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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 75 KB, 500x440, 61LwNqAdHrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2441697 No.2441697 [Reply] [Original]

>console war threads
>e-celeb threads
>blatant /v/ level trolling

Fuck this, let's have a What Are You Playing thread.

Pic related for me. I was recommended it by an anon here, and he was right it is a lot of fun. You really get the impression you're controlling something massive and powerful. I'm not even that familiar with the Gundam series but I like this.

And you? Remember to say what you think about the game you're playing.

>> No.2441717

>Remember to say what you think about the game you're playing.
You can't tell me what to do, mom!

>> No.2441720

I'm getting remarried. You're gonna have a new dad!

>> No.2441726

Primal rage, pretty fun though want to try with a six button controller, don't have one.

>> No.2441737
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C&C: Tiberian Sun

Not played a C&C game since Red Alert.
Pretty good, maps are impressive but Skirmish isn't as much fun as the prior games.

>> No.2441745

Also since I just got my genesis today, any good game recommendations? Other than the typical ones, like ristar, musha, sonic, and etc.

>> No.2441746
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>> No.2441761

Is this a port of the Dreamcast version?

>> No.2441775
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This is a fun game

>> No.2441783

If you have a Dreamcast, I recommend you try out Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From the Ashes.

>> No.2441786

less chaotic gunstar

>> No.2441881

Never even heard of it before now, but Gunstar comparisons mean it's now on my to get list.

>> No.2441934
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ya it's a lot like it, my only gripe is no co-op

>> No.2441947
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Castlevania 64. Since I'm a Castlevania fan, I was very curious about it, even if everybody is shitting on this game (except /vr/). And it's pretty good, even if the locking system, controls and cameras can be awkward from time to time. Graphics are slightly below OoT-tier, and it definitely has everything that a Castlevania shall have: creepy atmosphere, classic enemies and levels, nerve-wracking platforming sequences and a lot of cheap deaths. The only thing missing are the epic musics, most of the time it's just atmospherix tracks.

>> No.2441948

Thank you! It's nice to see someone else appreciate this game. I really don't know where the hate comes from.

>> No.2441951

meant for >>2441947 obviously

>> No.2442201

Do you need to know moon anon?

>> No.2442238

I think it comes from clunky controls and camera resulting in cheap deaths and the atmospheric soundtrack, but also because 99.99999% of CV fans (including myself) associate the series to 2D platforming, so, for most fans, having a 3D episode doesn't feel right.

>> No.2442265
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Shining Force II. Replaying it while going through the shining series again before finally digging into the III trilogy. Speaking of shining, man Shining Force GBA has some fucking wonky balance problems.

Recently played through the Panzer Dragoon Trilogy, I've been on a big Saturn kick lately.

>> No.2442382

Not at all. Just shoot the bad guys and don't get shot!

>> No.2442416
File: 337 KB, 850x1201, GenpeiToumaDen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Genji and the Heike clans lately.
I like it a lot so far, feels difficult while still being pretty forgiving with its HP system.

Aesthetically it's awesome and has nice music too. The crone would've scared the shit out of young me.

>> No.2442434
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This is a seriously pretty great game. As is Destiny, but after that the series took a horrible nose dive in my eyes.

This weekend I spent a bunch of time going back to some old DOS games. Bad Street brawler brought back some great memories. There really should be more games devoted to beating up old people.

>> No.2442547
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OP, make sure you give this one a go. One of my favorite DC games ever.

>> No.2442580
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Not him but

>play gundam side story
>meh, pretty cool but too easy
>insert rumble pack and start shooting shit/dashing around

That Dreamcast rumble pack was powerful, not like the wimpy little power save ones we have today.

>> No.2442596
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OP did you asked if the game was playable in english and then one anon told you that even the narration was in english ?
If yes, i'm happy that my recommendation has been fruitful.

I'm playing nox, it's fun and i love the hack and slash mechanics, it feels a lot more interactive and action like than diablo.
The story is pretty basic but it works, i'm also impressed by the lighting system, not bat at all.

>> No.2442602


As a gundam fag i can only say good things about it, slow and tactical based, you are inside a mass production type of mecha against more advanced ones, it's really satisfying winning a battle.


I'm still impressed about the rumble power, i was getting parkinson while playing soul reaver and moving blocks.

>> No.2442680
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>mfw Rainbow Six with the rumble pack

>> No.2442683

On the subject of rumble i remember you could turn up the rumble a lot in Medal of Honor on PS1.
Firing a stationary MG with full rumble made my hands hurt for the rest of the day.

>> No.2442793
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Picked these up today

>> No.2442951
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Resident evil directors cut on my psp

>> No.2442975
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I keep popping in Ecco and reminding myself that I'm a casual.

I fucking love this atmosphere and the anxiety, but I seriously can't get past like, 30 minutes of playing. It's really embarrassing.

>> No.2442976

I've been playing the shit out of Mario Golf GBC lately. The AI is just right and the RPG elements make it extremely addicting.

I'm going to play another match right now before work.

>> No.2442983

You know there's like, a difficulty selection in the first screen. Each path leads to a difficulty, the one with rocks and urchins is hard. Also there's a password screen.
I don't even mean to sound patronizing, most people miss out on that feature.

>> No.2442993


I knew about the password screen, but

>there's like, a difficulty selection in the first screen. Each path leads to a difficulty

Hahaha! What!? I always jump the rock all the way to the right, is that the difficult path?

>> No.2442994
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I'm new to retro, bit loving it! Totally into cyberpunk as my default genre, a fellow retrohead recommend this one. Gotta say, I'm loving it. Really makes you think and the story/atmosphere is perfect

>> No.2443065

SoTN. It wasn't at all what I was expecting, and I'm loving the hell out of it.

>> No.2444056

Yes, that's me! Thanks for the recommendation. And thank >>2442547 and >>2441783 too.

>> No.2444098

>Totally into cyberpunk
Well, there's only a handful of games like that, unfortunately. Check out the PC/Sega CD game Rise of the Dragon. Also, Shadowrun on the Genesis.

nigga, is you for real?

>> No.2446154

Have any of you played the Gihren's Greed games? They're all untranslated AFAIK but sound like cool Nobunaga-esque war sims. Thinking of giving one of them a go.

>> No.2446562

Been playing some platformers and run and gun/jump and shoot games.

For my platformer, I'm currently playing DKC2. So far, it's not a very stressful game. Pretty relaxing and chill. Hopefully it gets more interesting as it goes on though.

For my run and gun, I just beat Gunstar Heroes. Really fun game, but unbalanced as fuck. Some weapon combinations just make the game incredibly easy. Not bad for Treasure's first game ever, but I feel like later games improved upon it.

I've also been playing some GBA games, but that's not /vr/.

>> No.2446615
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Still in the learning phase for all of these. Would be open to any tips regarding either.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms (1) for NES

Destiny of an Emperor for NES

Rings of Power for Genesis
>this game looks fascinating, but I get drawn into random encounters before even leaving the starting town. unless i'm missing something, my character's severely underleveled & these encounters are practically impossible.

>> No.2446626

>>2446615 - clarification
>Rings of Power for Genesis
>>this game looks fascinating, but I get drawn into random encounters before even leaving the starting town. unless i'm missing something, my character's severely underleveled & these encounters are practically impossible.

Like I'll be walking in the city square in daytime and suddenly get transported to that battle grid. My Stun spell isn't remotely effective against some of these enemies, and they basically kill me in 3 seconds. If I'm stupidly missing something which should be obvious, let me know. I noticed that battle controls were set to Auto and so I set them to Manual, but still get killed before I can do much. I'm pretty sure I'm not fucking up, I'm just underleveled for these battles, but how can I begin to level when I can't even move onto the next step of my quest without being getting interrupted by these Game Over inducing encounters that can happen INSIDE THE TOWN?