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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2454064 No.2454064 [Reply] [Original]

Any love for this old thing?
Got the gog version a week ago and have been playing it off and on.
Got to the first secret level today.

This was the first game I ever played, and I'm elated to see that it's still just as fun today.
I never got past the fourth level as a kid because the monster closets and green lifters scared the shit outta me.

Now that I'm replaying it in earnest, I'm rather impressed with level design and bot intelligence.
So many times I've been surprised by a bot I've yelled outloud.

So, Descent discussion.

>> No.2454097

Alright folks now keep the discussion decent in this thread, let's not let it get out of hand.

>> No.2454435

Descent is good shit; the enemy targeting and evasion is bretty gud, especially at higher levels. It really forces you to use the vulcan cannon at times, both for energy conservation and for immediate damage.

I tend to play with a dual shock or similar controller nowadays. Mad comfy.

>> No.2454457

>dual shock
Does it work well? I sometimes get an itch to play it again but I can't find a control setup that makes me as happy as back when I was a kid. My laptop has no numpad and I don't have enough space for a joystick without having to move a bunch of shit on my desk around everytime I want to play something.

>> No.2454526


I've found it does well for D2X and the Homebrew Wii port, and even digital-only on the PSX port back in the day. It's been awhile though; I know the classic controller is a little tougher to squeeze everything on there since you're missing L/R3. I keep the left stick as pitch/roll, but it can take some fiddling for where/how you want slide/yaw placed. You also have to debate where you want your fire controls. I prefer the triggers, but maybe you want them up on your face buttons. D-Pad usually ends up being utility. Try it out. I'm probably making it sound more complicated than it really is.

>> No.2454546

I like the game. Get a bit motion sick playing it though, and it's one of the only videogames that does that to me.

>> No.2455305

>want to continue playing
>remember drillers
>will to play eradicated
every time this game is mentioned

>> No.2455321


Fun fact: there's a dungeon crawler using the Descent (or Descent 2?) engine. It's called Descent to Undermountain, and it's average but still fun.

>> No.2455335

Had some fun with the first game but I couldn't get into the sequel; I can't git gud enough to handle those damn thief bots.

>> No.2458036

>buying retro games on GoG


I can understand buying physical copies of things, but if you pay for a digital download of a 10+ year old game you're a moron.

>> No.2458427

My uncle had a CD with a demo version (I believe) along with Doom, Heretic, and one of the Warcraft games (I forgot which one). Good times.

Is getting this on Steam the best option?

>> No.2458501

Why's that?

Besides, on a personal note, the GOG version of Fallout 1,2, and Tactics is the only version that will run properly on my win7 box.

>> No.2458516

No, definitly buy from gog.

>no drm
>low prices
>easy instalation

>> No.2461267

Descent is way too good

>> No.2461585

I got a demo of this as a kid with a graphics card my dad purchased, but was too young to understand the game, and instead gravitated towards Descent: Freespace. This is definitely a series I want to give anther go at some point though.

>> No.2461607

If none of the things you would use GOG normally for appeal to you enough to give them money, keep in mind that they are also working towards bringing old game servers back online without any third party software needed. Now THAT is a service that a torrent can't provide.

>> No.2462382

I just threw up OP.

>> No.2462410

I never even heard of GOG until now. I might check it out. Thanks.

>> No.2462560

I fucking love GOG.
Shine on you glorious bastards.

>> No.2462562

Also, They will give you a free copy of any game from the stalker series drm free since the gsc verification servers are no longer online.
All you have to do is enter your cd key.

I got about 5 free games from them this weekend

>> No.2462565

I just got the game myself this weekend.

I had heard about it for a while but I just now got it.

All I can say is that the graphics, music, and gameplay are amazing so far.

It's funny, I watched the Fallout 4 trailer and thought the graphics were okay, but Descent has me giggling like a little kid!

>> No.2462972


It's a pretty damn good game, also it's worth mentioning that this game was released back in 1994/95 (depending on where you lived) and really was way ahead of its time. No other game actually had polygon based enemies as far as I can remember. This was a full 3D game back in a 2.5D market. They got so much right in this game, the level design, the enemy AI, the weaponry (although spreadfire was rendered completely obsolete past level 5) was fairly well balanced and the music was pretty sweet.

>> No.2464949

It's still one of the greatest games ever made.

Just remember than you can shoot around corners.

You will need to learn to use this technique a lot if you're playing on anything other than the bottom two skill levels, on levels that start to include Drillers and Red Hulks.

Also - Don't save scum.
The game is extremely generous with extra lives. Just accept your death and recover your items.

>> No.2465132

bro that was the lamest attempt at a pun I've ever seen

>> No.2467327

Descent is what trained my hands to glide over the keyboard and use my fingers in ways that make women see God.

>> No.2468084

I didn't buy it, I torrented it. The gog version has some shit so that it doesn't run at an unplayable 80 fps.

It's not like I could the box copy I had, that is on floppies.

I was so scared to finish levels because of the reactor, it was a few years before I realized it was a shareware disk.
My dad had gotten it from a claw machine at a waffle house.
Apparently it had other games in there (presumably shareware) but I was too young to remember that.
I wonder if I would be any different if instead he got, like, a lucas arts adventure game or something

>> No.2468093

I picked up Freespace 2 since it seemed like the Descent series game that appealed to me most and I had a good time so far.

>> No.2468102

Freespace and Descent are quite different. The only reason it was called Descent: Freespace, was the use of the same engine. It was renamed to Conflict: later, because they realized the engine name makes no sense there. Freespace 1 and 2 ARE excellent games though. Just not very representative of Descent.

>> No.2468104

Ah, gotcha. Yeah I wasn't really sure if Freespace was relevant to this thread or not.

>> No.2469767

never heard of it before, it looks amazing looking at it thanks OP

>> No.2469797

You seriously missed out. The game is the ultimate first person freedom, way ahead of its time, and maybe even a little too far ahead of its players. There's a reason it's not been done again. But it's definitely worth a try, just to see what it's like when 3D controls are pushed to their natural limit.
It takes some serious work to manage its controls, but oh is it worth it. The level design is creative. The enemy AI is superb. You can see them actually dodging your bullets, you can see them running away or sneaking up on you. This was 1994, mind you. The direct competition was raycasters like Duke Nukem 3D, Quake was still in the works.
I played it on keyboard at first, but my best experience with the game was using a Sidewinder 3D Pro, though any 3D joystick may do. You can map all the controls on that stick, and it just feels so natural. Can't comment on a dual stick controller, I'm afraid.

If you should try the game, be sure to disable auto levelling. It does not help much, and will occasionally make levels harder. Also, be prepared for some serious brain teasers. The auto map is occasionally difficult to read, and the devs had mad fun to challenge your spatial awareness.

>> No.2469807

1995, before anybody picks on it. Regardless, check the shooter landscape of these years. Descent stood out.