies on the map screen.

I actually like the story of Mother 1 than 2.

>> No.2490917

Just about 80% done with it and I think I'm going to move on and just read about the ending. I think it's a superb game but damn if that grinding doesn't get to you near the very end.

>> No.2490935

In the desert?

It's not so much grinding as it is just a typical NES era encounter rate. You shouldn't ever have to actually grind in the game.

>> No.2490947

No I'm actually way past that. I'm after the part where Ana and Ninten dance.

I think Ninten is level 25 but every guide I see says to get him to 30. I just don't feel like grinding anymore after having to grind for the new party members and shit.

Great game though, seriously.

>> No.2490968


You're almost there.
Did you meet EVE yet?

>> No.2490971

Do you think I really need to get Ninten to 30? I'm an experienced RPGer.

>> No.2490986


I think it's possible to beat the game with sub 30 levels.
Keep going and meet EVE.

>> No.2490997

Every FAQ for every RPG ever made recommends at least five to ten levels more than you need at any given point. If they did otherwise, the kind of scrub that plays with a controller in one hand and a guide in the other wouldn't be able to handle it. If they need a guide that badly, then they will die to any amount of challenge, and when they fail it's obviously the guide's fault, not their lack of ability.

So if you're tired of grinding, then stop grinding and roll. Worst that happens is you get your team's faces kicked in and have to try again.

>> No.2492080

Do you have play the first mother game or can you just start with earthbound for Snes?

>> No.2492094


Ideally, you want to. You can still play Earthbound without playing M1, it's not a direct sequel (and although it feels a bit like a remake, since Ninten and Ness are very similar, as well as Ana/Paula and Lloyd/Jeff, the stories are completely different), but Earthbound will be a lot more enjoyable if you play 1 first.

Also, the main antagonist is the same. And his/her back story isn't explained on Earthbound.

>> No.2492126

well, I'm more shocked you didn't already try it before. I'm going to keep calling it earth bound for NES or earth bound zero or Mother, though.

And won't play on my wii U because I don't have a wii U.

>> No.2492129

I DID beat it at sub-30 levels. Five years ago. No stupid 'easy patch'.

>> No.2492169

Their backstory makes Earthbound a lot sadder, though.

Man, you know shit's fucked up when you feel worse for an Azathoth rehash than you do for some fat kid with no friends.

>> No.2494707

>you can get anna by going through the caves before getting lloyd
>you can beat the game without anna
>you can keep teddie by just not going into the healer's hut on mt itoi

this game is so easily broken, and combined with the huge world and degrees of nonlinearity make it feel so open and free. it's great.

>> No.2494727

Is this just a plain Mother release, or are there huge differences between this and the original?

>> No.2496167

It's the same as the EB prototype that was used to make EB0, so if you've played that you should be familiar with this release. Stuff like
-run button on b
--Check ability in battle
-Sprite edits

>> No.2496170

repel ring replacing the friendship ring

>> No.2497412


In my opinion, what makes unplayable a lot of NES RPGs, are things like outdated navigation through menus, or bad control schemes.

And I think that Mother 1, specially the "american prototype" (but better the GBA version) is perfectly playable and enjoyable.

>> No.2497446
File: 266 KB, 767x515, motherrails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you think about it, not many RPGs back then had 8-directional movement.
Hell, even still on the 4th and even 5th gen many RPGs still had only 4-way directional move.

>> No.2497452

too bad they went "back" to non isometric map design in mother 3. I kinda liked that.

>> No.2497456

And no 'overworld' that divides the game up. Every area in Mother is a proper fully fledged area, connected to others, without any kind of grid system. It's huge and open, and when you look at the NES games in similar genres it's even more impressive. Zelda has a huge map and is wide open but it's broken into blocks in a grid system. Dragon Quest has a map that the other areas are put onto.

Honestly I think people underestimate just how many fantastic changes Mother etc have over the average RPG. EB adding the rolling HP Meter and enemies you can view on the overworld, and M3 having the combo system and Defend slowing the rate of HP drop go a long way to make the games enjoyable to play.

>> No.2497467


the easy patch did not actually change any of the enemy stats, it just doubled XP and cash gain so if you can beat it at sub-30 levels on the easy patch you can do it on a regular version.

just the easy patch will probably let you reach that point faster