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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 511 KB, 1200x1200, Console-Wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2402426 No.2402426 [Reply] [Original]

Face it, /vr/. You loved the console wars. You thrived during them. There was nothing better in life than calling Mario a slow fatass, or Sonic as being nothing but furrybait. The Super Nintendo just didn't have any 'blast' in its processing power, and the Genesis soundboard sounded like nails across a chalkboard. Maybe once in your childhood these fights actually came to physical blows, and that's when you felt most alive. Perhaps as the generations moved on you picked up the banner for the N64, or the Playstation, and for a while longer you were happy.
But eventually, you grew up. The world passed you buy. You were a soldier without a war and didn't know what to do with yourself. You tried to convince yourself that in the end it should have just been about the games, and you believed you were happy. That was a lie. What good is just playing games unless every knows - is MADE to know - that your console is the superior one? For years you meandered, with a cause, but ultimately without purpose.

Then came /vr/. Here soldiers of the console wars congregate once more, both ally and enemy alike. It is here you once again found your purpose. It is here were every console is the greatest gaming machine ever. It is here where every console ever is also an overrate piece of shit. The N64 has awful controls! The PS1 is the turning point where fratboy no-necks ruined gaming with hundreds of generic sports titles! The Saturn is just another demonstration of Sega's ineptitude! And the Game Boy? Why, that was never even a real system. The console wars live on here, and you love it. Welcome back, soldier. You're home.

>> No.2402440

Actually, I am glad I got over the rivalry and am able to appreciate systems by either maker now. I personally feel that the 16 bit era was as good as it ever got, and I would be robbing myself of half the games from that time if I still was routing for either side.

>> No.2402442

i love the dithering in that pic, someone should adopt that style

>> No.2402443


I liked them because the consoles back then had identity. There were games on Genesis that only possibly could have been on the Genesis - same for the SNES, PS1, N64, pretty much every retro system.

>> No.2402451

>you loved the console wars
My friends all had Nintendo's and Super Nintendo's. There was one kid who had a Genesis and he ended up raping some girl.

So Sega is confirmed for rapists.

>> No.2402463

was it CWC?

>> No.2402468

never trust a guy who played sonic the hedgehog

>> No.2402473

>The console wars live on here, and you love it. Welcome back, soldier. You're home.

Fuck off.

I own a Genesis, SNES, PS1, N64 and a Saturn, and I love them all equally.

Come at me bro.

>> No.2402479

But the console wars isn't about what you own now. It's about what you owned THEN. Chances are it was only one system you had because that's all your family could afford and damnit you had to defend it.

>> No.2402480

I never cared about consoles because I wasn't a child.

>> No.2402482

I was never involved in any of this back in the day. Nobody I ever knew argued over what console was better, and even though I had an SNES, I loved going to my cousin's house because I got to play Genesis there.

>> No.2402483


>> No.2402489

>You thrived during them.
No I fucking didn't.

From the 16 bit generation onward, I played, owned, or enjoyed multiple consoles. And this is when I was a fucking kid. Speaks on how pathetic it is that grown folks get roped into this bullshit.

>> No.2402502

I loved the console wars because each company was constantly trying to one-up the competition by showing off that their hardware can do things the others couldn't, which spawned many bad yet technically impressive titles. These days the hardware is largely the same and everyone's aiming for parity to avoid hurt feelings, so it just feels like everything is stagnating or going backwards.

>> No.2402518

>early 90's
Most people didn't know about the existence of furries then OP, let alone kids in the schoolyard

>> No.2402524

I don't give a fuck about consoles, I just go where the games I want to play are.

>> No.2402978


I had and still have now: An N64 and a Playstation. Later on there came a SNES

>> No.2402994

Yeah, cause I was a dumbass little kid. But I grew up.

When will you, OP?

>> No.2402997

My sister had the SNES while I got a Genesis for my birthday, so I got to experience the best of both worlds. Honestly, it was the only gen where being an idort was really worth it. Never dealt with any console war stuff, either, but I did prefer my Genesis to the SNES.

>> No.2403010

Emm no not really. No one in Europe gave a shit about 16bit console wars in my experience.

Was totally a USA thing.

>> No.2403015

I never got into the console wars. Its just a marketing gimmick. Video games were video games. It didn't matter what system it was on. It still doesn't.

>> No.2403018

>You thrived during them.


>There was nothing better in life than calling Mario a slow fatass, or Sonic as being nothing but furrybait.

Fucking NO.

Console wars were fucking stupid as shit because video games were for goddamn loser nerds back in those days - I did everything I fucking could not to let on that I played video games because I didn't need to get hassled by the other kids (who probably fucking had Segas or Nintendos themselves).

Also that furrybait comment FIRMLY demonstrates that you weren't actually there for any of that shit.

>> No.2403019

I had both, so no I didn't.

>> No.2403024

Me and consoles was less a war, and more a winding road of twists and turns and occasional roadblocks.

1. NINTENDO IS GOD- I had an NES and couldn't even fathom owning anything else. The only things cooler were arcade games.
2. AND SUPER NINTENDO IS HIS SON- I got a Super Nintendo at launch Christmas and loved it.
3. B-B-BUT I'M AN EDGY 12-YEAROLD NOW- And then SNES Mortal Kombat was censored while Genesis had the blood code. You're damn right I asked for a Genesis and that was my most played system for a while.
4. KONNICHIWA I LOVE JAPANAMATION SUGOI- And then I became a 14-yo weeaboo, years before the term ever existed. I chased down anything anime related, and this lead me back to Super Nintendo more than anything else because of RPGs.
5. NO NO FINAL FANTASY? - As soon as the news hit that FF7 was going to be on Playstation I immediately bought one. This was pretty much my exclusive system. I remember wanting a Saturn too but the days of birthday and Christmas gifts were pretty much over in my late teens.
6. I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS SHIT- I got a PS2 and that was my last console. When things shifted toward online play on consoles and pay for download games, I figured 'might as well just go PC now.'

>> No.2403047

> Its just a marketing gimmick
By Sega maybe.

>> No.2403054

>Chances are it was only one system you had because that's all your family could afford and damnit you had to defend it.

So all the lameasses that took part in console wars were only overly defensive poorfags?

Explains a lot.

>> No.2403065
File: 28 KB, 625x431, hidekiultraman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, OP is being tongue in cheek, I smiled a little.

But in all honesty, no, I never participed on console wars.
Had both Genesis and SNES, had all three N64, PS1 and Saturn. I even had a 3DO.
Hell, I even had a Game Gear and a Game Boy.
My family wasn't even rich, I just always asked for vidya for any birthday or any other event I would receive a gift, and I also have a grandma who spoiled me quite a bit back then.

Anyway console wars back then were very tame. I don't even remember kids insulting each other, much less actually having fistfights due to it. Most kids wanted to play any video game that was fun, regardless of brand loyalism or marketing campaigns.
Probably in places like Europe or North America, where the marketing was heavy, kids became small corporate soldiers who fought the console war, I don't know.
Here in latin america we didn't really got all that aggressive marketing campaings like "sega does what nintendon't".

I cringe everytime I read people here actually engage in console wars because, even if I know many of them are /v/ teenagers, I can also tell some of the people here are actual adults who still feel the need to defend their childhood's system of choice (or what their parents bought them, whatever). Like they can't move on.

>> No.2403091

OP is being tongue in cheek you fucking idiot, it's all in the name of good fun, are you that retarded to not see it?

>> No.2403097

No I didn't. Not at all. I always thought the kids who touted one of the systems as being WAY better than the other were total idiots. I loved all games. I got a Genesis first and overall liked the games better on it, but it didn't stop me from getting a SNES or loving the games on it either.

I picked the PS1 over the N64 that generation and never ended up owning the Nintendo one, but it didn't stop some of those games being great. I spent many happy hours playing Smash and Tetrisphere at my friend's house. \

People like you are stupid insecure trolls and you always have been. have fun wasting your life.

>> No.2403112

Atomic backpeddling. You, OP are being exactly like every other console war fagot out there.

>> No.2403159
File: 79 KB, 345x205, sonic-mario-small-2a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the genesis x snes war. really console wars were a GREAT thing to have. sure you argued at lunch about what was better, but when hanging out with friends you got to play everything. it was nothing but companies competing for your money and great games everywhere.

now it seems like console wars are barely a thing. I wish nintendo tried to be relevant again instead of living in the past. its going to be sony only for awhile.

>> No.2403170

I'm not OP, and I don't care for console wars in the slightest.
I just defended his post because I thought it was funny, ironical, kinda well written and gave me a chuckle.
And the art he opened the thread with is pretty nice.

>> No.2403190

>now it seems like console wars are barely a thing
Have you seen /v/ lately? Everywhere else however? Good.

>> No.2403202

I don't care what OP's intentions are: it was the shittiest time to be a video game player.

Then fucking Sega made that goddamn ear-flicking commercial. It was the ultimate betrayal, they were marketing to the assholes who made being a gamer so fucking difficult in the first place. It didn't work, of course, but damn did we get the shit kicked out of us that much harder.

>> No.2403207

>Face it, /vr/. Your experience was exactly the same as my own.

It's sad enough to see someone try to validate going down an embarrassing path by trying to convince others (himself) that it's normal and therefore healthy, but to do so in regards to console wars from decades past...

>> No.2403223

Console war threads are a cancer on /vr/

>> No.2403236

>Sonic as being nothing but furrybait

This wasn't an argument against Sonic when it was still Nintendo and Sega duking it out.

>> No.2403247

>Then fucking Sega made that goddamn ear-flicking commercial. It was the ultimate betrayal, they were marketing to the assholes

Out of curiosity though, what country are you from?
It was ok to play video games in that era where I live, people only called you a nerd if you cared about video games and video games only.
Which is kinda true and justified tbh, it's beasically the stereotype of a nerd, but WHICH console you played had nothing to do with that.

>> No.2403253

>everyone's aiming for parity to avoid hurt feelings

It has nothing to do with feelings, and everything to do with good business. Developers are aiming to release on every platform they can because that represents the most income. Consoles (not made by Nintendo) are trying their damnedest not to lack a feature that the other does for fear of lost business even if that means less room in the development schedule to try and do something new.

And then there's Nintendo, still following the same policy they used when it was them against Sega: act like you don't have any competition.

>> No.2403256

This, I was always preferred Nintendo as a kid, but I loved my genesis and playstation a lot. I always assumed people who pledged allegiance to one brand was retarded.

But it turns out they were autistic.

>> No.2403265
File: 1.26 MB, 160x200, 1430341715379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grew up through the Generations since SNES
>never encountered any sort of hostility between consoles cause people always had their home consoles and mostly played with each other or via Game Boys

>wasn't till late middle school and early high school were Xbox vs. Playstation really became a thing

I mean, there was the marketing of 'console wars', but I never saw any of it when it came to video games. Guess I just grew up around people more concerned about good games rather than what platform they were on.

>> No.2403279

I actually had a similar experience with it. Never really saw people start taking things personally until Microsoft started competing with the PS2. Which probably had more to do with American games vs Japanese games than anything.

>> No.2403281

I like that OP. I think I'll steal it and put it on a t-shirt. Or, is it already a Tshirt design?

>> No.2403289

>assholes who made being a gamer so fucking difficult in the first place.

I grew up in the 80's obsessed with games and experienced absolutely none of this. Was it primarily an American phenomenon? Pretty well everyone was cool with games from what I saw.

>> No.2403294

Of course it's a t-shirt design. Shit like this gets designed because morons will buy any shitty "nerdcore" t-shirt your throw at them.

>> No.2403295

The only people who take console wars seriously nowadays are autistic idiots who couldn't convince their parents to purchase all the consoles, so they latched onto whatever the parents got them and developed an unnatural attachment to hardware manufacturers who couldn't give a damn about their existences.

>> No.2403302

Anecdotal evidence being an insufficient representation of the general experience works /both/ ways. Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it didn't happen to anyone; just because it happened to him doesn't mean it happened to everyone.

>> No.2403312

back in the day, console wars actually meant something. Consoles were fundamentally different from one another and offered pretty much completely unique experiences. There were valid reasons to own each console, and it wasn't redundant to own multiple consoles of the same generation.

Now, console wars are just lame bullshit. It's nothing but a handful of delusional fanboys grasping at one or two exclusives to validate their purchases. Because now, 99% of games are multiplat and they're all fundamentally the same architecture. The differences are so minute that people are just accentuating every tiny little thing because you need to use a microscope to tell any differences.

>> No.2403314

As someone who's old enough to remember the 16-bit generation, "The Console Wars" was never actually a big thing. It was mostly marketing bullshit.

>> No.2403321

>As someone who's old enough to remember the 16-bit generation

You are not the only one of your kind in /vr/ or in this thread. You are not unique nor do you speak for "your generation."

>> No.2403326


Shit, kid. Go back to >>>/b/

>> No.2403329

>Consoles (not made by Nintendo) are trying their damnedest not to lack a feature that the other does for fear of lost business even if that means less room in the development schedule to try and do something new.

>even if that means less room in the development schedule to try and do something new.
That's more of a big problem though, especially when it comes to the modern games catalog in general. I feel that the gamin industry today in general is shit anyways so w/e.

>> No.2403335

I'm not a kid. I'm speaking as someone who's old enough to remember the Atari era! Look at how much bigger my dick is!

>> No.2403336

Everything he typed is 100% true and you know it. If you actually think "90s kids" sat around the lunch table screaming at each other like a bunch of literal autists then you're delusional and have been reading Penny Arcade too much. Internet memes are not reality.

>> No.2403341

I'm betting you're a tiny dicked little faggot virgin if you get offended by people posting the truth on the internet. Maybe >>>/r9k/ is a better place for you.

>> No.2403350


I posted >>2403302. Try reading it. If you can't grasp the concept that there is not one correct "truth" regarding topics like these, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.2403353

>pick a game character to be for playground gaems
>pick brian from quest 64
>everyone else is crash bandicoot
>shit talk them for picking the same unoriginal shit

>> No.2403359

Come on now, you just chose poorly. Crash Bandicoot is made for playgrounds.

Me, I was Luigi in these games. I was just too tall to be Mario.

>> No.2403367

Naturally, but if it was a widespread trend I would expect to at least have heard negativity towards gamers bandied about at some point. I'm not saying it was completely non-existent, but certainly minor compared to what that poster seemed to be describing. I saw plenty of kids picking on other kids, but not really any of it about video games. So I was just asking where he was from, different cultures are different after all.

>> No.2403370

So was it really that bad where you grew up? And where was that?

>> No.2403379

You're making shit up. You know it and so does everyone else. THERE WAS NO CONSOLE WAR, FAGGOT. DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.2403381

Zach here, console wars are shit and destroy gaming.

>> No.2403386

This thread is a fucking gong show its just meant to be a friendly little banter thread yet we have fucking crying idiots whing about how its only poorfags who pick a side implying that you always pick the one you grew up with. I never had a genesis growing up but it became my favorite after years of going through its library and seeing it had the most appeal. Now because the genesis is my favorite does not mean I don't like super Nintendo. I love the super Nintendo I just happen to like the genesis more now. "consul warz r dumb" posters are the biggest faggots in this thread. Everyone on vr plays games across every system I imagine unless they are some jrpg elitist faggot. This was a friendly banter thread ruined by faggot idorts trying to seem hardcore or cool. I own a ton of consoles and I do like some more than others it happens.

>> No.2403390

Do you deny the holocaust too?

>> No.2403402

Zach here would one of you please ram your cock up my ass

>> No.2403405

>>2403379 is the kind of reply I anticipated and won't bother replying to others of its nature.

I live in east coast United States. No, it wasn't really that bad, and not on a uniform basis. But I never claimed it was. I guess it depends on what you're referring to, since the topic has sprouted a new branch regarding "kids bullying gamers" specifically (something I didn't comment on specifically). If you're just talking "console wars," then yes, it was certainly commonplace, but generally not to an extreme vitriolic extent. As for "kids bullying gamers:" generally speaking, bullies gonna bully, and they'll use anything they can use as fodder for bullying. If a kid is distinguished by a love of games, then naturally that's what's going to be picked on. As with most cases, I think it's less about the specific subject of dispute and more about the underlying motivation of picking on someone. To a much lesser extent, if someone is balls-deep in a given hobby, they're more open to ridicule; that's just as true as the Star Wars nut or that kid who was reeeeally into dinosaurs. But that's just my observation.

>> No.2403417

Ahh yeah, I was mostly talking about the kids being bullied aspect which I saw almost none of. I thought that's what you had been replying about.

I would say the console wars were pretty similar. They were more something that the magazines seemed to talk about more than actual kids. It was really only when the internet came about that I started encountering actual console fanboys.

Now since you mentioned it offhandedly and it's reminded me, Star Wars vs Star Trek on the other hand... that was often a topic of quite heated debate growing up with each side going out of their way to put down the other's preference.

>> No.2403418

You sound like a faggot with a persecution complex.

>> No.2403427

Marketing and magazines definitely played it up here, but it certainly had its impact on the kids. For the most part, though, it basically only fueled "friendly rivalry" type ribbing. If there was anyone who aggressively lashed out at anyone who didn't agree his console was best, he essentially got himself ejected from the rest of the game-loving group.

As for Star Wars/Star Trek, that debate was generally left only to hardcore fans... most kids around here didn't have an affiliation and many saw both as equally objectionable.

>> No.2403458

The innovation is all in the indie side of the market. And like anywhere you have lots of innovation, most of it is shit. But there's some very good stuff too.

You can't have the kind of hardware and software budgets that the big names have, and have a whole lot of risk taking. Too much potential loss is on the line for Sony or Microsoft if they pull a Sega.

Nintendo can do whatever they damn well please because of their inhouse software is such a powerful draw, but it's telling how far they've fallen from industry leader.

>> No.2403469

That's how I remember it being just media hype,
It wasn't necessarily about which system was better more so which version of a game was better.

>> No.2403727
File: 125 KB, 640x480, [DBNL]M.D._Geist_Director's_Cut_[x264][2639BBE0].mkv_snapshot_19.35_[2015.04.10_22.01.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends and I would just go to whoever owned the console we didn't own house and play the games they missed out on instead of fighting. Deal with it nerd.

>> No.2403734
File: 995 KB, 1440x1952, 1373238388692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend had the genesis and I had the SNES, we used to argue about which console was better but in the end we loved to play with each other no matter the console, he was jealous about some games, I was about some of his games, but nothing mattered since we played them together.

The console wars back in the day was driven mostly by blatant marketing which by today views, comes off as juvenile and campy but I think that all of us can still smile when we look at some of those pieces.

Jesus Christ Mark, why did you have to go and die in that crash, I miss ya, you wonderful bastard

>> No.2403735
File: 199 KB, 900x1198, Neo_Geo_Ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNK for life

>> No.2403737

I never really participated in any console wars. I grew up with an NES and SNES, but I never got into fights with kids who had Genesises. Maybe it was a regional thing but we just talked about video games.

>> No.2403748
File: 396 KB, 1000x1288, Tom_Lea_-_2000_Yard_Stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The console wars were my own personal Vietnam. I felt lucky every afternoon I came off that playground alive after fighting another skirmish with Genesis fanboys shitting on Mario.

>> No.2404529

Where I lived most kids didn't have access to consoles, maybe one or two kids in your class had a game system at best. We didn't care what system it was, we just wanted to game. I feel bad for your assholes who were actually spoiled enough to pick a side in this bullshit.

>> No.2404540

so now you fight the console war of new vs old.

>> No.2404542

were nothing, they still are.

>> No.2404548

I am 90% certain nintendo had more games than that at the time of publishing that advertisement.

>> No.2404563
File: 75 KB, 807x844, 1373238502845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the point of sega's marketing, to just bash Nintendo, no matter what, it was a common practice used by everyone

>> No.2404567

>U.S. launch: August 23, 1991
>Gradius III
>Super Mario World
Plus a bunch of games published in September 91 like Final fight and UN Squadron.

>> No.2404574

It's pretty sad that there are a lots of threads about cool videogames here and this shit gets more replies.

I didn't think we'd rot this fast /vr/, I thought we were above this kind of shit.

>> No.2404596

The only reason Sega still exists was because they insisted there was a rivalry between them and Nintendo.
The reality was, Nintendo was much better than them the entire time. There is a reason they failed. They had nothing worth saving to fall back on to fund another console when the last one failed.
God, I would feel like such an idiot if I defended Sega all those years.
Not to say Genesis wasn't good, it's definitely had a better library than a lot of consoles.

>> No.2404602

Goddamn, that ad is so juvenile it actually offends me. I'm glad Sega lost the war.

>> No.2404609

Honestly I had no idea there was such a thing as a console war until... I want to say whatever gen the PS360 was. No one gave you shit for what you, or more likely your parents, spent money on.

>> No.2404618
File: 42 KB, 480x376, 1374626998868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more

>> No.2404619

> © 1991
The SNES didn't come out until august of that year, so had probably only been out a couple of months at the time of the ad.

>> No.2404620

That one is less so.
Like...unless you're considering the fact that the monster thingy on the screen looks like a phallus.

>> No.2404623

Ding Ding! This is the answer for ow it really was.

The only thing that generated any debate, was the games. Kids weren't arguing over chips inside the consoles or anything. In fact it was not even really an argument. Some kids didn't like certain games, but there was no tribal mentality about the issue.

>> No.2404626

Love your story. Mine: LOL MY DAD OWNS ALL THE CONSOLES - wait, what's a Saturn?

This trend of me having access to every console in the current gen due to family members owning them continued up to the previous gen. At least one of them each gen was strictly mine. What do they call that, bourgeois-fag? Inb4 'just fag'.

I secretly preferred the Genesis. Streets of Rage, Sonic, Strider, oml.

>> No.2404645

Yeah, it is kind of cringeworthy to see people completely miss the point by vehemently stating that 'console wars don't matter'. We know, idiots. This is about nostalgia and the sense of identity that came from siding with a console as a kid. I never participated in that war myself, but it was definitely a real movement, particularly SNES vs. Genesis.

>> No.2404656

That's a Neo Geo ad anyway.

>> No.2404671

Having been a bit too young to see the sega v ninty wars, I can say Sega and sonic had it coming

>> No.2404672

Except they sold more in the one region where those ads were relevant.

Japan was the primary reason why Nintendo sold the most than gen.

>> No.2404682

>Scarlett Johannsen is upset that Patrick Bateman won't accompany her to the 90's Lingerie Convention

>> No.2404693

Huh, I didn't know these were launch titles (except SMW of course). Neat, all I need is Gradius III and I'll own all the launch titles.

>> No.2404694
File: 105 KB, 480x333, 104262699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a console warrior. I'm a computer warrior.


>> No.2404697

Do you have numbers showing this? I'm curious now.

>> No.2404704
File: 200 KB, 1095x749, 1374627551486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to have a Neo Geo, never could since it was expensive as fuck, but later on my country would be overrun with neo geo arcades.

>> No.2404706

128k Spectrum games had slightly less clash to them.

>> No.2404718

I thought that was another Genesis ad. Just took an actual look at it and noticed it was Game Gear. In which case, that didn't work out so well.

No handhelds ever sold well that weren't Nintendo. How many people did you know with a Lynx or NGP?

>> No.2404724

I knew a guy with a NGPC, not including myself. It's a shame, too, it was a very capable system.

>> No.2404726


8x1 clash is still 8x worse than what the C64 could do :^)

>> No.2404727

How does it feel to know that the Apple//e has some more expandability(Its an open system) and has more colors available in its palette, and has more accessibility to external sound cards(ie the Mockingboard)? Also, Kings quest series.

>> No.2404730


They forgot to mention the Game Gear having inferior sound.

>> No.2404732

And eating batteries without mercy

>> No.2404738

And have a capacitor who was just about guaranteed to crap out at one point or another.

>> No.2404740

Game Gear is tame compared to how short the average battery life is on the model 1 Atari Lynx. I know. I have one myself.

>> No.2404745

Why didn't the C64 get KQ? It got a shit ton of ports even when it was well past its prime.

>> No.2404747

Six batteries. SIX BATTERIES, and they all died in a day. Fuck you, Sega.

>> No.2404748

Lynx needs the power because it's a beast of a handheld

>> No.2404749
File: 133 KB, 408x544, 1374634073123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying anything Atari when you were a kid
You deserve everything that you got

>Wanting King Quest in any shape or form
No, fuck sierra adventure games

>> No.2404765

You are missing out on the adventure!

>> No.2404769


Yeah, and all that cost $1,300. For that price I could have bought 4 C64s and a game to play on each of them.

>> No.2404771

No fuck you, I won't be fooled again, never again Sierra, never again

>> No.2404887

th-the first Quest for Glory was pretty great...

>> No.2404890


>> No.2405543

you stupid kid nobody knew that at the time. It's all the chinese fault and their shitty chink caps

>> No.2405553

Obvious b8

Sega was all about arcade games

>> No.2405559

You're good at exaggerating what didn't happen over here.
I had a Genesis, Virtual Boy, and N64. Probably played the Genesis the most followed by the Virtual Boy. Loved them all and didn't feel any soreness about brands or competing consoles.

I had called Nintendo and ordered all the NA Virtual Boy games they had directly from them. They even sent print outs of the manuals. It was pretty rad. Which is how I got more time out of it than my N64.

>> No.2405592

Console"wars" are fucking children with no money.

If you are a serious gamer you own every console that has games that you want.

If spending an extra $200-500 (depending on the generation) every 6 years is too much than you really aren't very passionate about your hobby.

>> No.2405624
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Actually, no.

I used to be a console warriors when I was like 13. I was given a PS1 and was really hestintant to play it. Then I put in Wild Arms II into that thing since it was a gift and I might as well use it a little. Still, at first it felt like I was "cheating." I was a Nintendo girl.

When I realized I was having a lot of fun with Wild Arms II, grew up, and stopped giving a fuck about being loyal to some silly brands. I just want to play games.

Now I own Genesis and Master System and love both of them.

I've generally found the console wars here to be pointless and just shitposting, but at least it is done here less than on /v/.

>> No.2405653
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25 years later

You still mad

>> No.2405663


I'll never understand these threads because where I live the console wars were never a thing. I suspect the whole "fanatical support of a company" thing was only in America.

>> No.2405736

The idea of console wars is something I mainly read about in console specific magazines back in the day.

The closest thing I remember is people thinking N64 carts cost far too much (it didn't stop people grabbing the console for Goldeneye) and then later the PS2 reigning supreme. And really the PS2 had such a strong grip it wasn't anything resembling a 'console war' so much as a massacre.

>> No.2406572

I once ignored my virtual boy's incessant take a break nagging and played for hours on end. When I stopped the color red looked brown to me for several hours.

>> No.2407213

I hear if you played it for 10 hours straight you could see the Dead.

>> No.2407226


I always wondered if there were any girls that was into console wars. You are one of a kind, anonette.

Care to share some experiences of you as a console warrior?

>> No.2408609
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The idea of console 'wars' themselves are kinda silly, however I still believe console 'debates' are more than acceptable. Even when two consoles trade blows with eachother, one console has to excel in areas the other can't. Console wars technically are all about being as objective as possible.

But the absolute worst case of console wars stems in the form of console loyalty, and despite being massive multi-millionaire corporations, companies actively CHOOSE to keep their games restricted to a single platform only because 'lel our shitty spinoff sold like shit on the DS WII RABBU YUU SONYSAMA NEVURA EVA' or some shit. I understand contractually exclusive games (Bayonetta 2 for Wii U, Bloodborne foe PS4, Scalebound for Xbox), but games that could have been perfectly capable on being on other consoles just aren't because the developers are such huge loyalists. That guy from Tekken made a disparaging comment about PC gamers wanting Tekken, and was acting as if PC ever got Tekken and Namco's reasons for not putting it on PC were due to low sales. The Japanese are especially guilty of being platform loyalists, at least Rockstar, by keeping GTA5 on consoles for 2 years before the PC version, the PC version runs exceptionally well on a lot of hardware.

>> No.2408614

Ummm, I just play video games. Looks like you wasted a bunch of time typing that out OP.

>> No.2408615

Genesis/Megadrive Would have won had the 32X been canceled, and put those resources more into better Megadrive games and perfecting the Saturn.

>> No.2408642

All of the kids that had N64's were the well adjusted kids while the PS1 kids were from broken families, and were trouble students.

>> No.2408662

in my experience, I'm 36 so I grew up during it, the SNES/Genny console war only existed in the gaming magazines. I have zero memory of kids arguing over which was better. any serious video gamer had both anyways.

>> No.2409294

I'm not a rapist just because I prefer Sega Meaga Drive over the Super Famicom/SNES. >>2408642
Where do you live?

>> No.2409296

nice pasta

>> No.2409308

What if you had both? Everyone I knew did. In those late PS1 days they were so cheap there was no excuse not to have one really.

>> No.2409395

SimCity must have been a launch title to garner parents/PC gamers' interest. Pilotwings? It's a classic, but it wasn't a platformer, beat-'em-up or an arcade port of a 2-D fighter, so kids were like "hunh?"

>> No.2409408

Are retarded? There's still console wars today and they are increasingly more retarded because every console is the same

>> No.2409606
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>Wii U is the same as the PS4