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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 221 KB, 1000x1000, 1989 - Squall Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2421651 No.2421651 [Reply] [Original]

>Pic related: A parody of the cover of the Taylor Swift album, 1989, with Squall Leonhart and the game's release date, please tell me suggestions on how to improve it.
Why does Final Fantasy VIII get so much hate? Yes, the ending is a bit confusing. Yes, the GF system is not that good.
But it also has one of the best way of initiating Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy, having the cutest love story in a video game ever, and basically one of the most heartwarming video games of all time, and is the most beautiful Final Fantasy game in the PS1 era, both in terms of story, graphics and music, and let us not forget Triple Triad.
There are too many reasons to list that this is my and some other fans' favorite Final Fantasy.
Also Final Fantasy VIII discussion, no Squall is dead and Rinoa is Ultimecia posts please.

>> No.2421669

The character designs are boring, the MC is unlikeable, and the story is forgettable.

I like it more than the Parasite Eve games, but it's no mystery as to why it's thought of the way it is.

>> No.2421674

-The story was awful

-The graphics were ugly

-The Junction system was terrible

-The clop clop clop sound of walking

-Too different from FFVII, which was the only reason people played it in the first place.

>> No.2421680
File: 2.51 MB, 1280x1920, GF amnesia totally comes out of nowhere and isn't foreshadowed at all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does Final Fantasy VIII get so much hate?
Gameplay sucks because I was a dumbass who played through every battle by Drawing 100 of every magic from every enemy and then proceeded beat those enemies by summoning GFs over and over again!
The orphanage scene is the most retarded thing I have ever seen because it definitely comes out of nowhere and definitely isn't foreshadowed at all!
Level scaling sucks because it exposed me being bad at RPGs and I lost my ability to simply grind for levels in order to win instead of paying attention to the junction system!
The junction system sucks because it was too complicated for me as a kid and now that I know shit it is easily broken making the game too easy and the game somehow automatically breaks itself!
Ultimecia is the worst villain ever because she comes out of nowehere, isn't foreshadowed by all and doesn't have any background or clear motives for her actions!
Squall sucks because he is an emo and the rest of characters suck because they are retards!
Did I forgot anything important? The point here most of the flaws of the game are actully within the players of which many were new to FF series and/or RPGs in general.

>having the cutest love story in a video game ever,
I fucking love everything about FFVIII except Rinoa and the so called "romance" with her. It's unnecessary and one of few possible candidates for actually being love story worse than Twilight.

>> No.2421684

>Why does Final Fantasy VIII get so much hate?
Because the "edgey" FF7 that everyone remembers and hates is actually FF8

>> No.2421693

even after I beat 8 (which was not fun or enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination) I was still scratching my head wondering what the hell had happened.

>> No.2421723
File: 219 KB, 1000x1000, 1989 - Squall Edition V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A revised version of my cover.

>> No.2421731
File: 3 KB, 69x101, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2421734

ff8 is really underrated but it fails in obvious aspects such as:

character development

>> No.2421740
File: 700 KB, 960x940, 1337791043490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, /v/ and /vr/? You told me this game was shit

I mean I get that there are some major flaws with the gameplay.
Junctioning is a super-convoluted unintuitive mess that A. just recycles the same principles as materia B. but in such a free-form way that character stats and long-term planning are basically meaningless.
But the game also discourages actual leveling-up by making junction buffs more prominent the lower level you are (and thus rewarding you for actively not playing)

But everything else:
Squall's the epitome of angsty teenager? That's what I thought at first, but he's fucking hilarious - I almost never like protagonists in JRPGs enough to role-play them, but I always took the "....." "Whatever" options and liked to do a thing where I'd just stare at somebody after an awkward dialogue and then walk away after an equally awkward pause.
Quistis is hot, Selphie and Zell are also hilarious, I want to outright fuck Laguna, so many awesome moments (the giant battle on floating garden, seeing Esthar for the first time, textures and geometry warping during the time compression fight, any time Edea is onscreen, etc.); the only times I wasn't 100% invested were NORG and the few times the love story got dragged on stage, which was thankfully about 5% of the time

I haven't enjoyed a JRPG this much in years. Is there anything else like it?

>> No.2421746
File: 221 KB, 1000x1000, 1989 - Squall Edition V2 - Alternate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An alternate version of my 1989 FF8 cover.

>> No.2421750
File: 34 KB, 666x457, 1286716547736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme has passed it's expiration date by about a decade.

>the word "emo" comes from genre of softcore punk music and have later on has been used to describe overly sensitive and emotional people
>Squall shows zero interest in music and little to no emotion which is the exact opposite to emo
>he get shit done and actually goes out of his way to avoid bothering people with his bullshit which again is the exact opposite to emo
>people still constantly call him emo
>his face when

>> No.2421753

No one posts about my 1989 cover parodies.

>> No.2421762

oh its you again! I can't believe you memorized that greentext

>> No.2421765

No, that's OP posting the 1989 cover parodies which you all ignored.

>> No.2421771
File: 115 KB, 854x542, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see you again, mang XD

>> No.2421793

In case you haven't noticed me and everyone else always post the exact same things over and over again in FF threads and on other threads as well. At least I'm honest about it and aren't trying to cover it.

>> No.2421890

Selphie is cute and I like Triple Triad. That's enough for me.

>> No.2421914
File: 412 KB, 751x563, FFVIII_Edea_Cid_Recording.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edea is everyone's foster mom
>Edea battles with the group
>Ending credits
>Cid introduces Edea to everyone for the first time

This game is stupid and doesn't even understand its own plot. That's how tryhard it was.

>> No.2422083

>Cid introduces Edea to everyone for the first time

Are you so autistic you thought that was an introduction?

>> No.2422086
File: 11 KB, 480x360, oyfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so bishie

>> No.2422094

>I like it more than the Parasite Eve games,

Go to hell

>> No.2422108

If Xu and the guy steering the Garden quit, the only semi-competent person left would be Quistis. The same person who got busted back down to student for being a dummy idol to a bunch of card playing waifu-dinks.

>> No.2422113

>story and character design that try to be "adult" but only ends up appealing to emo teens
>crappy universe
>underdeveloped villain, Ultimecia pretty much "pops" in out of nowhere
>trying to make detailed 3D models with low res polygons and textures
>the anticlimactic orphanage bullshit
>Yes, the GF system is not that good
Actually it's one of the few things that were good in this game.

>> No.2422126

And I also forgot :
>Magic being consumables that you also have to equip to raise your stats
>late game consists of running in circles hunting for specific mobs to steal magic from

>> No.2422137

darling so there you are
with that look on your face
as if you're never hurt
as if you're never down

shall i be the one for you
who pinches you softly but sure
if frown is shown then
i will know that you are no dreamer

fuck yeah still got it down pat

>> No.2422156

You know you're meant to refine items and cards.
I'm not defending the shitty system, lots of people missed out this mechanic.

>> No.2422158


It gets hate because it's the worst game in a mediocre series ... If you want jrpgs play SaGa. Fucking final fantasy is for children.

>> No.2422194

>refining items
>refining CARDS
Oh I knew about it, but hoarders like me call this a heresy.

>> No.2422195

FF6 fanboy please

>> No.2422221

How do you even pronounce that

>> No.2422225

>Videogames are for children.

>> No.2422228

I'll take that as a joke on the whole Tee-dus thing and you're not actually serious/retarded.

I love FF8 to bits, but it's true that you either don't get the junction system at all, or steamroll the game using it more or less competently, with no inbetween. Normal attacks and limit breaks overshadow any other options too soon, which make all the cool shit and builds you can do with junctions pointless.

Most people just hate it for not being FF7 though.

>> No.2422315

>Most people just hate it for not being FF7 though
I guess most euros hate FF8 for this exact reason, given FF7 was the first Final Fantasy Square ever published here.

We also missed on CT and Xenogears... ;_;

>> No.2422317

>If you want RNG play SaGa

>> No.2422395

What did you think Cid was doing, asking them to dance?

Also, you don't know what autism means.

>> No.2422402

>cutest love story in a video game ever,
You haven't played, seen, nor read very many love stories.

>> No.2422549

>the only reason I can imagine that Edea and Cid could be talking to the characters is if it were an introduction despite it being the millionth time they talked
>i'm not autistic

Pick one.

>> No.2422574

You should hate it for not being FF7, when FF7 has a competent plot, less obvious contrived plot-devices, and better pacing.

>> No.2422592

>I'm too stupid to adapt to gameplay and appreciate game for what it is

>story was awful
The story was presented in a bad way, but its no worse then any other Final Fantasy. FF4's The king of baron is evil! No wait its golbez! No wait its Zemus!, or FF7's Gotta defeat Shinra! Oh wait, its Sephiroth! But Sephiroth is dead! Oh well, still Sephiroth.

>Junction was terrible
FF8 is good. Junction system is excellent for a new player or veteran. Since it allows you to level traditionally if you're new and use auto-junction, and it allows you to abuse it super hard for subsequent playthroughs.

>Too different from FFVII
I don't get how this is a thing. Gameplay plays exactly the same except you get your limit breaks at low health instead of filling out a bar. You can still customize your commands.

I'll admit Refine isn't explained well. Being able to utilize cards for magic isn't explained well. The enemies scaling with you is never explained so its beneficial to keep yourself low level (Low level character + high level magic junctioned from refining items and cards = low level weak enemies, basically Junction has a stronger effect the lower level you are)

But its enjoyable. The scenario design of FF8 is pretty good, outside of a few segments that kind of suck (Fighting Ruby dragon as Laguna, other stupid minigames), I'll concede that 7 has very few segments that are truly awful.

>> No.2422598

>Shitting on FF4's story
mate.. you're in for a proper rumble

>> No.2422629

It is the best Ps1 FF.
As a noob I played it like a tard and the junction system was nice to me.
As a veteran I manipulated the junction system and ran from every enemy in the game except bosses.

It had the futuristic feeling with a sense of mid-evil setting and still managed to work in a highschool-type setting with the SEEDS and Gardens.

>> No.2422640

Squall isn't unlikable in the slightest.
Notice that in games they always choose a character as protag who is the most inoffensive guy or gal possible.

Just look at Vaan.

>> No.2422650

>managed to work in a highschool-type setting with the SEEDS and Gardens

I honestly don't like Balamb Garden much. the concept is just stupid as shit. it tries to come off as a military school but it's for pussies.

>> No.2422669

>Actually replying to him honestly
>Not just posting a chain of "Whatever..."

/vr/ used to be fun.

>> No.2422682


>> No.2422686

go to /v/ if you want shitty stupid memes.
I prefer it here.

>> No.2422687
File: 97 KB, 870x938, Whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2422721

>>Shitting on FF4's story
FF4's story is objectively fucking horrible.

Its full of asspull 180's. You have no concrete goal until after the midway point. Its genuinely the worst kind of story telling possible.

>> No.2422726

But Balthier was the protagonist of FF12, silly

>> No.2422727

You have a fucking goal from the start, and you get new ones as you go along, FF4's story is stellar compared to other console games at it's time, and it holds up today (if we're not going into other media than games obviously)

>> No.2422734

I think you mean basch.

>> No.2422736
File: 467 KB, 454x640, 1431374801441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what your average /vr/ poster believes

No wonder this board has gone to shit.

>> No.2422738

Go back to /v/ then and your hugbox

>> No.2422750

/vr/ is the hugbox now you fucking retard.

>> No.2422754

No it's not >>2419550

>> No.2422803

Foreshadowed or not, I think the orphanage scene is still fucking retarded and a massive cop out.
I mean, the way you meet up up with each character in your party makes complete sense in the story.
>Quistis is your instructor.
>Selphie is a transfer student who just happen to run into your team because of the message thing, and is later assigned to work with you after you two graduate.
>Zell is just some random dude who's been assigned to your team.
>Irvine is a guy from another garden who's been assigned to your team because you NEEDED a sniper for that particualr mission.

It all makes complete sense within the context of the game, you are a mercenary after all, and it's not like you can choose your allies. Squall is assigned to work with people he wouldn't normally hang with, but he takes it with no problems because he is commited to his duty, and eventually warms up to them, which is cool.
Foreshadowed or not with the whole GF erases your memory bit, it's just fucking retarded and ruins what was otherwise a nice dynamic between the party members.

Otherwise, I love FF8 because of it's setting, atmosphere and the Triple Triad, it's a damn shame the story goes to shit with the orphanage scene and the ridiculous forced romance.

>> No.2423580

How is the atmosphere in the game? I've always heard to stay far away from it, but I like VII and IX a lot and I'm still probably going to try it sometime. I want to know about the atmosphere because no one ever seems to talk about it, but it's a major part of why I enjoyed the other two games. The music, the backdrops, the level designs, and everything were all super well done in VII and IX, so I'm curious about how they hold up in VIII.

>> No.2423589

Honestly to me it feels kinda slapdash and not as lived in as FF7 or FF6. It feels a lot like choose an area/background, music, monsters from each column. I know that's how most FFs are, but 8 really felt rushed.

>> No.2423594

I've never been able to put my finger on it but.... strange?

A lot of the music is more minimalist than usual. Musically, it's a lot more serious sounding but as for actual atmosphere in the game itself? I really don't know how to describe it. Not in a Batman sense or anything but darker perhaps? It's not a world that has a lot of time for fun.

The world itself definitely isn't as much a defined character like it is in 6, 7 and 9 so it's a lot harder to put my finger on

>> No.2423626
File: 57 KB, 365x464, Cid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the atmosphere was kind of bland compared to 7 and 9. Compare how Cid looks in 8 (pic related) compared to 7 and 9.

>> No.2423631

I think you mean Ashe.

>> No.2423649

>but I like VII and IX a lot
So do I, and most people who like Final Fantasy

You've heard to stay away from it because it isn't good. The same people recommending to stay away from 8 probably also recommend to play 7 and 9 because they're good games and 8 isn't. When a friend asks me what games they should play, I don't recommend them the bad ones, ya know? And example that may or may not work: the 1st movie in The Matrix is a decent movie and I would recommend it to my friends. I would not recommend that they watch the 2nd and 3rd because they aren't very good. I might recommend a few albums from an artist, while telling a friend to specifically avoid certain other albums by the same artist. In these scenarios, it just so happens that my advice coincides with the opinions of critics and reviewers

The only good part of FF8 is Laguna's bits, and I wouldn't say it's worth playing the whole game just to experience them. Still, go ahead and play it id you want, but people have recommended the good games while telling you to avoid the bad ones because that's good advice. I'd wager that most FFers like 7 and 9, and they either hate 8 or don't like it nearly as much.

> I want to know about the atmosphere because no one ever seems to talk about it
It isn't memorable, that's why. I do encourage you to play FF8 if it's something you want to do, but the fact that people have told you to stay away from it (even though you like 7 and 9, cuz most people do) isn't some conspiracy; it's good advice

The atmosphere, is dull grey with a somewhat dreamlike quality except it's a very bland dream, maybe like a dream about work or every day life; nothing fantastic. The world feels as if you're on a train ride and the setting is the dulled and blurred movement of the city and countryside as you pass through it

>> No.2423653

I see, thanks. Since I'm new to the series, are there any others that manage to pull off atmosphere like VII and IX (and apparently VI)? I'll probably play VI next with the huge amount of praise it gets now, but outside of that I don't know where to go. I was considering trying X, but I'm still not sure about the 3D modeling.

I fully understand that, and get the complaints, but it is a bit surprising that it's so poorly regarded considering it's right in the middle of the series four most well-received games. I believe you, though.

>> No.2423676

Don't listen to those fags, FF8 is the best final fantasy ever.

>> No.2423694

That last paragraph is a great description of FF8.

>> No.2423715


yeah >>2423694 is right, the last paragraph is a good description of ff8

>> No.2423727

>FF8 is the best final fantasy ever based on my nitwit point of view.


>> No.2423736

Where is Don Rumata? Its hard to google katakana/kanji lingo. I asked because there is this one jap website I stumbled 12 years ago that stated ff8 is supposed to be an advertising medium (you know, coca-cola and other shit) slapped on hallways, cafeteria, and other places however the project god nixed and all was left was this boring emo cinematic "fillers". FF8 is supposed to be a huge game in terms of "things to do in-game" (hence the 4 discs). Thats why I'm looking for that "leaked" ff8 jap-only underground documentary

>> No.2423740

Interesting theory. I looked it up on google with the kana/hiragana and didn't find anything, but that is a neat idea. It would make sense at least considering the game supposedly blew up in popularity when it released.

>> No.2423872

Hah, thanks. I try

>but it is a bit surprising that it's so poorly regarded considering it's right in the middle of the series four most well-received games
I agree. From an outside perspective, it makes sense for 8 to be good as well, and there are some people who like it but I think the general consensus is to pass unless you really like FF and want to experience them all
>are there any others that manage to pull off atmosphere like VII and IX
My favorites are 7, 9, and 4. I don't think 4 pulls of atmosphere quite like 7 and 9, but the story in 4 has the best pacing of all of them, in my opinion. I feel there's a definite urgency to a lot of the plot and I think it's the most interesting. To me, it always provides the necessary driving force to do what the story requires next which a lot of PRGs suffer from. Like, "yeah, I'm supposed to do that but I don't really feel like doing it" -- FF4 doesn't have that problem, you always feel compelled to do the next thing.

6 gets lots of praise and is good. It's a definite must play if you're going through the FF series. X is alright but the problem is the voice acting, not the 3D modeling. I would consider it another must play in the FF series, but only if you can manage to play it with the Japanese VA rather than the English ones. It's still playable with english voice, but they're bad

>> No.2423880


No one fucking cares.

>> No.2423905

Thanks, I'll add four to the list as well. I stopped playing VII for a while because I lost a lot of motivation to play, but unlike most games I find myself getting more involved in it and the game getting better the further in it is. I've now passed disc one and despite knowing the huge spoiler and feeling upset about that, I still want to see the end.

>> No.2423924

I can't find any making of videos, but I did find this!


>> No.2423927
File: 261 KB, 1066x800, Screenshot_2015-05-23-21-44-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2425410
File: 190 KB, 1360x768, oh thats just my hand grabbing you while shes not looking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mess of a game. There's beauty to be found and a shitload of stuff to do and alternatives to get to the cool stuff, but you must have godly patience to dig them up.

Personally it's the one I've dedicated more hours from the FF series, except Tactics which for me is a masterpiece, and I'll probably won't dedicate the same or more hours to any other.

>> No.2426135

I don't think I got further than the 2nd disk. The gardens at the beginning are cozy as fuck though. I lost interest once the actual quest started. I think I remember a part with a sniper rifle?

>> No.2426398

>having the cutest love story in a video game ever
It had literally the worst fucking love story ever told, unless you mean Laguna and Raine
Please refrain from making us people who really play SaGa look like elitist fucktards, especially when FFVIII has so many things from the SaGa meta.

>> No.2428946

>the cutest love story
Squall falls in love with Rinoa with no build up and what I always thought was for seemingly no reason. Locke and Celes. Tifa and Cloud, even if one-sided. Zidane and Garnet and hell, even Tidus and Yuna have better and more believable love stories.

Locke x Celes OTP

>> No.2428998
File: 388 KB, 1600x1488, zellmcfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Zell is Marty McFly

>> No.2429492

I feel like the only person in the entire world that liked Rinoa.

>> No.2429502

I basically agree with sp00ny's review.

I like the game in general. It may be easy, broken, grind heavy, but it is fun.

I think a lot of people miss the point of video games. They're supposed to be fun. A game that's too challenging is annoying.

>> No.2429509

Kinda why I like FF4 DS/PC, it's just the right amount of difficulty

>> No.2429527
File: 3 KB, 126x123, lismoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing any version of FF4 aside from FF2 US (SNES)

I thought I was going to like you.

>> No.2429530

I see your point, but a game where you just steamroll everything without challenge can get kinda boring too man.

>> No.2429556


>playing the version with a shitload of removed abilities
>playing the version with a bad translation
>playing the easiest version
>playing FF4 on SNES

I know you're nostalgic for it but please, get it together.

>> No.2429561

It's comfy.

Why did they remove the abilities, anyway?

>> No.2429564


Some of them were "too complicated for stupid little kids to get" and others, like Cecil's Dark command that drained health to be used, were deemed inappropriate for children.

>> No.2429584

>The same people recommending to stay away from 8 probably also recommend to play 7 and 9 because they're good games and 8 isn't.
Then what if I thought they all were mediocre, just for different reasons?

>> No.2429609


Dude, it's the hardest version of FF4 that isn't the DS remake. Once AGAIN I have to educate an ignorant fool who thinks FF2US was FF4EZ. It WASN'T. It was straight-up FF4 with abilities and items removed to make it HARDER for US release, as is usually the case for American versions of Japanese games.

>> No.2429660

>FF2 Easy Type
>not easy

>> No.2429670

Dude can you not read:

FF2US. Is. Not. FF4EZ.

FF4EZ. Did. Not. Ever. Come. To. America.

>> No.2429684

Are you trolling?

FF2 IS FF4 Easy Type with additional censorship.

Even the PSX versions were Easy Type.

Get your facts straight.

>> No.2429687

>Why does Final Fantasy VIII get so much hate?

>> No.2429698

Where in the FUCK are you getting your facts?


>The original Final Fantasy IV was altered in several regards to reduce the difficulty level for Final Fantasy IV Easy Type, a version exclusive to Japan

>While we’re at it, we’ll also take a look at Final Fantasy IV Easy Type, which was a simplified Japanese version of the game for players who were new to RPGs.



>> No.2429736

>character design that try to be "adult"

I thought the designs were what teenagers would think "adult" is. Which fits considering your party is nothing but teenagers.

>> No.2429743

Not that anon but it could be a reintroduction. Since that's the first time they see Edea as she really is since they lived at the orphanage. Every other time she was wearing that get up with the shell on the side of her head.

>> No.2429746

It gets undying hate for no reason. Probably mostly because a (then "famous") internet celebrity reviewed it an shit all over it. And like most internet celebrities he tried to get an entertainment value on it by hyperboling its flaws. It's one of my favorites, but also I understand why it's a hit or miss. You can either make the game really hard or really easy for yourself with junctioning and leveling up. Final Fantasy II (not IV) is one of my favorites too and I can understand why people don't like it because of its complicated level up system. Plus it had FF6(3) and FFVII to be compared to.

>> No.2429753

And to add onto my previous post. Squall's USA translation was a hit or miss and also commonly mistaken as "emo". Cloud would get the same treatment by people years later after Advent Children and people would constantly mistake Cloud's characteristics as emo in FFVII even though it was nonexistent like in FFVIII. In the Japanese version Squall was actually apologetic and more soft spoken, rather then a bit of a rebel.

>> No.2429772

What's the Japanese version of "Whatever..."?

>> No.2429783

"...sorry", apparently.


>> No.2429959
File: 846 KB, 1580x2896, Booklet Page 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked it when I played it back in 2000, somehow it was my favorite game back then.

Now am playing it again, and goddamn I really like it.
Its the atmosphere and the OST, somehow it manages to be super comfy, like taking a walk on the beach.
The architecture and the backgrounds overall are really nice as well.
Also, this new playthrough made me appreciate Selphie a lot more, she's probably best girl along with Quistis.

And there's the subtle sense of humor here and there with Squall's "... whatever"

/r/ing the Balamb Garden suicide pasta.

>> No.2430120
File: 395 KB, 1024x768, Postcard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hardcore fan with FF8, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in Balamb Garden where I would often train with Zell in the training center and help Selphie with the Garden Festival, but one day as I was talking to Selphie, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with Headmaster Cid and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for SeeD, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "Cid said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>> No.2430125

Because we got a translated version of FF4 "easy type" where they took out anything remotely resembling complexity.

>> No.2430132

Never gets old, thanks anon.

>> No.2430228

and learn to read the thread

>> No.2430379

Do you even read your sources? Several changes made in easy type were brought into the US release to, according to http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_IV/Version_Differences . And just linking to you saying "nuh uh!" doesn't count as proof, you fucking sperg.

>> No.2430401

It went like
>FFIV is released on Super Famicom in Japan
>the game is censored, stripped off a bunch of content and made easier before being released as FFII in the US
>FFIV Easy Type is then released in Japan and made even easier than the US version while also including most of the changes made for it
To sum up, it's a shitstorm. I've read different versions of the story everywhere, from magazines to websites, but this one seems to be the correct one.

>> No.2430969
File: 11 KB, 256x224, Good Zeromus, you look kind of cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFIV Easy Type is a japan-only version of FFIV that is even easier than the Final Fantasy II we got. Also for some reason Zeromus looks like this in it.

>> No.2430990

You are so fucking backwards, buddy.

FF2US' ability removals and item/summon/chest gimping were brought BACK to Japan, they actually REBALANCED the game (which they did NOT do for US, hence its increased difficulty), and that's Easy Type.

But you would know this if you actually bothered to read correctly and take information in fucking context.

Has anyone in this fucking argument actually played 2US AND 4 but me?

>> No.2431197


And this Zeromus being a harder, secret boss later on for the GBA version is pretty funny imo.

>> No.2431256

What the hell is up with those HP values?

>> No.2431275

i wasn't in the argument but i've played both, and whatever.


>> No.2431489

I have actually played all three SNES versions of the game, and the claim that the US version was harder than the original Japanese version is just wrong. The combat is largely the same in both versions. Yes, they took out some abilities, but most of those abilities were useless anyway. Oh no! Edward can't waste my potions by dividing them among the entire party! The only two abilities that were slightly useful was Yang being able to cast protect on himself (the absence of which does make the Mom Bomb fight slightly harder), and Cecil's Dark Wave, which goes away when he becomes a Paladin anyway. And not having it just means you can't one-shot those big parties of goblins and desert sahagins. Other than that the combat is pretty identical in both versions. Maybe you found a use for Rosa's ability to restore 20 HP to everyone for free in the final dungeon, but I sure didn't.

Outside of combat the US version changes do make the game much easier, for example; they made EVERY SECRET PASSAGE IN THE GAME VISIBLE. No more missing better weapons or useful items in dungeons is kind of a huge factor if you're playing for the first time. Also having cheap Remedies available from the start instead of having to carry around antidotes and eye drops and gold needles and everything else. In the Japanese version your item bag fills up quickly and you're forced to use the Big Chocobo. US version largely made Big Chocobo pointless unless you're a hoarder who wants to have every item in the game. Yes, the took out all of the items that can be used to cast spells, but they replaced those items with lots of extra healing items. The US version buries you in Eithers and Elixers so you never run out of magic, while in the Japanese version they're rare. Not to mention everything in the Japanese version (including weapons and armor) is more expensive. You actually have to grind for Gil sometimes.

So no, the US version is not harder than the Japanese version. It's just different.

>> No.2431504

does it matter? ff4 is an easy game either way you play it

>> No.2431508

No, you don't understand. Making every single status healing item in the game be an incredibly cheap one-size-fits-all item and handing ethers out like they were candy makes the game totally hard, dude.

>> No.2432159

It had good music, good cutscenes, feels, and some pretty cool areas. Gameplay was garbage, it was very boring at times, and most of the time I didn't like the setting.

So, as a "game", it wasn't very good.

>> No.2432284

I fail to see how visible secrets and cheap, powerful healing items could be misconstrued as "easy". Are you sure you didn't read all the posts in the thread about how hard the game is? Surely that will change your mind!

>> No.2433176

It was better than 7. I played them both to the end this year and enjoyed 8 much more than 7. People talk about 8's characters sucking, but at least they had some development. In 7 everyone is a completely flat archetype that is exactly what they appear to be except for cloud, and his development is not done well.
Tifa's personality consists of "i love cloud" and absolutely nothing else.
All of the other characters have maybe one experience that the game touches on that then don't really effect their characters in any way past those short moments. The setting, graphics, monsters, summons, music, and map are all worse than ff8. The only better thing about it is the materia system. FF8's junction was broken even on first playthrough for me, after drawing triple from Odin pretty early on squall spent the entire rest of the game oneshotting pretty much everything with it junctioned to strength, strength increasing GF's and darkside. Even the final boss was a joke, just a few limit breaks and she was dead.

>> No.2433179


The issue here is that you clowns (or clown, probably, in this case) are saying that US2 is FF4EZ, not the difficulty of the game.

>> No.2433180 [DELETED] 

>Are you sure you didn't read all the posts in the thread about how hard the game is?
You mean all the posts from the same autist that claims FFIV US is hard when it's obviously not?
I bet it's you.

>> No.2433214

>but at least they had some development
That's exactly what they don't have. Past disc 1, Irvine has no role in the story. The characters are mostly bland, one dimensional and have no believable reason to stay together or be friends.

>> No.2433219

>Irvine has no role in the story

So you're saying he doesn't organize the rescue operation to save Squall, remind everyone of the reason they stay together, throw Selphie's party, or is basically the other squad leader when not present in Squall's main party on operations like taking down the missile barrage launched at Garden?

OK, so you haven't even played disc two to completion, then, or forgot everything about the game.

>> No.2433226

I've tried to forget.

>> No.2433227


Squall confirmed for best FF protag

You'll get your sequel one day my friend

>> No.2433241


>> No.2433520
File: 341 KB, 663x397, photoshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice photoshop skills, OP.

>> No.2434813

top kek
I never woulda know because I didn't open any of the thumbnails.

Holy shit OP you suck, not only your idea is stupid and gay, but the execution is even worse.