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File: 15 KB, 400x300, nes-snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2446143 No.2446143 [Reply] [Original]

Which one you like more library wise? Always prefer the NES to be honest.

>> No.2446153


A lot of the supposed "best" games on the SNES are just inferior sequels to NES games.

>> No.2446162

Nes seems a bit too outdated for me, the SNES holds up extremely well, I pick SNES

>> No.2446174
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>> No.2446175

NES because it has more of an arcade spirit than the SNES, even the Gradius games have fewer slowdowns on the NES than the SNES.

>> No.2446180

SNES, solely because it's the console I grew up playing. Though the NES has plenty of good titles of its own.

I've played both consoles to death, though. I wish I knew more about what the Genesis and Master System had to offer.

>> No.2446220


>> No.2446225

NES had too much broken shit, like karate kid

>> No.2446226

I only like NES for Mega Man and Castlevania, but the SNES did them better. Plus RPGs, Actraiser, and Killer Instinct

>> No.2446231

The answer is SNES

Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario RPG, Super Metroid, Super Castlevania, highly underrated base Yoshi's Island, Mega Man X series, TMNT IV Turtles in Time, A Link to the Past, to name a few of the all-time greats.

Also, Super Mario World is better than Super Mario Bros 3 AND Super Mario 64

>I welcome the world as my enemy

>> No.2446239

Both are pretty much the same in terms. I guess the SNES has better RPGs but who the hell plays those anymore.

>> No.2446241
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SNES. You can almost run NES games on the SNES, so if I really wanted to play some River City Ransom, I'd modify the game to run on it.

>> No.2446248
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Snes, because I never had it.

>> No.2446271

NES/Famicom for faster paced arcade titles and more interesting game ideas on limited hardware.

>> No.2446293

How could someone even have that opinion?

>> No.2446313

>One of the best libraries ever vs slowdown and RPGs the console

Not a hard choice.

>> No.2446323
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Do there actually exist people who think the better Castlevania and Metroid games are on NES?

>> No.2446326

NES for shmups.
SNES for everything else.

>> No.2446329

Castlevania is way better on the NES. IV is mediocre as fuck.

>> No.2446334

Yes, hi, I'm one of them. The NES Castlevania games are infinitely superior to CV4. I don't give a shit about Metroid either way.

>> No.2446335
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NES Mario > SNES Mario
NES Zelda > SNES Zelda
NES Castlevania > SNES Castlevania
NES Mega Man > SNES Mega Man
NES Contra > SNES Contra

The one exception is Metroid.

>> No.2446338
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>not being awestruck at the ultimate power of being able to whip diagonally

>> No.2446345 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 545x483, 1433303182763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best Castlevania
>best Castlevania isn't on NES or SNES
>or even Playstation

>> No.2446348

NES Mario was ported to SNES exactly the same but with better graphics in Super Mario All Stars. The same happened with lots of NES games, for example one of my favourites SNES Battletoads Double Dragon makes the NES game look and feel ridiculous.

>> No.2446354

Waiting for that guy who shits on both and claims Atari was better

>> No.2446362

>for example one of my favourites SNES Battletoads Double Dragon makes the NES game look and feel ridiculous.
The SNES port is a buggy piece of shit, best version is Genesis then NES and last SNES.

>> No.2446363

Whoops, meant to quote >>2446348

>> No.2446412
File: 55 KB, 400x340, 1432865544514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best castlevania
>not symphony of the night
get the hell out

>> No.2446417


>> No.2446419

>praising overrated Metroidvania
>not worshipping the perfect blend of what made Symphony of the Night passable and the NES Castlevanias great

Your poor taste offends me. I hope you have a daughter and she grows up to date a man of questionable moral character.

>> No.2446428

>NES Mario was ported to SNES exactly the same but with better graphics
The physics are different and feel off, and I think the graphics and music are worse -- that part is subjective tho.

>> No.2446435

>that part is subjective tho

Look at this faggot over here trying to make people consider his opinions and respect them even if they happen to disagree

>> No.2446445
File: 45 KB, 500x479, yousickenwabit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet you formulate your opinions based on your own observations as well as those of your peers and professionals yet still understand the likelihood that others don't share in that view

>> No.2446454
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I liked CotM better than SotN because it's challenging. I like Aria better than SotN because it's a better produced SotN.

>> No.2446509

I started gaming on an NES and grew up mostly with an SNES.

Honestly, I think I have to lean toward the NES. It just has so many stellar games yet is overlooked compared to the SNES due to the SNES's heavy hitters.

You're more likely to find some crazy but really cool stuff on the NES than the SNES.

>> No.2446513
File: 224 KB, 739x1072, Akumajo_Densetsu_FC_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best Castlevania isn't on NES or SNES
>or even Playstation

You're right, the best Castlevania is only on the Famicom.

>> No.2447085

I do. Super Metroid and SC4 are piss easy. The NES games not only actually put up a fight, Metroid actually lets you get lost, unlike SM.

>> No.2447109

I preferred the library on the SNES a great deal more. But... the NES is really the epitome of retro comfiness in my mind. Just looking at that old gray box is so warm and relaxing.

>> No.2447134

NES has better games but trying to make games work on the actual console is fucking triggering

>> No.2447624

But anon, X68000 Castlevania did get ported to the PlayStation.

>> No.2447642

I don't know, SNES has more of my favorite games of all time than the NES does, but overall it didn't have very many great action games compared to the NES and Genesis, and a lot of games that would otherwise be alright like Gradius III and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, are plagued by crippling slowdown.
Probably have to go with NES.

>> No.2447679

If I had to pick I'd probably take the SNES.

NES is a bit archaic and things like genres and features we know as "standard" were just starting to come to light. The games are usually inherently simple where as the SNES are usually more complex (at least slightly) and had prettier graphics.

For every good game on the NES theres probably 3-4 shit ones. Now its probably the same on the SNES, but generally the shit games on the SNES are slightly less shit then the shit NES ones.

You can argue that a lot of the games are just dolled up sequels but I feel for the most part the games are more interesting because they are more complex and have more complex mechanics because they have access to an additional 4 buttons, very few games utilize them all, but games like Super Metroid do, and I feel over all its a more fun game then Metroid. Difficulty doesn't really play a factor in "fun" for me.

The older I get the less time I have to play, and sometimes playing the old NES games that are notoriously difficult and force you to replay due to requiring your to memorize whats coming up next are less and less appealing to me.

I'd be happy with either though.

>> No.2449689

Replace your 72-pin connector or wait for that Blinking Light Win thing.

>> No.2449839

NES is my favorite system overall, but if I could only play one system ever again it would be SNES.

>> No.2451980

True, false, false, true, true

...Yeah I guess it is better...

>> No.2451989

SNES Zelda and Castlevania were super easy compared to the NES counterparts. The NES games are better.

>> No.2452013

SNES, simply because JRPGs became good on it. The NES has its fair share of awesome games, but I actually prefer the Master System

It's really a high level race though. I love them all.

>> No.2452019

some games aged really poorly on the NES compared to their SNES counterparts (like Metroid) so I'll go with the SNES

>> No.2452078

NES, only because the castlevanias and megamans are better

>> No.2452086

>The NES has its fair share of awesome games, but I actually prefer the Master System
Even as a Sega-fag i prefer the NES by far.

>> No.2452104

That's okay, I know I'm pretty alone with my opinion, but I just love that sexy beast.

>> No.2452131
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SNES. I'd need fighting games and beat 'em ups. Lots of arcade ports are a bonus

>> No.2452153

SNES hands down. (Granted I am biased because I grew up on SNES)

>> No.2452245
File: 9 KB, 280x280, 1311302721168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Mario World is better than Super Mario Bros 3 AND Super Mario 64

>> No.2452263

NES didn't have: Cybernator, Chrono Trigger, Demon's Crest, F-Zero, Front Mission, Kirby Super Star, Seiken Densetsu 3, Super Mario Kart, Yoshi's Island, The Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Wild Guns, or Zombies Ate My Neighbors though.

>> No.2452285

I agree. SNES was shit in comparison to NES.

>> No.2452297

Naw, Zelda 1 is better than LttP and Castlevania 3 is better than 4.

Contra is the only one that's debatable.

>> No.2452313

A Link to the Past is such an excellent game, it has a great soundtrack, cute graphics, the Pegasus boots are so satisfying, and the dungeon design is so fun. I 100%ed it for my first time recently and I had such a blast playing, it added such a great amount of depth and lore to the franchise.

That being said, it still pales in comparison to the first Zelda. I don't know if there's a game like that where I can just turn off and become absorbed in the whole thing, I've been doing the second quest recently, and trying to keep my usage of a guide with it to a minimum and its such a magical experience. I feel that the LTTP wall cracks and maps would hurt the experience. Considering the first game, I'm a little upset that they decided to have two near identical worlds in ALttP instead of just one gigantic world to get lost in like that.

>> No.2452426

If you like it so much why don't you marry it?

Eagerly awaiting your reply.

>> No.2452482
File: 23 KB, 515x515, 4315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part exactly is shit? the better graphics and Smooth scrolling? The versatile controls? Or maybe its the sprite hit detection? I know for a fact everybody loves taking damage in the upper right space above their characters head.

Ah well its for the best i suppose.

>> No.2452502

SNES because JRPGs.

>> No.2452591

It's better than SM64, not better than SMB3.

>> No.2453128

Metroid is arguable.

Here's a few actual exceptions.

NES Final Fantasy < SNES Final Fantasy
NES Ghost 'n' Goblins < SNES Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
NES Gargoyle's Quest < SNES Demon's Crest

>> No.2453214

I'm with you Anon, I've enjoyed many a NES classic but something keeps me strangely devoted to the Master System.

>> No.2453251


It was my first console. And partly for nostalgia reasons. I remember being blown away by Zelda, RC Pro-Am, Crystalis, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Ikari Warriors 2, Kid Icarus, Kung Fu, and Mega Man.

All we had prior to the NES was the Atari console. So the NES was a big leap and defining moment in gaming for me.

>> No.2453262

SNES seems inferior particularly when it comes to shmups.

>> No.2453270


I'm really not a fan of any of the 16bit consoles to be honest.

>> No.2453281

The first Castlevania is an unreachable masterpiece. Every stage is amazing, every obstacle perfectly designed to challenge you, yet the infinite continues and short levels temper any frustration and make you realize that every death is your failing. Beating that game is an accomplishment.

CV3 went too far with fucking the player over, the stairs in particular are extremely annoying.
Still one of the best games on the system and has awesome music, but doesn't reach the original.

SC4 removes too much of the challenge, large strips of levels feel like pure filler.

Rondo is, again, an awesome game and comes close, but I feel the player's movements are too restricted with respect to everything he has to tackle, enemies are much more nimble for NES controls to work ideally.
I'd say Dracula X comes closest to the original, challenging as fuck, short and to the point.

To those who name SOTN as the best game I can only point and laugh. Cool time waster, but far too many flaws to be a masterpiece.

>> No.2453297

>large strips of levels feel like pure filler.
This is exactly what i feel about Castlevania 4, style over substance and unnecesarily long levels, the first Castlevania is a tighter game overall with fucking pumpin' soundtrack instead of boring generic atmospheric music.

I also enjoy the first Contra more than Contra 3, Contra 3 has too much gimmicky bullshit like auto-scroll sections and those shitty Mode 7 levels, it wasn't as fast paced and straightforward as the first game. Hard Corps is good, but too much focus on bosses.

>> No.2453302

Why was the US SNES so ugly?

The Japanese/UK one was way nicer.

>> No.2453424

Because the design was deemed too 'toy like" and literally not edgy enough by Nintendo of America.

>> No.2453797

NES for hardcore gamers

SNES for easy noob gamers

>> No.2455617
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You a solid #2 doe

>> No.2455648

Whatever, anon who can only see in 8-bit colors! Whats the matter, does looking at Amiga, Genesis, and SNES games hurt your primitive eyes?

>> No.2455741

This game gets too little credit. It's one of the least mentioned major Castlevania games, and also one of the best.

>> No.2456057

snes because the games on it are more complex than those on the nes.

>> No.2456149


Oh wow, I am a hardcore gamer!!!!!111!1
srls, I like best NES but don't know why

>> No.2456197

SNES for RPGs and a handful of side-scrollers.
NES for everything else, since I don't really like any 16 bit fighters or find their PSX ports to be superior.

>> No.2456204

I just played the NES Castlevania games and i enjoyed them more than Castlevania 4. Except for Simon's quest though, that game is just dull as shit.

>> No.2456483

>Except for Simon's quest though, that game is just dull as shit.

Par for the course. It's really not a good game.

What I really like about the NES Castlevanias is how streamlined they are. No boring parts at all. You also can't stomp through the levels like in 4 without facing rather grim consequences.

If you're done with the NES games, you could try Castlevania Reborn. It's a pretty neat romhack for CV 1.

>> No.2456490

>If you're done with the NES games, you could try Castlevania Reborn. It's a pretty neat romhack for CV 1.
I will, thanks. Also i will try the X68k remake.

>> No.2457439

SNES. Literally every series experienced massive improvements, and the vast majority the best JRPGs of all time were for the system as well, since you could actually have enough text to tell a story.

There's nothing the NES did that the SNES didn't have better versions of. It was just Super

>> No.2458542

Castlevania and Zelda took steps backwards in a lot of ways.

Super Mario, Contra, BattleToads, classic Mega Man, and Mother are basically just their NES predecessors with slightly better presentation (the absolute bare minimum of what you'd expect on a newer console).
Not "massive improvements" by any means, and opinions like that SMB3 or NES Mega Man are superior are far from uncommon.

Some series like Gradius and Ghosts 'n Goblins are possibly slightly better than on the NES, but suffer from crippling slowdown that really drag them down.

I guess Kirby, Goemon, Final Fantasy, Mega Man X, Gargoyle's Quest, and Metroid saw improvements, but even those could be argued.

And for a good deal of these series, similar and better games could be played on competing consoles, which wasn't anywhere near as true with the NES.

>> No.2458568

>Some series like Gradius and Ghosts 'n Goblins are possibly slightly better than on the NES, but suffer from crippling slowdown that really drag them down.
Gradius 1/2 play a lot more fluid on the NES than Gradius III on the SNES, Ghosts 'n Goblins doesn't count because it was ported by a shitty company.

>> No.2458575

>Ghosts 'n Goblins doesn't count because it was ported by a shitty company
I don't see how this is relevant. The fact is the SNES version has tons of absolutely ridiculous slowdown, and depending on how you feel about that, SGnG isn't an improvement over the NES game as a result.

>> No.2458576

>Gradius 1/2 play a lot more fluid on the NES

That comes at the cost of being a badly crippled port.

>> No.2458634

NES is the bridge between the Atari era and the modern era of gaming as the basics of today's gaming were laid down during the 3rd gen, but did not reach maturity until the 4th gen.

>> No.2458672

Tough choice, the NES' best games are better than the SNES', but there aren't nearly as many bad games on the SNES. I'd guess I'd go with the SNES.

>> No.2458676

16-bit Dragon Quest were also just the NES games with slightly more colors.

>> No.2458687

SNES did have tighter quality control than the NES, also the American game industry had recovered from the crash by the early 90s and we were no longer producing shit like the LJN and Acclaim NES titles.

Competition from the Genesis possibly also had to do with SNES devs paying more attention to quality control because the NES had no serious competition, so they didn't care so much about making shitty games.

>> No.2458697

I don't think the SNES Kirbys stack up to Kirby's Adventure or the Gameboy original.

>> No.2458698

SNES games def. had better programming. Many NES games were programmed atrociously.

>> No.2458714

SMW is not a big improvement over the NES Marios, I agree. Link to the Past though is easily much more sophisticated than the NES Zeldas.

>> No.2458740

>people who think the better Castlevania and Metroid games are on NES
Yeah, the people that have played them.

>> No.2458747

Eh? SMW was the first game made for the console and the programmers were new to the hardware while SMB3 came well into the NES's run when everyone knew the hardware intimately.

>> No.2458749

True, but Yoshi's Island is late into the SNES era and it's not better than SMB3.

>> No.2458753

I think it's a quite good game myself.

>> No.2458806

Ghosts 'n Goblins has jerky frame-rate, looks like shit and doesn't play as good as the arcade. SGnG has the annoying slowdowns but it the gameplay is more polished.

Ghouls 'n Ghosts is the best of the series though.

They are good adaptations for home consoles, and the SNES Gradius III wasn't near as frenetic as the arcade either.

>> No.2459009

It's also not a Mario game.

A shame we'll never know what Nintendo could have done with the series late in the SNES's life just because Miyamoto didn't want to make another 2D Mario game.