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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2403496 No.2403496 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, I just finished EarthBound and Chrono Trigger on an android emulator for my phone, today.
I'm looking for sprite-based RPG/Strategy games I should consider. I'm especially fond of SNES and GBA titles, though I'm willing to try other stuff. Not really a fan of stuff before the 16-bit era, since that was the generation I grew up with.

Here's the list of games I've cleared:
>Chrono Trigger
>Final Fantasy IV-VI, Tactics, and Tactics Advance I & 2
>Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
>Zoids Legacy
>Civilization (Snes)
>Advance Wars 1 &2
>Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
>Pokémon Leafgreen & Emerald
>Brain Lord

Anything similar to this, or any good, challenging sprite-based RPG/strategy game I can emulate is welcome.

>> No.2403501

Phantasy Star IV

>> No.2403506

>on an android emulator for my phone,
i puked a little

>> No.2403772

At least its rpgs. I could stand rpgs on my phone.

>> No.2403781


it's the best snes rpg i've played so far

>> No.2403795

Aerobiz Supersonic
King Arthur's World

>> No.2403903

Mother 3

>> No.2403941
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Battle for Wesnoth, open source strategy rpg

>> No.2403958

Breath of Fire 3.
The graphics are pretty, music solid, and the gameplay is a bit generic, but fun.

>> No.2403964

Super Mario RPG.

Might as well add Mario & Luigi to that too.

>> No.2403975

Seconding this.

Also Paper Mario as well (and Paper Mario 2, but that isn't /vr/)
You should also play FF7. If you enjoyed 6 you should like it as well.
If you liked Advance Wars then check out Fire Emblem. You could start on the GBA or just check out some of the more recent titles, personally I'd recommend the latter.

Did you enjoy Earthbound? There's a translation patch for Mother 1 (the prequel) called Earthbound Zero, and a translation patch for Mother 3 as well.

>> No.2403985

Try Breath of Fire 3.

I'm playing it right now. It starts somewhat slow but the tone is unique. Give it time to get going and it starts to mature and suck you in more and more. If you can deal with a bit of time where the game involves you in a small and personal story, it'll pay off when your character hits the big leagues. It's one of the only realistic "now I must be the hero" plot turns I know of, and only because it's slow. Think Tactics.

>> No.2404296

Not that guy - but I didn't know they'd gotten translation patches, what's a link to the best ones? (Every time I google a translation patch, I end up either sorting through crappy ones, or sketchy ass sites, if it's easy to find just tell me to fuck myself and i'll google it).

>> No.2404305

Golden Sun!

>> No.2404478

Secret of Mana, yo

>> No.2404557
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Man up, senpai

>> No.2404589

>on an android emulator for my phone
You want a fucking cookie? Why do people who play shit on their phones feel the need to announce it to the world? Fuck smartphones.

>> No.2404621

Fire emblem 7 and 8 on the GBA, also most of the SNES games have unofficial translations now I think. If you have a 3DS I'd suggest just playing Awakening though

I really liked the GBA remake of FF1, because it was just a fun game to quickly blow through when I was bored.

Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga are good, but you should play Mario RPG on the SNES first. Since you liked Earth Bound you should check out Mother 3 on the GBA as well.

Super Robot Wars/ Super Robot Taisen games can be pretty good as well.

Stretching it a little bit but you might enjoy Harvest Moon on the SNES or Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town on the GBA.

>> No.2404795
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Phantasy Star 4

>> No.2404816


what's wrong with that? i realize this is /vr/, but when i'm at home i'd rather play some modern vidya (PC/ps4/whatever) since i cant do that on the go.

you can literally emulate anything you want on your phone these days, only downside is touch screen controls which limit you to mostly playing RPGs

>> No.2404820

Seriously, it makes me want to shut my MacBook Pro with Retina display (that I'm currently posting on) in disgust

>> No.2404871

dont mind the elitism, that's just chan culture
in fact, rpgs are probably the only gebre that work right with touch screen controls

>> No.2405439

Emu paradise forum has patched versions

>> No.2405449

Well I don't like it either personally, not really out of elitism, but just because the screen is so small compared to a monitor or laptop or what have you that the game just feels "cramped" or something.

Like the resolutions are usually the same or higher but the screen size kind of bugs me personally and your thumbs being on the screen itself kind of ends up obscuring it some more.

it'd be awesome if there were a way to play on a phone with a controller or something, but personally i can't really stand it either way, it's just too small since most of these games were designed for much larger screens to begin with.

It's definitely suited more for rpgs though. I tried playing a platformer on my phone that i'm pretty good at and did terribly even after getting used to the controls (I tried it for probably 4 hours or so). Even with haptic responses to tapping it just doesn't feel the same to me.