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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2392216 No.2392216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Online Reviewers General: Questionable sexuality edition

>> No.2392225



>> No.2392227


>> No.2392229


>> No.2392230


He's decent.

>> No.2392231

THIS SURE IS /vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.2392232
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Anyone here like lukemorse1 videos? I find his repair videos to be interesting.

>> No.2392234

I think it's safe to say that /vr/ is no longer being moderated.

>> No.2392235

I don't watch anyone that doesn't have the common sense to make a marketable name.

lukemorse1 sounds like a shit I vomitted out of my asshole last tuesday

>> No.2392237

He and Robiv are kinda cool, though I prefer the latter nowadays.

>> No.2392239

The dudes in the OP review 16-bit games.

>> No.2392241

Nah, we just had a bunch of blatant shitposts containing "CUCK" removed.

>> No.2392243


You missed the last thread.

>> No.2392246

Yes but it's not like this thread was created for the purpose of discussing them or anything else directly or tangentially related to /vr/.

>> No.2392247

Are there any decent retro game-related podcasts? I need some new shit to listen to.

>> No.2392256


I'm the OP, and i just created a new one for the people that got fucked in the last thread.

>> No.2392274


>> No.2392317


>> No.2392327

The guy on the left had some cringeworthy videos, unique unlike most cringeworthy vidya videos (where the ecelebs had some semblence of a persona and confidence in that persona), his every attempt at humor fell uncomfortably flat.

>> No.2392343
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Kinaman is good if you want to hear about how the gaming market with Eastern Europe forced the kids to play mostly Famiclones and pirated PC games, with some lucky kids being able to play Mega Drive stuff. Pity 2/3 of his videos are with no subs, but the early ones with CC have good English. Only his most recent videos get shitty but passable subs.

The Curse of the Grey Elephant

Dendy Chronicles #1

Dendy Memories #1

Sega Memories #1

My Console Dendy

>> No.2392414

I don't think he is trying to get big or anything. I think he uploads stuff because he genuinely loves games and repairs and likes sharing it with people online.

>> No.2392415
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you guys watch/like Mark from Classic Game Room? Guy is badass.

>> No.2392420

Do you watch CGRUndertow? What do you think of Dereks reviews?

>> No.2392423

The only one worth a shit is Retronauts.

>> No.2392426

Not so much. I tend to stick with Mark. Nothing against Derek but I don't find myself watching his reviews very often.

>> No.2392446

I hung with him for a while, but it got old. He's one of those guys that thinks everything associated with gaming is inherently good/worth collecting/worth reviewing.

>> No.2392457


No critical thinking ?

>> No.2392462

He doesn't, he just doesn't label something as shit unless it truly is (see his hyperscan videos).

>> No.2392464
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Another high quality thread...

>> No.2392470

Isn't this the mega obnoxious guy that uses japanese quotes on his reviews? that he dubbed himself? and then subtitles them?

>> No.2392474

nope his method is different. if he doesn't like a game he doesn't scream and cuss at the top of his lungs. Really I think he's geared toward more mature people (no shots at you either, not saying you're immature, just saying that's his demographic).

>> No.2392475


>> No.2392486

>if he doesn't like a game he doesn't scream and cuss at the top of his lungs
That's what kept me watching for as long as I did. It's just too bad that the format and content is so repetitive.

As I recall, he was the guy who did this "Classic Game Room... will change" for two weeks, at which point... nothing changed.

>> No.2392489

He talks too much off topic shit instead of talking about the game. Mark and that other dude from Undertow is much better.

>> No.2392491
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>roos wife

How many times do you think he's been cucked by his best friend?

>> No.2392509

number of fucks I give about vidya streamers: 0
number of fucks I give about their girlfriends/wives: -65534

>> No.2392513

Hey man, if you're gay thats cool.
Im sure there are some gay reviewers husbands you can talk about.

>> No.2392515

I wonder where the mods are at.

>> No.2392517

>if you don't state your sexual preference for women like i do, yur gay

Your middle school is showing.

>> No.2392518


You know, maybe, JUST MAYBE.
He cares about the games.

>> No.2392525


The fucker is here, since he deleted some post in the old thread, but maybe is a different guy, since he doesn't give a flying fuck.
On the other hand /a/ is getting moderated, did the janitors got swapped ?

>> No.2392528

I liked him for a while, but after a while his videos got a bit boring to me
anyone here like Novabug, ElectricAdventures, TheShadowsNose, or Spidermwa?

>> No.2392535

why would anyone care this much about anything?
are you part of a neonazi group or something?

>> No.2392538

I was actually okay with the last thread, but this is too much.

>> No.2392540


I bet you just liked the comic dump.

>> No.2392547

but the last thread turned into a spam war between a russian spamming pics of that dendy guy and a comic book fag...

>> No.2392548

sounds like a 10 year-old, writes/speaks like typical otaku who thinks we care about backstory, and, uh.... ugly, sure

>> No.2392552

Not at all. I just don't hate all of the YouTube personalities. I actually recommended Benevolent Dick and Cygnus Destroyer in the last thread. I just don't like blatant shitposting (I admit that's what the last thread devolved into).

Both these threads and the troll-tier console wars thread up right now are seriously making me consider sending in a janitor application next time it's up.

>> No.2392559

I like RobIvy too, though I don't watch much of him really. Another one I liked was superdeadite with arcade PCB videos and whatnot.

>> No.2392576

Good luck with that, I tried becoming a janitor for /mu/ when it was first turning to shit and they wouldn't take me for some unknown reason... Still pisses me off because look at it now...

>> No.2392597

I really can not stand Derek, I think he tries too hard

>> No.2392605

no, it was eluding to the skit where the truxton arcade cabinet thought it killed everyone and tried to take over the show, that was the "change"

>> No.2392612

too bad the "change" wasn't "the end of all skits"

>> No.2392613

you don't get humor, do you?

>> No.2392617

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.2392624
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>> No.2392625
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>> No.2392629


Just, why?

>> No.2392630
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>> No.2392631
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Jaakko is the sexiest youtuber.

>> No.2392635
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this is the real AVGN

>> No.2392639
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>> No.2392648


I'm assuming his thousands of youtube videos are now gone forever.

>> No.2392662
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Still active. His last vid was 7 hours ago visiting nippon.


>> No.2392678

I like how people who don't like these kinds of threads intentionally make them shitty with image spam in some attempt to justify claims of how shitty the thread is despite themselves being a primary reason for making them shitty.

>> No.2392683

My favorite youtewb reviewer.


>> No.2392690

Are you the one dumping Jakko and Kinaman in these threads?

>> No.2392695

I like it too, because it means some faggot is wasting hours of his life spamming a thread. He will be on his death bed weeping, wishing he had more time.

>> No.2392759

The guy who spammed Kinaman was that Joestar guy from HG101 if you're referring to him. Honestly I found the cuckposters more annoying.

>> No.2392814

LGR is the only one I watch anymore, he's proffessional and not annoying with jokes. I remember his first video where he made a totally AVGN shit and puked all over, boy he must feel embarrassed about that, luckily he dropped it immediately.

>> No.2392840

Did I say that? Like whatever you want; I merely explained why I stopped watching.

>> No.2392890
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It hasn't been moderated in awhile. We've had a janitor who blatantly ignores the rules while deleting opinions they don't like for the past year now. Shit's insane, go have a opinion that they disagree with on a retro game or mention a Doom wad they don't like and your post will be gone within the hour yet meanwhile there are constant threads whining for the PS2 to be considered retro up for days.