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2449341 No.2449341 [Reply] [Original]

Final Fantasy VIII is such a weird game to me. It's like every aspect of it is either really good, or really bad.

>Awesome graphics (for PSX)
>Terrible RPG mechanics
>Amazing soundtrack
>Bad storyline
>Fantastic futuristic European setting
>Weak main cast (for the most part)
>Excellent card minigame

How would you fix Final Fantasy VIII if you were in charge of some kind of redux or director's cut? I think the whole junctioning system would definitely need to be revamped. It's funny how the base game is either way too easy or way too hard depending on whether you actually understand the stat system.

>> No.2449346

Lock maximum spell stock to level so autists can't grind spells

>> No.2449356

I'd use the device from the movie Men in Black and wipe people's memory of the game.

I'd be doing the Lord's work.

>> No.2449453

It doesnt need fix

>> No.2449461

>the game is easy or hard based on whether or not you understand the rules

Gee who would have thought that games get easier when you know how to play them.

>> No.2449467

There's really no point, since anyone with a brain just uses the cards to get the good spells.

That said, get rid of the Draw command altogether and just have the spells be normal drops. Keep the scaling levels on overworld enemies, but get rid of it for everything else.

>> No.2449469

>either axe the level scaling altogether or make it so that leveling up isn't mostly useless until the end of the game
>more laguna stuff
>more equipment variety
>make the love story less dumb
>as much as I like Irvine, he doesn't really need to be in the main party. Then again neither does anyone besides Squall and Rinoa
>do more with Seifer. I dunno what, just do more
>make it so that you win spells from battle and get rid of drawing

I mean I'm gonna just be honest and say I dunno what to do with the game. It isn't perfect but at the same time changing anything about it besides maybe adding more shit with Laguna and the gang fucks everything up. Junctioning obviously has issues but its too goddamn interconnected with other shit for there to be a simple fix.

FFVIII is a messterpiece. There's a lot of good, a lot of bad, and it all somehow works while not working.

>> No.2449570
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>more laguna stuff
opinions are like assholes m8... they stink and everyone has them. I would take out the Laguna "gaming parts" interventions completely. Everytime the game shifted to that, I pic related. If they were gonna tell the Laguna story, then make it just that, a story which you learned about by talking to NPCs or read about while on your journey. Not even the fact that certain things Laguna does in the past, affect the present landscape saved it for me.

Well anyway, I played the game twice, more than I played any other FF cos they're not my thing, and I haven't played much (VI,VII,VIII,IX), except "tactics" which is my favourite. My thoughts:
>flow of the game breaks at every corner
The Laguna scenes break it, having to build 3 GF "profiles" and swap them around all the time break it, having to work with the inventory system, which is limited for being a console game, break it (the game would've been better on a PC interface with a mouse and folders, search functions, etc)
>story seems to be a great idea which never got polished
Many things seem too contrived and rushed. I like the story line personally, but the way it got delivered makes me feel as if the creative team had this great idea and they didn't have time enough to ellaborate and work with it to make it spectacular. It turns out to be too much, in a mess, and I lost interest past the half of the game, unlike VII, where the story and how it was told was what made me carry on playing.
>Characters have no identity and everything seems as if it was a satire out of western culture.
The satire works in "tactics", here it makes you cringe. Beside that, returning to the GF profile issue, you could build a fighter profile with GFs and junctions and swap around between Selph, Squall, Quistis, who gives a fuck... Limit breaks differentiate them, though, but that isn't enough to give them an identity. Building actual stats is a chore, that even the more patient players will despise.

>> No.2449594

I wouldn't change anything.
Its not perfect, but fucking around with the game would make it worse all around.

Nothing is inherently bad about it. People just get bent out of shape its not FF7 or FF6 I suspect. They may also get mad because it pushed a more sci-fi and modern setting over the traditional Final Fantasy settings.

If you drop the Laguna bits, its not FF8. I personally think the game would be better off without them, but I appreciate the game tried to try something different.

>Weak main cast
Every FF game with Multiple characters where you can only have 3-4 in your party at a time and theres 6+ theres going to be weaknesses in the character development. I personally think FF5 has the strongest characters of a main Final Fantasy simply because you have the same 4 party members the entire game and they each get their own developmental stuff.

I seriously encourage anyone who hates FF8 to give it another shot with an open mind. Try some cool shit out. Get a disc 1 Lionheart. Get grossly overpowered with cards. Lots of shit like "NORG coming out of no where" is at least hinted at if you pay attention to Garden and the early game dialogue between Garden staff and Cid. The storyline isn't bad at all, its definitely a bit obtuse if you aren't paying attention, and I'll admit that its a shame that Ultimecia's motivations are never explained. But if it really benefits from a replay where you can appreciate all the little hints and foreshadowing they do in the plot. Enc-None from Diablos really helps a lot as well in terms of replayability.

>> No.2449608

1) Laguna needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.

2) Whenever Laguna's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking 'Where's Laguna?'"

>> No.2449620

Dr Who?

I think it's pretty interesting how FF8 is the black sheep of the series.

>> No.2449623
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>> No.2449625

If you have a basic understanding of the stat system then you'll never die. It's broken.

>> No.2449637

By completely removing Rinoa and the so called "romance" with her.

>> No.2449672

the card game was the only good function of this stupid high school love story

>> No.2450431

That's basically every Final Fantasy game.
Well, most of them you probably won't die even if you don't understand the stat system. But something like FFT, well, that's just as broken as FF8 if not more.

>> No.2450530

I don't know why people who go out of their way to break the game call it a flaw. Yeah, you can do it and it can be fun, but just because it's a possibility doesn't mean you need to do it. Also anyone who grinds in this game is silly because it's unnecessary. And if you don't enjoy the story that's understandable but that's how most rpg stories are, pretty hit or miss in enjoyability. Let it be said though that most of the "twists" are hinted at in dialogue throughout the game.

I personally wouldn't change the game.

>> No.2450858
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By making these three stooges the main characters.

I'd also replace the draw system by making monsters drop magic when killed and remove refining magic from cards. Casting spells wouldn't use them up, but you could only cast so many times without resting.

>> No.2450861


>> No.2450883

Getting slightly better when you learn the mechanics and completely cheesing the game to get 9999 HP in less than a half hour after learning the system are two different things.

>> No.2450887

Everyone tells me it's super easy, but I've been stuck on that boss on disk 4 that's holding on to Rhinoa (is that her name?).

I obviously did something wrong, and there's no grinding in this area since all monsters seem to only give me 1 xp for every fight, and I can't leave the area. I don't understand.

That fucker just spams meteor and Ultima and I just don't stand a chance. I've tried everything.

>> No.2450895

It's been years since I've played it, but the snowy area in the northern island with call of ktulu music looked pretty bad. Some of Square's games looked like they got to a point then had to rush things or just ran out of money like the dead sea area in Chrono Cross.

>> No.2450924


FF8 wasn't the first or the only offender in the series, then.

FF2's masochism-based leveling system, anyone?

>> No.2450926

Yeah and people give FF2 a ton of shit for its shitty leveling system too.

>> No.2451003

>There's really no point, since anyone with a brain just uses the cards to get the good spells.

Yes but if you can only lock certain levels of spells at certain character levels it becomes more balances. He's not talking about number.

Let's say at level 10 you can put that many Thunder spells on attack or whatever. And it goes up in increments of 10 every 10 levels

>> No.2451009

>By making these three stooges the main characters.

You know the story about a mook soldier rising to face a corrupt and evil sorceress is pretty simple, but it's a story. Watching is triumphs and failures as he becomes the hero and president would be pretty cool

>> No.2451014


This exact thing happened to me on my first playthrough, before I fully understood the junction system and how to abuse it. I had to restart my game because there was literally fuck all I could do. Good luck.

>> No.2451025

Remove Rinoa completely or fully rework her role and personality. Currently she's the most horrible thing about the game, far worse than any gameplay flaws, every time that annoying school bicycle shows up on the screen i really wanted to punch her in the face.

Make story more focused on the politics. Child soldiers is not the theme you will see every day in jap media, focus on it more, you can pretty much remove sorcery from the setting completely as it's by far the most boring part of it. Make a huge Garden battle a culmination of the game.

Remove fucking level scaling and most abusable bullshit like easily accessible limits.
Add more side quests so the world won't feel as dead as it is.

>> No.2451108

Hey anon, what's your "romantic" dream?

>> No.2451126

To get plowed by a bunch of futas inside a nasty truck stop bathroom so hard cum starts shooting out my nose.

>> No.2451135

Change the Junction system so the stat bonus isn't dependent on your spell quantity, but only the spell you've selected.

Once players are able to more freely cast spells without lowering their stats, attempt to make magic worth casting somehow -- in its current state, all that seems to be required is to smash a boss with Doomtrain to apply at least Meltdown and then proceed to use basic attacks.

>> No.2451150
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Interesting, would be a good cutscene for a retro JRPG.

>> No.2452305

less dependance on GF, especially early game.

holy fuck, those animations get so tiresome, and the boost function hurts my fucking hands.

>> No.2452307

Step 1: Nuke FF8 into oblivion
Step 2: Take FF9; rename it to FF8
Fixed, quick and easy.

>> No.2452994

Loved every single aspect of FF8 as a teen and completed it 4-5 times. It doesn't need much fixing, maybe let the characters draw up to 20 spells depending on their magic attribute and speed up the first half of CD 2 a bit.

Honestly grinding was rewarding. Higher levels also let enemy monsters have higher level spells which in turn boosted your stats more. It's also more fun in fights, I don't get the complaint about this, weak enemies still die in one hit.

>> No.2453035

Change the focus of the game from romance and time travel shenanigans to a strictly political game. If Rinoa must stay, she should be the heir to an opposing kingdom so they can rip off of a good source.

>> No.2453082

not the best game, but i'm not sure what i'd change. i definitely loved the ambiance of this world. the music and everything.

actually, now that I'm thinking about it. I think the whole ultimecia thing could've been more clever. and the deep sea research station should've had it's own story arc within the game, it was fucking cool

>> No.2453096

Better idea; nuke FF8, replace with FFT

>> No.2453228

Step 1: Nuke FF7 into oblivion
Step 2: Take FF8; rename it to FF7
Step 3: Watch how the "worst" game in the series now gets universal praise, is considered as a perfect masterpiece and how every FF game released after it is shit because it isn't a carbon copy of it.

Let's face it, the main reasons FF7 is often considered as the second coming of Jesus is because it was the first 3D FF game, the XBOX HUGE adverticing campaign it got and the fact it was the first FF/RPG for many people. Had FF8 or FF9 been the first 3D FF game it would have gotten the same treatment that FF7 did.

>> No.2453298

>Honestly grinding was rewarding. Higher levels also let enemy monsters have higher level spells which in turn boosted your stats more. It's also more fun in fights, I don't get the complaint about this, weak enemies still die in one hit.
Sure, you could draw and junction higher-level spells earlier on by just grinding levels, but you ended up missing out on the level-up stat bonuses from some of the GFs that were only available later in the game.

>> No.2453462

I literally don't know where to begin with this post so I wont even try.

>> No.2453525

I read that in Homer's voice

>> No.2453572

This is like saying you shouldn't lvl up in FF6 until you have the best espers, so that you get better stat boosts.

Or like saying you shouldn't lvl up in FF9 until you have some of the best equipment which in return give better stat boosts, too.

It's stupid. unless you're highly autistic about stats or unless you're doing some kind of "special" playthrough in which you're trying to be as strong as possible, the effect of those stat boost is very, very, very negligeable.

Also, you can only use those stat boosts one character at a time. Are you also going to purposely kill other team members and lvl up every character, one character at a time, so you can 100% profit of those stats boosts? Would you also do the same in 6 or 9 ? Because if you're not, you're totally not using those stat boosts at their full potential, which totally means that "the game" is counterproductive and the game is forcing you to play one character at a time, right?

Don't forget that at higher lvls, it becomes a LOT easier to draw 9 of a magic at each draw, while on low lvls, you're a lot more likely to draw a lot less than 9, and sometimes even miss the drawing.

And also, higher lvls mean enemies drop better items too, and more of them too, which means more and better magic to get out of those items.
There is plenty of reasons why lvl'ing up is good.

>> No.2453578

>In Battle: Is there magic you're not full on?
>> Yes - Draw
>> No - Attack
>After Battle: Prioritize Junction on HP > Attack > Defense

That's the entire combat system. Do this, and you never even get close to the idea of dying. Very early on, you may need to heal here and there... but that's all there is to every battle in this friggen game.

>> No.2455141

But why? You can choose not to exploit the system and play the game properly. That was there's a mild possibility of you actually having fun.

>And it goes up in increments of 10 every 10 levels
Damn good idea, that. Except I would have it increment by 1 per level instead of waiting 10 levels for a large increment.

Level locked junctioning, magic as drops, no card refining, Laguna's stooges as main characters. Here's the perfect formula for an FF8 gameplay mod.

>> No.2455150


>drawing magic

get it together

>> No.2455172

I did this and was hit with a sudden difficulty curve at edea's castle. Luckily I still had a save in the third cd.

>> No.2455261

>not refining your useless items and magic into items instead of spending all your time drawing for magic for no fucking reason.

I bet you also fight your battles summoning GFs over and over again and whine about that as well? Anyway if you insist on Drawing for magic at least make sure you have a decent mag. stat as it quarantees you always get 9 magics insteads of 1 or 2

>That's the entire combat system
I keep saying this but FFVIII uses the exact same combat system all FF from IV to IX use.

>> No.2455645

Not jump full on the sorceress time travel story line and integrate it more with disc 1's focus on military sci fi

>> No.2455682

I always wished there was more shit to do as SeeD. Even as a kid I thought it would be cool to do a bunch of missions similar to the Dollet one.

>> No.2455702

exactly these moments were awesome

>> No.2456096

Were FF8 made today, they'd probably have a SeeD Mission system similar to the Hunt thing on 12.

To be honest, I liked the concept of drawing magic, but often you'd sit there in one battle for 30 minutes drawing from weak shit.
I'd probably put a limit on draws and make it like a "learning" system, where once you have drawn 100 of a certain spell, you're free to junction it (for a flat stat increase - dependant on spell strength/rarity) regardless of how many you have after that.
Obviously, you'd only get 2-3 of the rare spells per regular monster, and something like 10 from bosses. Making it so you can't grind draws so easily.

>> No.2456170

>Add a fucking weapon shop, still have the upgrade system but more fucking veriety
>Make more then a few dozen enemies for the world map
>Monsters that come down from the moon at Esthar are actually fucking new and different
>Explain the end better

>> No.2458219

I would fix the scene where Squall goes on a spacewalk. That part felt retarded as fuck.
>let's go die together in deep spess.

>suddenly random spaceship
>with convenient manual how to deinfest it

>> No.2460020

I've done a challenge for 8 before that made it incredibly fun and challenging.

First, make everyone level 99 at the beginning, this means you fight super strong monsters with no junctions.

Only get magic through draw points and enemies, no refining. You generally can't drawx100 per monster because they'll knock your teeth out, even later when I could, I only drew a few times per fight.

You randomly assign GF's to specific characters, most chars get 3, some get 2. This means that nobody is able to junction magic to every stat, same with elem\status attacks.

I'm sure it sounds convoluted but the result is a game where your AP determines your strength progression, as you slowly unlock more GF abilities.. All characters get a spread of GF's so I was more incentivised to use everyone a little, rather then have 3 naked members and 3 with everything on.

You also get the GF's themselves slowly, so your overall team power gradually gets better.

There are loopholes of course, you can still farm broken items or use scrolls to teach each GF all the junctioning abilities, but I just chose not to do that, really was an amazing run, I recommend it to anyone wanting to squeeze some life into FFVIII.

>> No.2460035

I'd change the ages of everyone. Having everyone be kids in a school for warfare and weapons seems a little "guerilla African" for me. Having "Blackwater" type places seems more sensible than a school that slaps guns into the hands of kids.

I'd make more use of Edea as well as Laguna-Kiros-Ward, and make them join the party as permanent players once you're past the Lunar Cry

I'd add in more gardens including wrecked ones just to have more places to explore

I'd allow you to do like Chrono Cross and allow you to choose which character you wish to lead with.

I'd make being able to use items as a fixed basic with or without GFs because the thought of not being able to reach in your pocket and grab a potion without a GF in your brain seems dumb to me.

>> No.2460143

>I'd change the ages of everyone. Having everyone be kids in a school for warfare and weapons seems a little "guerilla African" for me. Having "Blackwater" type places seems more sensible than a school that slaps guns into the hands of kids.

it's a bit silly, yes. But the only inconvenient thing is that everybody has a special weapon they are trained in and fighting pretty much in casual clothes while heavily armed soldiers only have shit weapons and wear protection. it's just weird.

>I'd add in more gardens including wrecked ones just to have more places to explore

this isn't Fallout (thank god it isn't).

>I'd allow you to do like Chrono Cross and allow you to choose which character you wish to lead with.

dialogue and narrative are too tight for that.

>I'd make being able to use items as a fixed basic with or without GFs because the thought of not being able to reach in your pocket and grab a potion without a GF in your brain seems dumb to me.

they are mentally focusing on releasing the GF so of course they can't. it's kind of like in BG2 where you summon a fire elemental or something as a wizard and you'll be mentally stuck until you've bound him.

>> No.2460468


You can't use items unless you have a GF

That's stupid.

>> No.2460480

>How would you fix X if you were in charge of a remake
You don't. That's the fucking point of a remake. To capture the original feel of the game while only updating graphics, sound, and game breaking bugs.

Also, Final Fantasy 8 was terrible.

>> No.2460529

Let's face it, the main reasons N64 is often considered as the second coming of Jesus is because it was the first 3D Nintendo consle, the huge advertisng campaign it got, and the fact it was the first Nintendo console for many people. Had the Gamecube or the Wii been the first 3D Nintendo console it would have gotten the same treatment the N64 did

>> No.2461229

I mean you say this but N64 does have its fanboys. I actually like the console, myself, and I'll never understand why Banjo-Kazooie is so revered. N64 just has an equal amount of detractors. Whether or not FF7 is cool is not nearly as polarizing an issue as the console wars.

>> No.2461326

it hardly matters since the game is build around that conveniently without it interfering.

>> No.2461345

How would you fix X if you were in charge of a remake.

These threads are just stupid and accomplish nothing but cause arguements about how a non-existent game should be. Seriously why talk about a game that doesn't and never will exist?

>> No.2461349

I personally like everything about it as is. I play it like it is what it is, rather than bitching that it's not a standard JRPG.
It's a micromanagement game. If you're not into that, then don't play it.

The story is only bad if you're not into it, honestly. There are 3 head scratching moments at MOST. And Ulti is in the ENTIRE game, FYI, because she possesses the other sorceresses.

The main cast is mostly just there so Squall and Rinoah don't have to be alone, honestly. They're not great, but they're better than FFI-V'sa casts by a mile and at least on par with those found in VII, IX ,X , XIII and XV.

>> No.2461360
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>but they're better than FFI-V'sa casts by a mile and at least on par with those found in VII, IX ,X , XIII and XV.

>> No.2461796

I love that game. I just finished setting up the composition for the stage.

>> No.2461825

it's honestly fine as it is.

>> No.2462923

I'd nuke the scaled levelling, and that's it really.

Yeah, sure, the plot was cringe as fuck, but whatever: it's a JRPG. I don't expect narrative genius from the Japanese.

>> No.2463216

Imo they should've change the magic system.

>> No.2463409

I reached the point where they start speaking about the orphanage but it wasn't cringy at all. I did take that with a grain of salt and a chuckle though.

a lot of things just were done for comedic value and I like that. Like Fujiin and Raijin as well as that dumb tank you already defeated coming back out of nowhere at Fisherman's Horizon.

>> No.2463416

the steam version has a magic booster feature now that lets you stock up 100 for the most important utility spells to your save file.

it was probably done because the game was too tedious for some since they would have to draw from random enemies until they got all the spells they need. because if you don't, all you can do is spam GFs.

>> No.2464343

"Childhood friends" was a really popular theme in the late 90s, and "amnesia" was a really popular narrative device. There's actually more JRPGs from that era that have the "same orphanage" element than people think. For example, Persona 2: Innocent Sin.

>> No.2464468

>"same orphanage" element than people think. For example, Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
What? I don't remember anything about an orphanage in that game, just that they had been friends in the past. They didn't forget about it. Are you talking about the events between that game and Eternal Punishment? Not really the same asspull that FF8 was.

>> No.2464493

the plot twist was that they had all been friends as kids but then they all suppressed the same traumatic experience unanimously so they didn't really recognize each other as adults even though none of them had changed their names or anything. No orphanage involved but it's the same basic idea

I mean it's pretty understandable why writers like this trope, it allows you to give characters more meaningful relationships with each other than just the experiences they have over the course of the game, and having the characters forget who they are makes it so that they can learn things about themselves along with the audience, making them both complex and relatable. Basically I'm saying that people unfairly target FF8 for the amnesia trope because almost every other PS1 JRPG had a main protagonist who doesn't remember who he is and a few others take it step farther and use mass amnesia on the whole cast.

>> No.2464752

>I'm saying that people unfairly target FF8 for the amnesia trope because almost every other PS1 JRPG had a main protagonist who doesn't remember who he is and a few others take it step farther and use mass amnesia on the whole cast.

yeah, pretty much. that's the case. the amnesia trope works really well when you're looking to ease the player into a game universe so it becomes narratively convenient via "I forgot everything about what we do here, could you fill me in, NPC #34?". It's just that FF8 and Persona 2 Innocent Sin gave that trope their own twist, so the whole amnesia thing was rendered completely mute in the beginning and not used for "gameplay and story tutorial purposes" but rather as a big revelation later in those games in order to fortify the relations between the characters and establish a common goal related to the sorceress. Before that, Squall didn't care for any of those NPCs.

>> No.2465641

>have to reload a big section of the game because I left out Leviathan and Pandemona

this is probably what I would change. there is so much extra stuff I just wanna see and get but I don't even know how since the game doesn't explain where the parts for weapon upgrades are and how to obtain a bunch of GFs. Tonberry King sounds tedious as fuck to obtain. Not looking forward to that. And I remember Cactuar being a complete douche to defeat.

>> No.2466751
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>> No.2466791


>> No.2468163

you don't really need to use GFs at all if you know what you're doing

>> No.2468165

adding to this, you never need to draw once in the entire game. refining magic with items is so much better in every way, and allows you to totally break the game as soon as you get even Siren (refining tents for curagas > get thousands of HP on one character will bosses deal at most 100hp a hit)

>> No.2468180

How exactly Do you break the game?

I fancy having a no bullshit easymode playthrough for the story having not touched it in 8 years or so.

>> No.2468205

this or simply use the magic booster on your save file if you play the new steam/PC version.

>> No.2468232

Don't level your characters. Kill enemies by turning them into cards so that you get cards and AP, but no exp. Play cards to win more and better cards. Refine the cards into powerful items and spells.

Or: Buy a bunch of tents and refine them into Curagas. Junction the Curagas to your HP so you have 9999 HP. Win.

Basically just focus on teaching your GFs how to refine shit.

>> No.2468269

how much worth it are weapon upgrades exactly?
I feel like I mostly just use magic to do damage and barely if ever use my weapons. Is elemental attack junctioning even viable compared to just make casting spells stronger?

>> No.2468273

aren't limit breaks tied to weapons, or at least Squall's? I pretty much just upgraded Squall's weapon and only did the others if I happened to have all of the necessary materials.

>> No.2468373

Eh, def wasn't my favorite but I didn't hate it

>> No.2469062

>aren't limit breaks tied to weapons, or at least Squall's?

Squall's weapons is tied to that, yes but Selphie for example is casting random spells 3 or 2 times over as special attack and Quistis has a blue magic ability and you can collect more of those in the game. Rinoa relies on Doge and doesn't really need that weapon either except for Angelo Cannon maybe so I don't know about hidden multiplicators.

I really don't see the point of upgrading the girl weapons. Irvine and Zell both rely on the weapons because their limit breaks do which is just punch and shooting an enemy over and over again.

>> No.2469241


It's not really worth it. The stat increase is small compared to the increase you get with junctions.

I upgrade when I can anyway because it's neat and the concept of building it with parts is better than

>buy stronger weapon in town 2
>buy even stronger weapon in town 3

>> No.2469279

true. I just upgrade out of habit and because it's fun looking for the parts and then assemble them.

>> No.2469650

bump good thread so far