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2402114 No.2402114 [Reply] [Original]

Never played any of the final fantasy games before. Which ones are the best/should play? Do I have to play them in order to get the storyline or is each game different?

>> No.2402118

1-3 you can miss.
4 and up all are the same storyline.

>> No.2402119

each game is usually set in a different FF universe so no, start with whatever iteration you find the most appealing.

all are worth checking out bu FF6 is considered the best by most and a must play game.

personally I liked early 3D FF as well so definitely play FF8 and 9 too and see what it's like.

FF1 is more barebone and a bit tedious so you might wanna play that one like later and FF2 is actually an excellent game despite what /v/ says.

>> No.2402120

Whatever you do always play the original version first instead of some shitty port.

Only exception to this are 7 and 8, for that you can play the PC versions.

>> No.2402125

VI is the best of the 2D ones. Each game is individual and true sequels are named obviously.

There is not much worth to most games in the series, just play 2-3 of the best ones. I would recommend 6, 7 or 9 and 10. This covers all the ground there is and what the series once was known for. You're better off playing other JRPGs after that, but you will know anyway whether you want to play other Final Fantasy games or not.

>> No.2402129

FF9/VII/VI are my personal favorites.
Choose one of those and you will have a good time.

>> No.2402135

Start from the beginning.

>> No.2402138

Don't do this. Don't waste time being a completionist for a JRPG series. Final Fantasy is a pretty shitty and really overrated series to begin with.

>> No.2402148

>muh "play in release order"

no, stop.
it's better to start with what's most appealing.which is especially true for FF:

>> No.2402153

5 through to 9 were definitely the cream of the crop. You can fool around with the earlier titles too even if just to see the genesis of some of the mechanics.

My suggestion, start with 5 and 6.
If you like the mechanics of 5 more move on to the Tactics series and 8; they offer party customization and their mechanics interlock and overlap enough that you can play with almost any style you want.
If you prefer the focus on character unique mechanics and development as in 6 then proceed with 7 and 9 as they both continue that focus.

>> No.2402160

>Which ones are the best/should play?
Never ever ask this question the only reply you are going to get will be "My first FF/my favorite FF is the only good one, all others are shit and my opinion is the only correct one!". Case of point FFVII- and FFIXfans.

>Do I have to play them in order to get the storyline or is each game different?
You don't have to play them in order and all games are standalone ones however some games like FFIX have references to earlier games you are going to miss if you haven't played them first. You aren't going to miss anything significant if you play the games out of order through.

Anyway the best starting points are probably IV, VII or X, simply pick one, play through it and then try the other games out.

>> No.2402161

Yeah, why would anybody want to play all of the games and form their own opinions about which ones they like when they could just play your favorites instead?

I mean, we all know that opinions are universal, ESPECIALLY when it comes to video games, so there's no point in even trying to like something that other people don't. Hell, you don't even have to play games these days, you can just watch videos of people playing them for you.

>> No.2402162

There's no "best", only favorites.

>> No.2402171

>being this retarded

>Yeah, why would anybody want to play all of the games and form their own opinions about which ones they like when they could just play your favorites instead?

but that's exactly the point. he has complete freedom to that by starting with whatever part he likes the most on first sight. that has nothing to do with my favorites or anybody elses, you weird fuck.

>I mean, we all know that opinions are universal, ESPECIALLY when it comes to video games, so there's no point in even trying to like something that other people don't. Hell, you don't even have to play games these days, you can just watch videos of people playing them for you.

now you're projecting the wrong way and it makes you look incredibly obnoxious.

>> No.2402172

The "best" game(s) depend on which of the following you want:

If you want linear JRPG mostly focusing on story try FFIV or FFIX.
If you want a JRPG with a focus on character customization try FFV or FFVIII.
If you want something with roughly equal focus on story and character customization try FFVI or FFVII.

>> No.2402175

>Case of point FFVII- and FFIXfans
I think you forgot VI. VI or VII fans are the most adamant about this stuff from what I've seen. Occasionally IV and IX, but those are outliers I feel.

But yes, OP. The suggestions of IV, VII, or X are really good starting points to get yourself into the series. Character progression in IV and X is very linear so you don't have to worry about mechanics too much, and can just enjoy the ride. VII's world building is the more grounded of the three (can't believe I'm saying this); it's not hard to feel connected to it.

Personally I would start from the first game and see/judge the series' evolution yourself, but apparently anyone who takes this route is retarded.

>> No.2402230


>> No.2402237

Funny how talking bad about Final Fantasy only catches one or two normie kids this days. Even on /v/ there were barely any defenders the last few years.

>> No.2402239

I think X's worldbuilding is a lot more fleshed out. I'm a huge VII fan, but the world felt really empty to me. Like you have Shinra, not Shinra, an amusement park, and that's pretty much it.
Running around the world map in VII gives me this weird desolate feeling, I can't be the only one who feels this way.

>> No.2402253

I is pretty good if you want a challenge.
There were parts early on where I thought "shit, if I don't get off this ship soon and find a place where I can buy supplies then I'm fucked". Now THAT'S an adventure.

>> No.2402259

I never thought I'd see the day where defending RPG's will get you labelled a "normie". What an age we live in.

>> No.2402267

Well, first of all, RPG is not a niche genre. JRPGs aren't either.
Second, we are talking about Final Fantasy, the most well known JRPG series in the world.

How are people without any video game knowledge even allowed to speak in this place?

>> No.2402269

>Which ones are the best
Incoming war. Everyone disagrees due to the very nature of FF.

>should play
Typically IV or VII are the best places to start.

>Do I have to play them in order
Each one is very different, which is the reason why the first answer happens. The only thing I'd suggest is to play a previous game or two before IX, but it's still very standalone and you don't need to know the story.

>> No.2402274

FF6 and 7 are the essentials.
If you want more play 4, 5 and 9
If you want even more play the original 3, but they haven't aged well.
Avoid 8 and everything after 9 at all costs

>> No.2402276

Why are so many people recommending IV? It's not like the other Final Fantasy games are complex games or anything, they're still really easy to get into. IV is super barebones, straightforward and boring. It's also closer to Dragon Quest than Final Fantasy except that it's also linear on top of it.

>> No.2402280

You posted it. IV is the place where the FF most want actually started meaning it is barebones and straightforward to get done quickly. Plus it's super easy.

>> No.2402282

Best protag.
One of the best support casts.
Least gay.

>> No.2402287

>Least gay
That's a bad thing any you know it.

>> No.2402289

You don't need to play the other games before IX, but it does make the experience different due to the myriad of references they put in. Hell, it was my first.

>> No.2402292

People talk about the references like they make the game. They're really not a big deal unless you've been playing the series for years.

>> No.2402294

I actually thought the gameplay of X was really well done. I liked how ATB was replaced with a more strategic queue that you could see, and the spheregrid was interesting. However the game only really shined in the battle arena with the near impossible enemies, and you only got to that after hours of bullshit collection quests. Still one of the best battle systems in the series IMHO.

But yeah, pretty much VI and VII are all you need at the end of the day, supplemented by others if you really want.

>> No.2402298

>least gay
>MC wears lipstick

>> No.2402303

This series is for homosexuals and we're fine with that.

>> No.2402306

Exactly. That should speak volumes about the other games.

>> No.2402310

Yeah, X had a pretty decent battle system. Too bad the game was ruined by some FF XIII tier level design, among other things.

>> No.2402327

At least the world felt alive and there were some huge as fuck areas and tons of beautiful ones too. The game had also a shitton of optional content. World maps were always shit, Final Fantasy VII had the ugliest one I have ever seen. Too bad JRPGs mostly died till we reached the golden age of huge interconnected areas like in Xenoblade.

>> No.2402348

How the hell do people spout such absurd opinions on this board

>> No.2402380

Honestly, 7.

7 just hits the right notes. The only real flaw being graphics in the overworld. But it makes some cutscenes fucking hilarious.

7 really does just have it all. Gameplay is typical Final fantasy. Limit Breaks are fun to use. Materia system is enjoyable to use, and allows you to transfer some power between party members for when they're forced in during certain story sections. Its fun to customize your characters with different setups. The pacing is really good throughout with the right balance of intensity and downtime. Most of the mini-games are really good and for the right amount of time. The plot is good in the beginning, and kind of tapers off but the adventure is still enjoyable. Challenge level isn't super high but its still got enough there to not be a total cake walk.

FF4 is too linear, you don't get any character building or customization choices. The plot after Cecil becomes a Paladin is pretty stupid and full of dumb twists.

FF8 gets more hate then it deserves. You appreciate it more on subsequent playthroughs because of how breakable it is. Story is hit or miss, some will like it, others will hate it. Its presented in an awkward way early on, but again, subsequent playthroughs you see a lot of foreshadowing to events that you wouldn't have known the first time.

FF9 is slow as fuck, fanboys will claim its the best.

FF5 is like FF7. There are no extraneous party members so you never change and you'll use the same 4 throughout, which means you avoid losing a powerful character. Great customization system, and its probably one of the harder FF's.

For like NES era I would advise 1, since 2 and 3 are kind of awkward.

So I guess.

FF1, FF5, and FF7.

>> No.2402390

1 is primitive but fun.

2 is one of the worst games of all time.

3 is basically a less fun but harder version of 5 and with a better story compared to 5.

4 is great and recommended, but is pretty much the most linear fucking thing ever.

5 is arguably the most fun and is highly recommended.

6 is arguably the best overall combination of gameplay, presentation, characters, and story. Possibly the best overall JRPG of all time.

7 has its fans and is VERY highly regarded, but I was never really a fan.

8 and beyond are mostly mediocre or outright shit.

Tactics is great and recommended, but it's basically just an easy version of Tactics Ogre.

Tactics Advance is kinda average.

>> No.2402419

No FF6?

Are you kind of contrarian fag?

>> No.2402429
File: 28 KB, 600x800, tumblr_m8va9dVL0T1rclpuao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talky, more waifu.

>> No.2402432

The only people who like VI in the first place are contrarians against VII.

>> No.2402439

Fuck you, don't avoid 8.

>> No.2402449

FF6 is really jarring gameplay wise.

You are constantly switching from one party to the next, and theres a lot of really annoying bits for each of the sections. Theres too many characters and the don't get much development, and you may not touch them until you're basically forced to use them at Kefka's Tower at the end of the game which is horrid.

I think FF6 is far from the worst, but also far from the best.

>> No.2402450

What is the reason YOU like FFVII the best?
If you answered "It was my first FF!" or that it was a big part of your childhood I want you to consider the fact there are people older than you who played FF games before FFVII came out and to those people FFVI was a bigger part of their childhood than FFVII was. Are those people who like FFVI for the exact same reason that majority of people like FFVII "contrarians" or "hipsters" that only like it in order to be special snowflakes?

>> No.2402454

I like it because it's fun and dank. VI on the other hand is a snoozefest.

>> No.2402457

Was it worth it, OP?

>> No.2402458

Just jerk your cock quickly to some FF doujins and go back to talk.

>> No.2402459

>waifu bullshit

Seriously this faggotry and the e-celebrity threads need to stop.

>> No.2402464

Not the guy, but I preferred VII because it was a steampunkish dystopian future that had amazing fmv's and etc. etc. etc.

>Yeah but FFwhatever already had all of those elements dead comrades etc.

FFVII presented it better, streamlined the parts that were bulky and made a more engaging story for me.

Sure it when wonky in the middle and most people can get a lit degree in interpreting any FF storyline after 2. But in spite of itself, it pushed a real sense of both foreboding and worth of cause to your actions.

In FFwhatever before on the snes I was leading a group of hats around a magical world and having them do hat things to stop the boogies.

In FFVII it provided me with a real vehicle to feel like I was a part of the group and that I was wielding real power in the rpg world. Pushing real emotions. I hadn't had that since Chrono Trigger.

Does anyone agree with me? Hell if I care. But that is how it is. If you can't accept that, I can't help you. But for a lot of people, the NES wasn't even their first console, bucko. Don't assume that a loved game is their first RPG.

>> No.2402465

>Girls are icky!
I bet if I posted a big black dick you wouldn't be bitching.

>> No.2402478

If you care about the series' history, but don't want to slog through all of them, I'd start with I, then do IV (noted as the first RPG with an ATB system), and VI (when the series started to show more sci-fi and -punk elements, as well as a great example of balancing a focus on gameplay with storyline and character development).

VII I highly recommend not only as a landmark, but also because it's one of the most talked about in the community, and so it's good to have some context (kinda like having brony friends, only less neckbeard and more yaoi fangirl). I haven't played VIII myself, unfortunately, so I can't give an opinion on that. IX is regarded by many as the last decent game in the series, although, as this thread may have told you by now, that's up for debate. Tactics is probably my absolute favorite of the PSX games, and if you like SRPGs, you'll like this one. That Agrias is quite possibly my favorite Final Fantasy character ever has nothing to do with this and I'm the absolute worst liar I have ever met. They also did a remake called The War of the Lions, which is a serious improvement in my opinion, but it's probably best to play the original first.

Continuing in the next post.

>> No.2402487

To reiterate and summarize myself.

It's not any one element or set of elements.

It's everything in the game. From the Fat Chocobo Summon to Ruby Weapon from Black Materia to Cactuar's 1000 Needles attack. From the double meaning of 'flower girl' in the back of the Honey Bee Inn to Condor Tower from Yuffie's grubbing ways to the remaking of Verdi's Dies Irae.

You cannot take from the whole without leaving it less than it was. The Apocalypse Sword is just as important as the Nailbat. The chime for finding something is just as important as the Cosmo Canyon music.

From the terrorism in Midgar to the hours wasted on Knights of the Round. You cannot take anything away without making it less than it was any more than you can point to any one thing or group of things without the whole and say "This. This is why this is better than what you love."

>> No.2402506

X is good, and is definitely noteworthy of note as the first Final Fantasy with voice acting, and it's surprisingly bright in comparison to many of the earlier ones. I would have to give a resounding 'no' to X-2 though, unless you like games that don't take themselves seriously at all (which I do, and I honestly loved the Charlie's Angels feel a lot of it had, but I get the impression I'm something of an odd duck in my thoughts of the game). XI is a now-dead MMO that was pretty good, but eh. XII is a hotly debated game on whether it was actually any good or not (then again, that fits pretty much every entry in the entire series, and although I never finished, I liked what I had seen (it also takes place in Ivalice, the same world as Tactics, although long before the latter, so I'm a little biased there).

XIII is, embarrassingly enough, likable to me, despite that it's probably the most hated game in the franchise. My feelings for it are... complicated, to say the least. I'll tell you this, it's very linear,and yet you can spend a LONG time on it just because of all the late to endgame stuff. The characterization and VAs are a matter of debate. XIII-2 is, like X-2, an entry that doesn't take itself seriously in the slightest, something for which I'm a total sucker, and so I've really enjoyed it. It has interactive cutscenes, kind of like how the endings for Soul Calibur III were, but more complicated. I haven't played Lightning Returns yet, so I'll have to actually bother with that at a later date.

While XIV was a buggy, piece-of-shit flop, XIV: A Realm Reborn actually looks awesome, and is a lot more like the earlier Final Fantasies that still had some medieval-Renaissance feel to them, at least aesthetically. I have yet to play it myself, but I plan on getting it when I can afford a PS4, since my computer wouldn't be able to run it for crap.

I'm hardly an expert on the series, to tell you the truth, but this is about as good of advice as I can give.

>> No.2402513

>a resounding 'no' to X-2 though

Man ignore backrub minigames for a minute.

Dress spheres. FFS one of the best ideas to come out of the teams since they did the sphere grid. Not only that each time a girl did a new attack or switched to a new dress for the first time they had original lines and animations all recorded.

Take the silly fanservice aside for a second and see the love that was poured into that game.

>> No.2402528

True. I did like the game, but I'm one of those people who likes things that are so bad they're good, like the Super Mario Bros. movie, so I take even my own opinions with a grain of salt sometimes.

Thanks for reminding me of those bits, though. It's been awhile since I last played it, and so the little details have escaped me (which I find incredibly confusing, because the details are usually something I'm good at). Paine's White Mage costume is my favorite, from what I can recall, and I want to like the Dark Knight dress spheres, but I'm too biased towards Amano's take on dark knights, especially Cecil's look in IV, like he was made of blue-black knives.

>> No.2402624

Why not both

>> No.2402643

I like X-2 solely because Rikku caused me to spill more seed than a farmer with Parkinson's.

>> No.2402647

It's almost like people enjoy the fucking game

>> No.2402652

I'm a gameplay-over-story person, so take what I say with a grain of salt (FF is a story-heavy series). I think that FF2, FF3, and FF5 are all worth playing. FF5 is probably the best one, but I'd play FF3 first because FF5 is sort of an evolution of FF3, and you can appreciate the changes made. FF2 is a weird game compared to the others, but pretty interesting. If you like it you should try the SaGa series starting with the first one on Game Boy.

>> No.2402668

You say that as though Dragon Quest is a bad thing.

>> No.2402670

Apart from FFX-2 being a direct seguel to FFX and FFIV: TAY being a direct sequel to FFIV the games aren't connected in any way storywise apart from having some common themes, names for items/weapons/armor/enemies and some small references to each other. If you are interested in the series just try out the one that seems the most interesting to YOU and see if you like it or not.

>Which ones are the best/should play?
Asking this is a moot point as the whole FF fanbase is made up from retards endlessly arguing about whose toy is the best:

>say something positive about FFIV
Go kill yourself nostalgiafag!
>say something negative about FFIV
Go back to FFVII you underage piece of shit!

>say something positive about FFV
Kill yourself you pretentious hipster piece of shit!
>say something negative about FFV
Fuck you, it has the the best version of job system and is the most fun FF!

>say something positive about FFVI
Kill yourself hipster, FFVII is where it's at!
>say something negative about FFVI
Kill yourself you FFVII fanboy!

>say something positive about FFVII
You only like it because it was your first FF!
>say something negative about FFVII
You only hate it because it's popular!

>say something positive about FFVIII
HURR Squall is dead!!!1! R=U!!!1! DURR
>say something negative about FFVIII
You didn't play the game correctly and/or didn't understand it's story you casual piece of shit!

>say something positive about FFIX
FFIX is a slow piece of shit! FFIV / VI / VII is better!
>say something negative about FFIX
Fuck you, it's the best FF because reasons!


I for one am tired of this "My favorite FF is the only good one, all others are shit and my opinion is the only correct one!!!!!11!" bullshit and advice people to stay the fuck away from FF fanbase, it will give you cancer and there is nothing to be gained by arguing with it.

>> No.2402674

5 and 9 are the best, 3, 4,and 6 are pretty good. 7, 8, and 1 are ok, 2 is awful

>> No.2402683

Tactics ogre is pretty easy, brotha.

>> No.2402701

You're right. I thought about it some more and realized X is "kinder" in its storytelling. Very early on we're shown exactly how the world works (Yevon, machina, etc.) with very little obscurification which makes you feel comfortable as you explore it. Like you know what you're going to get.

Moving from place to place in VII could feel a bit jarring and empty, I agree. This actually has me rethinking my personal thoughts about the game as it's near the top for me.

You really can't leave out X-2 I feel if you're coming from this angle. Like an earlier post, all story elements aside the hearkening back to the job system made it really fun to play.

I know any fanbase of a franchise will have those that stubbornly believe their favourite novel/game/movie is the best, but FF is easily the most poisonous. It's actually incredible.

>> No.2402854

You should start with the MMOs since they have limited lifespans and you won't be able to play them at all in another 5 years.

>> No.2402862 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 347x480, DyneFFVII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the biggest cuck in the Final Fantasy universe?
He gets my vote. Runner up is Squall for fallling for his rival's leftovers.
Honorable mention to Kain because he probably had to listen to Cecil and Rosa shag while he could do fuck all.

>> No.2402910

>a cuck

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.2402937

His daughter was actually Barret's.

>> No.2402939

Play FF4, 7, 9

After that, you can try 5, 8 and 3

Skip the rest, overrated trash

>> No.2402942

But Barrett never fucked his wife. Nor did Seifer fuck Rinoa while she was with Squall. Nor did Kain ever fuck Rosa.

Maybe learn what words mean before you use them?

>> No.2402945


no she wasnt

>> No.2402983

Cloud. He literally watched his gf get penetrated by his arch rival right in front of him.

>> No.2402990

<imblying Cloud and Aeris was ever a thing

>> No.2402995

Wow namefag, you sure are passionate about cucking.

>> No.2402996

Attentionfags from /v/ tend to be

>> No.2402998
File: 24 KB, 151x154, ahah-you-motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2403026

And then he cleaned up the mess afterwards.

>> No.2403110

>No love for II
It's probably the darkest entry in the series. That should count for something.

>> No.2403165

Great copypasta.

>> No.2403261 [DELETED] 

Only problem is that the arch-rival couldn't kast for more than a few seconds before he pulled out.

>> No.2403267

too soon

>> No.2403268

Both Cloud and the rival are chumps though, Sephiroth had to pull out after only a few seconds.

>> No.2403272

The "joke" didn't get any funnier when you reworded it.

>> No.2403275

It's the other way around dude, it's Dyne's daughter and Barret later raises her as his own.

>> No.2403282

Play 4-12. Everyone has their own opinions on this series, probably the most divided opinions in any series. 4, 6, 7 and probably the most universally loved though. I think 6,7, and 8 were the best. They all felt very different from one another and I enjoyed them all.

>> No.2403298

Daily reminder of the evidence that the tripfaggot who was falseflagging with FFVII threads about a weak ago was doing it to make VI look better.

Which is quite retarded. I don't really get the asinine arguments that happen here about FF, but I suppose that's what you get when you have a popular series where each number is so very different.

>> No.2403331

Here's my opinion, you're welcome to not agree. And you're probably not going to.

Fun game, but not in the way you're probably looking for. Play this sometime though.

Do you like the SaGa games? Give this a try. It's one of FF's red herrings, high probability that you won't like this one for various reasons.

I saw this as an inferior V except for the absolute gauntlet that's the final dungeon. Still it's really fun because it's the job system. Be prepared.

The type of FF we all tend to know and love started here. May feel boring today, but you have to admit that it would've been fun to be a fly on the wall during the staff meetings. I'm not getting into the version differences; everyone has their favorite almost as much as favorite titles, and that's a whole separate war here on /vr/.

Fun as fuck. The story is cheesy as fuck and doesn't impose itself too much allowing a little more adventure, not to mention it has the best battle system FF ever got in the job system. If you find this addictive, try the Ancient Cave hack.

FF goes back into story with an assload of characters. The battle system is still fun with the magicite, but not as good as 5. I'm not getting into version differences here, see 4's reasons.

Most well known and lauded, and for some good reasons. Materia is my second most favorite system FF put out, and it inspired many a game throughout it's time.

THE red herring, even more changes than 2. The audience is majorly divided on "best thing ever" and "shit." If you like micromanagement this is your bag though.


>> No.2403345

Everything great about all 8 games rolled into one. Best presentation on the PS1 too, everything is absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately there's no job system and it's kind of slow due to the great graphics, but it has some of the best characters (some who get completely dropped mid-story unfortunately). This title has the most content of them all in sidequests and things to discover. So many that it has a rating depending on how much you found.

Full of references to all the previous games, but it's not needed to understand what's going on.

Not Retro. It's pretty and outright weapon customization is fun, but it's pretty linear, and the voice acting in english is horrid. Worth a shot for the summon system and capture sidequests though.

>Chocobo's Dungeon 2
Fun roguelike, not very hard. If you've played Shiren The Wanderer this is a cakewalk.

Job system returns for an SRPG spin-off. Really fun and has a different type of story than most of them in the first half.

Haven't played the others.

>> No.2403361

The idea for VI was that most jobs from V got a representative somewhere. Which is really kind of silly since you're forced to use every one of them.

>> No.2403406
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It's also the reason why my tastes in RPGs have broadened. I don't bother arguing which is the best; I have favorites, yes, but that I can find something to enjoy in all of them keeps me from thinking that everything is either going stale or changing too much.

Tactics is definitely fun as Hell, especially since the first half and most of the background noise in the second half is basically a rehashing of the Wars of the Roses (which honestly may be a part of why I like it so much; history can actually be pretty fun!).

Also, nevar enuff Agrias.

>> No.2403442
File: 27 KB, 250x138, Final_Fantasy_IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with FF4. Simple without feeling "primitive", and sets the stage for everything that came after.

Plus one of the best soundtracks ever.


>> No.2403462
File: 168 KB, 600x496, 17751349_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorites are definitely Tactics and 9. 4 isn't too far off though. Really any of these games are great.

Zidane and Ramza are both my top two Protagonists though, in like any game.

>> No.2403510

For the numbered series, I've always felt it goes:

7 > 8 > 4 > 5 > 9 > 6 > 1 > 2 > 3

The reasoning for my top 4:

Although I played 4 and 6 long before it, 7 is just my go-to comfy game. I can jump into a maxed save file and waste hours in the Gold Saucer or roll a new character and enjoy that peerless Midgar opening.

8, despite the hate most people have for it, is my favorite plot. Maybe I'm just a sucker for love stories, but my first thought when I think of that game is Squall launching himself into the darkness of space after Rinoa.

4 ranks so high because it was the first numbered game I played in the series back on the SNES. I'd played plenty of RPGs previously on our old DOS computer and NES, but I'd never sunk the time into a game that I did with FF4. I realize it's probably not as *good* as ones lower on the list, but everyone has a soft spot for the game that broke their FF cherry.

Jobs. That's it for FF5, but that's enough. I played this shortly into my FFTactics mania and the job customization was like cocaine. I just couldn't stop filling notebooks with hundreds of combinations and character builds to try out.

>> No.2403531

My wife and I like 8 the best.

>> No.2403535

Can you play PS1 games now on retron?

>> No.2403541

No, unfortunately we don't own a PlayStation either. But she sometimes goes to our friend Jamaal's house to play.

>> No.2403671

OP should definitely start out with FF1 or FF5 because the former is what I started out with in 1990 and the latter is my current favorite. This also the reason those two are the only good FF games and all others are shit!

Have you guys ever noticed how retarded this "start out with my first FF" or "play this one because it's my favorite" mentality most of you seem to have is especially when someone is asking for a starting point to get in the series is? Because you started out with certain game or like one of them over other ones doesn't make them the best starting point for someone else.

I think the best starting points are either non-DS version of FFIV or FFX. FFIV is a good starting point because it is one of the simplest games in the series without being insultingly simple/easy (I'm looking at you FF Mystic Quest) while still giving a good overview of everything the series is known for. FFX might also be a good starting point it does a good job explaining it's gameplay mechanics (which for the most part also apply to the rest of the series) and it's linear nature actually works in favor of someone starting out with the series. FFVII is another potentially good starting point but I think it's probably best to play one of the other games first and then try the "best" most famous game out.

>> No.2403675

Must be those PlayStation black disks. Cuck number one contains computer data, so please don't play it. But you probably won't listen to me, anyway, will you?

>> No.2403706 [DELETED] 

OP should definitely start out with a dick in his ass.

>> No.2404042

4 was one of the last FF titles I played but enjoy the most

>> No.2404264
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Idk, I downloaded the ff4 on my android tablet and thoroughly enjoyed it. Dimensions is great also. Classic FF with exponentially more complex options. I've played them all 2 or more times. If you want my personal opinion go 6,7,8,9 then dimensions. Anyone remember that awful swimming/water polo mini game from 10. I wanted to an hero the entire time.

>> No.2404265

Shiz... I forgot tactics. Tactics is a MUST play!

>> No.2404268

I kekked. "Jamal"

>> No.2404271
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Don't let the immense Crisis Core DeviantArt faggotry turn you away from the actual FF7. The original FF7 is a cool experience and classic Squaresoft. It's the shit that Squeenix did in the 00s that kills it and turns it in to a angsty weeb factory.

And if you enjoy FF7, play 6. As some anons will tell you (and by that, I mean "scream in your face") the stories are similar.

>> No.2404368 [SPOILER] 
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That's some pretty amazing taste you have there.

>> No.2404409

For speedrunners and people who like hardcore self-imposed challenges.
For people who like experimental "failed" games and devoted completionists.
For fans of character class systems and gorgeous 8-bit graphics.
For fans of classic 2D JRPGs without a huge level of challenge, or customization.
For fans of character class systems, non-linear progression, and lighthearted stories.
Generally considered the apex of the 2D series, non-customizable and kinda non-linear.
Generally considered the apex of the 3D series, customizable and linear.
Sort of an experimental cult favorite, great if you like micro-management or teen drama.
A classic SNES experience in a lush 3D package, for nostalgics basically.
Modern cinematic pseudo-philosophical Final Fantasy starts here. Super-linear and rigid.
MMO, fun while it lasted
Basically an online MMO, somewhat more grounded story/character designs
Not worth it
MMO, not as good as 11 but not bad

>> No.2404454

>the thought of Faris adrift at sea for weeks at a time, surrounded by a crew of rough filthy men


>> No.2404474
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I like FF1 because you are stuck with the classes you choose at the beginning and every combination of classes gives a slightly different experience when replaying the game
I like FFII because it has a surprisingly good story and characters (for a game from its era) and in theory has the best and most logical stat gaining system in the series
I like FFIII because playing through it is a simple straightforward heroic experience and because finally beating pic related actually gives a sense of accomplishment which is absent from newer FFs
I like FFIV because its everything that was so great about the early '90s JRPGs: its cartoony, has fast based gameplay, is packed with monstrous bosses and while it has a story to tell it doesn't take it too seriously
I like FFV because I'm having shitloads of fun fooling around with its job system figuring out oddball class/support skill combinations that just work
I like FFVI because it has good balance between gameplay and focus on storytelling. Also it is one of the rare examples of JRPGs that don't have a clearly defined main character and I for one loved the non-linear exploration in World of Ruin
I like FFVII because its a good solid game with likable characters and many unforgettable moments
I like FFVIII because I find something new about its story, setting and gameplay mechanics on every playthrough
I like FFIX because its a good attempt of combining the best of old-school and modern FFs and has some great characters and locations in it
I like FFX because it's sphere grid system had a good balance between characters having their own unique skills and being able to do everything
I like FFX-2 because it has a mission based non linear story progression and having the best version of the ATB system
I like FFXII because it has DAT ASS everywhere

Oh no, I found something I liked about all FF games I have played, even from the ones I'm not that fond of and I forgot to hate one of the more popular ones. What 's wrong with me /vr/?

>> No.2404481

>surprisingly good story and characters (for a game from its era)

Fuck, I'm not the only one who thought this. FF2 shits on other Famicom RPGs when it comes to having dialogue and a story.

>> No.2405307

FF2 tried some great concepts. I love the idea of both the experience system and the dialogue / key word system.

it failed miserably, and is quite hard to play through as a result. but I love it for trying.

>> No.2405498 [DELETED] 
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I'm such utter trash for Agrias, I swear. I ship her with either Ovelia, Beatrix, or both, and have actually drawn Agrias x Beatrix stuff before (here's the most recent one I've made, looks kinda shitty to me, especially Beatrix's neck). I plan on even writing some crossover drabbles for Tactics and IX, IV and VI, and possibly XIII and VII, eventually.

Seriously, the only reason why I don't consider Agrias my waifu is because my heart is too big to ruin the purity that is Agrias with another woman.

>> No.2405516 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.97 MB, 943x1221, 1431737421436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm such utter trash for Agrias, I swear. I ship her with either Ovelia, Beatrix, or both, and have actually drawn Agrias x Beatrix stuff before (here's the most recent one I've made, looks kinda shitty to me, especially Beatrix's neck). I plan on even writing some crossover drabbles for Tactics and IX, IV and VI, and possibly XIII and VII, eventually.

Seriously, the only reason why I don't consider Agrias my waifu is because my heart is too big to ruin the purity that is Agrias with another woman.

>> No.2405791

I don't think it failed on either of those counts. What makes it a chore to play is the woeful and lazy dungeon design. Those doors to nowhere seriously hurt the game.

>> No.2405798
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>Final Fantasy II
I really wanted to like the game and will praise it for it's ideas, story and characters that all are good for a game from late 80s.

However there is lot wrong with the game like it's "level up" system. In theory it sound great:
In theory attacking your enemies makes you better at using whatever weapon you used and occasionally gain str.
In theory taking physical damage makes you tougher by raising your HP and def.
In theory using magic makes the spells you used stronger and gives you more MP and mag. bonuses.

However in practice you are doing things like these:
-Choosing attack, immediately canceling it and doing this over and over again about 100 times per battle. This is bug/exploit allowing you to gain proficiency levels for the weapon type you are using.
-Hitting your own guys in hopes of getting more HP for them.
-Casting your spells over and over again to make them worth shit.

The main problem here is that you basically HAVE TO keep doing these exploit over and over again in every fucking battle to get strong enough just to survive the battles with the random enemies you come across. Oh, FFII is pretty non-linear meaning if you ever walk out of your way and go somewhere else instead of the place you are supposed to go changes are you encounter enemies that are way too strong for you and kill you instantly. And if you ever try to play FFII normally without using aforementioned exploits you are as good as dead and have grind forever to gain any stats at all.

What I typed is based on the original Famicon and PSX versions of FFII, apparently the newer versions/remakes of FFII have been made slightly easier (or should I say more playable) by increasing the stats gains, removing you occasionally LOSING your stats and making the enemies a bit weaker but you are still pretty much required to use all exploit you can in them. Am I wrong in assuming that the FFII fanboys on both /v/ and /vr/ have only played one these more recent versions of FFII?

>> No.2406117

But you DON'T have to exploit the system. Honestly, I think you're just making the assumption that because it's so easy to be cheap that you have to be. The game isn't really that unfair. The fact that players ruin the games for themselves doesn't mean the game is designed poorly.

Of course this game IS designed poorly, but not for it's stat system, if you ask me. Just those stinking dungeons.

>> No.2406175

>But you DON'T have to exploit the system. Honestly, I think you're just making the assumption that because it's so easy to be cheap that you have to be
>The fact that players ruin the games for themselves doesn't mean the game is designed poorly
This could be also be said about FFVIII.

Anyway what he said is pretty much true for the Famicon and PSX versions of FFII. Playing those versions of game using said exploits is boring and tedious and trying to play the game without them is even more boring and tedious. Now the PSP remake of FFII is playable without resorting these exploits because it removed the stat losses and increased stat gains which really reduces the need to grind for stats.

You are right about the dungeons through they are generally uninteresting and boring and I especially love those parts where you have to choose one door out of 5 and 4 of them leads to empty room with an unavoidable enemy encounter.

>> No.2406192

the dungeons truly suck and I'm saying this as somebody who likes FF2.

the airship is the worst because when you enter it you can go back outside. you have to go all the way through to the end and if you run out of items or magic points, you're fucked.

>> No.2406193

*can't (!) go back outside.

>> No.2406292

This nigga knows what's up.

>> No.2406310


An Anon after my own heart

>> No.2406338

I'll give you three reasons to play FF7
>kaiju monsters
>big tits
If you're still not interested then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.2406421
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OP HERE: Made a poll to make things easier. Please vote on which FF game people should playing 1st if they have never played the series before http://strawpoll.me/4373007

>> No.2406447

>but you have to admit that it would've been fun to be a fly on the wall during the staff meetings.
"Okay sir, what do we do next?"
"Summon a whale spaceship and go to the moon!"

>> No.2406450

I voted for based XI

>> No.2406552

>FF5 is like FF7. There are no extraneous party members so you never change and you'll use the same 4 throughout, which means you avoid losing a powerful character. Great customization system, and its probably one of the harder FF's.

Red XLL, Aerith/Aeris, Vincent, Cait Sith are all pretty horrible and overshadowed by Cid and Cloud. Barret, Yuffie and Tifa are fine too, as far as limit breaks go.

>> No.2406578

>Cait Sith

He's a pretty damn good mage, and the limits can really fuck the enemy up given the right chance. Even the ultimate weapons get fucked up.

>> No.2406609

ff10 is great

>> No.2406629

Everyone can be a pretty good mage in a game where each spell is available to everyone and every spell you equip boosts both your magic and MP.

>> No.2406665

As an incoming fan, start with IV or VII. Both are pretty easy games to get into that highly influenced the games that succeeded them. After that it is up to you, I recommend doing a bit of research into each game to find out what it is like and which one appeals to you the most.

>not a niche genre
Maybe in the late 90s when JRPGs were at their height of popularity and everyone played them. Outside of Pokemon and FF, not many people aside from long-time players and huge weebs pay attention to JRPGs anymore. Everyone nowadays wants high medieval themed action RPGs like Dragon Age or Skyrim, with super "realistic" characters and Game of Thrones-esque plotlines.

Most people see JRPGs now and just think "Wow, that sexist, culturally appropriating anime shit again! I'm going to go play a real game like Inquisition that is more than just some dumb video game!" Face it, the genre is becoming more and more irrelevant outside of the huge franchises. Just look at Dragon Quest VII on 3DS. Square Enix may be filled with lazy, lying cunts, but they know that compared to FF and Pokemon DQ wouldn't hold up at all in the west.

>> No.2407024

With DQVII I wondered if Square Enix could play up the length of the game to attract crazy people as an audience

>> No.2407080

VI = IX > VII = Tactics > VIII > IV = V > I = II = III

>> No.2407086

Each character has their own stat growth too, and their weapons lend to them. Why do you think Cloud + Barret hit harder and Aerith is weaker physically?

>> No.2407092

Thinking about starting up a new game of FF7 and doing a no materia run.
Should be interesting.

>> No.2407174

Yeah I know we aren't supposed to say so but X is pretty good, gameplay wise. Its the characters and story that suck.

>> No.2407179

It's not that the story sucks. Or even the characters in general, really.
But it does have the worst main character and the worst love interest.

>> No.2407345

I'm pretty sure VIII wins those titles. At least for worst love interest. X's love story was at least somewhat better written, which is to say VIII wasn't written at all.

If I were to give any FF a best love story trophy (they're all shitty beyond belief really), I'd probably give it to IX because Dagger doesn't immediately want to jump the protag's bones. Also it actually has some development, even if it was Aladdin.

>> No.2407356
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I don't want to start another FF7 since someone was spamming those not too long ago.

But anyways I'm replaying FF7 because of that spamming kept on reminding me how much I liked it.

So I have a question: I'm at Kalm where Cloud is retelling the whole Nibelheim stuff. I understand why Cloud is telling that story with that inaccurate perspective but what bugs the shit out of me is that Tifa was there and never went "Yeah, no, you weren't there" as far as she knows.

Why the fuck did Tifa not speak up? I've googled it and read some forums explain how it is because she didn't want to mess with his mind, because she knew something was wrong but I don't quite like that explanation.

What say you /vr/?

It seems there is no official explanation, you kinda have to put shit together.

>> No.2407365

I mean, I'm literally playing as I type this. It's not even like she was silently hearing BS. I have done that IRL. I've listened to people tell inaccurate stories/lies but I don't like conflict and awkward situations so I stood by silent.

But Tifa played along, telling the story along with Cloud (then Sephiroth disappeared right? He stayed in that Mansion)

Which rules out that her memory is fucked like Cloud's and IMO rules out any stuff about how she just didn't want to fuck with Cloud.

>> No.2407370

You can skip it. It's too outdated, imo, to play if you just want to play the best games of a series as long as FF. Choosing your party is cool though, but pass
An interesting level up system where you level up based on what you use. Not that great, but it's interesting. Play it instead of 1, but I recommend not playing it
My personal favorite. Make sure you don't play the American SNES version; it is "easy type", which is retardedly fucking easy. I recommend the DS or Mobile port. Played it on my Android and it was pretty neat. It's incredibly linear, and the story is basically Star Wars but the cast of characters coming into and then leaving the story is nice.
Lots of people's favorite, but I don't like it. Large cast of characters with a shifting "main" character depending on the chapter. Meh, but again lots of people like it so you may want to give it a shot
Pretty much the definitive FF in most people's eyes. I do recommend playing it, but I believe it's over hyped.
Bullshit, garbage tier -- avoid at all costs. The most emo protag in all of vidya, it is a constant pain to suffer the dialogue of this game. Junction and GF systems are easy to abuse, but Rinoa is cute. Don't play this, it sucks
A return to the SNES ways of RPGs, I do recommend this one. It's simple and clean (the way that you're making me feeeeel tonight). Vivi is a bro
Lots of people like this one, but I don't. It's also long as fuck. Play it if you want to, but it isn't a must, imo
If you like political storylines, this is for you. If you don't, then skip this. It has a "Gambit" system for party AI which is kinda cool, but it's not worth playing the game to experience. Lame characters except Balthier
>FF3 and FF5
I have not played either of them, so I can't say one way or the other. I've heard FF5 is the best one, by several people, so I would recommend that one even though I have not played it

>> No.2407373

So to summarize:

>Play FF4, FF7, FF9
>Optional FF6, FF10, FF12
And also you should probably play FF5, but since I have not I can't say for sure

>> No.2407391

She went along with it to give more credibility to AVALANCHE.
Let the enemy think that you have a top-tier soldier that murdered an even more top-tier soldier. That'll do wonders for your terrorist organization.
I'd rather think that since it makes Tifa go from submissive dumb bimbo to bad bitch who only cares about business.

>> No.2407421
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Yeah, I don't think theres a true canon explaination so whatever we like I guess....

... I'm still playing it out, almost done, Barret had the right idea: Don't none of this make sense!

Also, as I'm thinking about this, it seems like Tifa is testing Cloud and she knows it is somewhat BS

She asks him how bad she was. Now, when I first played through it seemed like she didn't remember because it was a traumatic injury.... Now? It seems like sarcasm. Like she is testing him. How do you know all of this?

Ehh, I still love the game but thats gonna bug the shit out of me now.

Her being quiet makes more and more sense for the reason you said. It would not solve anything and these people are about to go on a great adventure, risking their lifes. If she called him out, there goes the group confidence.

But a lot could be substituted in there. Tifa could also have a fucked memory. She could just be a complete beta and doesn't correct lies. She knows something is wrong and doesn't want to fuck with Cloud. She could have decided it is best to not correct Cloud, for the sake of the journey.

>> No.2407439


I think allowing Cloud to tell his story, was in part not to be rude, and in part that she was traumatized during the event so she doubted her own memory.

Cloud had the right details about so many things that he couldn't have known if he wasn't there, even Tifa is weirded out.

Tifa is confused as to why Cloud remembers these things and she remembers them slightly differently. Confronting Cloud, in the beginning, serves no purpose, so she doesn't risk harming an important beneficial relationship. Tifa only confronts Cloud about his past when his memories directly affect the mission. So you could say, that Tifa's approach is pragmatic or practical- she doesn't push for truth for the mere sake of getting at the truth, rather clarifying the truth was a means to accomplish the group's mission.

>> No.2407462

Yeah, all sides seem possible. I am still looking into this. I just found an extremely autistic forum with some potentially extremely helpful info:

>Tifa and Cloud didn't know one another well as kids. Tifa actually states that during the Lifestream event:

>Here's the script:

>Young Cloud "You were so busy with your own things, it's only natural you don't remember me back then."
Tifa "'Back then'?"

>Tifa "My room?"
Young Cloud "It was my first time there."
Tifa "Was... it?"
Young Cloud "I only used to look up at it from outside."

>Tifa "Was that the first day you came into my room?"
Tifa "...that's right. We lived next to each other. But I really didn't know you that well."
Tifa "I've known you since we were children and I always thought we were close..."
Tifa "Now that you mention it... I don't recall you ever being in my room..."

>Young Cloud "Tifa always used to be with this three-some."
Tifa "...That's right."

It seems like Tifa had accidentally created some false memories, thanks to Cloud. I remember taking an Intro to Psych class and how easy it is to create a false memory if you're being led along. I personally have had this happen to me before.

But still... doesn't she basically say later on in the game that Cloud wasn't at Nibelheim? This part I am not so sure of, since I haven't played this in probably 7-8 years.

In the end, it seems like a combination of factors.

>> No.2407469

Well, I fucked up the quoting, since someone else formatted that.

>> No.2407519

>I remember taking an Intro to Psych class and how easy it is to create a false memory if you're being led along.

Yeah, sure, if you have a fucking mental disorder in the first place. Normal people don't create false memories.

>> No.2407530

In any case, this isn't the place to discuss it and not what I want to talk about. We can go and talk about it on /v/ if you want.

Also, it is FF7 we are talking about. It seems more plausible in a video game about monsters and magic and ancient magical races. Let's not be too realistic/too literal here.

>> No.2407553

Yeah, there's a point where she says that Cloud didn't come to Nibelheim with Sephiroth. He actually did, she just didn't know about it until waaaaaaaay later on since Cloud was wearing a mask because he was ashamed that he didn't make it as a SOLDIER and didn't want her to know. Cloud himself forgot all this after Hojo experimented on him, and somehow saw himself in Zack's place, and didn't remember everything until after Tifa saved him in Mideel.

>"You're sure messed up, Cloud!"

>> No.2407597

I started recently with the series after having only played FFTA (gba) and FFTA2 (nds).

I went with the patched gba version of ff6 (which changes some songs and other stuff). Honesty, I couldn't be happier. I love the story, the characters and the battle mechanics- And holy shit I'd read about the opera scene, but it still blew me off-

If you are interested in starting, I'd recommend ff6.

>> No.2407625

> not being able to see siren's ass
Have fun with censorship

>> No.2407634

If I remember correctly, Cloud was the guy throwing up in the back of the van. Also, when you're facing Sephiroth at the reactor in the Cloud-thinks-he's-Zack flashback, one of the guards is still alive, and you can talk to him and say something along the lines of "hang in there."

It's been a long time, though. I might be remembering wrong.

>> No.2407652

Yeah, Cloud was that guy. He was there, just from a different perspective.

>> No.2408197

Not OP, but I've never played any of the Tactics games. They're sort of like Fire Emblem right?

Which Tactics game do I start with, and what version?

>> No.2408201

Play: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Skip: 2, 4

>> No.2408227

>fucking 4 and only 4 out of all of them
please explain yourself
2 is understandable but just cutting out 4?

>> No.2408229

Same genre, very different games.

>> No.2408232

1-9 all fantastic, 10 optional, anything else numbered is dubious at best
12 is an okay game i guess but it's very different, FF pretty much in name only

>> No.2408239

It's fucking boring

>> No.2408241

>skip 4
>play 9

>> No.2408245

you think 4 is boring but you think all the others except 2 are worth playing
i don't get it man, it's the same as the others

>> No.2408249

No, 4 is boring. I'd rather have an cancer in my ass than play 4.

>> No.2408257

i was hoping for you to elaborate and have a discussion but okay

>> No.2408262

Somebody's got no experience of cancer I see.

>> No.2408282 [DELETED] 

So is watching your wife fuck a nigger. But I don't see you skipping that.

>> No.2408307 [DELETED] 

That's my number one fetish right now, actually.

>> No.2408318 [DELETED] 

then maybe you should identify with kain more
4 should be your favorite

>> No.2408324

Is your intrest in JRPGs about choices in character growth and fun combat?

3, 5, 6, 7

Do you just want story?

4, 5, 6, 7, 9

>> No.2408368

Tactics is by far one of the best Ps1 games ever made. Put 100 hours into it easily.

>> No.2408394


>> No.2408517

This thread is so full of contradictions that no one new to the series could ever make sense of it.

I think all FF are worth at least trying. If you don't like it after a few hours move to another.

I'd start with your favourite console gen.

>> No.2408529

4 was bad because it came between 3 and 5, two games that had the awesome job system. 4 is so... simple, compared to those.

>> No.2408531

Some people like simple.
Look at the Dragon Quest fanbase.

>> No.2408546
File: 127 KB, 446x645, 1-After_Porom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the sequel to 4
>Porom grew up to be total waifu material
Wasn't expecting that one

>> No.2408551

Are those things good? I really liked 4, but I'm kinda jaded about distant sequels like that

>> No.2408554

This one is ok. I'm just glad they didn't go full on faggot like they did with the sequels to 7.

>> No.2408569

If you care about the story and characters stay the fuck away from TAY, it ruins the character and shits on story and goes full retard with it in the end.

>> No.2408623

I thought TAY was fun. Definitely not as bad as people make it out to be.

Crisis Core second half was decent, too.

>> No.2408670

Ugh, these threads. This is like asking /mu/ which version of The Velvet Underground & Nico is the best.

>> No.2408687

I haven't played it myself, but from what I've seen of it, the After Years are pretty damn cool. I would give my two left nuts to see what Luca and Lucca (from Chrono Trigger) could make together.

>> No.2408710

That's actually an apt description. I don't understand, why does FF always goes up like this?

>> No.2408731


Because FF games are very different and popular and people have strong opinions about them

>> No.2408752
File: 46 KB, 360x358, 1324548235585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The first one people played and/or their currnet favorite is a always a perfect masterpiece to everyone while all other FF games are shit. Now couple this with pic related and you get why FFfags are what they are.

>> No.2408805

I'm not even gonna read the thread, here's my opinion:

>Do I have to play them in order...
No, in the main series every game is independent, and you should start in the main series.

>Which ones are the best/should play?
Tough question to answer. Here's some information:

1, 2, 3: NES (famicom) games. IMO they are no the best because technology was very limited, so there is very little story and gameplay is too repetitive.

4, 5, 6: SNES games. For many the golden age of FF. A much stronger focus on the story, and some of the best soundtracks in the history of videogames. Also, better graphics and a bigger games in general. IMO all 3 are masterpieces, but I'd choose 4 as the starting one for being the one with simple mechanics. I'd recommend either an emulator or the PSX versions.

7, 8, 9: PSX games. Very different from all the previous ones. 3D graphics (not entirely) and even more focus on story, through much more dialog that before, cutscenes and beautiful backgrounds. 7 and 8 take place in a more futuristic world, while 9's world is more similar to one in the older games. 7 is the most successful game in the series and one of the most successful games in history, so definitely consider that one. IMO 8 is not very good and I didn't find 9 much fun, but this is personal.

10, 11, 12: PS2 games. 10 is the more traditional of the 3. 11 is an MMO and in 12 they fucking ditched the fucking turn based system completely. IMO 10 is decent but not as good as the previous ones, so don't start here.

tl;dr my opinion: 4 and 7 are both perfect starting points. 4 if you prefer a 2D SNES game and 7 if you prefer a more cyperpunk world.

>> No.2408808

or like asking on /g/ "what programming language should I learn first?"

>> No.2408835

I think it is actually because as you said, the first one people play is the best but those arent the people who are usually rude. It is the people who are way too common on 4chan that ruin it. The type that always opposes popular opinion


Sure smells like shit taste here!

Those types. 4chan in general rarely creates good discussion, I'm just on here because I dont have much else to do.

>> No.2409073 [DELETED] 

nah, I liked FF6 in the GBA better

the other titles in that handheld are probably better ports of the original too

the only think that you are missing is the bass of the SNES

>> No.2409102

Yeah, I'm also a retard that likes playing FFVI with worse music, a worse palette, and with a smaller screen szie.

>> No.2411387

I didn't mind it on GBA, but it's definitely better on SNES. There's something about the Woolseyisms that has a charm of its own, although it's probably just that my nostalgia goggles are on too tight.

>> No.2412751


shit, what an asshole

>> No.2412758


>no FFVI

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.2412763


go fuck yourself, weeb piece of shit

>> No.2412767

lol, 1 and 2 are dry as hell but 2 and 3 (actual Final Fantasy III from Japan or the DS/PSP remake) have nice storylines and interesting mechanics. And and up with same story? lol you haven't played shit huh?

>> No.2412768


girls are fine, when they're real, you moron.

go back to your basement, with your dolls and other animu bullshit.

>> No.2412778

I'm doing this now, onto FFIII though I've previously beaten X and almost beaten IV twice (Fucking game got wrecked the first time and the save file was wiped the second time around)
This method makes the meh entries better because the earlier ones are rather bad.

>> No.2412798

I'm probably in the minority but I hated FFI, it was so slow and with so little direction on where to go next. Made worse by having almost no storyline save for the very beginning and end of the game. I know I missed stuff as I ass-backwards went to the final battle without upgrading to knights etc. Sucked so hard until I spammed Berserk.

>> No.2412816

Since All games are seperate entities the order you play does not matter. The Generation of games spans from NES, SNES, PS, PS2, PS3 and kinda/soon PS4.

My Personal Favorites
FF1: Oldschool, High Replay valuek, 8 bit goodness
FFIV: Classic, in my top 5.
FFV: Job System goodness
FFVI: Considered best of the 2D generation, in my top 5.
FFVII: Most played, best known, great game. In my top 5.
FFVIII Polorizing, Either hated or loved, best mini game.
FFIX: Classic, where your pic to start the thread is from
FF Tactics: Often forgotten. Totally awesome. Storyline. In my Top 5.

The last in my top 5 is FFXIV.

>> No.2412971

>Considered best of the 2D generation
For the wrong reasons

>> No.2413004

>Considered best
Nigga please, only nostalgiafags thinks this

>> No.2413104
File: 169 KB, 709x614, FF threads ATM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you can't say anything about FFVI nowadays without delusional FFVIIfans getting buttmad about it.

>> No.2413109

>The ff7 boogie monster

Oh wow, delusion at it's best

>> No.2413128
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is what I heard

>> No.2413148

I'm not sure what their implying here.

Besides, girls that age wouldn't understand anything in the game, let a lone a teenage girl.

>> No.2415308

Snes > PS1 > NES > PS2 > Current

in that order

>> No.2415657

6 is best 2D, 9 or 10 is best 3D, 8 is shit, 7 is ok, but very overrated.

11 was best, but it was a MMO,
I didn't like 12 or 13.

>> No.2415742

This pleb taste, it's like someone from /v/ came to post this

>> No.2415747

I don't know why people have a hard-on over 10. probably the most awful FF game I know.

>> No.2415753

One of the worst feelings is knowing that you can basically run through the whole game never changing weapons or armor really, because there never seems to be an upgrade, all the fights are pretty predictable as well and besides some bossfights yuna is pretty useless

>> No.2415757

yeah. my biggest problem is the awful pacing and the fact it's more movie than game. I really fucking hate such shit. I have nothing against environmental storytelling but it shouldn't hinder gameplay moments as much as FF10.

>> No.2415760

Well that, and every enemy being "if it's a lizard or wolf, let tidus hit it, if it's flying, let wakka hit it, if it's a flan or elemental, let lulu take it, if it's a big beast, let auron take it" and so forth

>> No.2415767

Having customizability of the characters is nice. Not having any meaningful choice is what makes 4 and 9 so unbearable.

>> No.2415768

>Not having any meaningful choice is what makes 4 and 9 so unbearable

>> No.2415927

I've only played 8, and it was dogshit that put me off the whole series. I can only recommend something other than that

>> No.2416253
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>> No.2416312

Is 4 monks a good team for FF1?

>> No.2416317

I'm just past the part where Cid dies after you rescue Rosa and Kain. Does it get any better?

>> No.2416327

It's GOAT end-game team but it's shit early-on.

>> No.2416347

Who's Tara?

>> No.2416551

Dont have the time to read thorugh this thread and maybe everything has already been said but heres some information

>> No.2417135

In terms of story, yes. A lot of extra stuff is going to be unlocked for you in a couple of boss battles as well. Cid and Yang didn't actually die, and make helpful, non-playable reappearances later. Edge, a glass cannon of a ninja, replaces Yang pretty soon, and Cid eventually lets your new airship go over Magma and drill your way out of the Underworld. Once you can go over lava, you'll want to go to Tomra (dwarf town in the southwest part of the Underworld, be sure to get Diamond gear for Cecil and Kain, and save at least one helmet alongside a piece of Fire and Ice armor/shield, whichever you prefer, if you have a Cursed Ring), the Sylph Cave (northwest part, you find Yang there and start a sidequest to get both the Sylph summon and a throwable weapon for Edge that is guaranteed to do max damage), and The Feymarch/Land of Summoned Monsters (where you can get some spiffing gear for Rosa and Rydia, including the Samurai/Yoichi Bow) to nab Asura (decent healing summon) and Leviathan (second most powerful summon in the game in terms of sheer damage) for Rydia.

The details of all this varies based on what version you're playing, though.

>> No.2417150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2417175

every day

until pbld kills himself

>> No.2417201 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2417210

>there are people who have actually confused real women and anime
we need a new plague

>> No.2417313

One thing I recently noticed about 9 is how it feels sort if episodic. I've only been able to play in increments of an hour or so a day because of my schedule, and I'm starting to feel like that's the way it should be played.

>> No.2417348

What about Tactiiiiics?

>> No.2417383

Honestly, the only time I ever spent more than a couple hours was when I was grinding either levels or all the Chocobo shit (both Hot 'n Cold, and digging up treasures).

>> No.2417520
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>> No.2417527

But it's true to some extent.

>> No.2417539
File: 41 KB, 650x664, in the end it boils down to this regerdless of your opinions or favorite games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the bait?

>> No.2417567

To an extent, anyone who claims a game with flaws is a true masterpiece and then fervently defends its believed perfection. But there is no crime in enjoying a series, one that does have many more good things in it then bad. Saying a whole fanbase, even ones who aren't irrational fucks, are bad for defending the good things in their series is just as retarded as people screaming that it is perfect.

>> No.2417570

Thank God this board was made to keep retards like you away from /v/.

>> No.2417574

>ff6 is considered the best by most
Except they call it ff3. Or the ff7 fanbois. So upsetting.
Everyones opinions but i largely prefer ff1, 4 and 9 to the others.

>> No.2417575

play the gba ones.

>> No.2417672
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looks like we have all been fooled again /vr/

>> No.2418982

I won't claim to have played them all, but I've played a nice chunk of the main titles and I'd say that my favourite over all is 9. It just seemed so charming, and fairytale. It doesn't try to be too serious.

>> No.2418987

While it's true, it is a pasta.