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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 1075x1024, Sega_Saturn_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2441998 No.2441998 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for good RPGs edition.

>> No.2442012

Just finished Shining Force 3 (part 1) and it was incredible. About to start Shining The Holy Ark.

Panzer Saga was amazing too.

>> No.2442114

There are fan translations out for the other 2 Shining Force 3 episodes.

>> No.2442123
File: 123 KB, 640x917, shining-the-holy-ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Ark is good

>> No.2442130

Best SRPG.

Beats the fuck out of FFT and Fire Emblem

>> No.2442140

Was there ever a Phantasy Star game on the Saturn?

>> No.2442149

No, sadly. The PS team worked on the Sakura Taisen series during the Saturn days.

>> No.2442173

I'm sure glad we get to play those games, r-right anon


>> No.2442176

Panzer Dragoon Saga, Dragon Force, Shining the Holy Ark, and Shining Force 3 Trilogy are all fucking fantastic.

There was a collection, I believe, but not anything new unfortunately. Plenty of interesting RPG stuff on the japanese side of things though, like the aforementioned Sakura Taisen, Devil Summoner, Langrisser, Grandia, Baroque, Black Matrix, Suikoden....

I'm depressed now.

>> No.2442180

there's a remake of the first two games on ps2 that's worth checking out

>> No.2442195

Samurai Shodown RPG is great if you can understand a bit of moon.

the Shining Force III trilogy may be the greatest gaming experience in history

Princess Crown and Dragon Force II aren't very good, but the first Dragon Force is still brilliant.

There's also cross-platform RPGs such as Suikoden and Lunar, both again in moon, but decent games.

Panzer Dragoon Saga is just sublime.

>> No.2442646

Princess Crown may have a lot of faults, but I'd still suggest it just because of how charming it is. Plus the Gradriel chapters are fantastic.

>> No.2442686

Anyone know the status of the DF2 translation project? Its been years since I looked into it.

>> No.2442727

Months since it was finished

>> No.2442745
File: 19 KB, 259x194, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Albert Odyssey is pritty gud also

>> No.2442813

Great graphics and music, and a serviceable battle system. I just wish the boss battles weren't so bland - they have wayyyy too much HP and take forever (I gave up after a late-game boss took over an hour-and-a-half to beat).

It's only -barely- an RPG, but I recommend looking into Dark Savior. It's kind of wonky and half-baked in a lot of places, and it's as ugly as sin, but it has a lot of charm and an engrossing story.

Honestly after playing the Wii Sakura Wars I am perfectly fine never touching this dating sim series ever again.

>> No.2443808

I'm about 5 hours into Princess Crown and really digging it. Its a bit tricky because I have to play with a guide open at all times, but the combat is grindy enough that it's keeping me hooked. Kind of reminds me of Souls with the dodging and punishment for using power.

>> No.2443862

but I love dumb waifu bullshit like that

>> No.2443875


What happened to ST? I seem to remember it was pretty big in Japan. Did interest for it taper off or did Sega just drop it?

>> No.2443883

The Wii one is a really poor representation of the franchise :( It pains me that of all the series that's what we got.

>> No.2444034

Probably both. The PS/ST team ended up creating the Valkyria Chronicles games.

>> No.2444092

I think that ultimately nothing could ever really compare to the original cast members.
Sega keeps milking the franchise with mobile games and other minor entries but I wouldn't ever expect to see ST to return to the level it was at in the 90's.

>> No.2444148

I just ordered a Saturn so I can finally get around to play that Saturn port of Symphony of the night.

Anyone have any good recommendations for Japanese imports that won't break the bank to go with it?

>> No.2444152

>Sakura Wars fan-translation never

god damn it fuck everything

>> No.2444158
File: 282 KB, 640x480, vfMCbQS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga what

>> No.2444164

Is it finished? Is it downloadable? This is all news to me!

>> No.2444203
File: 16 KB, 834x600, handsomefiend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing visual novels

>> No.2444210

Sounds like you're unfamiliar with the game.
Sakura Wars may have VN parts, but its also a tactical rpg.

>> No.2444213

/v/ is leaking in again

>> No.2444216

But not a very good one. They should get it over with and include Sakura Taisen in a Super Robot Taisen game. They already featured in Project X Zone.

>> No.2444259
File: 29 KB, 253x360, PanzerDragoonSagaBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my local shop has this
I wish I had $300 to burn. They also have Guardian Heroes for $75. I wish I had a better paying job.

>> No.2444282
File: 155 KB, 241x182, fuck this gay earth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no retro game shops in Australia

>> No.2444290

Brand new?

>> No.2444292

I don't believe that for shit.

>> No.2444296

They weren't brand new but they were in near-pristine condition and very clearly owned by responsible adults. No scuffs on the box or discs for Panzer Dragoon Saga and it had all of the paperwork. I would buy it if not for the fact that I simply cannot afford $300 for one game, even if it's worth its weight in gold.

Guardian Heroes might be in my price range, even if just barely. Maybe I will buy it as an early birthday gift for myself.

>> No.2444307

There are shops which sell retro consoles and retro console accessories but no retro games.

>> No.2444325

Become an entrepreneur, m8. There weren't any retro shops in my area until about a year ago. Retro games are big bucks right now.

>> No.2444337

As in the make big bucks or they cost big bucks?

>> No.2444339

This. Sell re-pro Earthbound carts for $700. The assholes who are willing to pay that much deserve it.

>> No.2444342

They make big bucks. Even Gamestop is looking into getting back into retro games.

>> No.2444348
File: 39 KB, 617x416, 453734568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah this is a copy of Earthbound. It's pretty much the rarest Super Nintendo game ever made and it won like every award ever. It's worth at least two hundred dollars, so I'm practically giving it away at $150.

>> No.2444349

That would have been nice of them start like 5 years ago.

>> No.2444358

Hm. Well, I don't speak/read/write much Japanese (at least not enough to just pick up a game or read a book and understand it) but I did play Dragon Force II on an emulator. I'm curious as to how it's not as good as the first?

>> No.2444361

>Samurai Shodown RPG
Where can I find this? I herd this was legendarily rare.

>> No.2444376
File: 106 KB, 704x448, 273-Burning_Rangers_(U)-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I've always wondered what it would have been and looked like. I can only imagine.

>> No.2444530

I've already got a buddy in the trade. I can buy games from him.

>> No.2444532

What? No, it's everywhere Saturn ISOs are sold. Check emuparadise.

>> No.2444901
File: 89 KB, 640x448, Sonic Jam Sega Saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys get the best quality video resolution out of your Saturn?

>> No.2445020

The best "authentic" way to experience the Saturn is to go through an RGB Scart cable to a CRT television that has native SCART (which don't exist in the US), or a CRT with component inputs and then go through a SCART to component adapter. That will essentially make your games look as good as if they were on an Arcade machine.

You can also go from RGB scart to HDMI using an upscaling adapter, and play it on your flat screen. It will not look as authentic but it'll still look amazing and clear-- almost like emulation.

>> No.2445040

>Saturn ISOs are sold

>> No.2445316


>> No.2445448

Let's pretend I understood any of what that meant, what's the cheapest solution?

>> No.2445569
File: 69 KB, 600x635, Nickle%20plated%20scart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheapest "OK" solution is an S-video cable on a TV with S-video support.

The best solution is an RGB SCART cable, either on a TV that RGB SCART support or through an adapter. Pic related is a SCART cable.

Composite (the yellow cable) looks bad and you shouldn't use it. RF (the silver screw on cable) is the absolute worst option and no-one should use it for anything ever.

>> No.2445604

>Guardian Heroes

Play the 360 version. You could probably find a 360 for $80 if you searched around.

I picked up the game yesterday for $81

>> No.2445623

alright, I have a US Saturn with a US component-capable CRT TV.

I'd need a Saturn RGB cable and an adaptor to plug it into the component cable ports on the CRT?

>> No.2445648

You will need one of these

You'll also need this for audio, as that SCART converter does not support RCA audio

>> No.2445669
File: 1.00 MB, 218x228, kDefYC2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not know how to read, anon?

>> No.2445686

Is Burning Rangers text heavy at all? Would it be possible to play through the NTSC-J version without any knowledge of Japanese?

>> No.2445694

Not at all, you can get buy with a japanese version.

I can't even figure how all three of those would plug in, also seems too expensive compared to the S-video cable I already have.

>> No.2445738

The levels can be pretty big and confusing, so you can press a button to get directions, which will be in Japanese if you import. Other than that it should be fine.

>> No.2446156

The Saturn cable plugs into the two-ended SCART passthrough with the RCA jacks, which you plug into the audio on your TV. The other end of the passthrough plugs into the adapter, and your component cables go from the adapter to the TV. It may sound complicated but once you have all the parts in front of you, it's very easy to figure out.

It is a lot more expensive than S-video, but it also looks a lot better than S-video. The jump between S-video and RGB is bigger than the jump between composite and S-video, and it's worth investing in if picture quality is something you care a lot about. RGB is definitively the best image quality that can possibly be taken from an old console.

>> No.2446237

Even if a game does not play well if you don't know Japanese, if the English version is prohibitively expensive, you can always buy a Japanese copy for your collection and burn an English copy to play with a modchip. I'll probably end up doing that with Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning Rangers, unless a borderline absurdly better paying job ends up falling in my lap in the next few months. I don't feel like it's cheating if you burn a game you own to get the correct language at a price that won't flatline your bank account.

>> No.2446580
File: 14 KB, 215x295, ss-ar4mp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can just buy this.

>> No.2446861

To the people who enjoyed Shining Force 3, do you not find it a bit boring?

It doesn't appear to have a job-change system, nor can you hire and customise generic units, so am I to understand the characters you play and the spells\moves they learn are all set in stone?

The music\graphics all seem lovely but customising your army set up is most of the fun in an SRPG for me, am I glossing over something or does the game really play like that?

>> No.2446881

That's just how Shining is. It's more RPG than S, kind of.

>> No.2446884
File: 717 KB, 1612x1169, Dark Savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Savior is kind of a very unique Platformer/RPG/Adventure mix.

If you care more about story and atmosphere go for it
If you are more insterested in the rpg elements like leveling up and customization don't even bother

Also, the controls take a while to get used to so don't get discouraged

>> No.2446986

You do have more characters than you can use in one battle, so you can re-play the game using different characters.

Also, the weapon you pick will also make your character more adept at that one weapon; picking different weapons early on can therefore affect your late game stats. This makes a slight difference in what is your most effective late game weapon - there are I think 3 different weapons that each unit can use.

Some of the lategame weapons are pretty nasty too, like being able to cast multi-hitting lightning spells.

>> No.2447001

Action Replay is good for playing imports but it does not translate Japanese to English. Some games are light enough on text that they need no translation, but for RPGs and the like you need English text unless you can read Japanese.

>> No.2447010


Speaking of Guardian Heroes, did the ever fix the emulation for it yet, or does it still freeze up during stage 2?

>> No.2447018

Probably just your iso being corrupt, I've played Guardian Heroes from start to end so many times on SSF.

>> No.2447040

Where did you get your iso from?

>> No.2447059
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x680, Dark Savior [NTSC-U].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark savior.
ugly as shit, but a classy fucker.

>> No.2447067
File: 147 KB, 640x1090, 4920_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also story of thor 2/legend of oasis 2.
not strictly an rpg, but has some rpg elements

>> No.2447117

Best Saturn Win8 emulator right now?

>> No.2447125

dumped it from the game cd.

>> No.2447362

>ugly as shit
it really isnt

the 2D sprites in a 3D world makes for a really interesting aesthetic

>> No.2447376

Still SSF.

>> No.2447389

Looks like Landstalker.

>> No.2447409

It's the spiritual successor of Landstalker, made by the same developers. Similar camera and gameplay elements but on an unrelated universe with a different story and tone

>> No.2447925

I'm trying to get into Saturn emulation and I've got SSF, but I don't have the option of burning CD-ROMs due to a PC hardware malfunction which I don't have the luxury of fixing. Is there a way to run games directly from the ISO?

>> No.2447941

daemon tools. mount the iso

>> No.2447974

daemon tools sucks and is nagware/adware, use virtual clone drive instead, it even seemlessly works with windows, unlike daemon tools with constantly wants to make sure you know it's there.

>> No.2447984

Do any of you know any Saturn RPG's with a gimmick of some sort? Anything that makes it stand out a little from the general setup of:


Any subset of RPG is fair game, I just worry I'm missing out of the cooler games on the system.

>> No.2447990

fuck off hipster asshole

>> No.2447991

Dark Savior's battles are 1 on 1 fighting game style combat(but clunkier and less varied). you can also capture some of the enemies and later use them on future battles

>> No.2448001

>virtual clone drive

I poked around a bit for this. Is the tutorial listed here: http://fantasyanime.com/emuhelp/emuhelp_ssf.htm under "Booting CD images (ISO)" accurate?

>> No.2448014

Is there a specific folder where I need to put Virtual CloneDrive?

>> No.2448040

Has anybody tried Riglord Saga\Blazing Heroes?

Seems pretty fun, was just wondering if I should go straight into the sequel or not.

>> No.2448072

When I install Virtual CloneDrive should I check off "Associate .img", "Associate .ugf", and "Associate .bin"? Those are the only ones that don't already have the boxes next to them checked off.

>> No.2448076

OK, I think I've maybe got SSF and Virtual CloneDrive figured out. I'll update if I'm still having issues.

>> No.2448084

its a joke anon

>> No.2448096

Does virtual clone drive work for Ootake as well? I'm trying to get Turbo CD to emulate.

>> No.2448161

Virtual Clone Drive doesn't like .cue and .mds files (not completely sure about the latter). Convert your games to .ccd if you're going to use it. This is a program that works:


It's worth the hassle. You don't want malicious software on your computer. I'm sure Saturn emulation will get better in the near future, these measures will not be necessary for long.

>> No.2448220

>Virtual Clone Drive
>not WinCDEmu portable

>> No.2448295

I found Guardian Heroes as an .mdf file and it won't run except for the intro for some reason. Anything I can do about this? Virtual CloneDrive doesn't seem to even recognize the format.

>> No.2448328

>The jump between S-video and RGB is bigger than the jump between composite and S-video, and it's worth investing in if picture quality is something you care a lot about.

No it isn't composite to s-vid is the bigger jump. Svid to rgb just improves the colours

>> No.2448347

I've been using alcohol 120 to burn MDF games specifically and haven't produced a coaster since

>> No.2448373

Oh my, I never knew the emulation scene for Saturn was so terrible. There are a handful of games that work and everything else is still buggy, despite the small library. This is actually worse than Nintendo 64.

What a terrible shame, I always assumed emulation for the Saturn would have been spot on.

>> No.2448402

>I always assumed emulation for the Saturn would have been spot on
Hurray for assumptions. The Saturn is a complicated machine to emulate because it's hardware architecture is convoluted. It's not any fault of emulator developers; on the contrary, Yabause is one of the best emulators around. The Saturn has two cpus and six other processors; a 3D processor was jammed in the thing late in the development. It's just not a simple machine.

>> No.2448413
File: 142 KB, 845x478, 1432563359938o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite the small library
Since when is 1500 game "small"?

>> No.2448478

Does not work with ssf. VCD is the next closest thing to the class of software with those type of ethics.

You are supposed to mount the .mds instead of .mdf, I think. And if it doesn't work, convert.

>> No.2448495

Saturn emulation is actually pretty good if all games you want to play running at full speed on a toaster suits the definition of "pretty good" to you. It's just that ssf is closed source and has a silly system wherein a user is supposed to mount games to play them and most of the mounting software either doesn't work with it, or is riddled with spyware, which is what some of this thread is about. It doesn't have much to do with the emulation aspect, just getting the thing to work.

And now there is Yabause, which complies to modern standards and will surely surpass ssf one day if development continues. It even has an RA core. It has medium compatibility at this time, and I believe you need a more powerful computer to use it since it is aiming for a higher level of accuracy than ssf.

>> No.2448506

I've heard Windows 10 is going to have embedded image mounting besides just ISO. We'll see how that turns out.

>> No.2448798
File: 42 KB, 470x538, Soul-Hacker-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devil Summoner and Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers.

The later got a translated, enhanced port to the 3DS so you might just want to play that, but if you're itching to play a good RPG on the Saturn, both DS games are classics, especially SH.

>> No.2448837

I've never gotten it working right. I've tried multiple emulators with both ISOs and actual saturn disks, the games either skip like mad or the graphics are unwatchable.

>> No.2448941

Oh, it's got charm through the roof. But it can be a decidedly tedious experience if you're not good at moon because of how much you need to cross-reference everything. If it were more straight forward I'd recommend it to more people but as it stands I think its sequels were better.

Yeah, it does have some good innovations gameplay-wise. My problem was the lack of new moves for you to acquire, and a general reliance on items, which is something I never like that much in RPGs.

Costs about $15 for the Saturn version, so no, not much.

>> No.2448945

This is a sort of complex one to explain. The main problem is that the AI is a joke, and that gameplay elements are self-conflicting.

Different factions are usually cordoned from one another by those demon forts. Instead of those grand, epic clashes going on between five factions at once like in Dragon Force 1, most AI factions just conquer as much as they can and then don't progress any further, sometimes even leaving their forts undefended. Because they can't really fight other factions, they can't gain many other generals, which means that when you do fight them they're several underpowered in terms of numbers and easy to blast through.

Secondly, one of the reasons for this is the implementation of the crafting system, which allows you to create better armor and weapons for your generals. However, the problem with this is that the AI will not utilise it and, again, it makes the game stupidly easy. You can end up annihilating opposing factions with ease, and it becomes a drab to play, because a new feature can't be properly used without breaking the game. To gain the materials for these weapons in the first place you also have to grind in the demon pits. This means you spend the majority of the game fighting the same demon soldiers over and over again.

Whereas four or five factions might be fighting in close vicinity in Dragon Force 1, in the second they mostly do nothing until you reach them, meaning that the intensity of the first is lost. The two unlockable factions also can't be fought until late in the game, whereas in the first game they were big players on the world map and actually a bit more difficult than the other factions. So instead of fighting interesting factions and characters, you fight demon generals with their same demon soldiers over and over again. (1/2)

>> No.2448948


They're also very weak to cavalry, meaning that a mid-level unit in the original game becomes a god-send, and you never have to get the best units like samurai or dragons because they don't serve any real purpose, unlike their incredible usefulness in the first game. The last part of the game is the absolute worse, being forced to fight even more of these units and then being given some deus ex machina move to finish off the final boss with. This means there's never any real challenge or fun to be had, and it's also exacerbated by the muted colors of the visuals, as well as the music being of a far less quality than the first game. I never understood why Official Sega Saturn Magazine gave the game an 81% back in 1998 until I sat down and played it myself; it has some good ideas but nothing is implemented well enough, because most of the additional features are pointless and you spend the majority of the game fighting the same soldiers over and over again using the exact same methods every time.

>> No.2449379

I've got Panzer Dragoon running just fine the same way and Guardian Heroes plays the intro no problem. It just give me a blank screen after that though.

>> No.2449382

>riddled with spyware

Such as?

>> No.2449458

Composite is what all Japanese Saturns sold with, and actually relied on due to the mesh effect.

RGB cables were only sold in Europe, packed in for the machine, for some odd reason.

>Since when is 1500 game "small"?

Since it is closer to ~900 something if you don't count separate region versions as extra releases, and since 3-400 of those are mah-jong games or dating sims.

>> No.2449483

>Such as?

Two or three entire apps, all of which you can manually untick during the install.

So basically if you are a moron who should not be allowed near computers, Daemon Tools is bad for you.

>> No.2449685

Try downloading it from it different site

>> No.2450315

I'm not going to bother setting up a VM just to test it, but the older version installed spyware automatically, it even showed it directly. Registry edits and problematic drivers that mine data.

I don't think they would have made the program less malicious with time, to be honest. Even if it shows you those options, I'm willing to bet it comes with something that doesn't ask for your input.

The blank screen after intro thing happened to me after mounting the wrong file. Make sure you are doing it correctly. And if that fails, >>2449685.

>> No.2450319

I've just tried three different versions from 2010, 2013, and the most recent one, and you could deselect the bundled crap in all three.

Just to be clear though, I was using DT Lite, not DT Ultra or whatever is their insane tier app version is.

Also, the older versions of DT Lite (the version 4 branch) allowed for up to 4 drives, while the current ones only allow for 1. So you might want to look for "Daemon Tools Lite 4" specifically.

>> No.2450323

I can't trust a program that once had malicious software as part of the installation. It doesn't really matter if you can deselect things, because those might not be the only things being installed. It could be a tactic to gain the user's trust.

Anyway, please be careful when using DT. I would not advise it to anybody who cares about keeping their computer clean.

>> No.2450509

There were RGB cables in Japan, they are just not that common.

You do lose the dithering effect when you switch to RGB, but it is worth it for the additional clarity.

Some people would say composite is "the way it's supposed to look," but to that I say it's not, because the games were designed using RGB monitors. The only reason the games were primarily viewed on composite is because that's what the vast majority of TVs had back then, not because the game creators wanted their games to look blurry and noisy.

>> No.2450587

Maybe people should have an older version of Daemon Tools? I think mine is from 2011 or thereabouts and I've never had a problem with it. I had the Lite version btw.

It reminds me of the new version of Bittorrent that's riddled with shitty ads and a worse interface. I want to go back to the old one...

you won't be able to afford it, but the much-hyped Panzer Dragoon Saga has a unique battle system.

>> No.2450594

You can literally buy a modchip for your Saturn for less than 1/6 of what PDS costs. And it only requires one wire to be soldered, and it's so easy a 10 year old could do it.

>> No.2451083

Grandia of course.

>> No.2451225


That works just fine actually, thanks for the recommendation.

I'm expecting longer load times vs the Playstation version but I'll take any excuse to play my Saturn, I never use this thing anymore.

>> No.2451242


>packed in for the machine, for some odd reason.
In the UK and across Europe, SCART is the standard. Pretty much every TV at that point in time had a SCART slot. There'd be no reason not to use RGB SCART in that scenario.

Although Sega decided to give us britbongs a fucking RF adaptor in the UK for the Dreamcast.

>> No.2451252

I can concur. Can anyone vouch for this 60 hz mod? http://djoen.dommel.be/Console/saturn/saturn-model2.html

>> No.2451269
File: 104 KB, 509x699, tana - グラドリエル.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you were recommending based on how import friendly it is. In that case, I wouldn't recommend it at all.

>> No.2454434
File: 91 KB, 600x800, 1409018870010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This game came out at the point in my life where I wasn't quite ready to start working and get my own income and I couldn't convince my parents to get me a copy. I seem to recall the reseller price going up somewhat quickly after its release. I was lucky enough to have a friend lend me his copy several years back and I got to play through it.

>> No.2454910
File: 1.12 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG1413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My curret saturn collection. I found out about this back in 07 like in 7th grade. Didn't care much for it till i watched the Game Sack video like in late 2013 and rushed to find a Saturn. If i had more money I'd spend it to get the rest of the capcom fighters I'm missing except SFA 3 atm. Maybe also look at the shmup selection too. I like this more than the 64 but on par with the ps1 imo they go hand in hand. I'd probably spend all day talking about this tho
Tfw no one to talk about this to in rl

>> No.2455234

What was the deal with Saga anyway? I know it was near the end of the Saturn's lifespan in the US, but is that why Sega released so few copies of it in English? It's somewhat baffling that they made so few of it, and frustrating because it was basically the Saturn's magnum opus before it was put out to pasture. You could almost say it was Sega's answer to FF7 in some ways.

I'll probably just buy a mod chip and play it that way. I'd rather have a real copy but I can live with just burning my own, like I did with English Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast.

>> No.2455605


>I know it was near the end of the Saturn's lifespan in the US, but is that why Sega released so few copies of it in English?

I believe so. Support was being dropped for the console and Sega was probably trying to move on from their current situation and focus on the Dreamcast. They probably didn't give much thought about the demand for the game.

I would love to have a copy myself but three digits on any game is a bit much. For what it's worth, the Japanese version is quite a bit cheaper.

>> No.2455609

I'll probably buy a Japanese copy as a keepsake and then burn the English version. There just plain aren't enough copies of the English version for all the people who want it, which is sad.

>> No.2455616


> it was basically the Saturn's magnum opus

I keep hearing things of this nature, I really don't want to come across as rude but have you guys actually played the game or is this just a phrase that's passed around by people?

The game is remarkably boring, the combat system while unique is really not that in-depth or fun, your character setup is similarly basic. The game is long and the story isn't horrible but I'll never understand how people can believe the gameplay to be anything special.

>> No.2455621


Yeah, unfortunately the game released during a somewhat rough time for Sega and you kinda had to be first in line to get a copy at retail price. If it was released later on the DC, copies might have been more abundant and wouldn't go for as much, but I believe Team Andromeda had disbanded after Saga's release (Although I think a few of its members worked on Orta for Xbox).


I thought the combat was enjoyable and liked how they implemented the radar system from the first two games into an RPG. It's also pretty short for an RPG, you can probably finish it in under 15 hours.

>> No.2456007

>It's also pretty short for an RPG, you can probably finish it in under 15 hours.
Thank God. The biggest hurdle for me getting into most JRPGs is that they are too damn long, and I feel like once I start them I'll never be able to finish. PDS might just be my cup of tea, even if I'm not quite willing to drop $300 on it (I'll just burn some CD-Rs, and if I really like it I'll keep an eye out for a good price on a legit copy if I see it).

>> No.2456012

Part of what makes Saga special to a lot of people may well be the simple fact that it was a big budget RPG with 3D graphics. Not many RPGs got translated for the Saturn, and the Saturn was not particularly known for having great 3D games. To many people the game represents the Saturn seeing its full potential realized. Calling it a Final Fantasy killer may be overselling it a bit much, but if you were someone who had a Saturn back during Gen 5, a game like PDS would probably make you feel a lot more justified in having bought one.

>> No.2456220

Iktf,b. I had a no-guide playthrough of smt:nocturne that was off and on for almost three years. But PDS isnt hard to get into at all. Or stay into.
Its a lot like Phantasy Star 4 really. Great sega rpgs that you wish were slightly deeper and longer, but both are still must plays Id say.

Shame to hear. The first wasnt perfect, there was that filler section with immortal characters spawning again and again, but everything felt pretty balanced overall.