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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 259x194, emulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2390890 No.2390890 [Reply] [Original]

do you consider a game beaten if you don't play it on the original hardware and software? If your answer is no, then to what varying degrees?

1.Does it count if you beat a game with an emulator on a pc?
2.Does it count if you beat a game using the real cartridge, but with a 3rd party system such as a hyperkin?
3.Does it count if you beat a game using a burned disc for the original hardware?
4.Does it count if you beat a game using a mini console version(top loader NES, SNES JR, PS1 slim), since it uses different pieces of hardware that the fat ones don't use?

>> No.2390907

Are you that "are flashcarts emulation" guy again?

>> No.2390912

No. A game isn't beaten until the fat lady has sung.

>> No.2390918

Nope, honestly, I just found out this board existed. This is a question that I've been asking myself alot, and I would like to get other people's opinions.

>> No.2390920

It counts, its still the same game. I can see you not counting it if you are on a very specific type of challenge run or trying to break a speed record. But just beating the game imo is experiencing the game from beginning to end, hardware makes no difference

>> No.2390924

Doesn't matter, I've never been good enough to beat anything.

>> No.2390925

Why do you need other opinions?
Do you want to partake in speedrun competitions? They have set rules regarding this topic.

>> No.2390949

I have a SNES JR., and I'm thinking about getting the fat one.

>> No.2390957

A game isn't beaten until its completed 100% or 101-3% when devs thinks its cute to go above 100%.

>> No.2390958

>1.Does it count if you beat a game with an emulator on a pc?
as long as you don't use save states and such , it counts

>2.Does it count if you beat a game using the real cartridge, but with a 3rd party system such as a hyperkin?

>3.Does it count if you beat a game using a burned disc for the original hardware?

>4.Does it count if you beat a game using a mini console version(top loader NES, SNES JR, PS1 slim), since it uses different pieces of hardware that the fat ones don't use?

you sound autistic as fuck.

>> No.2390983


>> No.2391014


>> No.2391070

It wouldn't surprise me if some of the /vr/ hoarders around here wouldn't consider beating a game on an emulator to count.

>> No.2391073

As long as you don't savescum or cheat, the answer to all of these is yes.

>> No.2391104

like this anon said

no save states no cheats and as far as im concerned you beat it regardless of what you played on

>> No.2391108

you don't really gain anything from beating games, if I'm stuck for more than two days I'll just watch the ending on youtube
no one on 4chan cares about how many games you've beaten, this isn't steam

>> No.2391408

I am allowed to use more than one credit on Ghouls n Ghosts and do I have to go through twice

>> No.2391445

It feels good to finish something though. It's a more fulfilling experience to complete it yourself.

>> No.2391479

1. Sure, did you enjoy your time doing it? Thats all that really matters. Any official scores should be kept separated though.

2. Why would you? Who buys this shit? Learn how to computer motherfucker.

3. Yeah, you cheap bastard. Seriously though, if you love a game enough to beat it and gloat about it, then why wouldn't you go ahead and buy a real copy. Unless its insanely expensive of course.

4. Hardware might be different in some respects but its all the same logic I assume.

>> No.2391484

You might be overthinking this.

>> No.2391584

A game is beaten if you play it with the same restrictions as the original. You can use save-states as long as you're just using them as a replacement for in-game saves.

For arcade titles, a reasonable credit limit should be enforced. This is generally a maximum of 9, and can be as low as 3 if the game is short or easy.

It also doesn't count if you're playing with significant slowdown, some shit that wasn't present on the original hardware, or if the improved graphics give you a tactical advantage, like increasing the range you can see in a game where that matters.

>> No.2391617

Who gives a fuck?

Is someone giving you guff about this or something? If I knew someone who actually cared about how I beat a game, I would just do my best to avoid them.

>> No.2391624


Does it count if you beat it with an unofficial patch?

>> No.2391661


Games are there to bring YOU fun. If you get fun out of them in any way that is the way to do it. If you enjoy playing a game while unvulnerability cheating- DO IT, that's fine. Who cares what other people think, do whatever YOU like. Many people like playing games to completion because of the proud feeling- but they only do it because THEY push themselves to it. Play it on PC, play it on a Retron, play it burned, play it on a mini version- just play it. Cheat the hell outta it, finish with lowest requirements, just PLAY THEM and have fun. That is what retro games are all about.

>> No.2391679

Translations would be fine no matter who you ask. If it's something that significantly tweaks gameplay you can only really say you played a hack of the game.

>> No.2391680

If it's for compatibility issues, sure. If it fucks with the gameplay then I would say probably not.

>> No.2392037
File: 2.86 MB, 640x272, batemanAnime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save states do make retro games much easier in many respects but lets be honest about it. The times have changed. I'm not a kid getting only a couple vidya games a year depending on what my parents could afford. That repetition increased their replayability and enjoyment. Now the internet has ushered in an age where I have access to so much content and for so much less than it used to cost. As an adult I don't get the same pleasure out of repeating the same content. Times and gaming have changed. At least for me.

>> No.2392236

I don't do this but I pretty much always use a walkthrough. Especially with 90s era adventure games. I don't really care about figuring out the puzzles on my own; I just want to enjoy the story.

>> No.2392286

who the fuck cares, it is what you think it is.

>> No.2392363

I honestly don't feel like I've beaten a game if I do it on an emulator. I've beaten plenty of games on an emulator, but it just doesn't have the same satisfaction if I don't get to pop out the cartridge at the end, stare at the cover adoringly and put it back on the shelf. I may be a sentimental autist, but it feels damn good.

>> No.2392368

>you will never beat Gran Turismo 2

>> No.2392384
File: 6 KB, 230x219, youtried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still consider a lot of games with collectathon- like things to be beaten even if I haven't got all the doodads and chievos by the time I reached the end of reaching the playable areas. There is a horizon where the amount of effort no longer is worth the new content reachable (which is usually not much more than a videogame equivalent of pic related).

This is more a thing with recent gen games, though. I didn't start 'dropping out' of games with endgames like that until late n64 days. Before that what constituted 'beating a game' was generally rather concrete.

>> No.2392385

If I knew someone who actually cared how I beat a game, that would be a welcome change.

>> No.2392409

If you beat a game, you beat a game. I don't care if you even used savestates -- some people do.

>> No.2392673
File: 23 KB, 255x216, 1370649181876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking webm

>> No.2392710
File: 987 KB, 229x176, kekkity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched it tons of times. Always makes me kek :)

>> No.2392736

Not all content is worth beating to everyone. If you really like a game then beat it all. If it was meh but ok... credits are enough for me.

>> No.2393127


sadly this.

I get more comfort out of buying/collecting retro/nextgen stuff then actually finishing them..

and I can't afford to sit and play 5-8h a day in order to clear a single game while being married and having a social life.

>> No.2393128

Never before have I seen a more fitting name. You people make me fucking sick.

>> No.2393560
File: 811 KB, 1286x1254, Autism-Speaks-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Count"? Who's counting?
Pic very related

>> No.2394204

5. does it count if you beat a game by watching a youtube video of it?

>> No.2394213

Your post does sound like something someone with autism would ask, yes.

>> No.2394407

if it's a final fantasy game yes

>> No.2394424

Beating Zeromus in FF4 is a pretty special moment though.

>> No.2394453

If you watch a video of it, you didn't beat it.
You watched somebody else beat it.

>> No.2394468

> 1.Does it count if you beat a game with an emulator on a pc?
No. You're playing a game with speed up, speed down, save states, cheats etc. Did you not use them? It's possible, but unlikely.
> 2.Does it count if you beat a game using the real cartridge, but with a 3rd party system such as a hyperkin?
No. Unless you're talking about a 3rd party solution made of the original parts and has no additional features. That's not likely.
> 3.Does it count if you beat a game using a burned disc for the original hardware?
Yes, if unmodified rom. No, otherwise.
> 4.Does it count if you beat a game using a mini console version(top loader NES, SNES JR, PS1 slim), since it uses different pieces of hardware that the fat ones don't use?
Yes. It's a first party console, then it's original provider sanctioned.

>Beating a game on an emulator is not an achivement.

>> No.2394469

Did you not go crazy with cheats? Yes to everything. The platform shouldn't matter it still plays the same regardless. I'll even go as far to say you can make a setup superior to the original console because in some cases the emulation is so perfect.

>> No.2394475

If it took you effort and actually cleared the game then you cleared the game. Pirated or original regardless.

>> No.2394481

If you didn't use cheats or save states, I think its considered beat in my book.

>> No.2394486

I have a similar problem to OP. I'm going to screencap this for future use

>> No.2394643

What if I beat the game on original hardware using save states?

>> No.2394701
File: 98 KB, 480x472, 1430625099873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why not. As long as you're not using stuff like save states to gain an advantage you're still playing the same game. Hell if you didn't count it then by that logic a large chunk of this board technically didn't play any retro games. Another issue is would you regard ports of arcade games not being beaten because they aren't played on the arcade hardware? What about arcade games with multiple revisions? You really open up a nasty can of worms by introducing different hardware or software qualifying if you beat a game or not.

>> No.2394721

This might be the dumbest thread I've ever seen on /vr/, and I've seen some pretty idiotic threads.

>> No.2394727

Nah brah that's not how you're supposed to do it. You're supposed to tell OP to go back to /v/ while screaming that /vr/ is officially dead like everyone else here does whenever they see a thread they don't like.

>> No.2394792

what about the W-item glitch in FF7? does abusing that count?

>> No.2394808

Emulators still means you completed it. But there is something special about playing it on the proper, original hardware that emulators just can't give you.

It's why I spend too much of my paycheck on my retro collection...

>> No.2394817

Not OP, but I've been dying to ask:
What do you guys think about remakes/ports, like playing FFII on the PS(X)?

I really wish I could play the original game and not some graphic-enhanced, made-easy game (because apparently they dumbed it up or something like that or it was one of the others... anyways you get the picture).

I think my only options are to wait for a release on the VC (like that's gonna happen! HA!) or to learn moon, which I am currently not only for games but also because I like the musicality of it.

>> No.2394864

>sucking capitalist dick this hard

>> No.2394879
File: 521 KB, 1496x1080, Autistic Child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does beating a game count if a bunch of autistic kids on the internet are upset at you for not buying the original hardware?

Obviously the answer is "no".
It's not like playing on an emulator makes the game easier or even changes the game at all if the emulator is decent. But even so, if I chose the buy the game, the console, a TV that cost a stupid amount of money, and modded the console to output TO that TV with as little signal loss as possible, then everyone else should have to do the same. And even if I can't force them to do so, I can still deny their achievements on an anonymous image board online if they don't comply, regardless of whether they've shown skill comparable to my own.

>> No.2394885

As long as the ones who ported the game were competent enough to do so without ruining some aspect or feature of the game, ports can only be a good thing.
In some cases, they fix bugs that were missed during the fist release and even add new content (Chrono Trigger DS for example).

Remakes are also good. At the very least you get a new coat of paint to make everything look pretty and take advantage of better hardware, often allowing the developers to more accurately show what they wanted players to see. And this is almost always accompanied by the benefits of a standard port (bug fixes, new content). Just look at Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver: Remakes of great games, better visuals, fixed bugs, and tons of new content and features. Remakes aren't always great, but they don't do anything to ruin the original game at all.

>> No.2394902

>do you consider a game beaten if you don't play it on the original hardware and software?

Of course I do. What the fuck? Yes to all those questions faggot. Anyone saying otherwise is retarded.

>> No.2394903

you're probably 12 so I forgive you.

>> No.2394950
File: 7 KB, 200x200, I+laughed+so+loud+at+this+people+stared+staring+at+_7a1f4cbaab789f67fcc94fa659ad7ead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the most retarded post I've ever seen.

>> No.2394963

Try telling my wife and 5 year old son that they didn't beat Super Mario Brothers just because they played it on a Retron. I think they'd disagree.

>> No.2394964

oh no here we go again.jpg

>> No.2395003

No, playing on emulators or non-original consoles/games don't count. What a silly question.

It does still mean you accomplished 'something', but someone beating a game like Battletoads with hardware vs emulators is so different. It's best to just assume emulator people use save states in hard games at the minimum. Shit, nearly every emu user I've met uses save states on easy games even.

Again: no. Not even in the same realm of achievement. Don't let the tantrum kiddos on this thread convince you otherwise.

>> No.2395013

This is the most autistic thing I have ever read on /vr/.

>> No.2395020

yeah becuase it's best to assume it's imposible to "not use" save states on emulators... wait...

>> No.2395040

The only time I really use emulators is to play patched roms that are unavailable on normal carts, unless I went through the trouble of getting repros made.

Even then, I only use save states if the game doesn't have a save/password feature so I can pick up where I left off.

>> No.2395581

The only time it doesn't count is if you are doing a run for something like Speed Demos Archive, and trying to get a world record, and that's more so to prevent cheating/legal shit. If you were that good at a game to get a world record, you should invest in the original hardware if you are that serious in submitting a run.

Otherwise no one but autistics really give a shit on how you play a single player game.

>> No.2396326

OP here, Please know that I'm asking this question so I can read people's opinions. Alot of you assumed that I'm some kind of OCD collector who can't stand emulation or something, which simply isn't true.
The best answer IMO is right here:

>> No.2398225

Save states can really spoil a game sometimes, that's why I don't like playing NES games on my 3DS too much.

>> No.2398296

This is probably the rudest post I've ever seen.

>> No.2398302

A game isn't the hardware it runs on or the media it is contained within.

>> No.2398304

Yes for all, why the fuck not? as long as you don't cheat yes, you beat the game.

>> No.2398305

>It's best to just assume emulator people use save states in hard games at the minimum.

>> No.2398419

I don't. The only time I ever use save states is when I'm too lazy to save the game the normal way, and just wanna quit playing.

>someone will try to claim that's cheating somehow

>> No.2398739

I used to play using save states after beating levels, but then I stepped away from that path of Chaos and now only save, when the game gives me another infinite continue or password. So I'm currently stuck on Drakula in castlevania and last chapter of ninja gaiden. Since I'm not sure I'd be able to keep a real console on that long (at the very least electricity turns off sometimes - especially when I don't pay the bills - crazy I know, and then there's temptation to play another game with thoughts like "weeeell, I made it this far this time, I'll make it this far second time"), so I don't really count any NES games as finished finished, but I enjoy them anyway and play fair.

I'm so disappointed in myself for buying sega mega drive in my town for a crazy price, as if sega-snes era still hasn't ended, when I could bought some duo-console, which supports both NES and sega cartridges for lower price. Although I'd still have to buy the cartridges for NES and lots for sega.

>> No.2398807

Just use the most accurate emulator for the system you're playing, no save sates or cheats, and no slow down/speed up.
Calm your autism

>> No.2398830

> Calm your autism
> implying it's curable
> implying it can be cured psychologically

>> No.2398849
File: 45 KB, 480x315, wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play it on a Retron

>> No.2400018

>implying he actually has autism not just shitty parents who use the label as as excuse.

>> No.2401709

99.9% perfect emulation still isn't 100%...

>> No.2401783

Why on earth would it not count

>> No.2401813

A game is beaten when you feel you've finished it. If you want to flat out cheat? Go for it if it doesn't ruin the experience. Want to use save states? Fine, use them just for convenience or flat out save scum with them, it makes no difference to anyone but you. Want to refuse to play anything that you didn't shell out money for? Go right ahead. Want to use a walk through? Turbo controller? Slow motion? Fast forward while grinding? Want to call it quits before you pick up every little completionist thing on one of those games with a clear percentage? Fine. Honestly, I don't give a fuck how you beat a game and neither should anybody else.

Probably best not to brag about something that's generally considered an achievement (superbosses and the like) if you had an advantage that took away the bulk of the challenge though.

>> No.2401820

This is probably the newest fag I've ever seen.

>> No.2401840

>turbo controllers are considered cheating
Turbo is only useful on certain games anyways, and can be a downright hinderance on others.

Turbo is actually really fucking nice for mashing through text in old rpg's you've already played at least once.

My take on is the game is "beaten" once you reach the credits. If theres optional content afterwards then its up to you whether or not you decide to do it. I'll only ever do post game stuff if I really like the game, or the post game stuff is really short.

I just have too many games to play. I try to beat them on Normal difficulty with default settings but sometimes you gotta just play a game on easy to get through it.

I couldn't give less of a shit about emulators honestly. I've used them to beat games like Ninja Gaiden because I'm never going to sit down and dedicate dozens of hours to memorizing levels and boss patterns but I'm not going to claim that Im some hardcore ninja gaiden player. I did it once to experience it, and that was enough for me.

>> No.2402074

1. Sure
2. Yup, why not
3. That may be bad if you don't like piracy, but it's still beaten
4. Why on earth would it not count?

>> No.2402106

It's more interesting what exactly counts as completed. Does permanently missable stuff count? In ActRaiser you can easily miss some population but still get the last upgrade for example.

>> No.2402115

>My take on is the game is "beaten" once you reach the credits.

in some games you can see the credits and bad ending at barely 30% of the game.

>> No.2402146

For most games it's obvious when they're beaten but for some genres it isn't.
When are fighting games beaten?

>> No.2403764

Tekken 3 is beaten once you watched the entire dinosaur ending without skipping it at any point, lol.

>> No.2404550


>> No.2404552

here's an additional question.

does nintendo virtual console count?

>> No.2404954

I hate to say "that's a slippery slope" but it really is. If savestates are OK, then so is cheating. And if cheating is OK, then suddenly beating a game legitimately has no meaning, because you can cheat to the end of the game.

>> No.2404965

This doesn't really hold up, because words have collective meaning. If I say I beat conta 1, but I used cheats, then NO ONE will give a fuck. It's meaningless. If I want to say I beat contra and have it actually MEAN something to other people, then I can't cheat. If I want to personally congratulate myself on winning, just to myself, that's fine. But it won't mean anything to anyone else, and you'll be unable to congratulate yourself in public, because you simply won't be communicating on the same level as everyone else.

For example: If I say I watched a movie, it's expected that I watched the theatrical, or perhaps a director's cut, from start to finish. If I skip 40 minutes of the movie because it's boring, and play the whole thing at 1.5x speed to save time, and watched a re-edit on youtube that deletes scenes, then I can no longer say I "watched" that movie - the public expects certain things from the word "watch" and betraying those expectations simply fucks up societal communication.

But again, if you want to congratulate and talk to yourself, that's fine. Just don't bring it to the public - it doesn't fit, it doesn't work, and you'll be lying.

>> No.2404998

Autism is what powers this board. And the rest of 4chan too probably

>> No.2405274

that count's as a cheat, does using lucky 7's to beat emerald mean you didn't really beat him?

>> No.2405276

A retron? just download the roms on pc nigga

>> No.2405284

Save states are the most powerful cheats ever made.

It's an infinite lives / infinite life and bad-event rewind combined. It makes games easier than even the regenerating life shit that's been handed to the newer generation.

It's fine that you cheat. Seriously. But call a spade a spade.

>> No.2405535

Beating a game is beating a game. I just played and finished Chrono Trigger for the first time five years ago on an emulator.

I never played it on the original hardware, nor on a CRT screen, and I already look back on the game and have fond, warm memories.

Do whatever makes you happy, OP.

>> No.2405540

lucky 7s is not a glitch or cheat though. using clever ways to activate it is just clever manipulation which is normal ways to play a game .

>> No.2405604

I do most of my "console" games on emulators. I try to keep the experience as authentic as possible.

I almost never save states. The only exception is if there is a password system I will save state so I don't need to use the password.

>> No.2407643

"almost" never used save states... The first time marks you for life.

>> No.2407646

If you want to set a world record you must use the original cartridge & system with no cheats. There is no alternative. Other than that nobody cares. If you really love the games you collect the original shit.

>> No.2408090

Save States are the non-autistic way of besting old games

>> No.2408757

Nah, you just suck at games, buddy.

>> No.2408785


Well let's be honest here, that thing is a huge waste of money- but you will still be able to play most games without many difficulties. With them having stolen some high quality emulators that is no real surprise.

>> No.2408807


What public exactly does give more than a monkey's toss about if you finished a game and how you did it? Won't most conversations of this type go like

>I finally finished Contra, without cheats or anything!
>- Well that's good for you... I suppose. Have a cookie...

"Congratulate yourself in public", that sounds really weird. Who cares if you beat a single player game? That's your personal thing. It's another thing with VS. multiplayer but the public could not care less if you used the 30 lives cheat or not.

>> No.2409031

Any public with any fucking understanding of gaming. Of course your mom isn't going to give a shit.

If someone came up to me and said "I beat contra", the first question I'd have would be "did you use the Konami code?". It's the question anyone with any interest in gaming would have.

>> No.2409791 [DELETED] 


>> No.2410053


And my next question would be "did you use an emulator?" I've heard my friends ask that too.

>> No.2410061

It doesn't fucking matter if you used an emulator or not. You should be asking if they used save states or not.

>> No.2410068

As if you will meet anyone in real life that beat Contra, be it on an emulator or not.

>> No.2410116
File: 34 KB, 854x480, rw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you play the game from the beginning to the end (assuming it has an end), opening credits to end credits ? Congratulations, you beat the game. Doesn't matter if you used cheats or save states, whatever, you played it through from start to finish. You beat it. Fact.
>But cheating !
This implies a different question: How should you beat a game?

>> No.2410887

It all counts unless
(a) you used savestates for anything other than allowing yourself to turn the computer off and start exactly where you left off
(b) you're trying to set a record for fastest time, high score, etc.

I have no problem with using savestates or cheats to get through a game; it just doesn't count as beating the game per se.

>> No.2410916

> you used savestates for anything other than allowing yourself to turn the computer off and start exactly where you left off
But you couldn't do that on real consoles. At least saving on passwords or infinite continues is not a big stretch - theoretically you can just think of it as keeping the console on while having the game on pause.

>> No.2410947

You could leave the console on and just come back to it later (although inevitably some family member would fuck it up or there'd be a power outage or something).

>> No.2410984

Save states to pause the game is the only freedom I allow myself. As an adult you don't have time for really long game sessions. It's also great to be able to put the game on hold if it gets frustrating.

>> No.2411009

> or there'd be a power outage or something
That's my point.

>> No.2411021

The struggle of playing a PS with no memory card is REAL, let me tell you.

>> No.2411039

Guides are legit.
Speeding up the game is legit.

Only cheats and save states are not legit. A lot of people had a game genie back then.

>> No.2411061
File: 146 KB, 600x808, 1394101534430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get n64 and with mario and golden eye as a kid at (around) launch
>play mario that night, oh my god
>in the morning before school put in goldeneye
>dam level, probably on easiest setting.
>play for 15 minutes or so just dicking around not even getting through the tunnel area to the dam.
>can i leave the n64 on all day until i get home?
>uh... sure
>mfw i realized later that i hadn't gotten far at all, whatsoever.

i was literally thirty seconds into the first level and i wanted to leave it on. i had no idea.

those 30 seconds took me like fifteen minutes.

thx for reading my blog

>> No.2411064

>Save states

what if emulators only allowed the loading of a save state ONCE?


>> No.2411083

Or what if you had enough self control to only use each save state once? Oops, never mind about self control, we're both on 4chan right now.

>> No.2411427
File: 116 KB, 700x600, KidsTheseDays_EditEmulators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related

>> No.2411438

You need to stretch out the image to full width of the picture, run it through hq5x, and add scanlines for it to be more accurate.

>> No.2411458
File: 159 KB, 700x600, KidsTheseDays_EditEmulators2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2411490

As long as the system you decide to play it on doesn't give you any advantages the original system didn't have, I don't think it makes a difference at all.

>> No.2411545

I emulate and use a dual shock 4 normally, but i never use save states or cheats or turbo or what have you.

I've thought about this before, but it still feels the same ultimately so in my mind i beat those games.

Yeah the controller's nicer in a lot of cases, but it's almost the same as if you had played it on a wii cc pro on virtual console or something similar.

I have used save states before, but only as a backup in case the power goes out or something like that. I remember trying to go through all of mario 3 as a kid (whistleless) and i got pretty close to the end and my NES started having problems and i lost all my progress, so it's nice to not have to deal with that in my opinion.

>> No.2412685

In my opinion, it depends on what you're trying to "beat", not how you're doing it.

For example, I feel I could reasonably say "I've beaten Resident Evil 2" if I have played it on a fairly accurate emulator, with a version from a region I would be likely to live in.

I would not feel comfortable making claims of beating hardware challenges, though. For instance, even though some emulators can simulate it, I wouldn't feel right saying "I did the swordless playthrough of OOT through cartridge lifting" if I used simulated cartridge lift on an emulator.

I don't play console games enough to be able to cite any more examples like that, but my general attitude is basically: unless you're doing some sort of challenge that involves beating/exploiting a known aspect of the hardware, it really doesn't matter.

>> No.2412693

1. No save states.
2. No Game-Genie/Action Replay/Gameshark Codes.
3. No turbo controllers/programmable controllers.
4. No hacks or glitches.

If you beat said game while adhering to rules above then you have beaten the game.

>> No.2412701

Enjoy your ego produced acomplishments, I'll be over here playing everything from NES to PS2 on my portable laptop enjoying myself.

>> No.2412706

>do you consider a game beaten if you don't play it on the original hardware and software?

Let's ask a question to put this to the test...

I'm doing a playthrough of Silent Hill 2.
Silent Hill 2 was developed for the PS2, but ported to the Xbox and Microsoft Windows (32 bit NT-like Windows, running direct X 8).

I'm playing the Windows version...

but I'm playing it with a community patched d3d8 dll in order to fix certain sound and graphical errors that occur on modern systems.
I'm also playing it via WINE on a Linux box, meaning many of the system dlls the game is linking aren't 1:1 the same as the ones included in 32 bit NT Window's versions in 2002 when this game came out.
I'm playing it on a machine that's about 7 years younger than the hardware available on release, and thus I have more RAM and processing power than was available for this game's peak performance.

When I finish Silent Hill 2 in this manner, can it reasonably be said that I've completed the game?

>> No.2412707

Are we SO desperate for something to discuss here that THIS is now a topic!?

If you complete a software, then you have "beaten" it. Period. No matter what version, no matter what region, no mater what hardware, format, ect, ect, ect.

Basically, the only you could consider yourself as having NOT beaten a game is if you cheat (save scumming counts) or if you play a hack. Everything else counts.


>> No.2412713

Guess this is a good place to ask;
How do people feel about using an emulator with turbo on, or increased speed in general. I can't imagine using it for non-turn base RPGs but dear god I use it for grinding and moving about the world map in FFI FFII and a few others.

>> No.2412718

>No matter what version, no matter what region

eh, I would argue against this, if only for the small differences that can occur in games when translated.

>localisation often changes plot points
for instance, the drunk man in pokemon...or was it that he only had forgot his coffee?
>some ported software even has different difficulty

I can't remember if it was silent hill or resident evil, but one of the games in one of these series' was made more difficult for the US market in order to dampen the effect that our rental market at the time would have had on sales.
If we want to get strict in the way of versioning, SMT's early fan-translations contained bugs that kept guns unavailable until much later in the game than in the original, which changed combat difficulty.

And then there's story driven and some puzzle games. Playing something that has poetic or written puzzle hints in japanese will be much more difficult than doing it in one's native language, so saying "I beat japanese _________" is much different than "I beat _________"

>> No.2412720

I use it for skipping non-skippable cutscenes sometimes, but after playing pokemon with it and using it to rapidly level up, I've noticed that it takes a certain bit of qualia away from grindfests.

>> No.2412738

meh, games with infinite lives are fine with save states if they're used where normal saves are possible. Like if in the middle of a battle you know youre boned and need to grind then its quicker to just load a savestate before the battler than to wait to die or reset the game.

>> No.2412757

Not same guy but I'd consider it beaten if you got through it, hell you even had to do more work just to make it run properly because of crappy hardware incompatibility.

>> No.2412814

Truly sad
I have no shame though and have done it too

>> No.2412824

>with a version from a region I would be likely to live in
This is already autist level. Why does it matter which region your copy comes from? For retro games in general the US version is always superior to the PAL version.

>> No.2412831

If you have beaten the game legit than you have beaten it. Save states to pause the game are legit although those were not available with the console. The argument that you could leave the console on doesn't work because you wouldn't keep your console on for weeks or months, depending on how long you paused. They're legit because I could easily get trough games like Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania 3 even though I paused the game with save states. In fact after I beat Ninja Gaiden the first time with save state pauses (game offers infinite continues) I beat it again easily completely in a single session. That's because I went trough the same struggle like everyone else, I didn't save state the level before the final boss, I legitimately saved in 6.1 where you get thrown back when you die at the boss and did the final levels over and over until they became a piece of cake.

For games like Battletoads that would be a hell of a lot easier if you replaced continues with save states it would be of course cheating to use them. Only with infinite continues and only at the place where you appear after a game over or where you decide to pause the game a save state is allowed. Of course the save state you used right after a game over in a game that offers unlimited continues can be used as often as you like. A save state you used to pause the game anywhere else can be used only a single time. It's like unfreezing the game after a pause. I find it to obvious and logical what is legit and what is not.

>> No.2413005


Well even if you cheat or savescum from the game's view you have beaten it. If you see the good ending and credits you have beaten it.
It's just whether you for yourself consider that enough- or will the Retro Anti Cheating Force suddenly bust through your door and demand you give your retro gaming license back?
It's your personal thing whether you find playing it while restarting that one bullshit jump that requires a climb back up which you would have had the patience as a kid but now it annoys you too much until you got it as legit.

>> No.2413282

You're me. You're meeee.

>> No.2413356

well, when I played on actual consoles, I WOULD leave them on that long to be fair (to watch tv you just change the channel)

whether they actually stay on or someone bumps into it or the power goes out is another story, but I'd like to think if the game designers of games without saves had the chance they would have implemented saves of some sort; that's why I never really feel bad about using a save state to "pause".

But imo if you beat a game then you beat it, as long as you think so in your mind. Why would you let someone else guilt you into thinking you didn't?

My personal standards are no save states for anything other than pausing, no cheats, no turbo, etc, but if people use those and are fine with it, why make them feel bad over it?

>> No.2413519
File: 19 KB, 214x322, house xray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that rationalising
r u wilson

>> No.2413747

Emulators let you save/restore states at any frequency you want, and some just simply let you rewind. This let's the player play even RPG with an always favorable outcome from fights.

With that level of hand holding, 'completing' the game on the emulator is on the same level as just watching a youtube long play.

Feeling like completing games this way as 'fine' is a product of the "everyone gets a trophy" generation.

>> No.2413772

You're assuming using an emulator means you'll use save states...

>> No.2413850

The way I think it is.

You beat the game once you essentially beat the final area/boss. This doesn't matter if you did it on original hardware, flashcarts, emulation, or ports.

The only exception is you can't say you've beaten Wind Waker, if you played Wind Waker HD. Or Metal Gear Solid, if you played The Twin Snakes. One might argue "they are essentially the same", but in most cases of remakes, or total HD remasters I feel they are different games. Twin Snakes for example is 10x easier than the original.

Now if you continue playing post final area/boss, and collect everything, do all optional areas, ect. Then I say I 100% the game. Basically saying I more or less did 100% of the stuff you can do in the game.

So for OoT, beating Ganon I would consider the game beat. However, collecting all hearts, items, and secrets I would consider the game 100% beat.

All that said, it doesn't really matter. What matters is what you think. And most important, is if you enjoyed your experience, regardless of hardware. After all, games are meant to be enjoyed and experienced.

And that said, I vastly prefer actual hardware, on the original software. There is very few games I've beaten through emulation, most of them being Japanese or extremely rare.

>> No.2413858

To add to this, in regards to things like save states.

If that's how you enjoy playing the game, or maybe you just can't beat it otherwise, then I don't see that as a problem. The person just wants to experiance the game after all, and some games are especially cruel.

That said, when I'm talking about games I've beaten, I'll say I beat the game legit (implying no save states, cheats, guides, ect.). Which I feel is only worth mentioning on really hard or difficult games that people tend to use save states and the such (beating classic Megaman, Contra, ect, through normal gameplay).

Once again, it's not a big deal. I prefer to play games legitimately, but I don't feel I'm more superior over someone who used other means to complete it. If that's how they enjoy the game, then good for them.

>> No.2413952

Both are retarded.

>> No.2416494
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1836, 20150418_150023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it count if you play it on an arcade cabinet with a CRT in the original resolution, using Mala ?
Then yes

>> No.2416664

I love how you assume cheating doesn't exist on real consoles

The answer to your questions is yes, if the player doesn't use savestates and cheats, obviously. This includes saving and loading to continue, I'd be skeptical about that as well, it's not how it's supposed to work. If the game has a pause option just keep the emu running. Shutting down the game should have the same effect as on hardware.

In general, saying emus don't count is like saying beating a ps1 game on a ps2 doesn't count, only retards obsessed about their collections can say that

>> No.2416745

This is why we need emus without savestates. I loved when Byuu did that with higan, so much buttmad.

"You don't need to use it" is a retarded thing to say when so many of these things have a keyboard shortcut, or even fucking auto-save the games.

I remember I was playing a DQ game and accidentally pressed the button that loaded the state. It felt so dirty and game-ruining that I had to start over. That shit is inexcusable and at the very least there should be an option to permanently remove rewind, speedup and other stupid shit.

>> No.2416753

Accidently hitting buttons? Sounds like emulators are too hard for you to use. You should stick to consoles.

>> No.2416850

That's the same as playing with an emulator (Save/Load States).


>> No.2417246

Imagine not using a controller with emulators/actually binding save/load state to something

>> No.2417250

>I remember I was playing a DQ game and accidentally pressed the button that loaded the state. It felt so dirty and game-ruining that I had to start over.

>> No.2417347

There are situations where save states are advantageous. I'm not talking gameplay-wise. I'm talking context-wise. It's definitely a feature I don't want to miss, it also seems to be more trustworthy than traditional in game saves.

If I would want to beat Battletoads nowadays, I would load it in an emulator and use save states to practice every level. In the end I would beat it again from beginning to end without any save states to really complete it.

Many people would disagree with such a method, but well, many people are retarded and can't see that the game design in Battletoads and many other retro games is extremely flawed. So in the end I could beat the same game the same way as someone who bruteforced trough the game to practice the levels over and over, wasting time to redo the early levels which that offer no challenge but only time consumption at that point.

>> No.2420303

Really? Wow.

>> No.2420310

I wonder if many of you are really enjoying playing retro games or thinking about a competition or some shit like that...

>> No.2420312

That's not what Icycalm told me.

>> No.2420318

Is it considered cheating/not actually "beating" the game if you look up a guide cause you're stuck?

I had to guide the last level of Kid Icarus cause I kept replaying the level cycle over and over again without knowing you had to kill 50 enemies for some reason.

>> No.2422879

faggot just enjoy the game

>> No.2423663

Wow rude.

>> No.2423686

Even with all the free time I have I feel that there just simply isn't enough time during the day to truly go full retro. It's just not worth it unless you were rich. I would love to collect old games though.

So with that said I think it's fine beating a game on emulator as long as it emulates well. It just doesn't make sense to me to get this autistic about beating a game legitimately. It is a huge time and money sink to get all the old hardware, the games and all in working order. So emulator is fine.

>> No.2424119

I would argue against this. The unofficial patches for Bethesda games fix all the bullshit Beth is too lazy to fix themselves. Sometimes unofficial patches actually make the game play the way it was intended to be played, instead of the buggy mess the devs leave you with.

I freely admit to this not being the case very often though.

>> No.2425125


>> No.2425175

When you beat a game you beat it, regardless of where or how, I'm playing Aria of sorrow on my Wii U right know and the game is being emulated by the console.

If you use save states it just means you're bad at games.