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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 536 KB, 1920x1536, 1366551718859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2471454 No.2471454 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2471535

it's actually supposed to be velocity but the translators fucked it up

>> No.2471548


>> No.2471556

>it's actually supposed to be velocity
No it's not. The Japanese version clearly says ヴァレスティ (Valesti)

>> No.2471572

I remember the translation feeling reasonably good, but the voice acting was....well....

>> No.2471579
File: 66 KB, 500x1000, Freya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fool!! Know you not your own powerlessness?

>> No.2471581

The voice acting was magnificent.

>> No.2471592

It varied, IMO. Sometimes it was spot-on, and sometimes it was just bad.

>> No.2471598

the hell is this pose

>> No.2471653

Freya is schooled in the ancient arts of Muay Thai

>> No.2471689
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>> No.2471706
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>> No.2471719
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>> No.2471738

im just repeating what i heard, isnt BARESUCHI~~ a loan word?

>> No.2471742

just checked the wikia
>Nibelung is probably a reference to Der Ring der Nibelungen [1], which tells the story of Brynhild and Sigurd, on which Lenneth's and Lucian's story is loosely based. In and of itself, it does not mean anything, probably being used for the reference it evokes. Valesti could be derived from the Latin verb valere, which means "to be strong" [2]. The combination is therefore both a reference to Norse mythology and to the strength of the attack.
oh well, it's either a mistranslation or a made up word

>> No.2471745

likely it's really intended to be that way and not a mistranslation since they never changed the spelling in the sequels

>> No.2471759

"Velocity" is supposed to be romanized as ヴェロシティ.

>> No.2471778
File: 91 KB, 511x992, art-valkyrie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REALLY like her design. I have no idea how the Japanese did it but she's so damn pretty.

>> No.2472095

To my side, my no blind harrier!

>> No.2472360
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>I have no idea how the Japanese did it


>> No.2472410
File: 317 KB, 500x638, lenneth waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't over how much I love this game. Even the voice acting when it's bad is charming to me. I'm a PCfag and am more into DOS and Mac retro vidya, but this game won me over immediately with how every character had a backstory that made me want to follow them to the end, which you literally do to Ragnarok. I think this game spoiled me.

>> No.2472445

I'm balls deep in Star Ocean 2, but I'm going to do a VP run next. Last time I tried playing it, the excruciating slow and unskippable intro killed my buzz.

>> No.2472449
File: 138 KB, 966x723, vp2steam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought this yet? How are the controls?

>> No.2472564
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>> No.2472578

Dude, where the fuck is this?
Steam search doesn't find it?

>> No.2472586

It's on sale right now. It's even on the front page.

>> No.2472606

dude...where in the world are you?
Perhaps it's not licenced here.
Not in the front page for sure and search shows nothing, but Valkyria Chronicles a totally different game by sega.

>> No.2472629
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>> No.2472631

>community hub
I'm guessing it's one of those custom community forums on steam, not an actual release.

>> No.2472642

>where in the world are you?

I'm no geographer but I think he might be in Europe.

>> No.2472646

or in some alternate reality where vp2 came to steam

>> No.2472681
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>> No.2472738
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>> No.2472760
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>> No.2472774
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>> No.2472776

There are so many things right with this thread

>> No.2472889
File: 29 KB, 576x320, 1366555225192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have summoned me, Lord Odin? What is your command?

>> No.2472939
File: 205 KB, 320x504, Valkyrie Profile 3 - Hrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Retro

Silmeria is good, but not as good as the original Valkyrie Profile. Also, not as good as this not-retro game.

No, there is no 3rd game. Nor is there a PC release of Silmeria.

>> No.2473004

Lenneth has the voice of a determined badass motherfucker.
I played that game, one playthrough 'cos the console was lended to me by a m8, haven't been able to make it run on an emu... yeah... non-retro. It's cool, and I'd recommend it if you liked the 1st, it's PS2.

>> No.2473112
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>You will never kiss her on the lips or mouth

>> No.2473134

It depends on the character. That one archer character's VA was fucking horrible but Arngrim, Lenneth and a few other characters had spot-on voices. I always loved the boss battles which opened with the awesome synth and the YOUR SINS WEIGH HEAVY ON YOU, DEFILER OF SOULS. BY THE HOLY LAWS, YOU SHALL BE OBLITERATED.

It's a great game, it became one of my favourites before I even finished it. I keep meaning to get into the DS game but I'm not a huge fan of SRPGs.

>> No.2473179

The prologue is skippable though. The unskippable part with your first two characters and Lenneth in Asgard is hardly worse than the bullshit Star Ocean 2 puts you through what with spending like an hour playing the game before you can even get out of Rena's home town.

>> No.2473190


>> No.2473228

>>That face when you liked Belenus even when the game was new
>>People always sent him up because they did not like his design
>>Tfw today he's regarded top tier character
>>Extreme fucking Void.

>> No.2473252


>> No.2473259
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Reminder that this is canon.

>> No.2473291
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>> No.2473296

>The prologue is skippable though
No it's not, I just tried it.

>I must hurry, mother will be worried!
Takes ages.

>> No.2473297


>> No.2473302

Guys I want to start playing the Valkyrie Profile series, which version should I start with. The original PSOne or the PSP port?

>> No.2473317

The original PSOne version.

>> No.2473318

Either one is fine, whichever you can emulate better. PPSSPP is pretty solid. Supposedly the PSP version loads slower in some instances, and the inventory sort option is missing. There's no new content in Lenneth, although it has a couple new scenes to tie it to the PS2 sequel.

>> No.2473321
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>> No.2473324


Is there any way to enable the japanese voices in the english version? I would like to play with the original voice over rather than a dubbing.

>> No.2473325

The PSX version if it works, the PSP version if the game hangs on you during voiced cutscenes. There's a certain plugin and/or option that fixes that issue though. I ended up just giving up and playing the PSP version since I don't know what the fuck I was doing wrong and had to replay the intro numerous times (frameskipping seemed to have increased the likelihood of the game hanging on me).

The PSX verison has over some sake of convenience additions that they left out of the PSP port but there were only one or two times that I missed the feature.

You can get undubbed isos online, just look.

>> No.2473327

Only the illegal undub versions have Japanese voice acting. Such is your fate.

>> No.2473331


Alrighty then, I'll look into it. Thank you all for your answers, lucky for me I just purchased a modchipped PSOne.

>> No.2473335
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 1366554602564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /Hrist/ here?

>> No.2473348

Daily reminder that the Voice Actor for Arngrim is a) Meowth from pookemon and b) actually a woman now

>> No.2473367

and dead :(

>> No.2473372
File: 100 KB, 528x660, 818b428323bc078bef257ae42d8f55a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started playing this game some months ago and quit around the part you recruit that nobleman that fell in love with a japanese girl that is his servant. Can't remember his name, all i know is that his finishing move is cool and fuck and he yells EXTREME VOID.

I liked the game a lot, i don't know what happened to me but i simply lost motivation to play. This happened with many other games...

I quit Okami after defeating the nine tailed demon fox, 50 hours into the game.
I quit Final Fantasy VII in the Gold Saucer.
I quit Resident Evil 4 halfway through the game, i quit Silent Hill 3 and 4 without finishing too.

I don't know what's happening to me, a few years ago i could easily play a game no matter if it took 100 hours to beat it, i always loved jrpgs too, but recently, i feel my motivation fading away even if i like the game, all i can play are fighting or short adventure/puzzle games for 2 hours or so then i turn off the videogame and go do something else or procrastinate on 4chan/youtube.
I'm starting to get depressed because of this.

>> No.2473386

Perhaps you're becoming a casual gamer. I'm the same way lately, right down to short adventure and puzzle games. Fuck fighters though.

>> No.2473397

Those are classic signs of ADD/ADHD. Try getting a portable gaming system and head out into the woods or something.

>> No.2473417


I'm not a casual, i love very niche stuff like Koei grand strategy games for example, there was a thread a few days ago where i gave very detailed explanation on the mechanics of Genghis Khan II.

I just lost motivation, i can't finish anything i begin anymore. And this is not only in games, this is happening in real life too.

>> No.2473445

I had this problem when I got into emulation. Because I had so many roms, and it was so easy to flip around, I just went surface deep in a bunch of games.

I fixed it by playing with real games and hardware.

>> No.2473461
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>> No.2473482
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>> No.2473490

Bow or sword for Lenneth?

>> No.2473492

>And this is not only in games, this is happening in real life too.
Time to see a therapist, broseph, maybe even time for some antidepressants. Take care of yourself.

>> No.2473493

Bow is almost always better, until you get to the end and get the swords that let her use her level 3 specials

>> No.2473612
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>> No.2473631
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Oh boy here we go.

>> No.2473667

With rare exception, bow. She fucks up so much shit with bow.

>> No.2473769
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>> No.2473826 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2474059

I have never once been able to locate an undub for the original VP, only VP2.

>> No.2475012
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>> No.2475045
File: 450 KB, 1000x750, Best Valk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Ahly now

>> No.2475175
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x1600, 1366552121608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Alicia you faggots.

>> No.2475181

Thunder Thighs isn't retro you gigantic faggot.

>> No.2475194

Silmeria appears in VP1, so I guess it's okay?

>> No.2475197

I dare you to make a VP thread on /v/ during E3.

>> No.2475216

There's been a fiew VP threads lately and I've never played it

I think this is what I'm gonna play next, but is there any reason I need to play the PSX version instead of the PSP version? The PSP has an undub and... well, I've seen some youtube videos of what the voicework is like in the PSX version and no thank you to that

>> No.2475230


From what I've heard the psp version was a port of the japanese version, which had more bugs.

I'm not sure if that's true though.

>> No.2475243

Eh, I guess.
>Making threads on /v/ to begin with
As one who played both on their native hardware, PSX version has an "extra" sort options for your inventory and anime cutscenes with QUALITY, PSP has uncanny valley CG cutscenes and a slightly cropped battle camera which could be a minor problem if you fight certain enemies with a few characters because they'll end up acting off screen, though it's really minor as only 1 or two monsters you'll meet have the potential to screw up your combos with only a few characters that have weird hitboxes like Jin, though PSP version can be found with an Undub patch.
Play the english version anyway or you'll never understand a lot of the funny jokes and memes in VP threads.

>> No.2475305

Thanks for the reply, but
>Play the english version anyway
No. Since the only real undub video that exists is apparently the ending, I watched the first few dialogue boxes in both japanese and english, and wtf is Loki's english voice? Also watched parts of special attack exhibition and I cannot fucking stand the english voices. I think I would actually refrain from using special attacks if they were in english

Thanks for letting me know that the only real difference is a "sort" option, though. I can do without understanding references.

>> No.2475307

I hope not, I downloaded the japanese ISOs for VP's disks and it'd suck if it had more bugs.

>> No.2475343

got this from gamefaqs
psp vs ps1

-New CGI movies
-Much cheaper
-Game looks blurry at times, due to widescreen
-Cannot sort items
-Cannot switch characters in the menus using L/R
-Cannot change equipment of inactive party members
-Lenneth's skills are removed when changing equipment
-PWSs are glitchy

>> No.2475389

The irony is that the voice actresses for Lenneth and Hrist also play each other's counterparts in the Ah My Goddess anime. It's like sex to your ears.

>> No.2475391

Eeeh, sounds like I should just stick with the english version. Well, that sucks, I usually prefer to stick with the original versions of stories.

>> No.2475416
File: 148 KB, 378x433, Sad Einherjar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out Anon, really.

By the way, do keep Belenus once you get him, he's even better than Arngrim as a sword user and his Jap voice is amazing, the game sorta tells you to send him to Valhalla but he's probably the top tier sword user in the game even though is PWS is kinda boring.

>> No.2475432


Lucian is better than belenus with his glitchy shinning bolt, but you have to send him up I guess.

Actually they try to make you send them a lot of the good characters and keep the shitty or subpar ones

>> No.2475437

>but you have to send him up I guess.
That's precisely why Belenus is better, you have to send Lucian up if you want the best ending.
>Actually they try to make you send them a lot of the good characters and keep the shitty or subpar ones
Of course, it's shitty Uncle Odin we're talking about and he's a Char too.

>> No.2476987
File: 339 KB, 710x508, 1366550894319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Odin was the bad guy all along

>> No.2477014
File: 36 KB, 314x332, I seriously hope you einherjars don't do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trusting gods
>Trusting half-elves gods

>> No.2477016

>implying odin was half-elf

>> No.2477017
File: 561 KB, 800x600, Lezard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was though.
Koyasu would never lie to me.

>> No.2477020
File: 62 KB, 550x389, 1366551765360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Odin was a full elf. Lenneth was reborn as half elf and surpassed Odin. Do you even homunculus?

>> No.2477023

>No, Odin was a full elf.
I might remember this wrong but I was quite sure Lezard said he was a half elf.
>Do you even homunculus?
I'm not into lolis so no.

>> No.2477027

The lore is that the gods are immortal and humans are mortal, and the gods rule over humans.

But a combination of god + human (= half) will produce an even superior being, which Lenneth eventually became at the end of VP1.

>> No.2477035

I think her boobs are in the way of her reading.

>> No.2477037

How would you know? You know nothing about boobs.

>> No.2477038

Belanus is good but

Valkyrie is a better sword user, and Lucian too really, his special isn't as good but the combo hits increase the damage of other specials.
Lawfer does literally everything Belanus does but better
Arngrim can use great swords and has a lot more strength potential, making him the best frontliner (highest damage potential in the game on PWS with the strongest great sword)
and your last slot is always gonna go to a Mage or an archer rather than another sword guy

By all means you can use him, he's solid in all ways, great combo, great special, there's just no reason to.

>> No.2477053

I know, but I'm quite sure he says that Odin was a Half Elf, not a human.

Lezard himself said that Elves are superior bodies compared to humans and that's why they're fit to become vessels for the gods.
I'll replay the scene though, I should have a save file around that chapter somewhere.
>Valkyrie is a better sword user
Her combo is inferior to Belenus' and Nibelung Valesti is only superior to Void Extreme when you unlock the full form.
>Lawfer does literally everything Belanus does but better
Lawfer combo is crap compared to Belenus' and he doesn't have the stats to compare during the main game unless you pump him up with items like Golden eggs, and you can still get better results with a pumped up Belenus.
And if I want a Halberd user I'd get Aelia because her PWS hits everything instead of being single target.
>Arngrim can use great swords and has a lot more strength potential
Arngrim is utterly useless against small enemies due to his combo hitboxes, Belenus hits always anything without problems and has way more Guard Break chances than Arngrim due to having multiple hits in his combo.
Don't forget that Arngrim is also locked to Great Swords during the main game and they vary a lot in efficiency compared to normal swords, most of the times you'll either get weak Greats with full combo slots or bullshit high attack but only one attack slot meaning Arngrim can't charge up the PWS counter efficiently, break guards or even hitting enemies sometimes unless you fight big things, so he's relegated to PWS damage in which he does shine though, I remember he ate up more than half of Barbarossa's health bar with a last turn Final Blast.

The only big problem with Belenus is that his PWS only charges 30 points so it must be used only as a finisher, Arngrim is much better because he charges 80 points so he's good at any point in a combo thanks to his damage output.

As I said, he's in the top tier sword users, but Arngrim and Lucian are up there too.

>> No.2477319
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>> No.2477323

In this game, Odin is a Half Elf. I'm surprised people are trying to debate that, as it was said so many times.

>> No.2477341
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>> No.2477343
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>> No.2477353

Those are magnificent.

>> No.2477358
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>> No.2477361
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>> No.2477363
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Like Lenneth's performance

>> No.2477373
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>> No.2477389
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>> No.2477394
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Fuck off Carlos

>> No.2477398

motherfuck, my heart just skipped a beat

also i'd love to discuss covenant of the plume here since this thread has just the right crowd for that, but it's not retro.

>> No.2477401
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>> No.2477405
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>> No.2477408

they exist, actually two different ones even. just keep searching.

>> No.2477412

post link pls

>> No.2477419

not him, I can't find it either. Only the undub of the PSP port, which is inferior to the US version of the Playstation game.

>> No.2477426

honestly can't say where exactly it was, and my hdd that held my ISOs died last month (RIP suzuko-chan), but i'm fairly sure i found it through one of the sites linked in the emulation general wiki linked in the sticky.


venture forth

also where can i order waifu pics? /v/ has these drawag threads, right? i want a lenneth in casual clothing with a sweater and a long skirt playing PSP or something.

>> No.2477761
File: 1.49 MB, 800x1136, Lenneth.full.289233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lenneth in casual clothing

Kind of want

>> No.2477767
File: 173 KB, 800x1131, Lenneth.full.558561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2477778

You are confusing VP1 with VP2. VP1 undub for Playstation does not exist. The PSP port has an undub though.

>> No.2477831
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>> No.2477858
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>> No.2478005
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>> No.2478027

Hey I just started this game

I'm in the first dungeon, and I have no idea if I'm comboing correctly or not. I can get 5 hits with the 3, and I think I get 7 hits if Angela(Jalenta, whatever) gets an attack that turn also

I don't want to look up a guide, I just want to know if that's decent. Sometimes I"m only able to get 3 or 4 hits, so it makes me wonder if 5 is even the max amount. I had no idea the fighting would be like this, but I like it. I just want to know if I suck or not

>> No.2478078
File: 75 KB, 488x600, alicia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea but please take this Alicia instead.

>> No.2478286

Belanus and Lawfer get the same stats. All sword users and spear users get the same stats.

Valkyrie and Belanus' combos are identical, the only difference is the skill needed to pull the off. If you want to get technical Valkyrie breaks guards easier. Regardless of Extreme Void being a better finished than Valkyrie's level 2 sword PWS, it's energy gain is piss so it can only occupy the last slot, in which Lawfer performs better because Justice Stream is stronger. You can also give Valkyrie a bow and put her on the middle or front slot with her swordsman's stats, in which case she is always better than Belanus. Lawfer's combo does as much damage, and even if Belanus is a better juggler, he's not even remotely as close to as good as Lucian for that job.

Arngrim is better because he's a Greatsword user, and also because he's -the best- great sword user, which means he's almost always the best choice for a front row character unless you're in the seraphic gate with Brahms or something. Heavy Knights have much higher strength growth, twice as much starting DME, and gain more DME at level ups. That's why you put them on the front. A swordsman can't take their place and do the same job without a lot of Bracelet Juggling at level ups.

You get Lawfer immediately next chapter after Belanus on hard mode, so the best team always defaults to Arngrim, Valkyrie (bow), Lawfer, and basically any magician in the back. There's nothing wrong with Belanus, he simply has no niche which isn't taken up by someone better.

He's good on normal mode because you don't get Lawfer, and that's about it.

>> No.2478296

if you dig around in the menus you can find the screen that lets you rearrange your combos (only possible when your weapon allows multiple attacks), this screen lists how many hits each attack is supposed to do. If you get all the hits landed that are listed there, you're doing good.

What you should try to do is get in the habit of timing your attacks so that you hit the enemies in mid air to knock out crystals and treasures and stuff.

>> No.2478302

Everytime I see someone post about this game they go:
>Easy is harder
>Gotta play the game twice

If I just play normal, ONE TIME and then be done with it how is it going to be?

My backlog is pretty big. I'm not opposed to replays if I really enjoy it but I'm actively working through it all and its no joke.

>> No.2478321

if you're gonna play it just once you should do it on hard mode and skim a guide, or just read an ending guide.

>> No.2479128
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>> No.2479137
File: 1.29 MB, 700x1480, Lenneth.full.285996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2479226

Lezard did nothing wrong.

>> No.2479246


What are the differences between easy normal and hard? I dont really care about endings all that much because if I really care I can just youtube it.

>> No.2479273

On easy you get easier dungeons (with crappier loot) and you get more experience, but you have the same final dungeon as the normal ending on normal mode, which means finishing actually ends up being harder than if you got all the good stuff you could get on normal and hard

Normal you get some hard dungeons, but not really any of the hardest ones. I think there are about 8 very hard puzzle focused dungeons that you don't gain access to, but I'm probably wrong and it might only be 4 or 6. Characters start with a certain amount of experience levels, and you don't gain access to all of them (example, Lawfer is a super good character only available on hard mode).

On Hard mode, you gain access to all the characters, all the hardest dungeons, and therefor all the best loot. All your recruited characters start at level 1. However, there are (a few) pieces of equipment that you can get on all modes that do things at level up. Notably, there is the Emerald Necklace (100 extra Capacity points at level up to buy skills with) and the Bracelet of Zoe (increases DME, that is, this games version of HP when you level up) and this ends up being quite significant. All that extra HP means that things that would have killed you, won't, and since healing works by % (heal spell heals entire party by 80%), your survival chances skyrocket. Even if you don't mess around with bracelets and necklaces, having the better equipment that you can get on hard mode makes finishing either of the actual endings much easier. (one of the three endings is just, you fucked up, so your boss kills you, and it doesn't really count since it's a no-win scenario)

>> No.2479747

Anon should have mentioned that in hard mode, you're forced to give up one of the best/broken characters in the game to achieve the best ending. You can still play hard mode and go for the regular ending though odds are, you will get that ending if you don't use a guide. How did people figure out how to get the best ending before mass Internet access?

>> No.2479756


I'm pretty sure freya tells you that but it's really easy to miss, I only figured it out halfway through the game.

>> No.2479759

also weapons from the shop will not break

>> No.2479771

How in the world did you miss that? The only thing I found out late in game was what Great Magic PWS and only certain weapons allow for them.

>> No.2479773

I'm not very bright :(

>> No.2479918
File: 583 KB, 2097x1000, Konachan.com - 173382 alcd armor black_hair blonde_hair blue blue_hair dress flowers hrist long_hair night petals silmeria sky stars sword valkyrie_profile weapon - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only game that's ever made me cry. Goddamnit.

>> No.2480015

How exactly did Platina die but Lucio didn't?

>> No.2480063

You have to do that in Normal mode too.

The requirements for the A ending in both Normal and Hard are the same.

>> No.2480067

she was weak to begin with and was lower to the ground

>> No.2480071

you can also access it at any save point

>> No.2480342


>> No.2482471

>explore Cave of Oblivion
>completely empty

>> No.2482509

art imitates life

>> No.2482525

At least now I know I'm not crazy for never being able to find a VP1 undub.

>> No.2482662

I so fucking hated Caves of Oblivion for this reason.

>> No.2483232

So, did anyone figure out how to get the A ending on their own?

I mean I played the shit out of this game back in day without internets and guides and while I got the idea that Lucian was a important character that you must sent to Valhalla I never figured out anything else no matter how much I tried.

>> No.2483243

Valesti comes from valere, to be worth. So NV is just another crazy nipshit attack name like CHERRY BLOSSOM IN WINTER ATTACK or something

>> No.2483250 [DELETED] 

it doesn't, that conjugation doesn't exist in latin
it's just misspelled velocity

>> No.2483351


>Dark Warriors


She said "my noble einherjar" bruh

>> No.2483367
File: 241 KB, 650x867, 1403123253150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2483452

No. I got the B ending at first, as did everyone else.

>> No.2483551

Dear god, I'm glad I'm playing the undub

begin @1:35

>> No.2484061

Damn I LOVE to force Valkyrie Profile down the throat of every goddamn feminist who says old games never have a strong female protagonist

>> No.2484094 [SPOILER] 
File: 404 KB, 1024x768, 1434829895178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just don't ever listen to a feminist. If you enter an argument with one, you've already lost. Pretend like they're a child, and not even one you like. Seriously, art produced by feminists is just clits and vaginas. It's the equivalent of a guy drawing dicks on everything or sculpting one out of stone. And it's funny because EVERY feminist artist does this shit. It isn't one or two of them, it's all of them. They go around shouting rape-oppression by the patriarchy while they literally put their own god damn pussy on a fucking pedestal.

>> No.2484337

>age 23

It's funny because the voice actress is almost 50 now and still sounds like a little girl.

>> No.2484757


Get Crimson Spears via Creation Gem for Lawfer and Aelia and steamroll most of the game.

>> No.2487421

Your sins lay heavy upon you defiler of souls.

>> No.2487485


Rape is our only weapon against them. That's why they try to take it away from us.

>> No.2487534
