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File: 64 KB, 640x410, fa28382b4d549b6ec98fb188acfb6ff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2489237 No.2489237 [Reply] [Original]

>Do any of you guys ever miss your real legs?

>> No.2489323


That may have been an original idea floating around. They haven't touched on it for 2 decades. So pretty sure they just have metal or metal grey boots.

>> No.2489352
File: 92 KB, 610x572, 1665.Nintendo-Power-Star-Fox-Cover.jpg-610x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure about the rest of the team but Fox absolutely had robot legs, this Nintendo Power cover makes it pretty clear. Star Fox Adventures got rid of 'em and they haven't been seen since, which is a shame as I loved to imagine what happened to them as a kid.

>> No.2489357

I bet Slippy's legs tasted delicious.

>> No.2489369

they outrun the landmaster in 64 on foot, so they probably don't give a shit

>> No.2489370
File: 66 KB, 610x427, 5758.box.jpg-610x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know every fan theory revolves around leg amputation to help with blood rushing, but was this ever actually in the comics? Or was it just a did-you-know-gaming circle-jerk sort of a thing?

>> No.2489371

The new StarFox coming out, they have "normal" legs.

>> No.2489391
File: 10 KB, 500x417, faceimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal legs

>> No.2489395

I'm pretty sure by 64 they got rid of the Amputation-cuz-Gs concept with the G-Diffusion system.

>> No.2489653

but what if something's wrong with my G-diffuser?

>> No.2489675

Not sure, but I'd better use the boost to chase

>> No.2489696
File: 9 KB, 480x360, pigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy screamed REAL good before he DIED
Jesus Christ, Pigma.

>> No.2489710

64 had so much character

>> No.2490060

Pigma is the edgiest character in the entire series.

>> No.2490125

>tfw I only just recently learned about Phantron's bomb counter

>> No.2490210

Why did Falco get to keep his legs? It looks like only his feet were replaced.

>> No.2490240

Probably because it's just a theory.


>> No.2490305

I always figured they were just an exposed part of the underlying armature for the puppets that were left that way because it looked like space age metal boots or they couldn't find a fabric suitable enough for shoes that allowed enough flexibility to pose the ankle joint.

>> No.2491874

They were only given cast legs as stands so the models built for the photo shoot would stand up right. The amputation and bionic replacement was retconned in afterward because it serves to explain how out of place they appear in said photos, and it sounds awesome anyway.

>> No.2491892

in my head canon they had robot legs for quite a while until they were no longer necessary and reattached the original legs or grew some new ones

>> No.2492092

>I loved to imagine what happened to them as a kid.
Surgically removed to make it easier to handle G-force as a pilot.

>> No.2492209

>>Do any of you guys ever miss your real legs?

I found out I have zinc overdose. I can't get to a doctor because I'm all fucked up with PTSD from the hospital. So my wrists and legs are all fucked up.

I am praying I don't have to get major invasive surgery. I shouldn't be online or playing videogames either becuase my hands are so bad. I'll have to get surgery on them. Hopefully the zinc nerve damage didn't fuck them up too bad.

So... tl;dr yeah I miss working legs and hands

>> No.2492214
File: 273 KB, 400x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can do a Kirby Game in all stop motion animation, they need to do a Star Fox that looks exactly like a Gerry Anderson marionation show.

>> No.2492230

I wish I had legs, so I could KICK YOUR ASS!