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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2443885 No.2443885 [Reply] [Original]

I always try to achieve a perfect retro setup, but I've realized you just can't fucking have perfection. Even the smallest amount of discontent that my retro setup yields makes me want to just give up and fucking sell thousands worth of vidya and RGB consoles.

I bought a few reproductions (Fire Emblem Thracia/Geneology and some other shit), but I also sent in 4 games for battery replacements (since they've frequently deleted my files). These 4 games were:

>Super Metroid
>Soul Blazer

The guy who did the battery for me did an amazing job; simply put, he appended some kind of device that lets me replace batteries on my own without the need of soldering, but oddly enough I find myself testing these games in addition to playing them just to see if their save files still aren't fucked. So flash forward to 2 weeks after they arrive and I find that my Super Metroid file and DKC2 files have been deleted. Soul Blazer today had just been deleted as well.

>> No.2443897


get a grip dawg. get flashcarts

>> No.2443901

Wait so have you wrote saves to these to test them out or not?

>> No.2443902



The thing is, I wanted to ask you guys if a certain trick is known to fuck save files. I have not given up on my games yet but I have often tilted those 3 games while playing because it improved the success rate rather than just putting it in completely. I have stopped tilting my games and none of my files have been deleted so far, but I'm still going to give it 2 weeks and just stick to "trial and error" (by inserting completely, and repeating if it doesn't work).

Two weeks tops, and if I see my save files deleted again I am going to fucking flip out. A lot of my other games have retained their save files so it could be my games being messed up. I've read about how saves get stuck in the SRAM and what keeps it in there are batteries, but how could the guy who repaired 4 of my games give me 4 dead batteries? That's a lot of bad luck. Fuck this is so frustrating.

>> No.2443909


I can't do flashcarts, I just can't. It's either get rid of my retro library of 200+ games on different retro platforms and started emulating or find a fix for this shit.

>> No.2443915

I replace my batteries the ghetto way, sawing the old ones out with a razor blade and securing the new ones with electrical tape. Not a single job I've done yet has failed me.

>> No.2443932


Seriously? I didn't think you could gimmick your way into reviving batteries.

>> No.2443956
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Tilting may be your problem. Sounds like you need to clean your connector/pins instead of such kludgerery.

Sometimes it's possible for the address pins needed to play the game having contact, while a pin or two needed to access SRAM don't. This may lead to corrupted saves. Often times games will check for corrupted save data with a checksum. If the checksum fails, then some games delete the files. I know for a fact that Super Metroid does this, which is one of your problem carts.

Also, are you sure the voltage on the batteries is right? Maybe he replaced your batts with some weaksauce, piss balls, prolapsed low voltage coins. Crack open your carts and check em' out.

>> No.2443958

You're tilting carts while in the system and wondering why you're losing saves?

Retarded hipster everyone.

>> No.2443986
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>Also, are you sure the voltage on the batteries is right?

Would you mind clarifying for me? I wouldn't know which voltage was right, and I don't think when he did the repairs that he re-used the batteries inside on the newly added clip on thing that he put on my games. I threw out Super Metroid and DKC2's batteries before sending all 4 to him anyway.

>> No.2443989
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Err... which voltage would be right*

Also, save file still exists after I kinda just pushed the battery in more, but I still bet this fucker is going to delete itself. In any case, I'm not going to be tilting anymore.

>> No.2443996
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Just opened up my test cart and it looks like you have the right battery. Do you have a voltmeter? You may want to check the voltage across the battery (it may be weak), or continuity check the battery with the board (it may be loose).

Honestly it looks like he did ok, so I bet it's just a dirty connector (the slot your game plugs into.)

>> No.2444001

Whoops, forgot to say what voltage. But it's actually looking you in the eye in your photo. 3V. If you don't know anything about electronics, to test the voltage just touch a voltmeter's leads to both sides of the battery.

>> No.2444134

>I can't do flashcarts, I just can't
you buy shitty ass repos but can't do flash carts? wtf

>> No.2444212


At least repros are not emulation, nigga. And it's really nice having a standalone version of some of my favourite JRPGs that I emulated as a kid. Of course I'm paying about 30-35 a piece for them. Anything higher and I wouldn't pay.

I have no such tool.

>> No.2444215

>At least repros are not emulation, nigga.
what in the fuck. same exact shit as a flash cart which is not emulation

>> No.2444218

You could get a shit flash cart that plays +95% of the library for less than the cost of two repros. If you somehow think a flash cart isn't as good as the real thing, just remember that repros aren't the real thing either.

>> No.2444219
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I am a physicist and am trying to come up with ways to test a 3V battery with house hold items. The best I can think of is you can create a pile battery from nickels and pennies with salty moist napkins sandwiched between and.... I got nothin.

>> No.2444227

Unscrew a wall socket and cut any wire from your mains. Put the battery in between the cut wires to complete the circuit. If the battery holds a charge it will emit a faint hissing sound.

It's an old trick my electrician father taught me. I guarantee it'll work.

>> No.2444234


poorfags confirmed

>> No.2444247

Anyone who tries to justify buying repros is either a shill or a retard.

Which one are you?

>> No.2444336

>lalalala I can't hear you

>> No.2444437

dude, once the battery is pulled, the saves are gone, period.

the only way around this is to wire 5V to the cart to keep it powered while the battery is being swapped. most people offering swap services don't do this.

were the saves there when you got the carts back?

are you stupid? flash carts are not emulation

this isn't a problem with the battery, it's a dirty cart edge connector or dirty slot on the console

pretty much this. i used to think repros were cool, then I was like, wait, for the price of 2-3 of these, I can buy a cart that plays every fucking game that doesn't have an expansion chip

probably a retard with too much money

>> No.2444458

Um he puts a different battery back in

>> No.2444489

All will be fine if you invest more in maintaining your equipment and less in them repros.

That plus your lack of maintenance is undoubtedly the cause of your problems.

Since you're incapable of handling original hardware go the emulation route

Flash carts aren't emulation either. I'm beginning to think you're special.

>> No.2445230

They aren't at all. god

Get a flashcart for the love of memes

>> No.2446764

>he appended some kind of device that lets me replace batteries on my own without the need of soldering

It's called a battery socket. I do this to all my carts that have dead batteries. Bought a bag of 100 sockets off ebay.

>> No.2447113
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>Sockets requiring soldering