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2438118 No.2438118 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this game loathed so much? It may not be as a good as DKC 2, but it still was an above average platformer.

>> No.2438125

Retarded baby sidekick no Diddy or DK

>> No.2438129

That's a stupid reason.

>> No.2438140

It's my personal favorite in the series. I just love the atmosphere of this game, it feels like being at summer cap.

>> No.2438243


>>2438125 has a pretty good gist of it - it doesn't have either of the "good" kongs so it's shit.

Also from a speedrunning perspective it's seen as overly long and boring since there are no skips or wrong warps like DKC2 - and Mike Uyama crusades against it to where the WR holder for dkc3 103% is instantly rejected from playing at any GDQs

>> No.2438272

No one cares about speed runs. Seriously.

>> No.2438274

Too many gimmicky platforming levels, not nearly as difficult (and the difficulty curve isn't as smooth) as DKC2, music's not nearly as good, Diddy isn't in it, weaker platforming flow (nothing quite like the swamp / forest levels where the level design encourages fast-paced play bouncing off of enemies and such, more waiting for things to happen which breaks the flow) and so on.

This is when Rare started to really get obnoxious with collect-a-thons, too.

>> No.2438289

this game was done by the b-team while the main teams focused on the n64

>> No.2438540

I wouldn't say loathed. Divisive seems more appropriate.

A lot of people dislike it. A lot of other people like it.

Personally, I belong to the latter camp, The soundtrack's great, the background art is great, the character design is... Hit or miss, the level design is great (And no more gimmicky than DKC2s. Not that gimmicks are a bad thing), the animal buddies are... Meh, Kiddy Kong sucks, but Dixie's great, the boss fights are fantastic, the start of the game is bleh, but once you're out of the initial areas it's great.

Not a perfect game, but a fun game.

>> No.2438549

this. This game had level design that was better than DKC2. It was done to perfection, to the point where a hardcore gamer could instantly derive everything he needs to know on the first run through a level through well placed indicators, while still providing the challenge. You never had to stop and wonder what the fuck they were doing, but you knew it was a challenge.

>> No.2438719

>This game had level design that was better than DKC2. It was done to perfection, to the point where a hardcore gamer could instantly derive everything he needs to know on the first run through a level through well placed indicators, while still providing the challenge
Ease of learning and adapting to new gimmicks doesn't necessarily imply good level design or fun gameplay. Within the last few worlds of DKC3, e.g. K3, and especially that fucking barrel rocket stage, you could tell they were running out of ideas.
Animal Antics was a far more entertaining challenge because it built on the skills that the player had been learning the entire time, and it allowed the player to build on and make use of that. In DKC3 your controls are switched in a water stage and as soon as you learn to turn the controller upside-down, it becomes like any other boring water level, except with tighter gaps.

The overworld is another example. The game was sold to kids on the idea that you can drive around vehicles and such (even on the front cover) and although you do collect new parts to obtain newer and better transportation, you're not really given much freedom to explore or do anything with that. Feels shoehorned in.

Or here's a more objective comparison: how many times has anyone in this thread completed DKC2? How many times full-cleared with all the collectables and secret levels? Compare that with the number of times for DKC3. It just doesn't have much staying power.

>> No.2438727

The overworld had a dozen or so secrets.
The hidden caves, the driving around the rocks, etc.
That's one of those things I didn't think anyone would complain about.

>> No.2438731

I know this is a DKC3 thread but i just started playing 2 today and HOLY SHIT THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD

Every single track is so beautiful and memorable on it's own, i have paused in countless levels just to hear the music.

What a piece of art is the music of DKC2.

>> No.2438742

I hated the overworld even as a kid. It's constrained and feels more like busywork to distract from the poor level design than exploration.

>> No.2438758

If the overworld actually gave you options then it would be interesting.

What it is however, is just a time waster. DKC 1 and 2 didn't give you bullshit, you were going from World 1 to World 2 once you beat the boss. DKC3 gave you the illusion of choice in what worlds you could go and conquer in what order, but instead you basicaly just do the worlds in order, get some stupid thing that lets you go over a hump to go to the next world, rinse and repeat.

It makes it feel stupid and slow. A lot of the levels are also pretty shit and the art style sucked. I can respect DKC2's change as a mostly positive one, it went from a more pseudo-realistic to a more cartoony style, but DKC3 went full retard on that.

>> No.2438767

Looking back I think I see what they were going with in DKC3 (summer camp adventure) but didn't have the time or technical capabilities to pull it off.

In any case I think we can all safely agree DK64 isn't worth mentioning

>> No.2438884


>> No.2438965

Based David Wise. I even wrote Rare an email a decade ago just to tell them how much I loved that soundtrack, and they wrote me back, (nothing fancy, just a "hey thanks!") but it was an awesome moment. One of the greatest soundtracks in videogame history.

>> No.2439040

Even the overworld music is majestic


DKC2 music should go down in history of video games as one of the greatest ever

>> No.2439067

>In any case I think we can all safely agree DK64 isn't worth mentioning
Even as a kid I was underwhelmed by DK64. Multiplayer was great though.

>> No.2439849
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it's a solid game and I like it but visually it's not up to scratch, compared to the other two, I think it looks cheap, like it's DKC knock off or something. I don't like any of the enemy sprites either

>> No.2439893

The new art direction, many weird gimmicks, OST doesn't compare to the prequels, Kiddy. It's a good game that sadly has to compare with its big brothers.

>> No.2440564

>OST doesn't compare to the prequels

I agree, but it still got a few good ones:

Rockface Rumble

Nuts 'N' Bolts

Final Boss