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File: 763 KB, 893x771, Depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2471859 No.2471859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT you live in a world where you will never stop Lan Di.

>> No.2471898

Also, OP here. If Yu Suzuki is trolling, I'll fucking kill myself.


>> No.2472175

Shenmue is like a Dreamcast adaptation of Twin Peaks

David Lynch was forced to resolve the Laura Palmer mystery against his wishes. So Shenmue has more artistic integrity

>> No.2472350

>you will never stop Lan Di.
Screw Lan Di. Worse is being in a world where you'll never get to tap that sweet piece of Nozomi ass that was right there for the taking.

>> No.2472678

He just said he found it at E3.
Nothing more.

>> No.2472748


Will you just allow people to dream you soulless monster?

>> No.2472762

>wanting to fug Nozomi
You mean Xiuying, right?

>> No.2473958

One moment you'll have to wake up.
And then it will hurt even more.

I'm saving you the pain of having an impossible dream, you should thank me.

>> No.2473992

I'd kill myself if I had to do a forklift race every single morning.

>> No.2474168

Oh really?!

>> No.2474171


Not anymore OP.

>> No.2474184



>> No.2474195

lol getting connection time outs

>> No.2474198


I've never seen this before - there have been big Kickstarter things going on before, stuff like Yooka-Laylee (or however the fuck you spell that), which got funded within like two hours or so, but I've never seen the site just straight up die from getting hammered like that. I was skeptical once I saw they were asking for two million, but I guess this is really happening.

>> No.2474202


Look what your words have caused.

Are you a wizard?

>> No.2474205

Still wondering if SEGA will consider Shenmue I & II HD versions after this megaton.

>> No.2474212

Already 1/6th of the way there

>> No.2474213

Didn't Yu Suzuki bought the rights of Shenmue from Sega?

>> No.2474219

Maybe it's the seething depression talking but I find it hard to get excited for a game I wanted half my life ago. I'm too old to care.

Same goes with the FF7 remake. Would've been nice to have when I was 16 after they teased it in 2005 but now, I dunno...just waited too long.

>> No.2474220

Never seen a straight series start on one console, sequel in 2 and then trilogy in a 3rd console and PC. Maybe Shenmue 4 will be on the Mega CD?

And it only took like 15 years! Ine-san must be worried. If she's not ded by now.

But who gives a fig, ITSHAPPENING.JPG

>> No.2474224

oh cool lets ask for 2 mil for a game not many ppl played. also lets put shit stretch goals instead of having shenmue 1 and 2 hd as a goal. fuck i would back but half the goals are different languages. ill buy it later if it succeeds

>> No.2474227

>I'm too old to care.
>Maybe it's the seething depression talking

It is anon, cheer up, i think it's more likely cynicism than depression though.

>> No.2474236

>oh cool lets ask for 2 mil for a game not many ppl played.
Really? You're doubting Shenmue's capacity to make bank? What are you, 13??

>> No.2474239

1/4th the way there looks like this bitch is gonna get funded

>> No.2474258

Holy fuck I just watched it jump like $40k in a matter of seconds.

>> No.2474264

>$500k in a few minutes
And don't forget, it's 3/4/5 AM in yurp. Just wait for the Europeans to wake up. I can see this shit go for like 10M

>> No.2474270
File: 39 KB, 640x412, 1394412469465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just like to call attention to this post.

>> No.2474275


>> No.2474293

if you know how to setup nulldc then all games are on pc

>> No.2474307

>Never seen a straight series start on one console, sequel in 2 and then trilogy in a 3rd console and PC. Maybe Shenmue 4 will be on the Mega CD?
Blaster Master is the only thing that comes to mind. It started on NES, had a sequel on Genesis and a third game on PlayStation.

>> No.2474313 [DELETED] 

I kinda wish the other two sequels never happened, though. They're bad.

>> No.2474317

Close to it might just be Umihara Kawase

>> No.2474325

I do hope you've learned your lesson.

>> No.2474326
File: 24 KB, 844x476, HEEEEEEEEEY BROOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god please let the dubs be as cringeworthy as they are on the teaser video. That was the one fantastic yet underrated aspect of 1.

>> No.2474339

Yeah but that's an action platformer. Also a 3rd party. Pretty sure there's plenty of fighters that fit into that equation if one were to be pedantic.

>> No.2474343

Better be a Japanese voices with English subs option https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHMLu5FZ7Jk

>> No.2474419

never played the games. guess i need dreamcast emulator?

>> No.2474456

When you get exactly what you wanted you usually go into denial or shock, news this big are not easy to digest (at least for me). Give it a few hours it will sink in.

>> No.2474826

Honestly though, would it even be possible to make the Japanese consider computers over consoles, especially now? Despite being in debt, Sony has every company by the balls, so the chances of a non-Sony platform having a chance are next to none. That said, the Japanese need an all-in-one PC that's small and compact, and has relatively advanced cooling technology so that the house doesn't get hot with it running, if that will be a problem. But you can't sell the hardware if you don't have the games, and there's no way you can sway any Japanese support away from Sony loyalists. Then again, Nintendo was in a very similar spot, people thought Nintendo was untouchable.

>> No.2474840

The Japanese console market is dying, Anon. Nintendo's 3DS is the only one people play outside of otaku; everyone is playing mobile games.

>the Japanese need an all-in-one PC that's small and compact
They have one, it's called a smartphone.

>> No.2474848

>They have one, it's called a smartphone.
That's a console, albeit one with very limited features and outdated processing power.

>> No.2474903

Is it safe to say "All Aboard The Hype Train"
This is a wonderful time to be alive friends.
We shall finish what we promise 14 years ago.
And defeat Lan Di

>> No.2474906

Shenmue III is in development, and by most of the same people that made the first 2... so... yeah..

>> No.2474908

it's going to be released for the PC, you silly person

>> No.2474914



>> No.2474967
File: 154 KB, 1032x457, what happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz employ japanese artists

>> No.2474978

It's @ 1.8 Mil. Basically a done deal. Can't really say I'm surprised.

And come to think of it, I'm with >>2474219 up there. I can't imagine this being the sort of thing I'd want to get into now as opposed to 15 years ago. If it's true to its roots, it's a 15 year old's game. Sort of shit you take your time, enjoy the detail, look into every nook and cranny. If it isn't, why make it in the first place? I'm pleased it's happening but I doubt i'll find it both great and that it does its predecessors justice.

>> No.2474982


As if that is a problem of being japanese.
Those are still work in progress.

>> No.2474985
File: 163 KB, 1892x970, will you be in shen3?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so shen3 is like 100k away, deal closed.

my money is ready for shenmue 4 kickstarter.

I think sega will take this opportunity to release 1&2 HD as they 'have the work done' already annd there is no mention of it in the kick starter.

seems like too much of an opportunity to miss for sega for the sake of publishing old content.

man, id even be happy with just PC 2015 versions that I dont have to run on buggy fucking emulators, with voice language select, seeing as HD remake would probably look no where near as good as the originals.

if they can publish 1080 60fps extra geometry hack with voice select pc ports

>> No.2474987

I love how I saw idiots in the other thread whining about the 2mil mark because supposedly it needs a bigger budget... I doubt that they are only receiving kickstarter money anyhow

>> No.2474994

yu suzuki has other backers, always has.
this is just to prove there is interest and that the game is GO

>> No.2474996
File: 22 KB, 450x270, shenmue_150519-1-450x270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 out of 4 not fucking bad bro.

>> No.2475003

there is already talk of making a 4th game if the 3rd is successful and unless they somehow completely fuck shit up I don't see how it wouldn't be.
>inb4 responses from autists sperging over in progress stuff

>> No.2475004

European here.
Shenmue 1 was on DC
Shenmue 2 was on DC.

… Where's the DC version of Shenmue 3?

>> No.2475005

they want to actually make money, sorry

>> No.2475054
File: 22 KB, 352x308, shenmu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done boiz, only 2m more to go