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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 281 KB, 781x781, kinaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2416229 No.2416229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kinaman is good if you want to hear about how the gaming market with Eastern Europe forced the kids to play mostly Famiclones and pirated PC games, with some lucky kids being able to play Mega Drive stuff. Pity 2/3 of his videos are with no subs, but the early ones with CC have good English. Only his most recent videos get shitty but passable subs.

The Curse of the Grey Elephant

Dendy Chronicles #1

Dendy Memories #1

Sega Memories #1

My Console Dendy

>> No.2416238

Who? What? Why are you posting this here?

>> No.2416240
File: 7 KB, 486x451, 1422307415960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2416242

Game Center 9X threads are still allowed and if they are "different" because that is a show then people should make their threads on /tv/ instead.

>> No.2416243


>> No.2416254

If you have to post a fucking link just to describe who the asshat you made a topic for is then you fail on that alone. Go take this topic someplace else.

>> No.2416257

I described who this "asshat" is in the OP.

>> No.2416260

Try /tv/ no one here wants this on clogging up the board.

>> No.2416264

And yet Game Center 9X threads are being made.

>> No.2416271

Fuck, not this again. Can't we go a day without getting more of these?

We barely, barely tolerate those but it's not supposed to be an invitation for every minor eceleb to have their own thread here. If you must, post about it in that topic.

>> No.2416273
File: 5 KB, 125x125, 1431840007259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e-celeb threads are cancer . Please go to reddit or youtube itself if you want to discuss e-celebs.

>B-but Game Center 9X is allowed!
First of all it's Game Center CX and I'd gladly sacricife the GCCX threads to get rid of this e-celeb cancer.

>> No.2416274

I tried but they only want to talk about Arino there. I would be okay with having an E-Celeb general if people stop treating Game Center 9X like a holy cow while they shit on similar posts.

>> No.2416279

>I tried but they only want to talk about Arino there.

Then maybe you should take the hint that no one is interested in this.

>> No.2416280

I have got nothing against Game Genter CX but if mods are going to forbid every e-celeb thread, you can't keep allowing a general and make an exception with a single person just because he gets shown on TV. That gives us more grounds for it to be on /tv/ than a Russian dude playing games in his kitchen.

>> No.2416281

You sound awfully convinced that people should not like what you don't.

>> No.2416284

> I would be okay with having an E-Celeb general if people stop treating Game Center 9X like a holy cow while they shit on similar posts.

Again, we barely, barely tolerate those but it's not supposed to be an invitation for every minor eceleb to have their own thread here. GCCX is barely accepted. This isn't close. Maybe /v/ will enjoy it...

>> No.2416286
File: 56 KB, 300x300, 1422240550381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gaijin Goombah here!

It has come to my attention that many users of this board are interested in girls who play video games but fail to get to know them. Well, this is your lucky day! I have a guide on how to get a gamer girlfriend just for you guys and I don't mean the attention whoring gamr grrrls either, I mean girls who actually are true hardcore gamers just like you guys are!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHfFkX2Awqo [Embed]

Daily reminder that this is the future of /vr/ if discussion about e-celebs is allowed.

To mods/janitors you really need to take a clear stand on whether e-celeb threads are an acceptable topic on /vr/.
Clear rules and consistency is all I ask for. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.2416287

I'm just agreeing with the other people here. You were the one that said no one in the other topic wanted to talk about this either.

>> No.2416293

I don't see what makes it more /v/ than /vr/ when the videos are only explitcitly with older consoles. Nothing other than a Famiclone, SNES, and Sega Mega Drive has been recorded.

>> No.2416297

I think they should make it clear and if they are going to enforce that rule. We can't keep playing favorites by allowing Game Center CX when it is also threads about discussing a guy playing shit.

>> No.2416298

I don't think it has anything to do with the quality of these videos, because they never intend to talk about anything that is not Arino. That means any video of its kind that is not on their Japanese idol.

>> No.2416304

>We can't keep playing favorites by allowing Game Center CX
Sure we can. And we do. No one wants your shitty topic here. Sorry.

>> No.2416307


"e-celeb" discussion has been going on on this board for quite a long time mostly unimpeded and I've never seen anything that retarded, so....

>> No.2416313

Then you have no room to complain. We don't just allow threads for one Game Boy Advance, then another Game Cube game, then another Xbox game while making sure the rest of them are not allowed. The rules can't be bent on your favor for one thing. Rules are meant to include or exclude all that has to do with their subject. And again if Game Center CX gets a free pass because it is a TV show, then it belongs in /tv/.

>> No.2416316

It would be ironic to complain about weebs when you are on a weeb image board in the first place.

>> No.2416319

>having autism.

>> No.2416325

We collectively decide not to shit on GCCX threads because we mostly like them. That doesn't mean we want threads about every backwater retard with a camera and an NES.

>> No.2416326

Autism in my 4chan? More likely than you think.

>> No.2416330

I will believe this when a mod and janitor puts it in the /vr/ rules or the sticky that it is okay to make an exemption to Game Center CX, while keeping the rest of his kind out of the board.

>> No.2416332

Did you people whining even watch the videos? This is just a dude pretty plainly reviewing some bootleg Dendy carts. VERY appropriate for /vr/, and quite interesting in fact. This is coming from someone who can't get 30 seconds into an AVGN video.

>> No.2416343

Shhh. Every e-celeb is a boogieman with them and they won't give their time of the day to one of the few of their kind that can bring something different to the table because they don't want to admit that maybe not all people in YouTube are bad or AVGN clones to swear or spout memes.

>> No.2416356


Basically, and I've seen people talking about his videos on /vr/ quite a few times before. Dumb people just like to shit up these threads.

It's really interesting to get a perspective on the Dendy from someone who actually had one. I just wish he didn't look like a bloated corpse and stayed off camera because it makes the videos hard to watch

>> No.2416376

Big Post Incoming

He has scoliosis which just got him that hunch back appearance whenever he sits. Some anon back in 2ch.hk think what he has is worse than just scoliosis but I don't know enough Russian to ask and find out. He looks a lot better in his new videos, for what is worth. I don't know if he just stopped getting acne or switched his meds to something less oily. I bet that if Anna were in his videos more often, people here would bitch a lot less because they can jerk off to the one eyed cute Russian girl, instead of a guy which has a shitty bill of health. Although, I think his on screen personality is more than Anna who just giggles and looks at the camera from time to time while holding her controller. I can't wait for Kinaman's next project. It is going to be like The Curse of the Grey Elephant, but entirely to how it is like to grow up as a poor Russian kid during the '90s. That is what he wanted the first video to be like, but he focused on the Dendy instead due to the wealth of material you can make out of it. The upcoming video is going to focus more on shit, like growing up with most movies dubbed with Gavrilov translation while western cartoons which were kept out Russia during the '80s came to TV for the first time. It would have blown the mind of any kid from the '80s who mostly had to watch cartoons made from Soyuzmultfilm and other Eastern Europe studios at the time. Although, I think the '80s kids were less likely to be impressed by their western movies because you could pirate that easily in the '80s on second hand VHS tapes. By the way, how old are you, are you Russian or just one of those Eastern European kiddies that had a Dendy close to the region? Polish children had Pegasus which was just as good, but we didn't get a TV show or special stores. We just had it sold in many official and shady places. We could even find Russian guys who came to Poland just to sell their video games.

>> No.2416384

I tear up eCeleb threads but I like Kinaman. He seems sincere and he offers a unique perspective plus he's disabled and living someplace with shit health care so if YouTube can make him a few bucks more power to him.

>> No.2416406

I don't think he makes any money out of this. He has a few donation links in his home page but he mostly just gets paid in donated carts. He still needs to record his videos with shitty cameras, and he can only make a video once in a while. I think his health makes it hard as hell to make any video that are not let's plays with his friends, because he got to keep doing takes to the other stuff, which is a pain in the ass when you can't sit for too long. I do agree what he does comes off as sincere. It is just one Russian guy and his friends making the most out the shitty video game industry back where they love and a country whose income and wages are pretty bad. It is like if Gummo was made by a video gamer who has a huge hard on with older consoles. I grew up around South America, and I can confirm all the shit you see in camera with pirated carts is 100% true and legit. A lot of his stores are shit that happened to me as a kid. The only thing that was pure luck for me is that I did not have to play games that can't be beat or played fairly due to their copy protection making it harder, let alone, impossible to finish. It would have pissed me off to no end to play that version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. And what got worse, I can confirm that level select and the difficulty change cheat don't work if you break the copy protection. So it is not like he could have read in a magazine or the internet about this and jump to Stage 7. Although, the broke copy of Shatterhand (Solbrain) is much worse in this regard, because you only can play two stages. At least in TMNT3 you can get up to the Stage 6 bosses and you can beat Bucky O'Hare with just one hit deaths. And you can beat Ninja Gaiden 1 without sub weapons and no extra lives. But Solbrain was cruel in every way. Two fucking stages. Video games at that time cost an arm and leg in the '90s economy. Getting that shit as a birthday or Christmas gift. I can't imagine playing my games in black and white.

>> No.2416545

I know that was a typo, but I wish people gave a shit about gc9x.

>> No.2416548

I kept having them mixed.

>> No.2416553

No problem, I don't blame you (I do the same). They totally need a name change.

>> No.2416567

Im sorry but this sounds like "His videos aren't the same as eceleb videos because I like them!"

Back to GCCX general, friend...

>> No.2416572

I think we should just have an official stance in all celeb videos, because the only difference between Arino and a YouTube is that he gets shown on TV.

>> No.2416573

Go back to >>>/v/, kids.

>> No.2416582

Having fun bumping your own thread every 20 minutes?

>> No.2416585

I really think some people fall into the logic of "I don't like eceleb game videos, but I like GCCX, so GCCX videos are not anything like eceleb videos despite being about some guy playing old games and getting mad at them."

I am perfectly fine with GCCX and so-called eceleb videos being allowed as long as they are limited to games and don't just devolve into ARINOCHAN KAWAII or AVGN cuckposting, but granting GCCX a pass makes no sense, other than trying to appeal to the kids who are so not mainstream because they watch a Japanese man suck at playing games instead of an American suck at playing games.

>> No.2416589

Dude, if he wanted to bump the thread every 20 minutes, he could do it with the 100+ Kinaman images that he posted in the last AVGN thread.

>> No.2416593

Putting aside the fact that I used sage, I think you should consider seeing a professional about these paranoid delusions of yours. And then you can go back to >>>/v/ where you belong.

>> No.2416601

I honestly don't see the problem between either. We have threads that are started about people talking about their own childhood or video game experiences, yet when it is about anyone else's experience or childhood, then it is not worth the time or space in the board. I like GCCX but the idea that one celeb is good enough for the /vr/ threads but the others isn't, is no different than saying Doom is good enough for this board but Heretic, Quake, Hexen, Duke Nukem 3D aren't, even if they are all about the same shit. If you can accept one celeb, you can accept others. And if we can only have general about them, I am still okay with sharing generals with Arino and co. or having generals about others with their own thread. But we can't argue that one was okay because it is the favorite, but other isn't because he is less well known.

>> No.2416606

I don't want this board filled with e-celeb threads so I'm the one who belongs in /v/? Now that's a laugh.

>> No.2416607

If you don't post about what I like then I am going to believe you are bumping a thread I could have hid or ignored in the first place. I don't get these people at all. They still post or go back to the threads when they hate them.

>> No.2416615

How are these e-celeb threads any worse than the rec threads we get, or threads to complain about the resellers and prices of games, or the threads about people trying to find a game they played as a kid? This board is slow and yet you can still find the same kind of threads that were made daily outside of generals and threads that meant to discuss a console, series, or a single game. /vr/ have posted more Final Fantasy and Mega Man threads than e-celeb threads.

>> No.2416619

>/vr/ have posted more Final Fantasy and Mega Man threads than e-celeb threads.

Which is exactly as it should be.

>> No.2416636

Well, if a poster doesn't like Final Fantasy and Mega Man, they can ignore or hide the threads instead of shitposting in them. e-celebs threads are nowhere as frequent as Mega Man or Final Fantasy threads, yet people could behave like normal posters and carry on with their days. If they don't like the e-celeb threads, why do they keep posting on them? You would think by now that it amounts the same as going to the Doom general and bitching it gets made so often you have to keep hiding them on a two or three day basis. And as far I'm concerned, all the e-celeb boogeymen made it that it is rare to see more than or two e-celeb threads (besides GCCC) in /vr/ at any given time. That is less than seeing Mega Man or Final Fantasy threads that have been posted over and over, so e-celeb threads have even less of a chance of the flooding and taking over paranoia posters have, than to think one day Final Fantasy and Mega Man threads are going to keep being made more often due to the amount we get per day.

>> No.2416642

You belong on /v/ because you think that e-celebs exist in the first place and that it's your sacred duty to start shitposting furiously every time a suspected e-celeb is mentioned, in order to show everyone how totally jaded you are and how you totally fit in with /v/ culture.

If you could momentarily remove your head from /v/'s meme-filled ass you might notice that not every YouTuber is a screaming retard, and that there's nothing wrong with making video game related content on YouTube.


>> No.2416656

>Well, if a poster doesn't like Final Fantasy and Mega Man, they can ignore or hide the threads instead of shitposting in them.

Point is, threads about FF and Mega Man are what this board is here for. Not threads about youtube celebrities.

>> No.2416657

Did you know that in Ukraine (in small towns at least) there are still shops selling SMD, dendy (nes clone) and games on them and prices literally never dropped to this day?

>> No.2416662

A lot of people don't even watch the videos they are bitching about. And most of the videos from the Russian guy are a documentary style video about old video games in Russia than watching a guy yell at a camera while making jokes and memes. It isn't the same kind of shit. He does let's plays but none of those are in English and OP didn't bother to link them. All his subtitled videos are narrated videos on just him looking at the camera while video game footage plays. It is a far cry from something like AVGN or the likes of Jontron. He doesn't even "review" the game. Take for example the Aladdin and Lion King video, they are both over 44 minutes and most of that time was just spent talking about the game's background and the design of them than playing them badly and making shit jokes. Even the Ghost 'n' Goblins video which is more like a AVGN review is different than how AVGN made and directed his Ghost 'n' Goblins video.

>> No.2416667

I love Arino but if banning all e-celeb means losing Game Center threads to then so be it. There is nothing more cancerous in this Universe than e-celebs. Fuck them and fuck this thread. You will never be allowed to discuss them here in peace.

>> No.2416668

how the fuck do you even drop 1,5$ price per cart?

>> No.2416669

>If you could momentarily remove your head from /v/'s meme-filled ass you might notice that not every YouTuber is a screaming retard

I don't think every youtuber is a flaming retard. I'm sure plenty of them are perfectly fine, reasonable and interesting. Hell, for all I know OP's youtuber is one of them. It doesn't change that I don't think these threads belong here to begin with.

>> No.2416672

Point is, you have other meta threads on this board that are just as bad, as e-celeb threads because you are talking about someone else's experience and stories, rather than the games and console.

>> No.2416676

Mega Drives are popular in Eastern Europe and most of the less developed Asia parts because there are easy as shit to pirate and the Chinese pirates still create new games for it in the same way they make new pirate NES games

>> No.2416679

>Point is, you have other meta threads on this board that are just as bad, as e-celeb threads

Are you an idiot? People in those threads talk about the games, people in e-celeb threads talk about the e-celebs.

Old games are /vr/, e-celebs aren't. This shit isn't difficult.

>> No.2416680

Point is FF and MM are overrated as fuck. Only good FF or MM game is minus infinity and it's not even official. Like with SMB, Duck Tales and stuff like that people usually don't get overhyped like they used to back in the day - you just complete it, then maybe search for secrets and what not, then maybe make some challenges for yourself and maybe even try to speedrun it or something crazy-ass insane. But with FF or MM the party just never stops, these people are fucking fanatics and will defend or attack every game like they are retarded 5 y.o.'s, even though most of them played each game once with googling the quests/order. Just MM2 and that FF - was it IV or V? - are insanely overhyped for no reason aside from autistic hypernostalgia, since they were that age's Mass Effect and Call of Duty. You don't fucking see threads about, say, hell, even darkwing dark that's actually much harder than any megaman and pretty fucking famous. Ninja gaiden and castlevania even - just as famous as FF and MM, but try finding threads about them in this shithole of fuckness.

>> No.2416682

>There is nothing more cancerous in this Universe than e-celebs.
You know why? Because you people keep complaining about them. That's it. These threads always go to shit because you start an "e-celeb" witch hunt. And there's absolutely no rational basis for it. It's just a meme. You're like a trained monkey who reacts to stimulus.

A lot of threads don't "belong" by the same criteria, yet it is only the "e-celeb" threads that get shitposted to hell and back by armchair moderators.

>> No.2416683

>Point is FF and MM are overrated as fuck.
lol thanks for confirming what I was already thinking :)

>> No.2416684

I think there are far worse threads being made on /vr/ than these kind, but I can just ignore and hide them instead of trolling and shit posting on them. Until the rules and sticky says they are not made and allowed on this board, either you live with threads like Arino and co. being made or you learn to share them in a single general. It is dumb to say one celeb is allowed but the others can't, when we don't get the exception for talking of any Game Boy Advance, Game Cube, Xbox, or any console and game that is already 10 years old now.

>> No.2416686

>, yet it is only the "e-celeb" threads that get shitposted to hell and back by armchair moderators.

Maybe people are fine with the other threads you find offensive, but genuinely don't want multiple topics devoted to people on youtube?

>> No.2416687

Yeah, I don't think SNES is anything close to being as popular. You're probably right.
It's quite a lot here, and 1$ is just the minimum, it goes up to 3$, usually depending on how many games are there. Don't you think it's a bit too much for >2015? They are not rare too.

>> No.2416689

Are there any where his face is blurred out?

>> No.2416692

Is that the real price in $? I always assumed the carts were a bit more expensive than going to the old Japanese stores and buying NES and SNES stuff for less than 1000 yen.

>> No.2416693

>I think there are far worse threads being made on /vr/ than these kind

Such as?

>> No.2416694

And yet we allow GCCC threads and other meta threads who serve the same purpose as these.

>> No.2416704

I don't know, people saying it was okay to create the same kind of threads about Final Fantasy and Mega Man non stop because these are series that are too popular, is like saying that we should only talk about what is well loved and well known because it makes the most discussion. Which I think is weird.

>> No.2416718

Yeah, starts with something like that. But keep in mind that the average year income in Ukraine is ~1900$.

>> No.2416721

All those threads about a person looking to buy a game or someone looking for a console, and people that complain about prices or resellers, or people who want to be spoon fed an opinion about which console or game is worth playing. We have a buy, sell, trade general, and we get people still asking for advice in their purchases.

>> No.2416725

Ouch. Is that after or before Russian invaded? I'm amazed at times how a lot of Eastern European countries manage to eke a living out such pitiful wages, yet still have some left to blow on games.

>> No.2416727

>other meta threads
Which threads?

I don't think GCCX threads should be here either. At most there should be one thread as a catchall for all these. Really though, /v/ is the right place for these threads.

>> No.2416740

I'm pretty sure it wasn't seriously different before, main change is that the job market is now empty as fuck, working conditions are tougher and everybody who gets employed pretty much only gets minimal wage. It's only charlatans and code-monkeys who make something resembling money and look down upon plebs with contempt.

>> No.2416743

How hard is it for the average guy from Ukraine to move to another country? We receive a lot of Latin Americans who got here as soon as they can even if it means starting over from scratch because the job market back home is just as bad with the bonus of homicide rates.

>> No.2416752

>topics about video games aren't acceptable on video game boards

Okay then.

>> No.2416758

Very slow board at that. It is not like this topic being made killed off that thread you liked that didn't get a reply after one or two hours, like in the most active boards such as /v/ or /a/ where threads are made so fast, yours could die if no one replies to it around 30-45 minutes.

>> No.2416865

What do you care what he looks like? Not every person who plays their games is a model

>> No.2416881

I like it. but I can't read all this stuff.

>> No.2416891

Read what?

>> No.2416906

Thanks OP, I'm digging this guy's vids. I know a bit of Russian so it helps too.

Can you recommend me more vids from him?

>> No.2416914

My ovaries dried up from the topic pic alone.

>> No.2416927

>/vr/ doesn't want to learn about Russia's gaming history

Don't you want to find out how xaxaxa cyka became household words in the West?

>> No.2416930

How do you even pronounce that

>> No.2416931

OP already linked all the good stuff. The Curse of the Grey Elephant, Dendy Chronicles #1-9, Dendy Memories #1-14, Sega Memories #1-2, and My Console Dendy. In the Kitchen and Kinamania Live are just let's plays. If that is your thing, but they are not as much fun to watch as the documentary videos he does.

>> No.2416936
File: 3 KB, 256x224, suka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyrillic gets similar to Katakana in that foreign words are spelled almost exactly as they are from their native language. That one just says: "Hahaha. Suka." Suka is a famous curse word for bitch. You will see it a lot in online Russian servers and chats. Even some rom hacks get away with putting suka. It is almost like being able to hear "cunt" constantly from Australians.

>> No.2416945

The dude just has physical problems and poor health. It is pretty shitty to judge his videos on what he looks like and not what he has to say. I think he has balls to go on camera looking like shit but he is not any better or worse than other guys who make video game content in YouTube that are not AVGN clones.

>> No.2416964

I think they did on purpose.

>> No.2417000

SNES in general was not very popular in Europe because it cost more than the Mega Drive.

>> No.2417209

Neat! It's always nice to learn cursing from other parts of the world.

>> No.2417465

Post the mario gif one.

>> No.2417682

I'd say it's impossible, because first thing it takes to move from third world country to the first world country is confidence, knowing what you want and self-discipline. With post-USSR countries you have this slave mentality, which gets carried from generation to generation and is further fueled by the government, so not much knowing what you want nor confidence nor discipline there.
And usually people who do have what it takes just stay and run businesses, because the essential absence of the law makes it so much easier to earn money while putting less effort. Why move to America, when you can stay and get all the goods anyway? You'll never have as much privileges - even putting being an emigrant aside.
So mostly it's students who are not totally incapable of affection and have more deep goals than money and power, that migrate.

To answer directly, there are these exchange programmes, which give you the chance to live in, say, USA (easier than to Europe as far as I know) for months to a year or something, which greatly helps to migrate permanently in the future - one of the most important CV points. If you're a whore, you can marry somebody, otherwise it's mostly going to require a serious degree and typically you need money for the flight and living.

Unless you mean like to Russia or Belarus, then you just need the money and find a job. I don't know how hard exactly it is there, I don't see any point in moving to another post-USSR country - it's the same, or worse.