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File: 251 KB, 400x600, Sonic3_uk_bx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2484006 No.2484006 [Reply] [Original]

Why is sonic 3 so shit compared to 1 and 2??

I literally feels like I have to play with controls with jam inside them.

>> No.2484009

It could be the PAL version that's fucked.

>> No.2484010

Care to elaborate? Most would dismiss as b8, but I like to see why.

The game controls similarly enough for me

>> No.2484020

level design and general graphics are horrible compared to it's predecessors, music is nowhere near as memorable.

bonus stages are just torture. this game is nooo good.

how so? I'm playing pal version.

>> No.2484078

Yeah, I remember back in 1994 I was disappointed by the game's art direction and music.
Sonic 1 and 2 (and CD) had this psychedelic, colorful art direction, and Sonic 3 went for a more "realistic" color palette (compare Green Hill/Emerald Hill to Angel island, even before it sets on fire).
I also didn't like Sonic's new sprite, he looks goofy, like he's crossing his eyes, and nowhere near as cool and badass as he looked on 1 and 2. It's like they tried to make him more "prerendered" ala DKC, which is also the case with the big rendered Sonic on the title screen. I always thought he looked creepy, instead of the cool motherfucker on 1 and 2's title screens.

Music also felt different and this is due to having a different music composer. 1 and 2 had Masato Nakamura, while 3 had MJ and his assistants.

Overall, I wouldn't say Sonic 3 is a bad game or worse than 1 and 2, but yeah, as someone who had played 1 and 2 first, 3 felt really werid and different. I was disappointed at first, but I later came to appreciate it more.

>> No.2484085

what you said here is a pretty good summation of how I feel about it.

It's also so incredibly short and just kinda meh. Just finished it a few minutes ago, the last boss was so lame and the ending was just "yup, sonic did a thing!"

>> No.2484086

>Playing vanilla Sonic 3.
Sonic & Knuckles has been out for twenty years, anon.

>> No.2484090

Personally I prefer it over the first title.

>> No.2484098


We're talking about when the game was brand-new, anon.
Out initial reactions to it.

>> No.2484113

>Just finished it a few minutes ago

>> No.2484115

Sonic 3 is PAL optimised so it's not that. Unless you're using it on a genesis or have a mod and manually set to 60hz, then it'll be all kinds of fucked up.

The color palettes are pretty much the same. They just made Sonic 3's art assets look more like actual terrain than the abstract blocky constucts in Sonic 1 and 2.

And Sonic 2 isn't really more colorful, just look at Metropolis, Oil Ocean, Wing Fortress and Mystic Cave. The two big standouts for being colorful are Hill Top and Emerald Hill, and that's because they literally use the same art recolored.

>> No.2484116

>Sonic 1
Half the game is boring-ass labyrinths with shitty "wait for things to move" segments
>Sonic 2
Levels have no connection to eachother. Start in the forest, then you're in some toxic industrial area, then some ancient ruins, etc.
Also Metropolis sucks ass and Sky Chase is a fucking autoscroller.
>Sonic 3
Blue Spheres is actually fun compared to the previous minigames.
You finally have more abilities than just jump, roll and run.
You can play as different characters who actually have different abilities.

>> No.2484185


>Metropolis sucks ass

Say that to my face not online and see what happens

>> No.2484213

Levels have no connection to each other in Sonic 3 either, they just added half-assed cutscenes to transition. Like, Angel Island->Hydrocity->Marble Garden is kinda plausible, but we're seriously supposed to believe that Carnival Night is right next to both a tropical garden paradise and a cold snowy mountain, and that Launch Base is next to the cold snowy mountain despite also looking like a warm-weather area?

>> No.2484215


>oil ocean
>chemical plant
>aquatic ruin
>not more colorful that angel island, marble garden, launchbase, ice cap

I'll give you Mystic Cave has a similar color palette to Hydrocity (act 2), which happens to be my favorite zone in Sonic 3.
Carnival Night has the "gimmicky bumpery" theme going on, a succesor to Spring yard and Casino Night, but I think it's worst than both of those. In fact I love both SY and Casino Night, yet Carnival is probably my least liked zone on 3.

Sonic 3 also has a lot of annoying parts, even more so than waiting a couple seconds on Sonic 1.
Sky Chase was a great relaxing intermission after Metropolis. (which wasn't even bad either)

Of course, this is all my personal facts

>> No.2484225


You can kinda see the locations on the map that appears on S3's title screen and S&K's ending cutscene.
But yeah, it's still totally possible that a chemical plant was next to a green hills zone where Robotnik had built an industrial area near, next to the ruins of an old temple.

>> No.2484429
File: 33 KB, 400x300, 30m911l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might not have the best overall soundtrack but I want to believe...

>> No.2484431

MJ didn't even do the whole soundtrack.

>> No.2484436

Too bad the timing of the deal was a year or two late, he could've done the soundtrack for CD instead.

>> No.2484439


>you can play as different characters who actually have different abilities

This is why Sonic died.

>> No.2484453

>You can play as different characters who actually have different abilities.
This is the only time that was good

>> No.2484490

But it was probably the only time it was flawlessly implemented, so I'll give it a pass.

>> No.2484948

>I also didn't like Sonic's new sprite, he looks goofy, like he's crossing his eyes, and nowhere near as cool and badass as he looked on 1 and 2. It's like they tried to make him more "prerendered" ala DKC, which is also the case with the big rendered Sonic on the title screen. I always thought he looked creepy, instead of the cool motherfucker on 1 and 2's title screens.
You hit the nail on the head. This is my exact problem with Sonic 3's art style. It's like they just threw Sonic's established style out because looking prerendered was trendy.

>> No.2484951


Sonic 3 came out before dkc

>> No.2485051


But DKC and the whole silicon graphics prerenders was being hyped since 1993 at least.

>> No.2485083

>MJ didn't even do the whole soundtrack.
i'd like to think most people know this by now but I'd be giving people too much credit

does Sega even talk about this or would that be breaking an agreement and thus being extremely unprofessional

>> No.2485173

I'm aware, I just want to know if he was actually involved with the soundtrack
pretty sure it's all legal stuff. Tom Kalinske said on his Reddit AMA that he legally cannot confirm or deny anything

>> No.2485183

Not MJ, but listen to this

>> No.2485198

Sega can't talk about it due to legal stuff, but a lot of ex-MJ musicians already admitted that the music was done by them (or MJ) for the game.

In fact the entire credit list for the music minus Howard Drossin, and that faggot from Crush 40, is nothing but MJ musicians. If you have an MJ album from the early 90s, you can just check the booklet and confirm it for yourself.

tl;dr it WAS MJ and his team who did the music, they just aren't allowed to say that it was MJ who did it.

>> No.2485513


>tl;dr it WAS MJ and his team who did the music, they just aren't allowed to say that it was MJ who did it.

Except not really.

Sonic 3's music was composed by:
Michael Jackson (with assistance from Brad Buxer, Bobby Brooks, Darryl Ross, Geoff Grace, and Doug Grigsby III) *and* with Sega Sound Team (from the staff roll credits - Bo, Sachio Ogawa, Milpo, Masaru Setsumaru, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Tomonori Sawada, Masayuki Nagao, and Jun Senoue). No full composer breakdown for Sonic 3 exists, but here's this interesting breakdown done by a VGMdb user: http://vgmdb.net/forums/showthread.php?p=16136#post16136

>> No.2485517

Why is your opinion so shit compared to everyone else's and mine?