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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2466728 No.2466728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unpopular opinions. Post opinions, ask anons why, etc. I'll start.

I think Battletoads is a bad game.

>> No.2466735

Earthbound is trash, and not because "uh im going to be cool and go along with all the other cool people saying it's trash," it actually lacks many rpg elements and is too linear.

I think OOT wasn't as good as Majora's Mask.

Using maps(outside of the game) for games ruins the fun.

>> No.2466741
File: 96 KB, 400x575, snatcher-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring gameplay like Sunset Riders Minigame on Easy Mode.
Keep hitting look and investigate until random event triggers.
Puzzles are obvious and less interaction than a point and click adventure game.
Story is a bad ripoff of Blade Runner and Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Music is about 10 seconds long per area and repeats endlessly
Still pictures that have less movement to them than a cheap anime.
Literally repeats exactly what happened last three times many times throughout the game. (A bomb? A bomb! Oh no, a bomb!!)
100% the game in an afternoon
No replay value
Ermagerd Kojima and Mark II 10/10

>> No.2466752

That criticism only really holds true if your main requirement for an RPG is that it's addictive and it distracts you from reality.

The sort of gaming elements in more expansive, non-linear RPGs that have engrossing mechanics are much the same as what keeps people in a casino all day long. If the criticism were that the narrative lacks player agency and variability, well that's not really the kind of criticism to levy against a SNES game from the 90s, and certainly not when it's probably the least guilty of telling a shitty story.

>> No.2466756

Resellers are keeping retro gaming and collecting alive.

>> No.2466758

I think Mario 64 is boring as hell and would rather play any other the 2D ones.

>> No.2466765

I think [popular game] is shit and [obscure game] is clearly superior.

>> No.2466769

you could just emulate and not waste so much money and energy on such nonsense. We march ceaselessly towards the heat-death of the universe and you think such inefficiency is acceptable.

>> No.2466817


Not much we can do about the heat death anyways though. Might as well use some energy to play original retro vidya.

>> No.2466823

You're a fucking faggot, the only reason [popular game] gets bashed is because an e-celeb did a video about it it, and [obscure game] is a shitpile, *tips fedora* you hipster tryhard, >>>/v/ with the other kiddies

Yes I'm fucking mad

>not wanting to destroy the universe
And get a load of this moralfag

>> No.2466892

Bought Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 for one dollar each at the flea market.

Can't stand playing any FF game because they are boring and the gameplay sucks.

>> No.2466921

/vr is full of mature intelligent people who don't start an "Unpopular Opinions" thread at least once a week.

>> No.2466941

FF7 is one of the most overrated games ever and its fanbase are cancer.

I remember coming from playing PC RPGs, had heard this game was a "life changing experience" I'm not shitting you... ohhh was I in for something special... not. The story and the characters are cool and they bring everything together and make it worthwhile, I'll give it that. Only reason I finished it was becuase of that, never picked it up again.

>> No.2466951

Complaining about fanbases in general is just as stupid as the fanbases themselves. Of course fans attached to a certain work will be more vocal about their opinions regarding it, since they're very enthusiastic about what they liked. Hell, discussing about fanbases is stupid in general. What matters is what the fans have to say about the work and how they'll defend it. I don't care about their "collective opinion".

>> No.2466953

I do not like collect-a-thons platformers.

>> No.2466954

Everyone could pirate everything, whats your point?

>> No.2466957

A few days ago I tried replaying DK64 since I loved it as a child, and honestly I was disappointed because /vr/ wasn't lying when it said the game really abuses collect-a-thons. Then I looked at metacritic and almost everyone was praising the game relentlessly aside of two guys, one of them actually writing a proper criticism, yet he was downvoted by almost everyone. It really weirds me out because I can understand liking it back when it was released, but nowadays? Isn't it obvious the game aged really badly? Why do people like collect-a-thons so much?

>> No.2467035

I agree whole heartedly, but those couple of things just make me can't stand it.

>> No.2467048

The Beetles are the most overrated musical act in history.

>> No.2467052

The PS1 is overrated.

>> No.2467062

Well the story and characters are probably the whole reason why it's so highly regarded.

The materia system is nifty though.

>> No.2467069

>Earthbound is trash, and not because "uh im going to be cool and go along with all the other cool people saying it's trash," it actually lacks many rpg elements and is too linear.
I wish someone would screencap Icycalm's review soon.

>> No.2467071

Who are they, a Beatles cover band?

>> No.2467081

Secret of Evermore was absolute shit.

>> No.2467084

>tfw I agree with almost all of these
>except while I find RPG's for the most part boring now (I've fallen asleep playing Legend of Legiaa, Breath of Fire 3, and Legend of Dragoon multiple times), they aren't terrible. The Final Fantasies are probably some of the best because they actually have a really great exp curve and the systems are setup so you can make yourself powerful wtih fairly minimal input. Unlike the other games, which require a shitload of grinding.

>> No.2467110

The SNES and Genesis are both mediocre

>> No.2467115

Scaruffi pls go

>> No.2467205

This is not an unpopular opinion.

>> No.2467560

they should and people that don't are mildly retarded.

>> No.2467582

There's been "Unpopular Opinions" threads here since the board started,

>> No.2467586

If EVERYBODY pirated everything, nothing of would ever get made. I don't even have a problem with piracy, and especially not in the case of old games (they're not even selling them anymore half the time so what's the problem?), but if everybody pirated everything all the time there'd be no incentive to make anything. Be realistic.

>> No.2467594

It's just nostalgia and people not being able to accept negativity towards anything they like.
Most people just judge a game on if they find it fun to play, they don't see how it's blatantly designed to bullshit around and waste your time. Collecting things is liked because of constant rewards, it feels good.

>> No.2467598

I'm not sure you're following. If EVERYONE, had very cheap, unlimited access to all media, then we would simply need -different- incentives to make it, and that is by far what these industries need more than anything else right now.

We have all the music we want on youtube and vevo and soundcloud, movies, television, games, and literature simply need to follow the same model, or a better, evolved version of that model.

We SHOULD pirate everything because pirating should fundamentally be unnecessary.

>> No.2467602

Are we currently back on heat death theory, I thought we were on ice death now?

>> No.2467607

The ATB system sucks, and impairs my enjoyment of Final Fantasies IV through IX (although I'm still with the herd in considering some of those games amonst the best ever made).
I can see why it might have seemed like a good decision at the time to blend turn-based and real-time combat, but it really just takes the worst of both worlds. The handful of boss fights where it was actually implemented reasonably well and worked in the games' favour just make me wonder why they were the exception and not the rule. FFX's return to true turn-based was a breath of fresh air.

>> No.2467609


anon how are they not the same thing

>> No.2467623

It seems like some game companies are wanting to go down the "online game streaming" route. I actually think it's a terrible idea because it removes any semblance of ownership of the games we play (not that companies want us to own it, anyway). If a company decides it's no longer profitable to host a game that's exclusive to their streaming service, and takes it down, that's it, that game will never be played again.

This new, online model that entertainment is taking seems to give even more power to the large companies and will be an archivists nightmare. I get the feeling that the /vr/ of 20-30 years in the future won't be playing some of today's games, since they'll be impossible to play by then. Like Diablo 3, where a major portion of the game's code lies serverside and refuses to function without being connected to the server.

I know I'm just having a bit of an off-topic rant, but I feel like if games start to adopt a model similar to that of Soundcloud and Youtube, we can expect to see more even games in the future that are tied to online services and will be rendered unplayable in a couple decades.

>> No.2467626

Adding the active component to Chrono Cross' battles really fucks them up

thankfully you can turn it off but otherwise it just turns into save, die, reload, don't die type bullshit

>> No.2467636

Not an opinion, but I want to say it:

I never played any Final Fantasy or any Mario. And I played a lot of games.

>> No.2467637

actually wouldn't that make it easier for third party developers and indie developers with less financial clout to make successful products?

at any rate, games have always existed as digital data to be interpreted, there's no reason that you shouldn't still download them, in which case you can copy them to an archive, and in fact, it should be even easier to progressively archive such things, and companies would benefit from doing so for the sake of re-releasing their own content for more profits

even if you have a hard copy of a game now, eventually that too will degrade and become unusable as the plastic decomposes and the metals oxidize

though future generations aren't what I'm worried about, but rather the environment in which games have to be developed right now

>> No.2467648

>ownership of the games we play
Except we have never owned those games, Anon-kun. Whether it's a cartridge or digital download, when we buy a game we're really purchasing a license to play it. When we buy and sell used games, it's a transfer of that license.

>> No.2467662

I know that. What I'm getting at is like, while we may not technically be allowed to, we're still capable of, say, copying a disc or a cartridge, or making a crack for a Steam game.

The issue is when you get games that require you to be online to play. Now many of them currently merely authenticate with a server and can be cracked to run offline. Others, like the aforementioned Diablo 3, are actually made so that a good deal of the processing is done serverside. The game you install doesn't contain all of the code, a lot of it is on the server. This means there's no way of cracking it, and it means when Blizzard decides to switch off the servers in 20 years time, Diablo 3 will die forever.

This is a board where we play old games, and thankfully it's really easy to play many old games today. Finding an emulator and ROMs takes minutes. As "always-online" games become more prolific, I feel like in a couple decades nobody will be able to play today's games, legally or otherwise, which is a shame.

>> No.2467669

/vr/ can into reading comprehension