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File: 148 KB, 640x841, derlangrisser-pcfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2429950 No.2429950 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a Turn-based tactics \ SRPG thread.

I recently finished Der Langrisser for the SNES and can't believe I've missed out on this series, it works like a regular SRPG except each unit is actually a squad. My favourite feature is the character progression, you can branch into various jobs and then go backwards in order to get more skills\stats and that allows you to hire different units.

I'm also partial to the 1990's style anime art and story, but they aren't the game strongest points. If you like tactics games and haven't played it, you should.

What SRPG's are your favourites? Or, have you played any lesser known ones?

>> No.2429957

So which versions of the Langrisser games are considered to the be the definite ones? I'm leaning towards the Saturn versions.

>> No.2429960

Personally I think the Mega Drive version of the first game blows the remake out of the water. I was super disappointed when I played it.

I can't speak to the other games in the series though.

>> No.2429961


I can't speak for all games in the series but I know the saturn version of Der Langrisser (Langrisser 2) is certainly the best in every way, thing is it's only in japanese and the only translation patch into english was released for the snes version.

I've read that it's rather difficult to create translation patches for Saturn games so unfortunately unless you know japanese or it doesn't bother you, it's off limits.

I guess the important point is that the game is the same mechanically between the saturn\psx\snes, what you'll be missing are fmv's and better sound\graphics quality.

>> No.2429967

>it works like a regular SRPG except each unit is actually a squad.

sounds like The Last Remnant. gonna check Langrisser out.

>> No.2430019

It's impossible to have a thread like this without mentioning Fire Emblem. FE is my favorite video game series of all time, and in terms of retro ones, Fire Emblems 4 & 5 are utter masterpieces of video games.

>> No.2430049


Which retro FE in your opinion has the most advanced character progression system?

I never liked the random stat-ups, but It wouldn't bother me as much if I could change my class a few times. Is that possible, or do all characters just have the 1 upgrade in every game?

>> No.2430052

Can any of recommend a game that features both hiring generic units and class-changing?

I've played and loved the FFT and Tactics ogre series but other than them I really haven't come across many.

I feel like I've played the best SRPG's and ruined the others for myself.

>> No.2430074

Fire Emblem 2 is the black sheep of the series, but it has a less-traditional class-system that you may enjoy.

Other than that, though, I don't know that they have what you're looking for. That being said, Fire Emblem 4: Genealogy of the Holy War is divided up into two generations. The characters in the second generation are dependent on who you pair for marriage in the first generation. This gives a huge level of depth in terms of which characters you get in the second generation, what their stats look like, what weapons they have, what skills they have, etc. So you may enjoy that!

>> No.2430850
File: 231 KB, 964x1400, langrisser2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm also partial to the 1990's style anime art
>but they aren't the game strongest points
>not a game's strongest point
>He doesn't pray to our lord and saviour Urushihara

A pubeless heathen, that's what you are OP.

>> No.2430858

I hope you still have fun after realizing the entire series isn't translated.

>> No.2430871

Langrisser 4 (PS1) is translated so check it out.

>> No.2430913


I actually love the art\music\cheesy story from that era. I want more of it, but I'm no longer into straight RPG's.

So that only leaves H-games and the few nuggets like Langrisser to feast on, such a shame.

>> No.2431156


Der and IV are done, I've read some terrible things about III so possibly nothing lost with that one.

I would love to play V though, but the translation is still in the works, probably won't be done for some time yet.

>> No.2431164

Someone is actually translating V? Neat.

>> No.2431186

I bet it'll be a long time until Masaya's wargame trilogy directly preceding Langrisser (Elthlead, Emblem of Gaia, Gaiflame) gets attention. They're flawed but interesting games, responsible for putting Masaya into the spotlight for the first time.

>> No.2431212


Do they play anything like the Langrisser series, are they even SRPG's?

I'll take what I can get from them, these games are so much fun.

>> No.2431231
File: 540 KB, 1027x615, LRe_Heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the new Langrisser

>> No.2431251

Aside from the dude's (Ales) derpy face, the characters don't look that bad. Still, whoever they got draw those characters is no replacement to Satoshi Ushihara.

>> No.2431253

Nah, they don't have individual characters you build over the course of a game. That's why I say wargame: you buy one or more of a certain unit and use them during battles; once they die you have to replace numbers. I think each one plays the same, though Masaya introduced a sci-fi theme for Gaiflame (also for Lightning Bacchus if that counts as part of the pre-Langrisser series...I don't usually see it included). Apparently Rob Timbello, an ex-pat who traveled all over the Japanese games industry from the late-'80s through the 1990s, is credited with coming up with Elthlead's concept, so maybe he inadvertently sowed the seeds for Langrisser.

>> No.2431364

>dat Rosaria design
Why wear armor at all? Bikini armor is fine, but jeez, save it for an extra or something.

>> No.2431387

OP did you try the different story paths? Der Langrisser has so many branching scenarios it is not even funny. You play like 20-25 scenarios in one playthrough but there are over 80.
You can join the empire, you can join the demons, you can become independent and kill both the chaos god and the goddess of light and so on. That was one of the most facinating things for me when i played the game on the Saturn around 2000. Played in japanese and discovered the other paths pretty much by coincidence when playing for the 5th or 6th time. Was like discovering a whole new game inside a game.

>> No.2431446

Obligatory A Story Forever post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I12K8_T4fOY

>> No.2431470
File: 17 KB, 327x284, Hoshigami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried Hoshigami? It's been years and I don't remember if you can recruit in that game, but it was a heck of a lot of fun and very deeply tactical. It also can get kind of grindy at points though. I would say certainly worth checking out.

>> No.2431705


Yeah, I went the independent path, and intended to check out the others when I replay it someday.

>> No.2431983


It doesn't seem to have unit hiring but this skill\religion system sounds intriguing, thanks for the recommendation.

A remake was made for DS, do you have any insight on it? I'm more inclined to play the PSX version but if gameplay is enhanced I'd like to try it.

>> No.2431986


Oh man, that mega drive sound palette almost makes me regret playing it on SNES.

>> No.2432464


Just a quick update from me, it turns out the game does allow you to hire generic units. I went with the PSX version since it didn't seem like the DS version added much extra.

>> No.2432760
File: 1.28 MB, 2001x2916, f783df8849733ebf9944ce7e24e0cacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What SRPG's are your favourites?
Langrisser (Warsong)
Langrisser II (FanTran)
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Front Mission (FanTran)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Front Mission 2 (FanTran)
Front Mission 3
Langrisser IV (FanTran)
Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden (FanTran)

>have you played any lesser known ones?
Well, the genre is niche to begin with so I appreciate what we can get. With that said I can't say I'm too fond of Nippon Ichi's titles.

>can't believe I've missed out on this series, it works like a regular SRPG except each unit is actually a squad.
You might like Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber. Many Sting developed SRPGs also behave similarly.

I prefer the Genesis versions myself. There's a fantran of the 2nd on the system.

>> No.2432813

how does Front Mission 3 compare to Super Robot Wars?

>> No.2433003
File: 64 KB, 850x950, fm3-miho-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're usually only dealing with a squad of around 6 units at one time vs the 12+ in SRW. You also only recruit around a dozen characters opposed to the insane amounts in SRW.

A bigger emphasis on terrain and positioning in regards to unit accuracy. Friendlies can block and lower your accuracy % for example.

No seishin to worry about but units incur limb damage. Losing an arm can disable any assigned weapons and losing legs can hinder your movement. You can also eject enemy pilots, and vice-versa, from their mecha. This is an effective way of ending some battles sooner and cashing in off their wanzers.

A bunch of unit customization options. Basically Armored Core as an SRPG.

You can't skip attack animations in FM3 and the sound effects are pretty damn loud. Just a heads up.

The game has 2 major route splits from the offset and each side is around 40 hours in length.

Fantastic soundtrack and one of the composers went on to work on some of the SRW Alpha games.

It has its own virtual internet to read up on heavy series lore, unlock unique wanzer parts, email characters, and vote on a high school beauty pageant.

The series gives me a heavy Patlabor vibe which I love. I'd give it a go if you're even remotely interested in SRPGs and mecha.

>> No.2433160

I'm just starting Langrisser IV and I'm about 3 stages in.
My main problem is that it's slow as shit, but that isn't a deal breaker. Should I go back and play 1 and 2 first?

>> No.2433201

Front mission 3
Vandal hearts (not the 2nd one tho)
Shining force 2
FFT gba version
Advance wars is sorta a rts, srpg hybrid

>> No.2433202


I really recommend going back and playing 2 first (Der Langrisser), 4 is a sequel to it story wise anyway.

As for the speed I think I turned off animations or somesuch and that helped me out a lot. Maybe try using an emulator with a speed-up function.

>> No.2433207

Alright so to people who like Shining Force, are there any entries in the series that have an inventory system larger than what your units can hold?

I'm not a massive hoarder but I recall not being able to save stat-up items for later because I had a net total of 9 or so inventory slots. Was rather enjoying the game otherwise, would love to get stuck into one.

>> No.2433750

Sounds interesting, thanks for the info. I'll probably check the game out soon.

>> No.2433752
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 53583_zps0b6639bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have feedback on FEDA: The Emblem of Justice for Famicom? It was fan-translated and I was thinking of playing it.

>> No.2433756

Do it. It's like a better Shining Force I.

>> No.2433773

It's not bad by any means, but it's probably the easiest RPG on the SNES. Brian is an unstoppable god.

>> No.2433792

Writing from memory so bear with me if it's faulty.
Each char gets 4 slots. 1 should be for a weapon (2 on centaurs if you also like them to have a spear), a second for an emergency healing item and usually I'd have an angel wing on the leader and 2 detox (anti poison?) on the healer and the char with the biggest range of movement (a flier). So that leaves you with 2 open slots for most of the chars to hoard stuff, when all you really want is 1 for any enemy drops. And then there's the characters you don't use, which don't need weapons of their own, so 4 free slots on those.

Also, the games are not that hard, why not just use the things? If you're relying on those stat items you could just repeat a battle a couple of times to stay on the level curve. Although I guess I'm biased towards the early mob since I used them the most, meaning those items are used as soon as I get them.

>> No.2434428


What would you say is the earliest point in the SRW series that is comfortably playable?

I'm just wondering if I start with the first if it'll be missing the niceties of the series.

>> No.2434582
File: 3.60 MB, 3577x5280, 0114943521cbcbca19c1fd7d4a7081f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earliest comfortable point for me is probably Alpha Gaiden followed by Original Generation 1 & 2, then I'd probably branch off into J, OGs/Gaiden, MX, or W. Z or Alpha 2 afterwards if you're ready to tackle squad management.

Attacks didn't have much animation before Alpha, plus the english translation is still unfinished. Everything before that is missing too many conventions and quality of life changes for my tastes (unskippable attacks, less defined stat distinction between super and real robots, no character/mecha portraits in some menus to name a few.)

Just do yourself a favor and save SRW Impact for a later time when you feel you've become properly acclimated to the series. It's one of the more challenging entries and a personal favorite but not for the faint-hearted. It also has absurd load times.

>> No.2435626
File: 27 KB, 350x263, Kartia24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not quite what you're looking for, but have you played Kartia?

It features summoning(hiring) monsters as your units using keywords you find, they have varying strength and weaknesses depending on your combination choice.

I recall switching out my summons quite often, so my team composition changed face every few fights, kept things interesting.

>> No.2436540

I think you should play 2 first, maybe the PC remake of 1 but not really because those games are any faster - waiting for the AI to take all its turns is still painfully slow no matter the game. More because I think 2 is the better game and probably the best game in the series overall.

Thankfully just about all the consoles those games are on have emulators with frame skip functions, but trying to play those games without them (e.g because you played it on the PSP emulator like me) is a damn nightmare.

>> No.2436542

I'd personally go with the PSX one, can always go back to the earlier ones.

>> No.2436617

Start with SRW 2 for the NES. It even has a fan translation. SRW 1 is too different from the rest of the series.

>> No.2436698

I love urushigirls and I want to own one.

>> No.2437001

I would say if you can understand Japanese, go for Alpha 1 for the PS1. Then go to Alpha Gaiden (mostly if not all translated) for the PS1. Then go on from there. After the Alpha series I say go to any other SRW series. Its all up to you, but before you do look up some attacks from the game you want to play. If it looks like something you want to play go for it.

>> No.2437034

This. Without Urushihara's art, Langrisser would just be another generic SRPG.

>> No.2437153

Generic? But the relationship system in the later games is pretty interesting.

>> No.2440038


Speaking of which, does anyone know of any other SRPG's with a relationship system?

I've got Fire Emblem but the "Something of Geneology" isn't translated as far as I know, it's a weird thing to look for in a tactics game but I quite like it, would love to find other games that do it.

>> No.2440058

It's translated, here's the latest patch:

>> No.2440071


Oh, excuse me. I was going through the FE games that were translated and somehow thought this wasn't complete.

Thanks a lot, this sounded like a cool system.

>> No.2440385

It is translated, but there's a new translation currently being worked on because the old one wasn't that great.

>> No.2440393

>proper 4/5 project

>> No.2440467

And through this I found out people are redoing FE3/6. Well, finished 6. Holy hell fucking finally.

(Side note: Why the hell did the english fans use numbers anyways)

>> No.2440475

It's easier than typing out out the full title because in most cases, they're kinda long like Genealogy of the Holy War, Mystery of the Emblem, and Path of Radiance.

>> No.2440483

I suppose. The fact that 3 is a 1 remake plus sequel just makes the arbitrary numbers seem really silly.

>> No.2442885
File: 49 KB, 640x480, vanguard bandits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently trying to decide on playing Front Mission or Vanguard Bandits for my next srpg. I wanted a little break from standard fantasy, so I'll probably go with FM. I wish there were more sci-fi stype SRPGs in the vein of Phantasy Star.

>> No.2442925

I haven't played Vanguard Bandits, but Front Mission is in my top 3 SNES games. Pretty easy game, but the gameplay is fun, story was fairly interesting, the music's great, and the designs are fantastic.

>> No.2442965

That and the translations are not always consistent among fan communities and even official sources. Hell, even Nintendo themselves can't decide whether to pronounce the first game's subtitle as "Hikari no Ken" or "Hikari no Tsurugi".

Also, fuck NOA or whoever was the genius that decided to localize the second GBA game without a subtitle.
FE3 is mechanically different enough from FE1 and has an extra campaign too.