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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2470265 No.2470265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no classic Amiibo from retro Nintendo games?

It's only Smash or Mario.

>> No.2470270

Because Nintendo only makes Amiibo for new games.

Now if they made say a Balloon Fight and that Amiibo unlocked the Balloon Fight game for 3DS or WiiU that would be a good idea.

>> No.2470354

Aren't Duck Hunt and Dr. Mario "retro Nintendo games" lad? You've also got Bowser's clown thingy from SMW, R.O.B. and Mr. G&W.

>> No.2470360

Yes but I think OP is saying they are only basing Amiibo on new games. Like Smash has this characters so they feel the need to make them.

>> No.2470387

Because anyone who actually played the old games know what beanie babies are.

>> No.2470392

I still have mine in a box.

Looking to sell beanie babies

>> No.2470398

You're joking but that same shit is happening with amiibos.
I get offered amiibos as trades so many time on craigslist...

>> No.2470403

I actually do have beanie babies and if anyone actually wanted to buy them I'd leap at the chance.

>> No.2470404

You and about a million other people with brand new beanie babies.

>> No.2470436

I actually do want a Ness amiibo because I'm a big Earthbound fan, but fuck paying $38 for one.

>> No.2470512

They are something like $13. What country do you live in where they cost that much?

>> No.2470514

The states. But I mean is they've all already been bought up by resellers.

>> No.2470518

Only in 3rd world are they cheap. Nobody in 3rd world has ever really bought Nintendo stuff.

>> No.2470531


What? Please explain.

>> No.2470541

People realize there's an amiibo craze. They do what they can to buy up the stock and then resell them at many times the price because retailer stock was too low so stores don't have any.

>> No.2470545

I don't know what the hell these things are and I absolutely refuse to learn

If anybody tries to explain, I will just tldr; it

I choose to be ignorant and you will not break my resolve


>> No.2470559

Just go to the game isle of any store - ANY store - that sells games. You'll learn. You you'll learn. Video games aren't about games anymore. They're about Skylanders, Amiibos, and Disney Infinite.

>> No.2470589
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Who gives a shit about overpriced toys that work on two games aimed at people with OCD that have to collect everything?
Also, not retro.

>> No.2470636

>Virtual Console Amiibo

boom. fucking over, Nintendo would win.

>> No.2470661
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Precedent states otherwise.

>> No.2470680

What functionality do you propose they have

>> No.2470686

I'll trade my Ness amiibo for retro vidya

>> No.2470798

Wait, I see them all the time at GameStop, Targets etc etc and they are always $13. Why are people selling them for more and why are people buying them for more than MSRP?

>> No.2470896
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Ask and you shall receive.

Here's 8-bit Mario.

>> No.2470912

Because it's a dumb little speculation bubble that Nintendo created with limited runs of popular characters.

>> No.2470917

Because Amiibo are meant to have functionality with new games. They're not gonna release say, a set of Clu Clu Land amiibos because there's no new game for them to work with or a demand for the character.
Because basically everything that isn't Mario or Zelda related, or one of the original Smash 12 are fucking horribly stocked in the US and what little we're getting is immediately snapped up by insane collectors and scalpers. It's driving the price up online, which for most of these characters is the only way to find them. None of the stores near me have gotten anything new in since Wave 2 and they refuse to carry anything other than the basic Mario/Zelda/Pokemon stuff which shelfwarms hardcore.

>> No.2470947

does /toy/ talk about these things?

>> No.2470956

Shit, so there are AC amiibos instead of those dumb e-reader esque cards? Fuck, there goes more of my money.

>No Sable

Unforgivable to the highest degree.

>> No.2470962

The cards are a cheap alternative for the actual figures, same functionality but cheaper and probably easier to find. That and it's more cost effective to pack in a set of cards with a 3DS game than a box of figures.

Also there's no way in hell that's all the Animal Crossing Figures, it's more than likely just the first wave, expect to see the other shop keepers and villagers coming later.
/toy/ has a nintendo general that's about 70% Amiibo discussion at this point.

>> No.2470967

Well hopefully by next gen these amiibos will be dumped and you can get them for a couple bucks each.

>> No.2471003

So, that's why people ITT are calling them Beanie Babies? How has Nintendo not made equal amounts of all figures? How many of them are "rare" and if Nintendo keeps making them how are they rare?
I don't collect Amiibo but if I did, I'd rather have the figures to display than stupid cards.

>> No.2471023

Amiibo = DLC for kids in the form of model figures, right?

>> No.2471036

That implies they actually have content.

They hardly do anything in game.

>> No.2471039

Yes, except nintendo is completely incompetent/shrewd at shipping them that certain ones are impossible to find for MSRP. If at all.

>> No.2471041

in splatoon you can unlock clothes and single player missions with the amiibos

>> No.2471051

Like which ones and why? Don't they keep making them? I'm new to this Amiibo thing and I'm curious why some or close to impossible to find.

>> No.2471065

>I don't collect Amiibo but if I did, I'd rather have the figures to display than stupid cards.
No shit, the Amiibo Cards were announced in reaction to people wanting the unlockable content but being unable to find physical figures. They're cards, so they'll be available in greater numbers and easier to find since they'll be sold in booster packs with multiples.

>> No.2471092

More plastic bullshit Nintendo fans buy up by the truckload, I assume.

>> No.2471150

>Only in 3rd world are they cheap.
lel I find tons and tons of amiibos in store and fairly cheap. I haven't bought one yet.

Because I'm also poor[/spoiler

>> No.2471151

>who gives a shit about collecting

>> No.2471164


everytime I pop in to Target they have 20 copies of the same 3 amiibos hanging on the peghooks.

I personally wouldn't pay more than MSRP for them, but if you've got the money to blow on these things, then god bless and enjoy.

>> No.2471168

Someone please explain amiibo to me. Why are they popular and what do they do.

>> No.2471185

They are basically like Skylanders or Disney Infinity figurines. Certain Amiibos do certain things with certain games when you scan them on the Wii U gamepad. They are popular because Nintendo is just now realizing that people will buy shit with their characters on it that aren't games. They also don't make enough of the damn things so people who don't even want them are buying them just to resell them.

>> No.2471189

I got one on Amiami when they got restocked, thanks /toy/.

>> No.2471196

I'm looking at that site and yet I don't know what the hell I'm looking at...

>> No.2471225

Why don't they make enough of the rare ones or at least keep making them? If everyone wants Ness, why not make more?

Also, I'm reading a ton of them are store exclusives? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

>> No.2471230

>Why don't they make enough of the rare ones or at least keep making them?

Because, for many people, the fact that they're difficult to come by is the only reason they're buying them. Controlling the supply in this fashion increases demand by a ridiculous amount. If every single figure were readily available nobody would care. With stock being so low, though, people want what they may not be able to have. It's a stupid mindset but you'd be surprised how many people fall for it.

>> No.2471238

So you're telling me maybe 40% of the buyers may be scalpers? What percentage are kids aka the target audience.

>> No.2471261

That shit was pretty unreliable though.

>> No.2471262

Collector's merch never goes to kids unless they have amazingly rich and/or persistent parents. Otherwise its neckbears buying them up. Like those limited edition Majoras Mask 3DS were already all sold out before they were even released. How many of those things do you think ended up in a 9 year-old's hands?

>> No.2471273
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>> No.2472096

collecting games. shitty overpriced toys for kids and retards don't apply here, weeaboo.

>> No.2472106

>shitty overpriced toys for kids and retards
So... video games?

>> No.2472929

I think the "rare" ones are simply rare by popularity. Like I know Fox is in high demand because all the furries want him.