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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 148 KB, 640x480, SonictheHedgehog3CarnivalNightZoneA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2448303 No.2448303 [Reply] [Original]

What the most stuck you've ever been in game?

You know - those terrible bottlenecks where it is far from clear what you have to do to advance and exercising every available option seems to do no good? And back then we didn't have online FAQs with all the answers.

So we either gave up or tortured ourselves trying to figure out that one minute little thing we weren't doing right.

For me... it was this goddamn barrell.

It ate my childhood.

>> No.2448308 [DELETED] 

I love /v/ memes, so flippin ebin

>> No.2448310

There was a good couple years where I would defeat every robot master in Mega Man 2 except for Quick Man. It's not that I was actually stuck, I just had crippling fear over those murderous yellow bars in his stage and I'd just turn the game off once he was the last level left..

>> No.2448313
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this level in general

>> No.2448320
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>> No.2448325

pretty sure my bro bought the Sonic 3 strategy guide just to get past this part.

I'd have rather just sneaked a quick peek and taken off myself.

>> No.2448339
File: 8 KB, 512x480, ohfuckthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the bars of death over those vanishing platforms in Heat Man's stage any time

>> No.2448341

We usually talked about video games and girl parts over salisbury steak in the cafeteria at elementary school. If I still couldn't figure something out I would just ask random kids in the arcades.

>> No.2448343

I did the same thing with Resident Evil - I would play up to the snake then stop because I was too scared to actually fight it.

>> No.2448351

Those pain in the ass water levels in Earthworm Jim (down the tubes).

Thankfully there was a level select code.

>> No.2448352

Just use the jet, yo. Even 6 year-old me knew to do that.

>> No.2448356

I don't think anything topped this for me.

>> No.2448361

Same but the spiders

>> No.2448362

And the irony was that it was one of the easiest bosses in the game, Dr. Jones

>> No.2448367
File: 1.91 MB, 352x211, Fuck this cricket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If giant spiders are what creeps you out, then there were probably a lot of games you couldn't complete

Here, have a completely unrelated and calming gif of a cricket

>> No.2448415

I've never been more stuck than in Rayman 2. I never even got past the installer because it always tells me to it can't find the disc even when it's in the disc drive. Doesn't matter if it's on an old PC or a new one, it always does it and no patch fixes it.

Wasn't until years later when GOG released it that I finally got to play the game.

>> No.2448421

Elemental Gimmick Gear.
In the first like hour of the game or so, there is a point where you have to burn a log, but the log looks like all the rest of the art/background, so theres no fucking way to tell you're supposed to do that.

Got stuck in like 2000 or so with that and never finished, then again 2 years ago, but had internet to find what the fuck was wrong this time and beat it, good game overall.

>> No.2448428

Oh yeah, also, the G.I tribe boss in FF7.
I hadn't played a FF game before thgat so I didn't know I could just toss and elixir on him for an instant win.

I spent my whole summer (some weeks) playing that stage of the game OVER AND OVER, even grinding to try and beat him.

I came so close many times, but finally gave up until one day at school I sawe a dude with a FF7 strat guide and asked to look what I was supposed to do.

>> No.2448448
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Two years.

It was the original version on the original GameBoy and I didn't see the cracks in the wall. I made a new friend in middle school and he pointed them out.

>> No.2448538

This game is absolute hell. I still haven't completed it to this day.

>> No.2448597

I've got two, both /vr/.

First Bart vs space mutants, the barricade blocking the sidewalk.

Second NES monopoly, navigating the unavoidable auctions with manual. I'd play for a few minutes and when it got to the auction I had to reset the game.

Both were rentals so no literature, and being young didn't help logic in the least..

>> No.2448610

I remember loving the crap out of this game when I was little, only to die over and over again on this guy. Developed this "I'm-going-to-lose-no-matter-what" fear of even trying to fight him.

Realized the strategy while biking some years later though, and now it's one of my fav snes games.

>> No.2448613
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forgot pic

>> No.2448623
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>> No.2448637

I feel this one 100%

>> No.2448663
File: 4 KB, 384x272, l'aigle d'or.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking game.

>> No.2448684
File: 127 KB, 550x280, tiny-toon-adventures-busters-hidden-treasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny Toons Buster's Hidden Treasure for sega genesis.
I got this game when I was 8 and it took me all the way until age 12 to finally beat it. The game used a password system but the last 5 levels didn't have passwords. Regardless of how many lives you had, starting with a password only gave you 3 lives and there is a single extra life in the stage you got a password for. So you had to beat the last 4 levels, along with the final boss, with only 4 lives. To make matters even worse, the final boss had an almost puzzle like solution to beating her so I would get there only to die without even figuring out what to do for next time. Absolutely infuriating.

>> No.2448696

It took me at least four years straight to beat NetHack. For whatever reason I was dead-set on doing it with a monk and a bunch of conducts.

Also I don't think I've been able to complete an interactive fiction game yet without having to look up a walkthrough at some point. Curses, Jigsaw and Humbug were the worst offenders

>> No.2448698

I hate this meme. Somewhere, some guy admitted he couldn't figure out how to get past this barrel and then literally millions of people thought it was funny enough to pretend it happened to them too. Fucking a, no it didn't, you were NOT that retarded

>> No.2448705
File: 24 KB, 308x302, 1430451652272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like you were in the barrel, OP.

>> No.2448712

I beat Sonic 3 when I was six years old, I am baffled at how anyone took more than a minute to figure out what to do

>> No.2448720

Final stage password

>> No.2448721

Holy shit, this is where I got stuck. Never bothered to look it up, how close is this to the end?

>> No.2448729

top kek

>> No.2448736

Are you a master ruseman? I remember the last password you get right off the top of my head
Which is for the first stage of Max's base, and there were no passwords after that. Also i was wrong, its the last 3 stages, not 4.

>> No.2448748

well try it and post a screen shot

>> No.2448839
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'eres one of 'em. loved this game btw. other one is easily MGS1. got stuck on vulcan raven in tank (took me a long time to figure out throw grenades on him). then fighting gray fox, kept getting killed, then months later my much older step brother revelaed you have to use your fists. dont think i used the codec alot.

>> No.2448842

Is that barrell a forced meme or something?!

>> No.2448865


You couldve just pressed the h key and it would have been the same amount of time. You're a fucking faggot kid.

>> No.2448968 [DELETED] 


>> No.2449485

>lying on the internet
That code takes you to Hampton, the boss of World 4

>> No.2449490


>> No.2449493
File: 110 KB, 471x206, brokenSwordWide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even joking

>> No.2449502

Was stuck for years

>> No.2449503

I probably spent the better part of a year on the third level boss in Mission:Impossible. I think the level itself was also fairly tough.


The levels after that weren't so tough and I cleared the rest of the game without too much trouble.

>> No.2449509

The reason isn't just because of the barrel itself, but because it's possible to bullshit your way over the first barrel by jumping at the right time. A lot of people ended up doing it like that, then assumed it was how you were meant to pass them, leading them to have trouble figuring out why it didn't work on the second barrel.

>> No.2449527
File: 51 KB, 320x288, 68344-Wario_Land_II_(USA,_Europe)-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that, I think I asked a friend.

We and my siblings took a long time to figure that you could continue to play the same game and get the alternate ending after finishing one of story in WarioLand 2. Before that, we just erased the game whenever we completed one of the endings.

>> No.2449590

Imagine not knowing you could play through Chrono Trigger more than once without starting from scratch (stat wise at least)

>> No.2449606
File: 73 KB, 969x643, authorization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the first Breath of Fire game after you defeat the wizard boss and rescue Nina in the very first hour of the game you're supposed to go back to bird people town, go down into the dungeon at the castle and talk to some guards to cross the bridge that lets you access the other part of the world map.

For some reason I could NEVER find that place at the time, probably I was just retarded or something but I searched every available bit of the world and failed to find the bridge. Only two years later a friend just kinda took the game and randomly stumbled onto the guards and the bridge. It's not even particularly hidden or anything.

>> No.2449614
File: 57 KB, 407x500, halolz-dot-com-pokemon-heartgold-soulsilver-miltank-nopokemonissafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can beat her easily now, but when I was a kid I didn't think to use Mud Slap/Geodude/Onix/Machop.

>> No.2449629

I guess I was retraded as well, then. I believe I looked it up. It was a poor design choice. Sonic does not respond to pressing down while you are on the barrel. He just stands there. Jumping makes some degree of in-game sense. Jumping has an effect on the character you are controlling. You use the character as an a avatar to interact with the environment, and unless something explicitly happens in-game to indicate that you are instead directly controlling something else, it should stay that way. It is worsened by the fact that they apparently programmed the barrel physics to react to Sonic jumping - why do this if you are meant to control it with the D-pad?

However, I will ask: does the manual tell you to control the barrel directly with the D-pad? If so, then it gets a pass.

>> No.2449705


Fuck ever beating heatman first though. I remember using the platform jet and seeing how long that set of blocks was.....holy fuck..... I think I only ever made it 1/5th the way on my own.

>> No.2449716

No, it mentions of the sort. Honestly, I've had the game since 1994 and I'm of the mindset that thinking the up and down bullshit was easy to figure out is the "meme". I don't know a single person who was able to figure it out on their own. Everybody, including myself, figured it had to be done with precise timing (Which is still possible, made easier with the bubble shield)

>> No.2449746

As a kid, I spent months not knowing where to go in Mt. Moon. Kind of embarrassing in hindsight.
wasn't ever lost so badly in anything ever again

>> No.2449825

I had a stupid moment like that playing Seiken Densetsu 3 for the first time.
>try to leave the Forcena area
>holes in the ground don't lead anywhere
>big bridge is blown up
>French guy in the castle says to wait for him to build the cannon
>leaving and re-entering doesn't make him build it
>resting at the inn doesn't make him build it
>leaving town and getting into a fight doesn't make him build it
The one NPC in town that I missed was a girl in the bar. She tells you that someone built a cannon in the castle.

>> No.2449838
File: 418 KB, 1465x1431, 51984-Digimon_World_(G)-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in PAL territory

>> No.2449845

I remember playing that game over a 3 day period of time while my mom took my little brother and older sister on vacation. All in all considering I got the entire house to myself to smoke in, and my mom left her laptop behind enabling me to laze around on the couch I'd say I got the better end of the deal.

>> No.2449875

>A kid
That's not vr.

>> No.2449990
File: 483 KB, 800x600, keystone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three months I searched for this piece of shit. THREE. FUCKING. MONTHS.

>> No.2449998
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made by Firebird for the C64
Pic related.

>> No.2450008
File: 30 KB, 300x320, Satans-Hollow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satans Hollow
Made by Bally Midway
Pic related

>> No.2450016

U.S. Gold for the C64
Pic related

>> No.2450017

pokemon fags seem to intent on taking over this board... despite the fact that they have their own board, and people wonder why everyone hates them.

>> No.2450019
File: 4 KB, 320x200, Infiltrator_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

These were the first three games that had me stuck.

>> No.2450025


It came out in 1999 for the Game Boy Color, making it /vr/. You're mixing it up with the remakes, which gave you Roost for beating Falkner instead of Mud-Slap.


And you're trying to push Pokemon out of the board entirely. How is that any better?

>> No.2450042

Not true. This was such a common problem that they printed a special explanation of it in Sonic the Comic (UK) back in the day. For many people including myself, that was when the penny dropped.

>> No.2450046

Given the context of the thread, which is points where you were stuck in retro games, there's nothing wrong with mentioning Gen I-II Pokemon games as they do qualify.

It was just one brief mention of a Pokemon game and would have been no more than that if some fags hadn't gotten knots in their dicks over it.

>> No.2450050

At what point in the game - at what point in the Sonic series till that moment - did you ever have to use the D-pad to control a platform, vehicle, or anything other than Sonic?

Seriously - that was a completely random mechanic in the game that you only needed for that one specific instance.

It's like playing a racing game where you suddenly have to switch to using up and down on the D-pad to control acceleration and breaking for one lap.

Not a lot of people understand how confusing and out of place that really was and that's why it was such a big pain in the ass at the time.

>> No.2450081

I was stuck there until my aunt, who didn't play video games came in, and said, quite cluelessly "How about you hold up and down to go up and down?"
I instantly told her how that was a stupi... and it worked.

At that point, I shut the game off, went outside, and laid down on the trampoline and stared at clouds for about a half hour.

>> No.2450098

Well, it was certainly one of the most frustrating moment ever, but I managed for years to get past it through continued abuse of the bubble shield, until collisions started to get crazy. Then sonic would get past the barrel or stuck in the wall. I did it this way until gamefaqs, honestly.

But I think Zelda 2 as a whole takes the cake.

>> No.2450101

>At that point, I shut the game off, went outside, and laid down on the trampoline and stared at clouds for about a half hour.
NO you didn't, quit lying for emphasis. What actually happened was you kept playing.

>> No.2450207
File: 14 KB, 160x124, 1410289447000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but fuck /v/ so I'm posting it here anyway. I remember getting stuck in one of the Zelda games for Nintendo DS for a week. There was a puzzle where some object on the top screen had to be placed on the bottom screen, but with no way to move it. The solution was closing the DS (putting it in sleep mode) and flipping it back open, which solved the puzzle.

I don't think I've ever felt more retarded than that when I looked it up on gamefaqs. After that I solved the puzzle, turned the game off and never played it again.

Now back on topic, I played Pacman 2 on Genesis and got stuck a lot. It didn't really help that Pacman just did whatever the fuck he wanted instead of doing what you want him to do. He was a pussy too, always getting scared and running away or crying.

>> No.2450307


>putting the DS in sleep mode to pass things between screens

On the one hand that is pretty god damn clever. On the other hand that is up there with "hit Reset during X-Men for Genesis" for puzzle solutions that don't sit right with me.

I think stuff like the Sonic Barrel in OP are OK because they're unexpected but eventually you'll push all the buttons. I'm never going to intuitively try shutting my system down to get past something.

>> No.2450329

the GOG release is still finicky as all hell
on the plus side, GOG's refund service is excellent

>> No.2450349

I don't know how you're supposed to figure that shit out without a guide or something

I never would have known about X-Men if not for Tips & Tricks magazine.

While we're here - be honest people - isn't "check the back of the CD case for Meryl's CODEC a bit vague?" especially if you don't realize that the game is breaking the fourth wall.

>> No.2450402

lol during my first playthrough I thought that meant getting the MO disk and trying to put it into some computer all the way in the beginning of the hanger. Took me forever to realize the actual game case.

>> No.2450405

Interesting to note that if you rented Metal Gear Solid from Blockbuster Video the back of the rental case said "Meryl's Codec is 140.15"

I pointed this out to the guy who ran the video store near my home and he wrote "By the way, Meryl's CODEC is 140.15" on the back of the rental case in black sharpie.

>> No.2450475

People tell me that the Key to the Ancients was what they got stuck trying to find.

I had no problem with that - but I couldn't find the Keystone to save my miserable life.

>> No.2450487

top kek

>> No.2450492

you know, once years ago I made it past that barrel just by timing my jumping properly.

>> No.2450529

Ya know what was actually pretty damn hard on Sonic 3 too regardless of how simple it seemed?

That cheat code. That goddamn "^ ^ v v ^ ^ ^ ^" code that had to be entered in the span of like one second.

>> No.2450532

>hit Reset during X-Men for Genesis
Oh jesus, that shit. It goes counter to every kid's basic understanding of how video games should work. I can't believe they honestly thought that was intuitive.

>> No.2450539

And it had to be a soft reset. You seriously had to lightly tap the reset button. If you held it for even a slight second then you were fucked.

>> No.2450568

oh FUCK that. i know exactly what you are talking about. to mark your map you had to close the ds. i never even once had ever used the sleep function of the ds for anything at all so it didnt even cross my mind that it existed. they really could have explained it better

>> No.2450580

I've managed to only do it once. I can't even do it on PC or the Mega Collection.

>> No.2450604

The one time I did manage to do it was probably the proudest I'd ever been in my life.

This is probably whey I prefer Sonic 2 - at least their cheats were simply done by using the Sound Test menu.

>> No.2450634

I legitimately had trouble with it.

And I was in the 4th grade.

>> No.2450656

Congratulations! You figured out how to move the barrell! Everyone else is retarded for not having grasped the knowledge that was immediately available to you! Everyone on the internet now deeply respects and adores you and be checking your mailbox for all that sex you're gonna be getting! You're winner!

>> No.2450784

Are you trolling? Give me some proof that it's possible. Cause it's surely doesn't seem to be.

>> No.2450801

Not the guy you're replying to, but as a child I made it past that stupid fucking barrel once. /Once/. The only way I managed was jumping up and down and I managed to clip through the bottom right. I finished the level with over 8 minutes on the clock, that's how long it took me.
It's possible, but it's a bitch. I assumed this was how it wanted me to do it, means it worked (after a lot of fucking tries)

>> No.2450804

I'm the guy you replied to and it went down like >>2450801 said. I just barely made it low enough to get past it without losing a life by getting crushed. it was years ago back during 2006-2007ish. so, I got really lucky.

>> No.2450812

I did it once. But it took me so long that I only had 30 seconds left on the timer, got Time Over and had to start again from the beginning of the level. That's when I ragequit.

>> No.2450818

No, I did this too, but a took a fuckton of time

I barely made it to the end of the stage in time

>> No.2450853

I should also add that this is why I always had trouble with the barrel. Pressing up and down doesn't make sense when instinctively, jumping up and down seems to do the job. When I made it past it by timing my jumps that cemented my thought that I was doing it right, just taking too long to do it.

>> No.2450885

I was stuck on that level for a while. That fucking yellow guy near the top right before the boss fight would always wreck my shit, but I eventually figured him out.

The flying stages right after Stair Wars, however, make me never even want to try this game again. Is there a way to defeat Trouble Bruin during that one part when I'm flying through the corridor, or do I just have to tough it out and survive? I've only been able to survive maybe two or three times ever, but after that I get killed just from the speed I'm flying through the following stage. Except this one time when I made it to the level boss on my last life, and died after maybe 2 minutes.

>> No.2450886
File: 41 KB, 583x384, skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dig
>Pic very fucking related
Technically took me almost 20 years to beat...

>> No.2450927

Sonic Labyrinth Level 3-3 where you had to wait for 5 seconds for a platform to show up.

Earthworm Jim pod level until finding the secret cave by accident.

Mr Nutz level 2-3 with that elusive switch.

Jurassic Park GG, was stupidly stuck in Pteranodon cave level because my brain forgot you could hang to ceilings.

Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba GG on multiple mini game sequences.

Ecco Tides of Time GG with the Glob Older level.

Never properly beat Bubble Bobble on GG because was missing a special item and no no idea how and where to get it.

>> No.2450947

Just Use Rush Jet

>> No.2450957

In Out of This World, you move faster if you run and jump instead of just running. There's a part near the end of the game after you release the black lions that you need to just run all the way to the right. If you run and jump, one of the enemies blasters will kill you. I didn't know this.

I was stuck at that part for years, renting the game over and over and trying to get past it.

>> No.2451078

I was stuck further, when you need to give the statue to Murican tourist in Syria. Never thought of altering the statue with the make-up

>> No.2451085

The second level in Jungle Strike. Shit does so much damage it's insane and there are almost no pickups.

>> No.2451105

Each and every jon van caneghem cypher in old Might&Magic games. Seriously, fuck that dude and his 'puzzles'.

>> No.2451127

I would, but I can't beat Airman. :^)

>> No.2451508

thank god we got another thinly veiled barrel thread

>> No.2451971

I feel the same way about MLP; it's only a problem because people make it one.

>someone mentions MLP
>assburgers immediately start tard-raging, derail the thread, then blame bronies for the thread being derailed

>> No.2452554

I still to this day haven't beaten it.

>> No.2452560

I never did when I was younger, but as I grew older I forgot and died once until I remembered how to do it. Now I've never forgot how to do it.

>> No.2452561

Funny, I beat her ass easily when I was a kid. It was Bugsy that always raped my Bayleef.

>> No.2452594

This is true. It does deserve to be on /co/, but spergs forced it to it's own board.

>> No.2452605

The third boss in unpatched Captain Claw. Washington was his name I think.

>> No.2452658

That barrel was a bitch for me it had to be
riku in chain of memories for a recent game
old school xmen for the genesis, the reset bullshit

>> No.2452663

You want the biplane head in that level. It's pretty easy when you shoot both right and left. Also you can shoot Bruin's orbs he fires off when he's in the background

>> No.2453150

The trick to that is to walk around the boss room until all the tiles in the ring one tile away from the walls crumble. As in, not the tiles lining the walls, but one set closer. Doing so will cause the all the tiles within that space to instantly fall down, causing the boss to autodie when he next teleports in.

>> No.2453171

>reddit ending
>correct response

>> No.2455292

Fucking pussy. Beat it like 2 times, but couldn't for some reason on sega version. And it was in a span of a couple of month. I guess you lose the jumping on the disappearing blocks in heatman stage skill quite fast, so I got fed up with it and went to airman for my jet.

>> No.2455297
File: 24 KB, 320x200, eco quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was stuck one year on one puzzle. All you had to do was to click the tail of the tiger with the use cursor.

>> No.2455314

Woooah, that was me exactly.
How was I supposed to know??

>> No.2455324

Near the end of Breath of Fire 3, the solution to a puzzle was to stand still for a dozen or so seconds directly in front of a tablet. The clue was in the text, I think it implied you should meditate, but I didn't make the connection.

Was playing Wild Arms for the first time around then too, and I was actually proud to have solved a section that my way older brother was stuck on. It was the town just before the ghost ship sequence with the floating garden maze. he couldn't get through the maze, so he must have missed the npc that gives the clue on how to navigate it. Then we got stuck again for a while at the Cecilia vs. The Dewey Decimal System puzzle.

>> No.2455336
File: 864 KB, 3840x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid I could never figure out the world 8 fortress.
I guess I had poor spatial awareness or something.
My sisters figured out that because there's a warp pipe right after it on the world map, you can use the cloud to bypass it completely without worry of being sent back except game over.
So that was added to the list of must haves, including a frog suit to swim under the boat and a p wing to fly over the airship.
They tell me the tantrums I threw over Mario 3 were extreme, but I don't remember, just us beating it together.

>> No.2455392

The tower of babel in crusader of centy/soleil.
There was a room with a skull drawn in gray and yellow colored tiles. There was a line in the middle. You had to jump on the missing tile to proceed. I was stuck for years and multiple playthroughs. Eventually gamefaqs became a thing and I was baffled by the simplicity of the solution.

>> No.2455393

I did it as well, bit on hindsight I might have been accidently pushing down and up on the control pad as well. I don't think it's possible without that.

>> No.2455396

it's the part directly after this that i fucking hate, getting bumped off the platforms by bats. I don't understand why people call this game hard though? Besides that part i think it's rather easy

>> No.2455397

I never noticed this but why are there mushrooms near Bowser's castle in Dark Land?

>> No.2455407

I was stuck with 119 stars in SM64 for ages. I simply never figured out that you'd get an extra star in Princess ride if you finished it fast enough.

>> No.2457178

>Frog suit to swim under the boat
I always just got under it and mashed A

Holy shit, to this day I have never beaten this game without using the cloud. Looking at that map makes me feel stupid.

>> No.2457195

the asterite in ecco the dolphin
I still feel bad for not figuring it out myself but there weren't any clues (afaik) for hitting one color ball and no other colors while trying to avoid it killing you with lightning in that tiny cave

>> No.2457282

Mega Man X5.

To be honest, from the time I first played it in 3rd or 4th grade, to the time I entered high school, I was completely unable to beat the Shadow Devil. It all changed when I decided to try jumping over only the lowest blocks, and ducking the rest.

>> No.2457785

Links awakening, Bottle Grotto.
That stupid as Tom where you have to kill bad guys in order.

Also, Super Metroid
Didn't know you had to dash in Brinstar.

>> No.2457789

Oh yeah, first mission with the damn cow.
Took me a very long time.

>> No.2458034

I still don't get what the fuck you're supposed to do.

>> No.2458053
File: 82 KB, 968x1080, Heiankyo_Alien_-_1990_-_Meldac_Software[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game.
I got it as a gift but had no idea how to play it, I was mostly used to straight forward platforming games, this was not only puzzley but also quite unique and obscure, so couldn't find info anywhere.

Game gave me the creeps because of the intro music and how I couldn't do anything but get eaten by the aliens (in a fairly comical animation, but I thought it was scary at the time). I hid it away in a drawer and mostly tried to forget about it, until a few years later when I was more mature and I played it a bit more, then I figured how it worked.

It's actually quite fun, albeit short.

>> No.2458065

my nigga.

i loved this game growing up and felt the same way. i'm not even sure how i got it in my possession, maybe at a flea market or something? but i'd never been into anything like it before but i was hooked. if i was bored and wanted to waste a lil time -- this was it.

>> No.2458070
File: 62 KB, 480x360, ghosts and ladders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2458091
File: 12 KB, 350x262, zeldaoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I always get stuck in the Fire Temple in every OOT playthrough, although the first time was the worst, I was stuck for months. All I had to do was perform a small jump to catch a ledge, for some reason I thought it was unreachable that way and I kept trying different kind of things like playing the ocarina, using the hookshot, etc.

>> No.2458143
File: 219 KB, 521x1024, clash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clash At Demonhead. I think I made it pretty far considering I had no outside help except what little hints came from the manual, but I never finished it (until I got internet) because I never found the Sword of Apollo or the fishman boss, you need both to gain access to the last couple rooms and final boss. What was more frustrating is that I knew what I was missing in the first place because the manual teases you by showing you all the items you can get, as well as the bosses, but doesn't give you any hints about where they are.

>> No.2458259

I just recently got stuck on Tomb Raider 3. There's a part in Nevada around this big electric fence where you have to crawl through some tunnels. There's like two tunnels and a small drop at the end which leads to an empty water tank you obviously need to fill up in order to get over the fence, but there's no filling mechanism nearby. Turns out that just above the drop in the tunnels there was a higher ledge you could grab, but since the camera is so close to Lara in those tight corridors I couldn't see it.

I'm being confused yet again in the Crash Site level. I just went through some cave that had a whole bunch of monkey-bar ceilings in it over a spike pit and a few lever puzzles. From the crashed plane I can easily get to either side of that cave without needing to do any climbing or puzzle solving, so I was confused about what exactly the point of that cave was. Now that I've solved the lever puzzles in there which created a complete monkey-bar circuit to the two ends, I'm even more confused because it seems like I just spent nearly an hour making a path which leads to places you already needed access to in order to make the path.
Just after that I found a different path somewhere else in the level that leads deeper into the forest, so what the fuck was that cave all about?