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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2449769 No.2449769 [Reply] [Original]

Keep it Retro

>> No.2449776

Fav game for fun: any textbased bbs games
Fav game for story/atmosphere: Doom
Fav game soundtrack:MUSHA
Fav controller: Keyboard + Mouse/Genesis
Near Perfect Game: Police Quest
Favorite Male Character: Rockman
Favorite Female Character: Roll
First Video game: Quake

>> No.2449787
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Op's choices

>> No.2449819
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>> No.2449827


fuck yes

>> No.2450015
File: 1.08 MB, 1673x1217, retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2450020

This is gonna be hard because my favorite characters aren't retro

>> No.2450024

go away neckbeard

>> No.2450070
File: 1.01 MB, 1673x1217, um here mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I'm done Mrs. Anon. Can I go to the playground now?

>> No.2450278
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>> No.2450326

but anon.

>> No.2450398
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>> No.2450419
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r8 no h8

>> No.2450428

I seriously prefer OoT to Majora's Mask, just because it does feel more like a traditional Zelda game and I actually like that in spite of being able to admit Majora's Mask had a more gripping story/atmosphere.

I think the hate for OoT just stems from how much mainstream love it has. Considering that video games preference is subjective and opinions weigh heavily on what is considered the best, nobody wants to hear any game get so many votes for GOAT.

I think it's like trying to pick the greatest motion picture of all time. It just can't be done and it shouldn't be done. And since so many people are claiming OoT is the GOAT, of course that is going to piss a lot of people off.

Although, these days, you get just as many people claiming MM is the GOAT.

>> No.2450463
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x928, videoGameFavourites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stuck to the NES angle since it's my favourite console by a longshot, likewise its my most played console. There are a great deal of other games from other systems that I care for as well but this was more fun to think about.

Honorable mentions goes out to Final Fantasy and Excitebike. Had there been a favourite multiplayer section it would surely have gone to Bomberman II.

>> No.2450479
File: 669 KB, 1826x1184, 1433449374212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anons, this wasn't easy. but r8 or h8.

I like the way you did yous anon.

>> No.2450480

>base Super Mario RPG soundtrack
The boss themes alone are God tier

>> No.2450484

I almost went with Final Fantasy VI (or in my case it'd be III) over Chrono Trigger

And I can't hate on Duke

>> No.2450490
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>> No.2450503
File: 612 KB, 1673x1217, VIDEO GAME RETRO FAVOURITES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the exact same as my non-retro one except Fallout New Vegas is in place of Fallout 1.

>> No.2450508
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>> No.2450514



My nigga.

>> No.2450520
File: 10 KB, 252x270, Ash is skeptical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puzzle game that exists for the sole purpose of distraction/occupying time in a doctor's waiting room or while battling bowel obstruction
>perfect game

Might as well put Angry Birds and Sudoku as GOAT too

>> No.2450521

>I am 14 years old and Tetris is just a game for cell phones

>> No.2450526

Come back in 30 years when people still aren't playing angry birds.

>> No.2450537

>I am in my 30s and I never felt like investing time in stacking blocks like some autist

>> No.2450558

either your is bait or underage b&. no idea which one.

>> No.2450562 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2450563

Mercurial years don't count.

>> No.2450564

*either your post

>> No.2450567

Video games are supposed to be entertaining escapes - not just distractions.

I'd rather immerse myself in a story or atmosphere than waste my life trying to line up blocks.

Puzzle games are just boring and the only reason people sit and play them is because they have nothing better to do.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.2450574

People are still playing Tetris because they still have time they're trying to kill.

>> No.2450597

What do you think every arcade game ever made was for?

>> No.2450607

To make money.

>> No.2450614

Hell, even arcade games had a little immersion and story.

You're a frog trying to cross the street, you're a yellow head who wants to eat ghosts and fruit, you're stopping space invaders, etc.

What is there to immerse yourself in with Tetris?

Not a damn thing.

Tetris is on the same level as one of those Word Find puzzle books.

>> No.2450617

True, but people didn't play them to make money or get entrenched in story. It wasn't until Hollywood types realized they could make money that they got involved and turned the industry to shit.

>> No.2450618

You mean just like every other video game?

>> No.2450626

There was no immersion or story behind frogger pacman or space invaders. They were about twitch speed and skill. I'm sorry you would rather watch a movie than play a game.

>> No.2450629

No, most people actually play video games to be entertained and to immerse themselves in something they normally wouldn't do.

Tetris is just a distraction that everyone I knew only played on handheld consoles and now they only play it on their phone. Because it isn't something you sit down and play for hours if you have something else you can play or anything better to do.

Like watch grass grow.

>> No.2450630

>Tetris is on the same level as one of those Word Find puzzle books.
It's like you're not even a grandmaster.

>> No.2450632


Giving block stacking a lot of credit there

>> No.2450635

And people entertain themselves to kill time until they have something actually in their lives important come up.

>> No.2450638

>Hollywood types
That's really not the reason the industry is near death, Anon-kun. Get your history straight.

>> No.2450639

You fail to grasp the difference between being entertained and being distracted

>> No.2450642

Being entertained is a form of distraction.

>> No.2450649

By that logic, watching The Godfather is the same as chasing a laser pointer

>> No.2450653

To some chasing a laser pointer is better than The Godfather.

>> No.2450659
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Captcha is really getting me in the mood for some pizza.

>> No.2450662

Oh you.

Cats aren't people.

>> No.2450664
File: 746 KB, 2460x3496, 10 out of 10 game of the year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2450668

>Rondo of Blood

Do you know where you fucked up?

Nowhere, because Rondo of Blood is GOAT Castlevania

>> No.2450670
File: 2.36 MB, 1586x2462, MarioNSMBWii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this faggot here? He's a god damn plumber. To this day I have no idea why bowser keeps stealing a princess or why he has to jump on mushrooms and dodge man eating plants to save her. I genuinely don't care. Visual stimulation and pride in quick motor skills have always been the reason I play since day 1. If you need more reason, fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.2450674

Because Bowser wants to get his dick wet

And if you find Tetris visually stimulating then there is something very wrong

>> No.2450675

ITT: puzzle fags desperately trying to pretend their holy grail isn't boring hot garbage

>> No.2450680

It is visually stimulating in the sense that the game relies on you quickly analyzing upcoming pieces and the layout of what has already been built to make quick decisions.

No, it's just some faggot who doesn't understand the appeal of simple skill based gaming.

>> No.2450681

I don't think Tetris deserves any hate and people shouldn't treat it like it isn't a video game or anything like that. But I also don't think it should be put on this pedestal like it's one of the greatest games of all time. This is just the classic debate of people who think games should have plot versus people who prefer the simple story-less high-scoring classics like pacman and centipede

>> No.2450694
File: 1.03 MB, 1673x1217, Retro Favs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeky bostet.

Why the DC controller though?

>> No.2450696

Tetris to me is the perfect example of video game. It cannot be implemented in any other medium. It's simple and abstract. It's completely addictive. And there is no winning, only doing better. (Although I have come to appreciate Tetris Attack as the better game)

>> No.2450704

I understand that people can find things like this appealing. I understand that there must exist people who find something this boring to be appealing. I understand that there must exist people who find grass growing to be appealing. How else could they have sold so many goddamn Chia Pets? So I'm willing to at least concede that I understand how others might enjoy something so goddamn boring and monotonous.

>> No.2450706

God, what a fag.

>> No.2450708


>> No.2450718
File: 49 KB, 640x480, human tetris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It cannot be implemented in any other medium

>> No.2450728

This is how the 1% play Tetris

They also play Duck Hunt with humans too - and live ammo.

>> No.2450730

>And if you find Tetris visually stimulating then there is something very wrong
It is near the end. I also enjoy games like Super Puzzle Fighter if you need chibi capcom fighters lobbing hadoukens at each other for some reason. I just think tetris is more pure.

>> No.2450731

I like Dr. Mario is my response to that

>> No.2450737

Well somebody has very strong feelings about Chia Pets.

>> No.2450738

I enjoy a Dr. Mario too. I'm not suggesting puzzle games are the end all be all video games. They're just simple and clean like kairi's squeezebox

>> No.2450748

There was a time long ago when I was a boy and my mother rented a "Sonic" game for me and I wound up playing "Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine"

I made the best of that weekend actually.

>> No.2450759

Isn't that rebranded puyo puyo?

>> No.2450772

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.2450814
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>> No.2450829
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>> No.2450834

does the Adventure Island guy have a name? the PC engine music is great.

>> No.2450835

His name is Higgins, i think

>> No.2450841

I'm most certain that yoshi is a male. At least mainstream yoshi is, I guess hypothetically there could be a female yoshi too

>> No.2450848

Master Takahashi.

>> No.2450851
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>> No.2450912
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>> No.2450917
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>Fav Male
>Fav Female
>both Poison

I'm triggered as fuck.

>> No.2450920
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Sor could just as well have been soundtrack; PD could be atmo; Fallout could be near perfect.

>> No.2450923

After going through the thread I think I'd change SonSon to Jet Set Radio. Glad to see all the love for Majora's Mask too. Lot's of good taste here.


>> No.2450940

I'm still calling it Bruce.

>> No.2450943
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>> No.2450972
File: 371 KB, 1673x1217, Fucking JRPGs ruined muh life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda hard limiting the choices to one game in certain parts

>> No.2451005
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>> No.2451028
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Little samey some places, I just really like those games.

>> No.2451043
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Nobody picked HoMM for soundtrack? Are you mental?

>> No.2451063
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Cutting it close with the bottom left I think

>> No.2451065

>Female Character

>> No.2451094

Good pick for your soundtrack, son.

>> No.2451103

I know controller is not retro, but once I went with a dual shock 3 I could never go back

just think of it as a lighter ps1 controller

>> No.2451106
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forgot pic

>> No.2451112

Shadow of the colossus, albeit good, is not retro at all

>> No.2451114

>ff VII
holy shit, your taste is dreadful

>> No.2451115
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I fail to see what you are getting at.

>> No.2451189
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>> No.2451221

It's pretty fun to go through each image in this thread and imagine what the children of each favourite male and female would look like.

It sure makes Samus look very promiscuous, since she's in about half of them.

>> No.2451223
File: 1.21 MB, 1746x1290, Retro Video Game FavoUrites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big fan of the Are Pee Geez.

>> No.2451249
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>> No.2451292

>tfw never noticed the controller in the background
Damn, I need to pay more attention to the background. How could I miss that?

>> No.2451326
File: 39 KB, 512x448, controllers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a bunch of controllers in the game. There's that one in K.Rool Duel, one in Cranky's Museum and the game select screen has loads.
The controller colors match the region as well, which is pretty cool.

>> No.2451363
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>> No.2451821
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Yes, I know that's cheating a bit, but I coudln't think of any male character I really got hyped about.

>> No.2452220
File: 1.90 MB, 1673x1217, kbm for fpsstgrts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2452274

Since when was Transbot a cartridge?

>> No.2452340
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>> No.2452360

Fuck this cancerous "search and paste pictures" template bullshit.

FUN: Doom
Atmosphere (fuck story): Doom
Sountrack: Doom
Controller: Mouse+KB
Near perfect: Doom
Male: Doomguy
Female: Samus? Maybe?
First: Pong, because that's all I had in the 70s...

>> No.2452365

love this

>> No.2452370

great pick for female favorite

>> No.2452373

>Game for Fun
Super Mario Bros. 3
>Near Perfect Game
Super Mario Bros. 3
>Male Character
>Female Character
Dixie Kong
>First Game
Yoshi's Island

>> No.2452910

>favorite male

>> No.2452956
File: 977 KB, 1500x970, sega-transbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always known it as a cartridge.

>> No.2453023

>Definitely not a Transformer

>> No.2453050
File: 641 KB, 1673x1217, rrrrsorta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2453064

That's really fucked up.

>> No.2453083
File: 1.18 MB, 1673x1217, 1433449374212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a thing!

i was torn between jill of the jungle and lexicross roboslut for favourite girl.

also, i was DAMN tempted to use Nathan Zachary for favourite male, but ive only recently discovered crimson skies and Descent is my jam.

>> No.2453085

and true!

>> No.2453094

you fugged up your favorite character genders

>> No.2453107
File: 608 KB, 800x907, sega-mark-iii-astro-flash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was released as a Transformers game in the US IIRC.
But yeah, western covers were kinda retarded most of the time, specially when you compare them to the originals (pic related, it's the japanese version of Transbot aka Astro Flash).

>> No.2453108
File: 486 KB, 1673x1217, pc fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2453110


i listened to this damn song over 25 times when i found it on the disc.


>> No.2453118

>Well it was released as a Transformers game in the US IIRC.
Actually, nevermind that. I think I'e mixed it up with something else.

>> No.2453125

Top-notch Lombardo-Disco, right there.

>> No.2453127
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 1431518962225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.2453135

>favorite turtle
>not michelangelo

>> No.2453156
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>> No.2453256

check your privilege cis scum

>> No.2453337
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>> No.2453358
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>Game for Fun
Street Fighter 2 Turbo/Contra
Super Metroid
DKC 1&2
>Near Perfect Game
Super Metroid
>Male Character
Donkey Kong
>Female Character
>First Game
If I had to guess, either Super Mario Bros, Double Dragon, or Tetris. But does anyone really know? I don't. I started playing games before I could form memories. Maybe I'm weird.

>> No.2453646

oh wow, my new gaming rig uses that exact same keyboard and mouse.

PS/2 all the way!

>> No.2453732
File: 630 KB, 1673x1217, retrochart3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have little knowledge of controllers, so I decided to skip that slot.

Also it was hard to pick between DQ3 and CV Bloodlines for Favorite Game for Fun, and between Haggar and Arthur for Fav Male.

>> No.2453883
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>> No.2453887


You're a good guy full of good taste, anon.

>> No.2453906
File: 1.06 MB, 1673x1217, plsnobully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully

With game no.2, I went for it purely on the basis of atmosphere, story fulfils it's purpose at best.

>> No.2453961

Oh my lord I forgot completely about lexi cross

>> No.2453965

> bo > nunchucks

> you know this

>> No.2454036


NiGHTS takes on the gender of whomever it merges with, so there are points when it's male.

Like i said, it's cheating but technically can work!

>> No.2454119
File: 536 KB, 1673x1217, 1433449374212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, Front Mission 3 is more popular than I thought

>> No.2454120
File: 1.07 MB, 1673x1217, retro-favorites-summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, here's mine!

>> No.2454129
File: 264 KB, 1673x1217, retrogames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure what to put as the near perfect game. The one that came to mind was Starcraft Brood war. As much as I love that game to death the pathing is nothing near perfect.

>> No.2454237
File: 640 KB, 1920x1217, my_favs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2454263

>pls no bully

Don't have shit taste then.

>> No.2454285


You're a brave man. The M is stupidly satisfying to use but gets tiring after a while whilst there are plenty of mouses with better build and balance (and weight, thing was too light IMO) than the IM. Honestly I migrated to Natural KB land and never looked back although I wish I could find a mouse similar to the IM. Except heavier and with less jagged edges.

>> No.2454332

Lexicross is the shit. Its hard to get it started without the TV guide because copyright protection but if you can, play it.

It would make for a great reboot app.

>> No.2454340
File: 275 KB, 1673x1217, patriotic af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2454346

>being proud of bad spelling

>> No.2454354

>being proud of a more concise spelling and more accurate reflection of pronunciation
go bong somewhere else mate

>> No.2454391
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>> No.2454662
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Vincent from FFVII is a close second for favorite male.

>> No.2454695

Favorite game for fun: Ninja Gaiden
Favorite game atmosphere: Earthbound
Favorite game sound track: Duck tales or Mega Man 3
Favorite controler: N64 controller
Near perfect: Legend of Zelda Majora's mask
Favorite female character: Chun-Li
First game: Turok N64

>> No.2454862
File: 477 KB, 1673x1217, mylist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Frank isn't /vr/ related, but I couldn't think of anyone else.

>> No.2454884


Unreal Tournament 99.


Chrono Trigger.


Choosing between my favorites is hard as fuck. Don't put me on the spot like that.

I'll say S3&K OST.



>near perfect game

Mega Man X4.

>male character

Zero from Mega Man X.

>female character

Mai Shiranui.

>first video game

Mega Man X

>> No.2455120
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>> No.2455149

good taste anon

>> No.2455185

ho is the fe mal

>> No.2455192

Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers.

>> No.2455212
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>> No.2455432

Same with the first game, anon. I just put the first game that I can solidly recall, which was Super Mario on the NES. But I know we had an Atari and DOS games well before that and I had to have been playing before Mario.

>> No.2455452

Nice taste

>> No.2455453
File: 1.07 MB, 1673x1217, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont really stray from fighters

>> No.2455456

why the SNES version of super ?
why not full on super turbo for arcade ?

>> No.2455463

funny, i didn't look through the thread till after i posted my image and everyone has SOR2 somewhere and a psx controller

>> No.2455469

Because it might be the only version he's played? A lot of people stick by the versions they have or grew up with rather than a definitive version. Not that there's anything wrong with doing either, it's just personal preference or whatever.

>> No.2455476

true, true.
it's hard to go back once the arcade version is so accessible though.

>> No.2455478
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Grew up on Nintendo with a touch of Sega

>> No.2456180 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2456252

Half of stuff isn't even retro. Also

>> No.2456309


>> No.2456386
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>> No.2456764

get out of the basement.

>> No.2456796

>PoP: Sands of Time
>Near perfect

I'd love to hear how fighting millions of enemies in between platforming segments is considered "near perfect" in your eyes. Everything is susceptible to vault > kill or wall kick > kill. Its just tedious.

>> No.2457120
File: 393 KB, 1673x1217, FAVORitegames2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes I love ff7 for the story fite me

>> No.2457170

God tier taste in choosing parappa the rapper for story and atmosphere. FF7 wasn't a very good choice though...

>> No.2457175

Parappa's story was cute but its dat atmosphere, comfiest game.

>> No.2457201 [DELETED] 

I hate your taste, anon

>> No.2457205

I hate your taste, anon

>> No.2457253

Segafag spotted.

Muh niggah.

>> No.2457273
File: 2.12 MB, 1673x1217, retrostoof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the PC-98 era of 2hu count as retro?

>> No.2457317
File: 1.27 MB, 1673x1217, this isn't even my final form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2457324


>FF7 is popular so you shouldn't like it

Getting awful hipster up in here.