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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 400x300, cd32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2397547 No.2397547 [Reply] [Original]

It's a consolized Amiga. There was a massive pre-existing library of amazingly good games, almost all of which would have been new to the American audience.

Don't say the controller. It looks goofy but that's not enough to explain it. Amiga computers were god tier gaming machines, a consolized Amiga for the kiddos should have been a slam dunk.

>> No.2397564

European games. Yuck.

>> No.2397567

Like all European hardware. It's crap.

>> No.2397571


You have no problem playing Jap consoles/games.

>> No.2397575

I stick to Jap and American stuff if I want quality electronics.

>> No.2397578

Yeah because they aren't crap.

>> No.2397585

That thing even looks flimsy.

>> No.2397586

Probably because of lack of exclusives? Consoles had their exclusives, PCs had their exclusives, I believe the Amiga CD 32 had the same games you could play on your Amiga computer or IBM PC.

Software is always more important than hardware in the end.

>> No.2397587

So what great games does it have?

I looked it up on /v/ wiki and it was empty.

>Most of its small library is pure shovelware, though there are some good games, including conversions from the original Amiga.

>> No.2397594


It could have had the entire Amiga library. The hardware was identical to an Amiga 500. Porting was instantaneous. IIRC you could run any Amiga game on it even if it wasn't for the CD32 by attaching a hard drive and installing the game to it. The only difference with the games meant for the CD32 were modifications so they'd run smoothly from the disc.

>> No.2397614

The Amiga is American.
Nokia phones are European and they've been very good since the late 90's (and most likely since before but I don't remember)

>> No.2397635
File: 21 KB, 300x239, th[1].9&rs=0&p=0&amp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a late 80s/early 90s PC gamer, I already had access to ports/multiplats for most good Amiga games. I know there were tons of really fantastic looking exclusive games, but it's not like you were shit out of luck as a DOS user. Plus I had a NES and then a SNES, so I really had no need for an Amiga console. I imagine most people's situation was similar to my own.

Amiga had no real roots in America outside of a few enthusiasts, so the community and distribution channels weren't there. If they truly put effort behind it, I imagine it would have been as successful as the TurboGrafx-16, which is to say not very.

>> No.2397639
File: 116 KB, 228x260, 1430574751815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>European games
>consoles popular in Europe

>> No.2397667

whats up with the kickstart roms amiga bios ? Why they are so hard to find ?

>> No.2397695

It should have been based on the Amiga 2000, rather than the 1200. That would have been better. Also, they could possibly have made the FMV module built inside it. Or more easily. have made the controller less lopsided.

>> No.2397703
File: 109 KB, 1024x569, carlthepooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Euroanything besides board games and mayo on fries
Fuck you, I like mayo and ketchup on my fries.

>> No.2397708

Just the wrong timing. It came out at exactly the time PCs were rising to dominance. Even Apple was decimated by it.

Love to see the babies hating on the Amiga ITT. You can tell they've never used one, and their parents haven't either.
Spawn of the PSX generation telling the world how it is based on a wikipedia article and a few posts by other kids who read the same article.
Everything that's wrong with this board these days.

>> No.2397736

1. It actually never came out in America. It was released as far as I know in the UK, and to a lesser extent, Canada.

2. People who wanted an Amiga by '93 already had one.

3. It cost more than the 4th-gen consoles and wasn't a big enough leap in power considering the cost.

>Not eating your fries with ranch.

>> No.2397742


It was based on the 500 IIRC. The 1200 w/AGA would have been a massive upgrade but also very expensive at the time.

>> No.2397795

Is this the place where we can hate on europeans because it's cool ?
Fuck soccer XDXDXDXDXDX!
Fuck youropoooor.

>> No.2397809
File: 85 KB, 704x566, white jaguar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The company wasn't doing too good, they would have had to pull off some kind of merger with atari to make it. This way, the loyalty towards that corner was divided.

The CDTV seemingly failed to set up any sort of starting point for this to build on.


Patent trolls blocked this in the states.

>> No.2398409

Something went wrong with the American licensing of the thing, thus it wasn't released outside of Europe, or Canada. Oddly enough, having lived in Canada all my life, I've never seen one of these in the flesh. I did emulate it once, and the opening tune seemed eerily familiar for some reason, however...

>> No.2400758

>not eating your pizza with ranch

>> No.2400769

No 3D capable hardware.

>> No.2400771

> tfw you discovered the CD32 soon after the beginning of /vr/
> excited about a console that bridges retro non-pc computer gaming you were never into and console gaming which is your lifelong hobby
> Add it to your mental "pick one up list"
> Get busy with Summer shit
> Start shopping for one in the fall
> Completed auction searches reveal you missed out on some discovery of NOS cases full of them in Florida over the summer with process as low as $50 and domestic shipping


Recently hooked up my Goodwill a500 for the first time hoping to add a floppy emulator and it don't work

>> No.2400773

>eating pizza with salad dressing
They do that shit here in Western New York (I am not a native) and that's why they're all fat. Or 'faaayet' as they pronounce the word.

>> No.2401529

>it don't work
Try in the repair thread.

>> No.2401575
File: 21 KB, 500x325, 1430370613951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thank Christ, its not just me then. I'm a transplant too, and this shit kills me.

>> No.2402341
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x1836, 20150422_183015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I know what to do I just haven't done it. I already disassembled it, disconnected everything, thoroughly cleaned and visually inspected the board but no good. The _SOD on Amigas comes in different colors that will tell you what category of fault you're getting. Unfortunately for some reason the composite output on A500s is monochrome only. So my next step is either to just reseat every chip or build an RGB cable that will for my PVMs or C64 monitor. I just haven't done either of them yet.

>> No.2402359

I'm Canadian and I've been eating pizza with ranch for years. I also eat fries with mayo, but that's something I picked up from a Scottish expat I was friends with.

>> No.2402387

You can't tell me what I can or cannot say.

>amiga game quality
>no really almost all amiga games are shit, very few exceptions where they were superior and usually only in audio, almost never in controls
>muh amiga graphix - sorry Euro that demo scene shit don't cut dice on day to day graphics being belched out of there - alot of amiga games made genesis look good
>price - no amiga shit was gonna sell less than a couple bajillion pounds sterling archer Europe didn't know how to subsidize cost
>launch environment - do you really think that would stand a chance in the 3DO SNES GENESIS SATURN PSX JAGUAR market half those companies are former shells of themselves not counting the ones that died
>look at the highlight library of what I just listed now think amiga - a few text adventures, a couple mario and sonic ripoffs, football manager

Step the fuck off, bucky.

>> No.2402538

Hello, MS-DOS Fantard

>> No.2402553

Makes sense. Western New York is like a poorer Canada, complete with hockey and Labatt's.

>> No.2402573

The reason is that the world was moving to RGB and a composite encoder doesn't make sense (expensive AND shitty). That B&W signal was merely kept to provide a sync.

Of course, the US decided to stay behind and dragged everyone down.

>> No.2402579

>American stuff
>quality electronics
Pick one. Remember the RRoD?

>> No.2402580

Labatt's is alright, but I drink Rickard's Red myself. If I'm feeling cheap, I'll go for Lucky or Axe Head.

>> No.2402584

>Doesn't remember the glory days of Radioshack

>What are the Apple][ series, Apple Newton, And ipod?

>> No.2402586

Considering how much framerate shit Europeans had to deal with on Genesis games because of the Voltage difference, I'm gonna guess the same problem happened with this system (or rather the inverse of that problem)

>> No.2402591

>because of the Voltage difference
Not quite. Go back to school, retard.

>> No.2402592

I can't imagine many people in 1993 were that interested in plugging a hard drive into their consoles. Someone with that sort of know-how would likely also know how to use a full computer and no doubt would have chosen that over a less capable machine.

>> No.2402883

There were billions of us.

We were legion.

>> No.2402979

The hardware was too weak, and it couldn't match the SNES graphically in many ways, despite being a newer console.

>> No.2403028

That's why it should have been based on the Amiga 2000, not the 1200.

>> No.2403063

I would say that kids at the time did not even know what an Amiga was. I had a TG16 and I was the only kid in town with one. It also had alot of marketing behind it. I dint know what an Amiga was until years later. Also gaming PC's werent popular in the first place. And the WTF controller. Seriously wut da hayell

>> No.2403164

The Amiga 2000 had inferior graphics capabilities when compared to the Amiga 1200.

>> No.2403172

Citation needed.

>> No.2403194

Just compare the specs:


>> No.2403196

Amiga is love, Amiga is life. I own an A500 and CD32. I love how sturdy both feel and how how the CD32 has the same lights as the good ol' A500. Playing Speedball II or Alien Breed with my older brother in the basement. I really miss those days.

>> No.2403213

the A600 is more sturdy and less Glitchy than the 500.

>> No.2403217

too bad the americans never really cared about amiga. The A500 is like the grandfather of 16 Bit gaming. It was PC gaming masterrace without microsoft. It is a sweet spot of gaming history.

>> No.2403219

yeah, competition from the own house is the best competition.

>> No.2403271

>I use wikipeida a lot but never touched an amiga

>> No.2403292

I myself will admit that I have never touched an amiga. But I have indeed touched an Atari ST. In fact there is a 1040 STf inside a part of the house that I live in. Its jammed somewhere with a bunch of other old stuff in a long closet.

>> No.2403325

You have to be a troll. Nobody is this stupid.

>> No.2403453

As an amigafag I have to say that's the best use of an ST. I hope you washed your hands after you touched it.

Of course I am. Like everyone else that worked at NewTek.

>> No.2403694

Atari ST always had built in MIDI ports, as well as not being as buggy as many Amiga 500's and some 1000's. The ST also allowed for cartridges on on side, mostly for sound sampling and small expansion. Later models(the STe line) had a blitter chiipset. though when it comes to the screen, its easier to make fullscreen work with the Amgia. Plus Amiga got an official cheat code device.

>> No.2403880

>eating your fries with ranch
Holy shit I have to try this, I fucking love ranch

>> No.2403887

Because Japanese consoles and games are NTSC, while European consoles/games are PAL. (shitty color and in the case of ports, slowed down games) We aren't all patriotic retards.

>> No.2403989

Except NTSC has the shitty colors. PAL's sole purpose was to fix the issue.

Nice try.

>> No.2403990

>MIDI ports
memes before memes were memes.
Ironically most musifags at the time did their shit on crapintosh. Yet both superior color systems were left in the dust. So sad.

>> No.2403997

in europe, most musicians used ataris

>> No.2404014

My bad, I got that part mixed up. I don't often play PAL games and I'm used to NTSC so I remembered wrong. Importing can still be a hassle though.

>> No.2404078

Sauce? Seriously. I'd like to know.

>> No.2404119

>because of the Voltage difference
Are you retarded?
a Voltage difference has nothing to do with 50/60hz.

50hz PAL is a thing because some German guy wanted the number to fit in with the Metric System better.

>> No.2404702

How are MIDI ports mems? DA FUCK!?

>> No.2404720

The refresh rates have EVERYTHING to do with the voltage, this is electronics 101-tier shit you goddamn ignorant asswipe.

>> No.2405026

You're all wrong. 60Hz for NTSC and 50Hz for PAL was chosen because of the AC frequency of the electricity utilities in (most of, in the case of PAL) the countries the standards were used in.

>> No.2405030

failed because I've never heard of this shit till now, the controller looks like shit, the entire thing looks like bose radio shit and a copy of sega.

>> No.2405157


Game here to say this. Basedgod bless ur balls for imparting wisdom

This is /vr/ not /v/. Take that negativity elsewhere.

>> No.2405205

reading all the bile that is in this thread, it's like I really am at /v/

>> No.2405262

Japanese games had smooth scrolling and music in the background.

>> No.2405264

Fuck off. /vr/ is still apart of 4chan and I'm getting sick of holier than thou cunts like you running around policing everyone to keep some stupid polite image for this board. Go hang out on the millions of retro game forums out there if you don't wanna get called mean names.

>> No.2405289 [DELETED] 


No, YOU fuck off. YOU are in the wrong. That is now how we do it here. You, one person, cannot roll in here, stir shit and then proclaim everybody has to do it too. You're not wanted here and probably not irl either.

>> No.2405291

>>2405264 #

No, YOU fuck off. YOU are in the wrong. That is not how we do it here. You, one person, cannot roll in here, stir shit and then proclaim everybody has to do it too. You're not wanted here and probably not irl either. You shitty little upstart. Learn how a community does things if you want to be a part of it.

>> No.2405303

What were some good games on it?

>> No.2405309


Z, the rts comes to mind. Alien Breed 1 and 2. Shadow of the Beast.

>> No.2405315

Littile Divil, Wing Commander(I think), there was going to be a version of Turrican for it. Same for Elite 3.

>> No.2405346

yeah, i wish my computer came with built in midi ports, that would be amazing

well, a good deal of electronic music in the early/mid 90s was made with samplers/synths, and an atari sequencing everything

>> No.2405363

Defender Of The Crown 2 is pretty neat

>> No.2405435

What about PAL 60?

No. You are in the wrong. I agree with the anon you're bitching at so that makes you the one person. It's 4chan faggot. Anyway, a few edgemeisters using words your mommy doesn't approve of is the least of our problems. The real problem is that goddamn ignorant asswipes don't know the difference between voltage and frequency.

>> No.2405445

It failed because it had an underpowered 68EC020 same as A1200 and the AGA chipset was severely lacking.

The Akiko chip could do basic chunky2planar, but c2p was more efficient in software on a 030 alone.

>> No.2405446

CDTV was based on 500, CD32 was based on 1200.

>> No.2405453

Stop getting high on your own farts, Amiga 2000 was a glorified 500 in a box, 680000 CPU, ECS chipset.

>> No.2405454

>reading comprehension
Repeating something over and over makes it a meme. That's what's happened with the ST and MIDI. Apparently it's the only good thing one can say about the thing.

So sauce is some kid on the Internet. In to the trash it goes.

>> No.2405458

Most professional musicians.

However, shitloads of todays professional musicians got their start on the Amiga. Like for instance Jesper Kyd.

>> No.2405502

>not mustard on fries
fucking plebian

>> No.2405537

Wow, you really hate Atari.

>> No.2405539

>How did this fail?

Literally nobody knew about it or had even heard of it.

I didn't even know the Amiga CD32 existed until years after it was already dead.

>> No.2405602

Don't hate Atari in the slightest. Kids who read a wiki and tout the midi port the ST has as something important, now there's something I can hate.

>> No.2405801

I lived in Upstate New York and I can tell you that the ranch on pizza thing didn't hit us until 2012. Then it was just there forever because ranch sauce baked onto bacon and mozzarella is amazingly delicious.

Ranch sauce on meatballs and french fries somewhat less so, but sometimes you get munchies.

Look at it this way. People only have a certain amount of time to play games. Did the CD32 have enough good games that were exclusive to the console that couldn't be got on their computers or competitors for an appropriate price? If not, there's your answer.


>> No.2405807

Related: Commercial and period review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgKfVgftX7c

>> No.2405846

PAL 60 isn't a formalized standard. The refresh rates for NTSC and PAL (actually EIA and CCIR respectively, NTSC and PAL only refer to the color encoding method) were chosen because the primitive electronics of the time were exceptionally susceptible to intermodulation distortion, so if they had gone with different refresh rates, you would have had a "beat" in the image.

>> No.2406098

>Kids who read a wiki and tout the midi port the ST has as something important, now there's something I can hate.
To be fair, back when I was an Amiga enthusiast, long before the dawn of wikipedia, ST enthusiasts used the same argument to promote it's excellence over the Amiga.

>> No.2406130

>American electronics
>references a non-/vr/ console of Chinese manufacture

Do your folks know you're browsing adult websites?

>> No.2408128

the cd32 failed because it was a 32-bit console with graphics that barely stood up to the mega drive and snes, let alone the playstation and saturn that it was meant to be competing with