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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2390713 No.2390713 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else thinks this is an overrated piece of shit?

>> No.2390720

Nice meme 6th genner.

>> No.2390726

Yes but fuck off anyway.

>> No.2390737

Nice meme 5th genner.

See, I can shitpost too.

>> No.2390765

If anything I think the thing gets too much hate

>> No.2390767

In general yea, few good titles though but still pretty shit

>> No.2390770

Can't say I'm a fan

>> No.2390776

Maybe I'm just a 5th gen baby or something, but the N64 is probably my favorite console. I can respect that other ones like the snes might have had more good games, but the n64 has my favorite ones.
A lot of the SNES games were only a cut easier than NES titles, and frankly I can't be assed to play something that difficult too often. I love Mega Man but I rarely play it because it's so demanding. Especially if the game has no saves or passwords.
I also hear a lot about how the N64 has 'awkward 3d graphics' and I can totally see where that's coming from, but I think that adds to the charm of it. Hard to describe.

>> No.2390781

I don't think it's shit, but it definitely is overrated. Still, i'm glad to have one. Hybrid Heaven was worth it.

>> No.2390792

TIP: At the catalog pressing Shift while clicking on a thread makes it go hidden, Just do that with obvious bad troll threads like this. Don't reply, don't report, ESPECIALLY don't announce reporting- just hide it.

>> No.2390798

Fucking ignorant children.

One day you will learn how to not be faggots.

>> No.2390802


>> No.2390807

Remember when we could contain console wars in normal console war threads marked as such?

Now it's /v/-style bait.

>> No.2390816

That was when the janitor actually deleted threads.

>> No.2390914

N64 runs smoother and nicer than any other console on those crt tv's, and those controles were prbbly one of the most precise and comfy ever made, now go tell that to this kids who runs everything on emulators, using LED monitors and cheap pc controls

>> No.2390936

Yep. The cartridge limitations and the controller especially ruined a lot of its games.

>> No.2390994

>cartridge limitations
Going with carts is possibly the single biggest mistake Nintendo has ever made.

>> No.2391018


I'm guessing you feel the way you do because you had/have no friends. I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.2391043

Dude who friends and grew up with the N64 and has a lot of nostalgia for it here. Objectively it's a pretty crappy console.

But this thread is shit too so sage.

>> No.2391047

no, only you.

>> No.2391076

You are not the only one.In fact i think it is the most overrated console of all time.

>> No.2391086

At least it's not as shit as Gamecube or Wii.

Anyone else feel like Nintendo's been on a downward spiral ever since the NES?

>> No.2391107

I concur op, their isnt that many good games. No RPG,Stragey,or Shumps. Sports games were shit.I had more fun with my Dreamcast. But the 64 4 player wrestling games were goat. The 007's of the world are weaksauce. how the fuck you cant walk and aim?

>> No.2391140

>Anyone else feel like Nintendo's been on a downward spiral ever since the NES?
You mean GC.

>> No.2391157


>99.98% of the games sucked
>Graphics sucked
>Muh 3D
>Yep, ur shit tier polygondas
>Controller only lasts 3 hours before the stick is rendered useless
>Expansion pack that does absolutely nothing noticable

And to make matters worse people shit their pants a couple years later when they started re-releasing the few decent N64 titles.

>> No.2391183

I think it's arguably the most important console to actually own.

N64 emulation is beyond terrible. The way it was designed, I can't ever really see emulation doing a good enough job.

That said, the library is tiny.

>> No.2391184

No it's not overrated.

>> No.2391186

No, because last gen and current gen exist.

>> No.2391187

it is overpriced now though!

>> No.2391210

Like all retro Nintendo products.

>> No.2391213

GC was a good console, though.

>> No.2391216


was meant for

>> No.2391219

>GC was a good console, though.
You mean like 5 good games.

>> No.2391327

>Super Mario Sunshine
>Animal Crossing
>Master Quest
>Crystal Chronicals

My god you're right. I thought Agent Under Fire controlled better on GC, as well as a few other games that I can't recall right now. Haven't played a Cube in almost 10 years.

>> No.2391337

Personally the list of games I'd want to play is smaller than the N64 list of games.

>> No.2391361

>No Eternal Darkness
>No Rouge Squadron 2/3
>No Smash Bros Melee

Try harder

>> No.2391370 [DELETED] 

>No Smash Bros Melee
6th genner garbage.

>> No.2391379

It's still (arguably) the best Smash game next to the original.

>> No.2391380

>Eternal Darkness

How the fuck could I forget, holy shit. I'm sorry, anon. Today I dropped the ball, because that is probably my favorite game of the 2000's

I wasn't sure if I'd get flak over mentioning Melee since "they are all just upgrades of the previous game" and all that garbage. Melee was actually my favorite SSB as well.

The gamecube had a good controller I guess.

>> No.2391382

If you enjoy dudebro gaming.

>> No.2391390

Melee is still 1000 times more hardcore than Brawl and Wii U/3DS combined. So yeah, try again.

>> No.2391397

Sure, when fox is the only viable character.

>> No.2391398

I havent seen your threads in a while @N64Hater, I was wondering where you have been at, you must be busy

>> No.2391404

>1000 times more hardcore
Like I said dudebro gaming. Enjoy your shit.

My favorite game on the GC got a superior remake so there's no real reason for me to own one.
Was a great console to play with friends though. Had a lot of time in super monkey ball.

>> No.2391780

Actually faggot it wasn't me this time. Get rid of the 5th gen all together though as much as I love the Saturn 5th gen games are all casual faggot shit for the most part.

>> No.2391921

it was a console of extremes

quite a few games that will be remembered as the greatest, but everything else was overshadowed by the Playstation (and the Dreamcast on a smaller scale).

>> No.2391931

WW was the best 3D Zelda though

>> No.2391937


It was okay at best.

>> No.2391943

And WWHD is better in every way.

>> No.2391956

>Time splitters 2
>Smash Bros Melee
>LoZ collection
>Rouge Squadron
>Eternal Darkness
>Battlefront 2
I could go on an on.

>> No.2391962

>Time splitters 2

>> No.2391967
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It's both overrated and underrated at the same time.

Overrated by people who grew up playing games like Super Mario 64, OOT, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Banjo-Kazooie and, while great games, hold it into a pedestal too much. Especially games like Banjo, I see a lot of people discussing it as of late, and I genuinely could never get into it, neither as a kid or as an adult.

Then, it's also underrated by a lot of people, probably as a contrarian reaction to those who love the N64 for popular games like the aforementioned, while completely ignoring the amount of not-so-popular games the N64 got in its lifetime, like Mystical Ninja, Mischief Makers, and personally one of my favorite games, at least form the whole 5th generation, Sin and Punishment.

So, you decide, are you a Nintendo fanboy who blindly loves the N64 for Mario and Banjo, or are you a stupid whinny kid who can't stand other people enjoying things?

I'm neither, idort has always been the way.

That said, the anti-N64 meme actually causes more N64 discussion, so if your intention is for people to stop liking the N64, you should avoid N64 discussion at all, either positive or negative. That's how consoles that aren't liked fade into obscurity. You don't see daily anti-CDi threads.

So I guess people do like the N64, while others get mad that some people like the N64.

You are children.

>> No.2391980


>> No.2391996

Looked exactly the same except slightly more blue

but it did give you a self-fixing sail, which does make it superior

>> No.2392018

Fast sail and much more enjoyable end game.

>> No.2392051

>don't really care console FPS is gay shit for babies
>baby shit "fighting" game
>I'll just play my originals thanks
>it's okay but its still just a flight game
>haven't actually played it.
>shitfront inferior version of battlefield 1942 is not GC exclusive.

>> No.2392063

>is an overrated piece of shit

Don't care about split-screen multi-player FPSes, wrestling games, or multi-player arcade-y racers?

Then yeah it basically sucks.

There are exceptions of course, but the N64's main problem was that it had way too narrow of a genre focus.

Personally I like it, but it's for a relatively small number of great games. The overall library is still lacking.

>> No.2392064

I don't think anyone is mad at people liking the N64 they are more so mad at the little faggots who proclaim every game on the thing as a classic and best of the 5th gen, even trash like fucking jet force gemini gets a free pass cause it's on their no games baby box. I don't actually hate the console myself but I fucking despise the fans.

>> No.2392082

>Overrated by people who grew up playing games like Super Mario 64, OOT, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Banjo-Kazooie

It really has more to do with the multi-player than anything. N64 was the console for kids who had sleepovers with three or more other kids every friday night.

Kids who were less social, or just not into split-screen multi-player, were all on the PS1. And of course anyone who wanted non-Pokémon RPGs or a decent selection of sports games.

>> No.2392083


>I'm not mad at people liking the N64
>but I'm mad at people liking the N64

I'm the guy who said Banjo is overrated, I think Jet Force Gemini is pretty good. Not the best game ever or anything, but pretty good.

>> No.2392087


Yeah but I was an idort. PS1, N64, Saturn.

So I laugh at this whole mess. You guys should be adults, come on. A little bit f self-respect.

You are bitching at people enjoying things.

>> No.2392091

daily reminder that n64 has no games

>> No.2392096

>tfw anon so opinionated on video games he can't look at them from a standpoint where the appreciate all games.
You could look at all games from an adult standpoint instead of saying anything that isn't "muh retro" is shit.

>> No.2392110

It really was garbage. I never realized it until I counted the good games on my hand.

>> No.2392119


Tell us which games so we can educate you and help you find more.

>> No.2392124

Are you a mutant?

>> No.2392134

I don't care if they like it I just don't want to hear about how it's the greatest thing ever. I like mario 64, I like goldeneye, I like zelda but I also like Spyro, Tomb Raider, and Crash. Also JFG isn't trash haha it's an good but flawed game some people just call it a classic. There is no objective best 5th gen console they all have their merits, n64 is pretty over rated by a lot of people though.

>> No.2392175


If anything, JFG is always commented to be one of the most overlooked games from Rare. Everyone raves about Banjo or Goldeneye, even Perfect Dark, but JFG is kind of the less popular Rare N64 game along with Blast Corps. Funnily enough, both Blast Corps and JFG are the Rare games I liked the most on the N64, personally.
I've never read anyone claim JFG is either the best game ever or a classic.

>> No.2392181

You have zero fingers?

>> No.2392393

>What is a multitap

>> No.2392395

A very poorly supported accessory.

>> No.2392398

Team Buddies was amazing though.

>> No.2392557
File: 28 KB, 226x540, jenner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pointless arguments to me. I guess I just gauge games on personal enjoyment and tend to try a minimum of 4 games before I find one I like
5th genner 6th genner...
>mfw you're all just Bruce Jenner to me.

>> No.2392619

>n64 multiplayer
>mario party

You pulling this from your ass. The ps1 had tekken, street fighter alpha 3 and a fuckton of fightans and beat'em ups. It also outsold the n64 worldwide. Op is right and only many years later due to some unknown reasos the n64 got labeled as "the best console of all time".
It was way inferior to the ps1 back in the day.

>> No.2392651

>muh sales
>muh fightan games

PSX was for two types of people: shut-in weebs and their jayarpeegee and poorfags who couldn't afford a proper PC to play most of the games on the thing in high resolution. N64 supported 4 player action on nearly every game so you could play the vidya with your friends and generally have a great time. But you probably didn't have any of those.

>> No.2392664

I dunno m8. I had both and I was able to find enough common ground that I enjoyed both systems.

>> No.2392668

>has no arguments

Nice shitpost. Im betting my left bollock you was born in the mid 90s and "met" the n64 and ps1 via emulation in 2010s after seeing some youtube e-celeb mentioning them.

And once again, the ps1 was vastly superior in the multiplayer options. Screen split in 4? Enjoy your squinting, lower framerate and other bs from n64 limitations. I still had much more fun with my friends playing tekken 3, drinking pepsi and laughing than you ever had with your emulator alone in your room.

>> No.2392704

ps1 was shit.
No "bro" games to play with

>> No.2392706

>the ps1 was vastly superior in the multiplayer options

Stop reading right there.

>> No.2392715

Something almost no one had.

PS1 sold because of the games. N64 sold because of the multiplayer modes. Big difference in the appeal. Mario 64 was basically the only major exception and OoT mostly sold to kids who already had the hardware and wasn't a system seller to the degree that like FF7 was.

>> No.2392725
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, bender.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people overhype OOT. I've played OOT and most of the final fantasies. Final fantasy 7,8, or 9 was always far superior.
>imager related to OOT

>> No.2392841

There were 296 titles on the N64. So, by your brilliant deduction, there was 0.06 of a game that was really good? Which was it? Also, you must have played and beaten every single game to have such knowledge, congrats.

>> No.2392850

Not our fault you had no friends growing up to play multiplayer games with, you fucking loser. Go be angry about your shit life somewhere else, reddit would probably be a great start.

>> No.2392854
File: 1008 KB, 240x320, gettingJiggy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each console had their hits for various reasons. If I had 2 people over then give me as ps1. If I had a party give me an N64. At the end of the day if I were playing by myself... give me the psx any day of the week. So many N64 games were absolute garbage outside of their multiplayer hits. I've played a metric *%&^ton on both systems. PSX gave me far more hours of entertainment.

>> No.2392910

If you keep using that term, you aren't different from him.

>> No.2392921
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I don't think I will ever understand the appeal to the Rare platformers on that console and I feel like I'm missing out on something special because of that.

>> No.2392927

>Kids who were less social, or just not into split-screen multi-player, were all on the PS1

You obviously know nothing about the PS1 then. Yeah the console had more single player focused games but you're insane if you think friends didn't come over to play Tekken or Twisted Metal all the time then too.

>> No.2392939

Twisted metal was the multiplayer shiz back in the day. I'm gonna download the rom and make my guests play that shit again next time I have people over.

>> No.2393000

Yes playing tekken with 4 people at the same time, insane.! long live multitap !!!!1

>> No.2393012
File: 541 KB, 984x720, 1418676506167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said nothing about multitap you fucking retard. Instead of trying to cram words into my mouth in an attempt to avoid the actual argument why don't you just admit you were never around to play any popular multiplayer games on the Playstation when they came out? You have to be delusional or born in like 96 to think only anti social people played one of the most popular consoles out at the time.

>> No.2393236

Haha I put many hours into multiplayer when I was younger. Of course you don't think I owned one because I would still like it like you do when the fact is I'm not a nostalgia blinded retarded. The only reason you think its good is cause you played it when you were a kid. Now take a fuckin seat kid _/

>> No.2393241

Piss off /vg/

>> No.2393246

They could have at least made the DD get more publicity, attention, and have it make use of VCDs

>> No.2393286

Absolutely, Blank Grey Cartridge was a fucking terrible game and anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn moron.

>> No.2393303

I do feel it is a bit overrated. There are only a few games I like that are on this system.

>> No.2393324

Nintendo used to be a respected and feared company in the video game market with the NES and SNES, and was the leader. The N64 (or rather the PS1) changed that forever. I say it's understandable to see how the N64 just can't compare to the NES or SNES, and is especially jarring to know that Nintendo is no longer the king player in the market. It's been over 20 years, but I still haven't accepted the Playstation as the dominant platform, though I do admit it has made Nintendo seemingly irrelevant nowadays.

>> No.2393326

I'm 30, and I fucking loved the PSX back in the day, along with all my friends.

It undeniably had the best RPGs, the best fighting games, the best racing games, and the best strategy games. Some of the Japanese imports, in particular, were pretty damn cutting-edge for their time.

What it lacked were party games, like Mario Kart, Goldeneye, and Smash Bros. But I never really cared, because I've always had little interest in such games. Why bother?

PSX also lacked FPS games, but that was irrelevant because that was the golden era of online PC FPS titles (Q2, HLDM, TFC, CS, etc).

>> No.2393329


>any capcom fighting port

stop baiting

>> No.2393348
File: 1.94 MB, 3980x2280, saturngrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best fighting games
Nigga pls

>> No.2393350

dont forget Dreamcast segafag

>> No.2393352

The N64 I find only succeeded world wide because it's Nintendo. The Saturn is far more deserving(the n64 sold like crap in Japan apparently). It's not terrible, but out of the main three...It's definitely the worse. The cartridges were the hinderence. Also, they tried too hard to push 3d in your face.

>> No.2393360

PSX had doom, dark forces, alien trilogy, duke nukem 3d, quake 2 (better than 64 version), disruptor and alien resurrection. It had enough FPS bro, I even prefer it to the 64 cause it had more of the old school doom style fps.

>> No.2393428

Get 4 people together with a couple of good games and tell me it's shit.

>> No.2393782
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>> No.2393790
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I think that's what a lot of modern gamers fail to understand. Gaming was a much more social back in the day than it is now.

>> No.2393824

>But I never really cared, because I never had friends to begin with. Why bother?

>> No.2393826

you forgot Descent

>> No.2393952

>the best racing games

Debatable. It had the best REALISTIC racing games by default since the N64 didn't have any and only had "arcade atyle" racers, but overall the N64 had MK64, FZX, Cruisin', etc. Great selection with some majorly strong standouts that made up in quality where it lacked in quantity in comparison to the PS1.

The "people only buy Nintendo because it's Nintendo" argument is bullshit. Nintendo is a joke of a company that no one takes seriously. The system sold because of Mario 64 and multiplayer, simple as that. That's why it didn't sell in japan, because japan doesn't like 3D platformers and doesn't give a flying fuck about multiplayer.

>> No.2394090

Mega Man (at least Mega Man 2) had passwords.

>> No.2394093

It didn't even use CD, but it's own weird version of a Zip drive.

>> No.2396329

>This much butthurt.

Don't get mad at me because you didn't have a real console.

>> No.2396340
File: 14 KB, 480x360, RBSbilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By participing on console wars you're basically admitting you were a poorfag kid with a single console.

Shameful single-system namefag peasant will never know the joy of being an idort as a kid.

>> No.2396351

I didn't have any consolse because I opted for a new bike every year, and spent my allowence on snacks and stuff for weekends at my best friend from k-5th grade's house playing his PS1, NES, SNES, DOS games (he used a program called "vallet"), and later on PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox, and his assorted handhelds. I had SNES, NES, Megadrive, C64, and a PC myself, as well, but spent more time playing outside.

>> No.2396352
File: 157 KB, 275x255, 1430794095217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truthfully, I think the PS1/Saturn/N64 era is the most overrated video game generation by far.

>> No.2396359




Probably, espcially since right now all the kids who grew up with those are 20-ish and the main demographic around here. Annoying as fuck.

>> No.2396528

Listen up kids, stop trying to pretend that you're more mature or simply more experienced by saying that N64 was a piece of shit. I've been playing videogames since when the first Atari pc games were released, and trust me, I can say that N64 was the best console anyone of my generation had ever seen until PS1 came out. I still remember that day when my dear friend invited me to his home to play Pro evolution soccer on the N64. You kids can't obviously understand the amazing feelings we had while playing for the first time, on our tv screens, the funniest 3d games evere created.

>> No.2396563

I wish I had more games, ocarina of time gets old...

>> No.2396602


You're not alone anon

I really don't get the love for those platformers, I got DK64/Banjo Kazooie/Conker's bad fur day all for like 12 bucks at a local gamestore thinking I just got the deal of a lifetime but I wound up hating all three of them

I thought fetch quest was just a meme but I just don't get the appeal. Keep in mind I loved Glover and SM64, its just those other titles I can't bring myself to enjoy.

>> No.2396606


>No one has responded to this webm with 'did she died?' yet

Huh. /vr/ really isn't like other boards.

>> No.2396871 [SPOILER] 
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>Anyone else thinks this is an overrated piece of shit?
No, that would be pic related.

>> No.2397013


>> No.2397027

Smells like a 90's kiddo who only sees c64 as a gaming machine.

>> No.2397032

I mean to say that Nintendo should have gone with VCDs for the DD.

>> No.2397103

I think all consoles are beautiful and should be loved.

Yes, even the R Zone. It's just that we show our love the R Zone by never speaking of it.

>> No.2397119

PS4,PS3, all Xboxes are overrated pieces of shit.

>> No.2397139

Yes, but you're never going to get a decent thread going with a topic like that

>> No.2397627

sure is /v/ in here

>> No.2397632

Yeah, I'll accept that. However that's only because the generation raised with it is also the one most familiar with the internet, so you hear more about it.
>piece of shit
Not at all, though I agree it could have been more.

>> No.2397652
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Pokemon Snap was the only good game for N64.

>> No.2397657

Xbox one, yeah, but not Xbox original.

>> No.2397659

This, the Duke may as well have been called the Dreamcast 2.

>> No.2397663
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>> No.2397673


>> No.2397681

>got sequels to many Dreamcast titles
>ran the best versions of the gen's multiplats
>similar controllers
>online play

It was only late into the Xbox's life that it started turning into the fratmachine.

>> No.2397705

The 64 had it's gems, but overall it didn't have such an impressive or fun library as the PSX.
Thank god I grew up with the PS1, or else I'd have missed a lot of great games.

>> No.2397727

Yeah, it's kind of a crappy console, save for its great multiplayer titles.

>> No.2397739
File: 38 KB, 500x500, CEnQR2WUIAEEuc5.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 gets hate because assholes who want to seem like they're super hardcore into retro games massively overrate games like Banjo Kazooie because muh chuildhood.

It's the same reason /mu/ hates dadrock.

The same thing is starting to happen with the SNES too.

Am I correct?

>> No.2397740

It has some gems, but the N64 always felt super clunky to me.

>> No.2397835


But games like Mischief Makers, Sin and Punishment or Mystical Ninja starring Goemon aren't multiplayer.

Well, S&P has a kind of multiplayer mode but it's not the kind of MP game you'd expect on the 64.


You missed a lot of great games anyway. Didn't have a Saturn either? Just a PS1?

>> No.2397850

I think most people actually feel that way. It's just that here (and in other pretendo fag heavy hellholes) the minority are VERY outspoken. They endlessly shitpost, samefag and rant like absolute loons, stating opinions as facts. And that can give the impression that something is more liked than it is.

I don't really dislike the N64, but it's more of a niche console. It had maybe 10 "must play" games, but the PSX has over 200, easily. There's just no comparison, honestly.

It's like people who liked the PS3 over the 360. They are entitled to their opinion, and they had decent points, but they also missed out on over 90% of the best games of the gen.

That's what being an N64 fan is, honestly.
You like a few really good games, so you readily overlook the sheer volume of awesome shit on other consoles in order to cling on to your desperate fantasy. And you obsessively play those 10 gems for the rest of your days, totally oblivious to what you missed out on.

>> No.2397854

that is the most correct thing I have ever heard

>> No.2397861


>but the PSX has over 200, easily.

Eh, PS1 probably has about 30 "must play" games, maybe more if you're a big JRPG fan (i'm not a big fan of JRPGs of that era, however, I prefer either older, or more recent RPGs).

I can probably count the same amount of "must play" games in all 3 main consoles of 5th gen.
You can tell me that you like lesser known PS1 games and I have my own favorites too, but when it comes down to it, the actual "must play" are only a few.

What you guys don't understand is that /vr/ also has older guys, a lot of us don't care about your own childhood console war expansion on the internet. When the 5th gen started, I was already earning my own money and owned all 3 consoles (and PC), I kind of know the catalogues of all 3 consoles very well.

N64 is overrated, but also underrated by Nintendo detractors.
PS1 is also highly overrated. Damn, the amount of shovelware I had to swim through in order to find a few decent games back in the day.... good thing my PS1 was chipped and I didn't spend too much money on most of them, anyway.

Probably the only console that wasn't overrated back then was the Saturn, because of how awful the marketing and handling of it outside of Japan was.

>> No.2397864
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>Complains about shitposting
>[The N64] had maybe 10 "must play" games

>> No.2397868

I was thinking the same thing just wasn't sure if I should say it.

>> No.2397869

>n64 kids consider mischief makers a must play

>> No.2397874


"n64 kids" are the ones that praise Banjo Kazooie.

and yes, Mischief Makers is a must play Treasure game.
I guess it must suck that the PS1 doesn't have any Treasure exclusive outside of Rakugaki Showtime which isn't even that good.

>> No.2397885

Mischief Makers is great though. And this is coming from someone who largely dislikes the N64 and hates N64 kids.

>> No.2398002

This is probably the stupidest shit I've ever read.

>> No.2398009

Can you please go hang out on /tv/ like all the other people who try to force new memes do?

>> No.2398010

on the playstation MM would be nothing special though

>> No.2398013


It would be a great Treasure game, something that the PS1 lacks.

>> No.2398024

PS1 didn't have a whole lot of 2.5d platformers.

>> No.2398036
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I think we have to remember that all console fanboys are annoying as well. N64 ones yes, but SNES ones too.

>> No.2398046

I really don't understand the hate for the rare platformers.

Is there some meme I missed or something?

>> No.2398050


Fanboys are annoying in all their forms and flavors. Personally I can't stand PS1 or Sony fanboys in general. Nintendo and Sega fanboys are annoying too, but the SNES vs Genesis wars are now kinda niche, since most of the people who actually were alive back then are now 30+ and don't have time to shitpost. Right now the console war shitposting focus are the kids born in the 90s who grew up with either the PS1 or the N64.
I would hate N64 fanboys if they spammed "PS1 sucks" threads, but it's the other way around, so I'm blaming Sony fanboys of being the worst right now.


I don't _hate_ Rare 3D platformers, but they never did it for me. I preferred their other N64 titles like Blast Corps or JFG, by far.

>> No.2398059

Just recently though on both /v/ and /vr/ there's been a lot of hate for them. And a lot of other weird shit happing too. Very odd.

Years ago no one really had much bad to say about the rare platformers. I mean maybe they didn't like them but that was about it.

Now it's nonstop people calling them collectathon garbage.

>> No.2398061

They're less about platforming and more about collecting and they're less technical than something such as Mario.

>> No.2398063

>people actually using "you had no friends" as an insult on 4chan
>bragging about your oldfag cred

I love this board mostly, but you guys are fucking cringeworthy. How about actually talking about the games? If the console was good it should be worthwhile to me, as a European, who never even heard of it as a kid. How about some discussion on what the must plays are, without your nostalgia, nobody cares.

>> No.2398064

Like this damn post...

What is collecting to you?

>they're less technical than something such as Mario.
Everything is less technical then Mario 64. That game prioritized movement more than jumps. It's why many people still call it their favorite Mario.

>> No.2398072

I swear to god if another thread like this appears i am going to spam this board to death with actual discussion, contributing to the board and hell i might spam screenshots of the games i have played 24/7 if i see some bait like this. I fucking swear to god i am going to do it.

>> No.2398075

It's summer man. And our Janitor got hit by a bus apparently.

>> No.2398079

I dunno, Mario 64 in particular seemed like there was objectives, things I had to defeat, sequences I had to complete, stuff like that.
Banjo Kazooie felt like the only goal was to get everything. Yeah, in Mario you defeated bosses to get stars and in Banjo you defeats bosses for Jiggies but it felt more... substantial? in Mario.

Maybe it's just how I look at them, but Mario felt like a game with more depth than Banjo although it's hard for me to really explain why when I think about it.

Also, I really really enjoyed Banjo Kazooie and don't have a problem with Rare platformers

>> No.2398081

No I mean NES, the greatest Nintendo system ever.

NES > SNES >>>>> N64 > GCN >>>>> Wii > Wii U

>> No.2398095

what's the point of your tiers if you will just list the chronological order

>> No.2398096

I love the rare platformers and it never made sense to me to really call them collectathons.

That's generally what you do in a platformer. Pick stuff up and kill bosses.

I don't hear people calling Kirby a collectathon because you need shards for 100%.
Your list is pretty fucked man. Wii U has some of the best Nintendo games made.
For example the best Mario Kart or at least second behind N64.
The console is a huge improvement over the trash heap that was the Wii.

>> No.2398101

chronological order just happens to be the proper tier list and I am not even that guy. If you played all of them starting at NES you would see that of course if you are a true 90s gamer born in 1993 you're going to think the gamecube was the best.

>> No.2398109

It just seems more collecting oriented than platforming. In Mario you could do some really neat stuff with practice and skill, I never really encountered much of that with Banjo Kazooie. I think the most challenging platforming section of the game was not falling off/getting hit by a fan in Rusty Bucket Bay.

>> No.2398110

No, it's not overrated. The games are always what received praise, not the system architecture, appearance, or way it performs. If there were no good games it would have been a total waste and nobody would have put up with it but then again that could be said for any system. It could have been another Virtual Boy even the library had been any less compelling than it turned out to be.

To this day, I 'm still surprised they managed to program fully functioning games on this. I personally think the PS1 runs laps around it and I grew up with Nintendo btw, so there's no bias.

>> No.2398116

I don't really consider them that challenging. More challenging than any 2nd/3rd party game that came in past generations.

I just think they're fun.
Not him.
I was born in 1990. First console was SNES and I had PS1 and N64 at launch.
I think your list is pretty stupid and looks like a troll post out of /v/.
>a true 90s game
What does that mean?

>> No.2398126

All I meant by that was Mario had more actual platforming in it than Rare games as far as I remember.

>> No.2398134


>> No.2398135

>Mario Kart
That rubberband racing series was always shit.

F-Zero is where it's at.

>> No.2398136

Some kid born in the 2000s making a meme?

>> No.2398138

>I was born in 1990. First console was SNES and I had PS1 and N64 at launch.
well that explains your shit taste then. You were raised playing gay moviegames on the PS1 and didn't even get to play Sega games.

NES was where all the hardcore videogames were at and had Nintendo's best third party support of any other system.

>> No.2398139

Had about 12 great games, the rest bad to awful. Small library too so it really does suck. I owned one xmas the year it came to the uk, so I'm in a position to slate it.

>> No.2398142

>gay moviegames
Nice meme.

>> No.2398145

im calling bullshit on having a ps1 at launch.

How is that a troll post though the best NES games like megaman, ninja gaiden, castlevania the 8 bit versions were all the best in the series and it had the most to offer, the SNES came close but the games were a bit on the easy side and only someone obsessed with jRPGs would say its the best, the 64 was cool and original and did its own thing and had some neat games, then came the gamecube which was alright but muh pikmin muh smash aren't better than the best n64 games nowhere even close. Wii is useful as a homebrew machine and then wii u is just poop cause not too much on it yet.

>> No.2398147

>buttdevastated Sonygger when confronting someone who doesn't buy into cheap cgi shit like ff7 and mgs
Not everyone wants your cinematic experiences, faggot.

>> No.2398148

>Some kid born in the 2000s making a meme?
I know he looks young but I'm pretty sure Skylark is at least 20

>> No.2398157

>no Tales of Symphonia
>no Warioware
>no Paper Mario
>no Chibi-Robo

>> No.2398161

So he was born in like 95/96?
>im calling bullshit on having a ps1 at launch.

>the SNES came close but the games were a bit on the easy side and only someone obsessed with jRPGs would say its the best

The multplayer games were a lot better. Like Zombies ate my Neighbors.

I like both though. I;d consider them equal.

>then came the gamecube which was alright but muh pikmin muh smash aren't better than the best n64 games nowhere even close
I agree. I didn't play the whole life of GC though. I missed out playing Zelda TP.
WW was really good but WWHD is better.
Luigi's Mansion and Mario Sunshine were good.
Super Monkey ball was one of the better multplayer games I've played.

>Wii is useful as a homebrew machine and then wii u is just poop cause not too much on it yet.
I can't get past the wii waggle controls. And the controller isn't to my liking.

Wii U though is pretty damn great right now.
Got MK8 and WWHD which I'd consider some of the best.
Lots of promise with the games coming out also.

>> No.2398179

5 years old and can barely read what launch game did your parents buy yom, battle arena toshinden? ps1 did't have any launch games appealing to a 5 year old I thought

>> No.2398187

I remember Ridge Racer because at the time I had a really small TV and got a much larger one with the N64.

>> No.2398192

I agree that it is really overrated. It had very few good games, PS1 was the better choice imo.

>> No.2398196


If you were an idort, Saturn+N64 was much better choice. That's what I played the most anyway. PS1 was the 3rd console I only used to play anime games and it wasn't until 1998 or so that MGS came out when I started giving it more attention.

>> No.2398227

>You missed a lot of great games anyway
Most of what is worth on 64's library I emulated when I was like 10 (I'm 20 now before underage b8)
In an alternate scenario that I grew up with the 64 and had to emulate psx instead, I would have missed much more, as there would be way too much stuff to catch up, and PSX isos are much bigger and less accessible (at the time) then 64 roms.
So I'd have missed much more.

And no, didn't have a Saturn, now THAT'S quite a few great misses.

>> No.2398236


You emulated Mischief Makers, Goemon's Great Adventure or Project Wonder J2?

I'm not an expert regarding emulation because I always owned all the consoles, but I hear N64 emulation has a lot of issues, and actually PS1 emulation is a bit more stable.

>> No.2398250

my cousins had mischief makers when they got their n64 and we all thought it sucked. There is a reason its one of the cheapest n64 games

>> No.2398263


>I hear N64 emulation has a lot of issues

Y'know I've heard that too but I've never once had a problem with N64 emulation, I have no idea what all these issues are

>> No.2398265
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That means a lot because we all have such high regard for you and your cousins.

>> No.2398270

This is a gaming board, if it is posted here, we are likely viewing its library of games

>> No.2398272

I'm just saying this isn't some hidden gem people are just discovering now. People knew it was crap then sold it for cheap and it's still selling for cheap cause it's still crappy.

>> No.2398273

>PS1 emulation is a bit more stable.
It is now, but I'm not sure how stable it was back in the days.
They were also less accessable because of the huge filesizes, so there's that too.

I do remember playing Goemon, but they are faint memories. Never played the other two though, so I'll give them a try when I have the time, thanks.
I still think the PSX has a lot more obscure (and not obscure) gems though. I can't imagine myself growing up without things like Sotn, RE3, KOF, and that cool Spiderman game, to name a few of the top of my head.

The PSX also had superior versions of some games, when I first played 64 Megaman Legends and Tony Hawk it just felt incredibly off, even as a kid.

>> No.2398291

How to demonstrate an utter lack of understanding and destroy your credibility in one sentence

>> No.2398310

N64 had the best wrestling games ever. So no.

>> No.2398316

The few games the n64 has going for it are the best of the generation imo, Majoras Mask, Banjo Tooie and Kazooie, Conker, Perfect Dark, Mario 64. These alone make me favor it. Also I can upscale n64 games in an emu and they look decent. PSX graphics upscaled introduce jitter, and doesn't do much to fix the gfx. Psx looks like shit.

>> No.2398367

I agree OP. Also, anyone saying "GO BACK TO /v/, YOU ARE CANCER OP, MY ASS HURTS ect." Is the actual shitposters.

Just discuss the topic at hand or don't post. Fuck it isn't that hard.

>> No.2398396

>Y'know I've heard that too but I've never once had a problem with N64 emulation, I have no idea what all these issues are
You must have only played all the major Nintendo games, that's really disingenuous of you to say that you've never experienced a problem

What you just described is like being a murderer's best friend.
>You must have done something to bother him because Ed Gein never gets mad at me

>> No.2398402

3d platformers aren't even that good so no.

>> No.2398407
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N64 is maybe my favorite console. I wish it had more variety, but I can't comlain.

rate my collection

>> No.2398415
File: 263 KB, 640x480, 4873587491_8926c921e8_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish Nintendo had done more colored cartridges. All the grey really looks awful, especially compared to collections of Famicom games.

>> No.2398416


As an owner of one bought around the time of release, I can say that yes it sort of was. It does have some really amazing foundational games on it though.

>> No.2398417

liking that crap above megaman 1-6, castlevania 1 and 3, Super mario 1,2,3, Contra, Super C, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest 1,2,3,4, Zelda 1,2, Blaster Master, Kirby's Adventure, Bionic Commando, River City Ransom, Adventure island is just bad taste. You scraped the bottom of the barrel with some of those games like space station silicon valley and I just listed off the most well known best NES games and there are still tons more out there than games you have period. Thats why n64 kids are shit, they seem to think their good games are better than good games on other consoles.

>> No.2398432

OK I bet you and your cousins had a great time with FIFA

My point is that games like MM or GGA are known to having a lot of issues with emulators.

>> No.2398436


Legends has a lot of issues on the PS1, I don't like how unstable the textures are... which is a common issue with PS games.
I actually prefer Megaman Legends on either N64 or PC rather than PS.

I never liked tony Hawk so I don't know how they compare.

>> No.2398438


PS1 kids are even worse, they prefer crappy JRPGs like Legend of Lagoon or shitty western games like Syphoon Filter over all the great titles you mentioned.

>> No.2398461

Space Station Silicon Valley is not bottom of the barrel by any means.

>Thats why n64 kids are shit, they seem to think their good games are better than good games on other consoles.

Has to be bait.

>> No.2398473

Get 4 people together with a couple of good games on either the PSX or the N64 and you've got a good time. Hell, get 8 people and both of them.

>> No.2398565

Retro rule #1: Any console with a lot of JRPGs on it will be overrated since JRPG obsessed weirdos seem to infest retro boards

Retro rule #2: Any console with a lot of childrens games on it will be overrated since people with a lot of nostalgia seem to infest retro boards, for obvious reasons

Mix the two groups together, and you get a lot of shitposting.

>> No.2398620

It already happened with the SNES like 10 years ago when emulation came to a head. The difference here is that the SNES won that generation by a landslide due to its massive library of awesome shit compared to every other console. The Earthbound community is already on its third generation of fans since the emulation revival.

So no, you're only half right. You have the reaction to nostalgia casuals, but you also have a system that just wasn't that great overall.

>> No.2398632
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>The difference here is that the SNES won that generation by a landslide due to its massive library of awesome shit compared to every other console

>> No.2398635

Born in 1982 here. I got to experience every major Nintendo console and I think the N64 has the overall "worst" library simply because it lacked variety when compared to the PS1. Just my opinion though. The GameCube is actually my favorite Ninty console.

>> No.2398676

Not enough shmups or fighters. Imagine mvc2 on n64.

>> No.2398684

I've wondered about this. Why didn't the N64 have any 2D sprite based fighting games? Was the hardware just not capable of handling them?

>> No.2398714

Because, like today, none of the companies want to support Nintendo

>> No.2398717

>Was the hardware just not capable of handling them?
Well it's more of the storage space not being worth the expense. N64 probably had more raw power for 2D than Saturn or PSX, but Saturn's 2D was good enough to do pretty much everything so there was no point.

>> No.2398723

You mean storage space as in cartridge space or system RAM? It's a real shame because an N64 version of any of the popular Capcom fighters from that era with lightning quick load times would have been fantastic.

>> No.2398726

no, but its hard to go back too and play.

I was entering 5th grade when this came out and it was my everything in middle school.

after college i tried getting back into it because gamestop was emptying their n64 trash and I got some AAA games for $10 a pop back in 09. Hard... so hard, idk what it is. Its not the controller, its something abou the graphics and game play. Its like that transition from 2D to 3D made for some bare bones kind of playing.

its like going from the quality on the genesis/snes and looking at sega Cd, 3DO, or the jaguar.

Playstation went thru that phase. Think FFVII and then look at FFVIII.

Im not implying the n64 has shitty games, just period specific games that just dont hold up anymore.

>> No.2398735

>back in 09.
Where the hell do you live? The GameStops in my area had long since stopped selling any fifth gen stuff by 2009.

>> No.2398742

>N64 was the best console until the PS1 came out
>N64 came out after the PS1

I see what you did there you sly ass mofo

>> No.2398746

Cartridge space. You need a lot of it to hold animation frames for all of the characters in the fighting game. Marvel vs Capcom is about 47MB, around the same size as Pokémon Stadium 2, one of the later carts. So it's certainly possible on N64, but it would just need to be on a damn expensive cartridge. Combined with Nintendo's high licensing fees and the controller not really being suitable to fighting games, and you don't have much of a justification for releasing 2D fighters.

The N64 had about the same amount of RAM as the Saturn though.

>> No.2398781

No, this is video games RETRO. We've already seen that gif

Nigger, gtfo.

What's your stance on the 360?

This. The only reason I even got the original xbox is because it was softmodable out of the box and could play emulators without obnoxious disc swaps and VMUs and all that.

>> No.2398838

Because at the time 2d games were out of vogue. Anyone around in the 5th gen probably remembers how big of a thing 3d gaming was then, nobody talked about 2d games anymore, at least in the US. It's part of the reason the N64 and PS1 did so much better than the Saturn here.

>> No.2398840

>>N64 came out after the PS1
Maybe in Obesity Land, but not in Italy

>> No.2398845

The last release of the PS1 was before the first release of the N64, but nice try. I, unlike you, did my research before puting my foot in my mouth.

>> No.2398846

>Maybe in Obesity Land, but not in Italy
Surprised 3rd world got it at all.

>> No.2398851

Who cares about Italy in gaming, really?

It's all about Obesity Land and Sushy Land, those are the territories that count, the ones where gaming history is written.

So you can keep your pizza, lil buddy Mario.

>> No.2398902

I can name the games I actually really like on n64 on one hand.

>Gauntlet Legends
>Ogre Battle 64
>Blast Corps
>Mario Party

Everything else is incredibly meh. The only reason I give a shit about the N64 gauntlet is because it does something the others don't let you do, which is choose when to use your items.

There really isn't anything else super fun on the system. The games that are commonly hailed as amazing like SM64, DK64, Banjo-Kazooie are collectathons and generally more tedious and boring then fun. Perfect Dark and Golden Eye have aged horribly, and most of the other 3D platformers and action games on the system are pretty awful to control, due to easily one of the worst, least intuitive controller designs I've ever seen.

>> No.2398918


>not mischief makers

Don't like either of the N64 Zelda games?

>> No.2398925

I can honestly see where he's coming from not listing the Zelda titles. OoT plays like a bad LTTP port in some ways, and feels like it's absolute purpose was to show off the 3D.

>> No.2398929


Mario Party is one of your favorite N64 games?

I think one of the reasons a lot of people kind of resent the 64 is because most of you had only a handful of games for it, and you decide whether or not the catalogue is good or bad from your own tiny experience.

I won't believe anyone who says they can count the good N64 games with one hand, then go on to list Mario party, but ignore completely stuff like Goemon or Sin and Punishment. Come on.

>> No.2398932

>America is still obesity land


>> No.2398935


Is there a difference between USA and Mexico?

>> No.2398941

Yes, you dolt. Both Politically, and culturally.

>> No.2398945


Really? Last time I visited USA it was like Mexico with a few anglos here and there. The anglos were the fat ones btw.

>> No.2398950
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>not liking Melee

>> No.2398956

That's because you visited either one of many parts of Southern California, Texas Border towns, or New Mexico.

>> No.2398961

>The difference here is that the SNES won that generation by a landslide due to its massive library of awesome shit compared to every other console


>> No.2398983

I never really cared for Zelda, and I feel like OoT was the beginning of teh decline. Way too much focus on story as opposed exploration and dungeon crawling, which is what the series was about. It was too scripted. Go here with X item so you can get into Y area and then do it all over again.

I liked it decently enough gameplay wise, but its pretty jarring. I respect MM more for trying to do some things fundamentally different

>mischief makers
Not fun and controls like shit.

Yeah I like mario party. Its good honest fun. Most of the games are thoroughly enjoyable, and its not super complex or inflated with unfun mini games like the later iterations. Theres honestly not that many good games on N64. I guess Tony Hawks was a bit better on N64 then PS1, but thats kind of moot.

>> No.2398986

Looks like someone is leaving nintendo for Sony.

>> No.2398990
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>Not fun and controls like shit.

How.... what...

>> No.2398991

>I never really cared for Zelda, and I feel like OoT was the beginning of teh decline.
Oh we got a retard that hates WW... Let me guess the graphics?

>> No.2398995

I have every playstation and nintendo console.. its not like I'm some hater. I think over all there have bene great games on every console, its just that N64 doesn't have nearly as many great games (mostly due to a small library, and again I believe controller limitations)

>someone doesn't like my favorite game!!!

>> No.2399003

This thread proves that gen5fags are the BR's of retro gaming.


>> No.2399009

>BR's of retro gaming.
Browns are all about SEGA. The modern ones play any f2p game and make it their mission to connect to an American server at all costs.

>> No.2399025

So actual BR's have better taste in games than the retarded kids in this thread? Wow.

>> No.2399031 [DELETED] 

F2p shit is hardly good taste sugar cane farmer.

>> No.2399036

Rather be playing f2p shit than be stupid enough to get suckered in by Sony's cinematic experiences or Nintendo's kiddy bullshit.

>> No.2399043

Haven't read much of this thread, more of the same. I guess I'm not so invested in video games anymore to care or get angry about opinions.

I grew up with the PS1 and everyone had a N64, could never understand why people loved it so much other than having grown up with it. There were a few alright games I guess, but it was never my thing no matter how much I tried to get into it. PS1 is way better, I know it's due mostly to nostalgia, but I was a poorfag so I didn't discover many games on the system until later and I'm not really a fan of the 5th gen anyway.

>> No.2399046

I think it's appropriately rated considering the overwhelming number of people who say it's overrated.

Honestly it's a fine console. It was probably the last console that actually offered something different than the competitor (lack of load times, texture filtering, etc) aside from the wii (but it didn't offer much to the games themselves, just a waggle stick that was improperly and under utilized).

Anyway. It's a fine console with a decent amount of good games and a bunch of shitty games. Probably has the worst lineup of first party Nintendo games though. Mario 64 gets pretty clusterfucky in the later levels, and Yoshis Story is a joke... Introduced Mario Sports titles, and Mario kart 64 isn't really much more fun than the SNES version (though it added a bunch of features that were much improved in later titles).

Still, it has Perfect Dark, the Zeldas, Goldeneye (for multiplayer), and Doom64... Conkers... Turok 2... Decent amount of good games.

>> No.2399053
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>Sony's cinematic experiences or Nintendo's kiddy
I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.2399054

Certainly had better fighting game options, Sucked shit for FPS though (other than Quake 2, and a scant few others). But at the time why would you FPS on a console at all? PC had Q2, Unreal, Doom, and somewhere around a million other better options.

Only thing PS1 missed out on was party games and brawl.

>> No.2399056


Not at all a fine console (and I still own one) the textures were ludicrously rudimentary owing to Nintendo's bizarre loyalty to the cartridge format, not to mention the production costs and commensurate game prices, but it did have some really great, important games on it. And lots and lots of shovelware. The ratio of good to bad is far too low.

>> No.2399065

>anything I don't agree with is /v/
>lalalala can't hear you Miyamoto's and Kutaragi's dicks are shoved too deep in my earholes

>> No.2399073

6/10 best I can do kid. Maybe try some dank memes.

>> No.2399075

That is a pretty /v/ opinion though. It's applying a modern day perspective to the past. If you grew up with the PS1 and N64, you didn't think in those terms.

>> No.2399078

Oh yeah? Well I own 2! Found one in a parking lot, so apparently someone agrees with you. (found a PS2 there too).

Different strokes for different folks. PS1's discs allowed for more information, better music, sounds textures (aside from them being unfiltered, which looks nicer for low res textures in my opinion anyway). N64 had some better rendering techniques and blah blah blah. PS1 is better in my opinion, but there was nothing wrong with owning and n64 at the time if you could afford it. I wouldn't have complained as a kid. Only had a ps1, but played n64 at my friends house all the time.

>> No.2399093

>you didn't think in those terms.
Right, because you were too young to know any better and bought into that filth.

Gen5 was a fucking abomination with clunky 3D games that nobody could enjoy playing now, and they hid this fact with "beautiful" CGI cutscenes, while Nintendo was pushing their casual garbage with bad camera systems that you only like because they had Mario in them.

>> No.2399097
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>that nobody could enjoy playing now
Pretty sexy bait man, I almost took a bite.

>> No.2399103

Hey man the board for hating video games is over here >>>/v/

>> No.2399123 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 463x293, smuganimugurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-stop not liking what I like, y-you /v/irgin! this is a hugbox general for my shit taste in games!

>> No.2399138

Good job failing at renaming reaction images. Should had left it Rustled.jpg fucking kid.

Let me guess 6th genner? First consoles a PS2?

>> No.2399179

>smoother and nicer than any other console
>15fps barely, composhit-only

>> No.2399186

>raging at filenames
sup gen7'er

>> No.2399189

S video stock
Also rgb mods.

nice memetext.

>> No.2399194
File: 352 KB, 1600x1200, k7ZhdnG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game.com general.

>> No.2399196

Duke Nukem was fucking stupid on this thing and they never should've tried.

Lights out was fun though...

>> No.2399223

Yes. Some people even pretend that it was better than the PS1 for the 5-6 good games it had.

>> No.2399234

Lots of "my personal taste in games = universal truth" here.

Saying the N64 had next to no RPGs or survival horror games is a fact, along with saying the PS1 had next to no 4 player games. Whether you like any of those genres is for you to decide for yourself.

>> No.2399326

that doesn't even make any sense, since a VCD is just a CD ROM with only video data and wouldn't hold any game data

>> No.2399337

wait, gauntlet legends was on the n64?

>> No.2399415
File: 77 KB, 500x329, mm2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>someone doesn't like my favorite game!!!

Hah, not but really, Mischief Maker's strong point is its controls. I can (sort of) understand if you didn't have fun with it though, I guess that's more subjective, But the controls on MM are objectively amazing, I think. So much control over the character and everything you can grab and shake

>> No.2399419


No, N64 only has Mario, Zelda and Rare colelcthatons... at least according to the ignorant retards itt.

>> No.2399629

lol no it's just the ones that aren't those aren't any good either.

>> No.2399636


That's like saying any PS1 game that isn't a Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid aren't any good.

and that might as well be true

>> No.2399648

it is true the 5th gen was pretty poopy. Im happy with my kings field though its a fun enough game. Nintendo fans over rate everything though according to famitsu World of Illusion was like 4 points above super metroid "one of the greatest games of all time" this stuff is all just subjective and nintendo fans (especially the 64 kids) are especially biased. My subjective as hell opinion

If the 64 is your favorite console you are honestly a faggot, if you think OoT is better than all NES, SNES, Genesis or TG16 games you're a shitty little kid with a shitty taste in games

>> No.2399656

>If the 64 is your favorite console you are honestly a faggot, if you think OoT is better than all NES, SNES, Genesis or TG16 games you're a shitty little kid with a shitty taste in games

2000s kid opinions

>> No.2399667


I don't have a favorite console from the 5th gen, only favorite games.
And most of them are on N64 and Saturn.

>> No.2399678

>>I never really cared for Zelda, and I feel like OoT was the beginning of teh decline.
It was literally like the 4th Zelda, just how?

>> No.2399682

>2000s kids prefer 8 and 16 bit games as opposed to the PS2 shit they grew up with.

Nice try kid you're just mad you were born in 1998. Pretty sure they would love the 64 though it's one step back from the PS2

>> No.2399685

>2000s kids prefer 8 and 16 bit games as opposed to the PS2 shit they grew up with.

Have you seen indieshit?

>Nice try kid you're just mad you were born in 1998. Pretty sure they would love the 64 though it's one step back from the PS2
Mad meme and memetext along with calling me a kid. Yep you're probably 15 years old.

>> No.2399753

kid's aren't playing indieshit apart from minecraft which is closest to nintendo 64 games if anything. That 2d crap is meant to play on our nostalgia. You only get the odd kid that pretends to be into retro shit like this little shitstain.


>> No.2399756

>kid's aren't playing indieshit apart from minecraft which is closest to nintendo 64 games if anything.
Ya blocks are totally N64 graphics. Fuck off kid. You're a fucking idiot.

Shit like Shovel Knight is played mostly by young kids,

>> No.2399759

no the bright colors and shitty textures are n64 graphics you dolt.

>> No.2399765

Oh man you're so right. Minecraft just brings back blocky memories of N64. Man such a retro feel...

>> No.2399778

Doesn't running around open environment 3d worlds just feel so le retro. Like man I just get nostalgia for polygons and texture mapping. Banjo Kazooie just feels retro doesn't it bro?

>> No.2399803

kids calling kids kids calling kids kids

>> No.2399918


Yeah, /vr/ has been infected by 5th genners. Fuck this shit.

All 3 main 5th gen consoles have great games.
If anything, PS1 is the most overrated because of "muh big catalogue" which is vastly comrised of shovelware and JRPGs that were never good.

>> No.2399927

Then again, this thread is mostly shitposting and false-flagging up the ass anyway. Where are the mods?

>> No.2399931

>f-fucking x-y-z genners, r-right?
epic meme brah

>> No.2399936


But in this case it's true. /vr/ has been taken over by people who grew up playing either PS1 or N64 as their first console and it fucking shows.

>> No.2399938

What are you talking about?

>> No.2399950


Some full grown man is mad because time is moving.

>> No.2399951

he's delusional in his thought process (shitposters on /vr/? MUST BE 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/8th GENNERS)

>> No.2399959

It's not like were talking about non retro stuff either.

>> No.2399963


You see the constant Sony vs Nintendo shitposting on /vr/? It used to be Sega vs Nintendo before your kind arrived here.


Thanks for proving my point, although I'm not mad time is moving. it's natural, you know. What's not natural is to shitpost to make up for your childhood's lack of idort status, that's shameful.

>> No.2399965

>You see the constant Sony vs Nintendo shitposting on /vr/? It used to be Sega vs Nintendo before your kind arrived here.
I've been on /vr/ since day 1 and the only shitposting that's new is that retron shit.And that doesn't play any 5th gen games.

>> No.2399968

gas the 5th genners
console wars now

>> No.2399971

is your father electronics?

>> No.2399976


Console war is shitposting, and in a way it also means a lot of people were poor as kids and only had 1 system, which is shameful.


gas the fanboys, any gen.

>> No.2400001

Don't understand.

>> No.2400009

okay you haven't been here that long.

>> No.2400027

Well there's like 15 posts in the archive with that and most have zero replies.

Your shitty failed meme I'm guessing?

>> No.2400030

ladies and gentlemen, i present Nintendo's shark jumper

>> No.2400037
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1414, Rokujuuyon-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're a meanie.

I dunno, I like the N64 myself, not my favorite console but it has a lot of great games that are personal faves of mine.

I don't think it's actually overrated though, some games may be overrated, but the console itself has a lot of underrated games, so it can't be overrated as a whole.

>> No.2400040

oh darn, my opinons aren't your opinions

>> No.2400043

no it's something this guy said


the guy who sold his spch1001 model ps1 for 10k
the guy who made his n64 play SNES games at higher framerates

some pretty funny shit

>> No.2400050

I don't pay attention to trips. Sorry.

>> No.2400051

your opinion is texture mapped polygons are retro. N64 so nostalgic and old school bro.

>> No.2400054

didn't have to everything he said was posted in about every thread for a month around here.

>> No.2400057

So shitposting that I ignored. Man...
Like those damn doom threads.

>> No.2400083

Some of those weren't even that great though,.

>> No.2400086

better than the best the n64 had to offer

>> No.2400093

Golden eye will always have its contribution to fpses. And it's probably still the best multiplayer fps made on console.

>> No.2400106

Not really. Some of them have novelty value at best, but aside from they are just as much buggy and primitive messes as the 5th gen games you shit on. SMS was kinda better anyways,

>> No.2401484

mario 64 is novelty value bud

>> No.2401502

Novelty? It's the golden standard for 3d platformers. The physics are better and the game is more responsive than any other 3D mario game, with good level design to boot.

>> No.2401508

I'm not arguing that, but so is the first Mario game (at least nowadays). I could still recognize how influential both games were though.

>> No.2401510

Incorrect, that would be Perfect Dark.

>> No.2401517

Yes, but it would still be a nothing little niche game on the PS1.

It may be a good treasure game, but that doesn't make it an actual must play by any means. Sorry.

>> No.2401521

That's not actually true though.
Plenty of PSX owners I know also own and play older games and even have N64s. They just prefer PSX games. And the fact that you apparently cant handle that is awesome BTW.
I'm enjoying it very much

>> No.2401526

The fact remains that the PSX just has more must play games. And the N64 had just as much shovelware and rushed ports, honestly.

And, as I said in my first post, N64 fans really are nostalgiafags who obsess over a handful of AAA games endlessly, TOTALLY oblivious to the world around them. MORE than happy to tell everyone why their taste is "superior".

PSX fans are dicks at worst. We point out things that people don't want to acknowledge and argue with man-children

Also, JRPGs get a bad rep these days. They're some of the most innovative games on all platforms they've appeared on (until recently, anyway) and without them, some non RPGs would never have been made, because the ideas that spawned them had to come from somewhere.
So counting out an entire genre and set of subgenres because YOU don't like them is silly. I don't like Mario 64 of similar colectathons, but I still count them on the N64 "must play" list. Because it's stupid not to. The fans LOVE the fucking thing, and it's widely hailed as one of the greatest games ever. And I can see quality in games that I happen not to enjoy playing (being that I'm not autistic.) So eat a dick on that one, bud
Oh, and age doesn't work as an argument. I started gaming in the mid 80's too. I was just younger than you. I probably played all the same games you did back then, so stuff it grandpa.

I will admit to being biased to the PSX in general, but there's a fucking reason for that. I owned both consoles back in the day, and I genuinely enjoyed the PSX more.

It had more genres, more sub-genres, more games in general and more FUN.

And no, I don't count shovelware in my "200 must play games" claim (though it's admittedly a bit high of a number). To me, shovelware are sequels made with the same engine and cheapy shit games made with no money. And most of THOSE came out either very early or very late in the PS1s life cycle.

And honestly, I count Tekken 1 as shovelware. So don't even try to argue with me on this.

>> No.2401613
File: 394 KB, 640x480, Akira_Congrats_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what you're saying is Saturn fans are the master race? I agree.

>> No.2401680

Mods are dead. Janitards are too busy banning people who reported the "wut GBA wafiu iz d best" thread started by the janitard

>let me prove your point with le epic maymay

>let me help prove that point

>> No.2401698

>The fact remains
Ok tell me some facts
>, honestly
ok so it was just opinions

>And, as I said in my first post, N64 fans really are nostalgiafags
Cool opinion an generalization m8

>We point out things that people don't want to acknowledge and argue with man-children
Ah yes, because your opinions are facts and people who dont think the way you do are man-children.
Thank you for sharing your rocksolid facts with us, I'm convinced now.

>> No.2401721

you sound like an angry manchild

>> No.2401737

Honestly, I never seen a single Saturn fanboy in any of these shit-flinging 5th gen nostalgia threads. Probably too busy discovering new gems to care about dick-measuring.

>> No.2401748

Not really a retort

>> No.2401776

lol @ the fagglies getting upset in their shitty b8 thread
it's like watching dogs roll around in their own feces

>> No.2401816

Too busy trying to 1cc all these shmups actually

>> No.2401832


That's because Saturn was not a common console in the mid 90s households in the west. I had a Saturn (and also N64 and PS) but I didn't know anyone else who did, everyone had either N64 and PS.

The people that browse 4chan now, who are mostly 20-something guys, are people who grew up with either the PS or the N64, and need to shit on each other, you know, because that's how people behave in the internet.

Being an idort is actually kind of boring, because you read all that nonsense console war stuff and wonder... why? all consoles have something to offer. Why shit on the competition? Are you hired by Sony or Nintendo? No, they're merely brand loyalists defending their childhood memories. it's kind of sad actually.

>> No.2401958

>that projection
look, I can shitpost too!

>> No.2402556

Maybe that's why it's been ported to every handheld since.

>> No.2402595

>ok so it was just opinions

So if you are being honest it's automatically opinion, not fact? Honestly, gasoline will catch fire if exposed to a flame.

>> No.2404193


I've always had pretty personal reasons for hating the N64. My brother sold the PS1 to buy it. I lost MGS1, Tekken 2/3, Tench 1/2, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, FF7, Wipeout, Soul Edge, Resident Evil 1/2, Parappa, Twisted Metal, Dark Stalkers, Spider-man, Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot, Ape Escape and Soul Reaver.

N64 had fuck all in comparison. Only games I still remember are Mario 64, Fighter's Destiny and Golden Eye.

>> No.2404213

I think all consoles are overrated by some and underrated by others.

>> No.2404224


I'm pretty sure you have Tony Hawk 2, Reisdent Evil 2, Spider-Man on N64 as well. Not like I think any of these games are actually that good or essentials, except for Resident Evil 2. And before you say RE2 on N64 is bad, no, it's actually better than the PS1 version. (Although Dreamcast or Gamecube versions are probably the best overall).

As for Wipeout, you've got Wipeout 64, but it doesn't matter because N64 has F-Zero X anyway.

>Only games I still remember are Mario 64, Fighter's Destiny and Golden Eye.

Too bad, it seems you didn't look hard enough to find more games.

Still sucks that you couldn't get both PS1 and N64 though. But your personal reasons to hate the N64 are pretty dumb, let me tell ya.

>> No.2404235

Amen. Good games are good games. If you look for them you will find them.

>> No.2404239
File: 83 KB, 500x439, lilithshowtime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, and Darkstalkers (or any Capcom fighting port) on PS1 isn't that good. If you want to play 2D fighting games, you should have gone for the Sega Saturn.
Although the very first Darkstalkers was only on PS1, Saturn got the superior Vampire Hunter (exclusive to Saturn) and the best home port of Vampire Savior.

>> No.2406186
File: 73 KB, 260x196, Luigi_intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're an overrated piece of shit

>> No.2406309

Overrated yes.

Still I'll never forget the first time I saw Mario 64. I was fucking blown away.

>> No.2406315

All fighting games look the same to me and I think they're all kinda boring. except for smash.

>> No.2407120

This video gave me motion sickness:


>> No.2407127

>This video gave me motion sickness:


>> No.2407139

got the N64 the Christmas of it's release while broke fags buying it 5 years later lulz

Star wars: shadows of the empire, pilot wings, mario 64

Fuck on initial release people were amazed at the console. If you're under 25-26 years old you dont have a fucking clue regarding the 64.

>> No.2408415

>Mentions New Mexico simply because it has Mexico in its name.

What about Chicago? Arizona? Vegas? Denver? Most of the Western U.S.?

In any case, this is completely irrelevant to this thread and you should ignore that troll in the first place.

>> No.2408439

The only reason to own an N64 back then was for Nintendo games. Nobody else had the money or time to put up with Nintendo's insufferable bullshit.

>> No.2408452
File: 146 KB, 640x343, Goe1348816707399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whatever you say, champ

>> No.2408486


When you get a N64 you need to know what you're getting: a handful of amazing Nintendo games and pretty much nothing else. For a lot of people those games alone justify the purchase.

It was not a particularly advanced console for its time, but the use of cartridges gives it a nostalgic feel, despite being a terrible business decision.

>> No.2408487

That's true of pretty much every Nintendo console except the NES )and the SNES to an extent).

>> No.2408497

>It was not a particularly advanced console for its time

>> No.2408516

>5/17/15: /vr/ figured out Nintendo.

You haven't been buying a console since the N64 dropped, you've simply been buying a new means of playing Mario, Zelda, and a handful of b-grades.

>> No.2408520


Why do we have to put up with this kind of namefaggotry shitposting?
Oh well, I can filter them at least.

>> No.2408543

I personally like The Saturn at least several bits more than this. Its still better than the 32X, Jaguar and 3DO.

>> No.2408610

VCDs can hold game data. Prove that they can't

>> No.2408705

Not to push, but how am I wrong? Isn't that why anyone buys any console? For the exclusives?

>> No.2408719

It has the worst controller ever, aka the thumb-killing dinosaur foot.
It's still a solid machine with a lot of legendary games in its library, and that's coming from a former Segafag.

>> No.2408754

>D-Pad that get's used in 1 out of every 20 games
>Control stick that is tight and responsive for about the first 12 days
>Control stick rapidly gets loose as shit after that
>Have to pick between rumble and saving your game half the time
>Absolutely NO 3rd party controller works the same as the official Nintendo controller

>> No.2408768

You're an idiot.

>> No.2408770
File: 65 KB, 514x476, 6886131773_c424bb8ddf_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Absolutely NO 3rd party controller works the same as the official Nintendo controller
What about this guy? I've never used one, but I'd wager this thing functions better than the default controller

>> No.2408810


Okay, you got me there to an extent. It would still never feel right because the games aren't designed for a controller like that, but who knows? Maybe that controller is the game changer.

>> No.2408827

>D-Pad that get's used in 1 out of every 20 games
Fortunately. Using it was unpractical as fuck given the controller was designed for 3-handed people.

>> No.2408838

I kind of wonder what Nintendo was thinking.

>> No.2408845

Just trying to be different

>> No.2408854

Yeah, but, come ooooooooon

>> No.2408857

I think they were hedging their bets over whether 3D would really take off or not. If the majority still wanted 2D then they could just use the left and right handles and leave the middle one alone, and use the C buttons like the ABXY buttons on the SNES controller.

>> No.2408862

I can't see how it can be considered overrated. Didn't it get shit on during its entire run?

>> No.2408864

Pretty much this. I'm getting real sick of the lol3hands meme.

>> No.2408868

I feel like the stick would have worked fine in 2D games and that they probably could have ditched the D-Pad all together.

>> No.2408870

That makes a lot of sense actually.

>> No.2408909

>I feel like the stick would have worked fine in 2D games

Have you ever played a 2D game normally designed with the D-Pad for movement in mind but used a controller with an analog stick instead? I did; shit's awkward as fuck.

>> No.2408917

>Normally designed with the D-Pad for movement

That being the key here. If these 2D games were designed to use the stick it would have probably been fine.

>> No.2408927

Even though this is the most blatant display of bait posting ever/some faggot fishing for 2 million guaranteed replies and getting it, I'd like to address a few things because you tried so hard

The N64 has never been overrated. Most people don't have enough shitty words in their vocabulary to describe it, it bombed hard and was followed by the Gamecube which also bombed hard. Despite that, the '64 had a handful of ground breaking, generation defining games which you could only play on THAT machine. That's where Nintendo maintained their grace.

What are frequently "overrated" though are the games on it, most often Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, which I don't think are overrated either, because if you were anywhere from the ages of 5 to 15 during the time that pure and unadulterated magic was bottled and shipped out to stores your fucking brain broke a hundred different ways trying to cope with what you were playing as you foamed at the mouth and your eyes spun around in clockwise motions. There was quite simply NOTHING like as fluid, free, gorgeous and visually and technically compelling as Super Mario 64 at the time. And it was a launch title to boot.

>> No.2408934

...Because it's Hori? Hori have made plenty of shit controllers. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.2408940

Your us vs them bullshit is really fucking annoying and not something I'd expect from someone browsing /vr/ but more from someone who browses /v/. If you're older than 20 right now then you're just fucking hopeless.

>> No.2408968

Is this satire or what?

>> No.2408986

Doesnt matter, just dislike the video like everyone else did.

>> No.2409143


>Have to pick between rumble and saving your game half the time

You've never used a N64.

Games that use the controller pak (the memory card) tell you "you can take off the rumble pak now" so you can insert the memory pak, save, then put the rumble pak back in.

Stop being a stupid namefag.

>> No.2409172

Go to hell fag. SM64 made this thing the best console ever.

>> No.2409227

>shitty controls and a shitty camera
I liked it as a kid too.

>> No.2409231

I like the N64 too, man, but you're just retarded if you think that one game beats the PlayStation's entire library.

>> No.2409234

You're a fucking idiot, AND an homofobic asshole.

Good job, hope you're happy with yourself

>> No.2409243


>> No.2409247

fuck you

>> No.2409269

>To an extent
>It would still never feel right
>Who knows

>> No.2409273


>> No.2409278





>> No.2409279

There were games that had internal save Batteries.

>> No.2409284


I have a N64 and I have games that use the memory pak such as Goemon's Great Adventure.
When you're about to save, it tells you that you can now take off the rumble pak to insert the memory pak, save, then put the rumble back in.

Stop being a massive namefaggot

>> No.2409290
File: 24 KB, 500x500, rumble pack memory card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In contrast to that Quest 64 makes you choose between the two.

Look at pic related, a memory card rumble pack combo, then ask yourself why they would make such a thing if there was no real use for it.

>> No.2409305
File: 299 KB, 1280x1024, 0113011705b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never trust the namefag

>> No.2409426

>Being this buttmad

I can't imagine how long it must have taken you to find a screen cap from one of the few games retarded enough to suggest plugging or unplugging anything from controller.

>> No.2409453

Why the actual shit are you even using a name? No one gives a fuck about who you are on an anonymous imagaboard. I guess it's your first day here?

>> No.2409457
File: 45 KB, 165x165, goe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I can't imagine how long it must have taken you to find a screen cap

Uh, look at the time I made the post and the time of my last post, which was this: >>2409284

So, 10 minutes? I actually didn't need to find a screencap, I took that pic myself.
Ended up playing some Goemon which I haven't played in a while, so it's all good.

You're the one who is buttmad as fuck since you were proven wrong.
Back to your shithole, namefaggot, nobody wants you here.

>> No.2409471

I personally had no problem with the controls. The camera's though, while I don't hate them, I still have very mixed feelings about them; that said it had the excuse of being an early 5th gen game so w/e.

Nor more thing; has the moderation of this board become as bad one how it is on /m/? Great job guys, great job.

>> No.2409705

First of all, >>2409231

>> No.2409795

Nice projecting. While I like the N64 to some degree, I'm not blind to its flaws. I'm also of the opinion that the PSX also beats it by many miles; specifically in terms of format, their libraries, and their controller designs.

I would've still questioned what the fuck the mods were doing if the even OP pic was a PSX because come on; it's obvious this thread was made to start shit flinging between the two fanbases.

>> No.2409824

Replace N64 with Wii U and Ps1 with PS4 and no game and this thread is exactly /v/.

>> No.2409873 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.93 MB, 320x454, 1431922006358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i own a NES, SNES, N64, PS1 and DreamCast and i play and love each one of them.

OP stop being a dunce

>> No.2409893

What the flying fuck is wrong with you?
>N64 is the best console of all time but the PS1 is better!
And you should have mentioned that you were referring to the OP and not me when talking about the mods.

>> No.2409935

On the subject of N64s, I'm starting to collect the transparent ones, and I need to know if Grape and Midnight Blue (Jp exclusive) are the same colors, do are they?

>> No.2409947

>Why the fuck are you even using a name?
Because I know it pisses idiots like you off.

>You were proven wrong
No I wasn't. Just because a handful of shit-tier games suggested you do something that harms your console doesn't make you right.

>> No.2409971

I'm pretty sure pissing people off for no reason has a name. "Shitposting", or something like that.

>> No.2410010

No, because using a name doesn't automatically mean I'm shitposting. The only people who think that are themselves shitposting by bitching about it.

This conversation is over. I'm not about to get banned for off topic posting because some nintendofag is so buttmad that the N64 sucked that they need to resort to petty things like the use of a display name.

>> No.2410036

>N64 is the best console of all time but the PS1 is better!
Wait, you confusing my post with the anon who said that?

>> No.2410047

Now replace everything with waifus and you have /vg/

>> No.2410070

>less social

I was anti-social and just played Pokemon Stadium and Smash Bros by myself all day.

I was a little kid and loved every second of it.

Looking back on it now, I don't see how the N64 even survived. Other than being a first in 3D gaming, surviving off the amazement and novelty of the time alone is quite a feat. I suppose Nintendo's reputation helped too.

>> No.2410080

I kind of hate that Nintendo always felt "behind" when it came to the N64/GCN/Wii era. They went from becoming known for being a powerhouse to always being "last gen" to make profits by selling old hardware at modern prices, but $100-$50 less than the competition.

NES and SNES era felt strong because they took the medium to the limit and basically made the best shit out of 2D pixels.

Wii U actually feels "right" to me, supporting all the modern features finally. XBox 1 and PS4 basically upgraded themselves into a corner and feel literally the same as last gen.

>> No.2410083

>first in 3D gaming
Stop existing.
Nobody gives a rat's ass about who you are. This isn't Reddit or whatever, this is an ANONYMOUS imageboard where the only reason you should ever use a name is if it's absolutely vital to your post, which, in this case, is not. Yes, you are a shitposter.

>> No.2410086

I find myself to be fond the game Duel Heroes. I not that is viewed as a bad game, and yet here I am.

>> No.2410238

N64 hate has very little to do with the quality of the console itself (although I don't like it personally).

A lot of it is a knee-jerk reaction to uninformed assholes who think Mario and Banjo are all there is to the 5th gen. People who think they're experts but they're massive plebs.

It's the same reason /mu/ hates dadrock and I totally understand it to a point.

The same thing is happening with people who hate the SNES because hipster assholes think they're experts because they've played super obscure games like Zelda.

I think I already made this post but fuck it I'm right.

>> No.2410320
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You were proven wrong.
Goemon's Great Adventure is GOAT-tier (not that you'd know, I bet you can't play it since you don't own it and you don't own a N64, and emulation for it makes playing it impossible)
It doesn't damage the console.

>> No.2410326
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So basically "N64 hate" is because hipsters who think they're better than other hipsters, is that what you're trying to say?

>> No.2410329
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>Stop existing.

>> No.2410330

why the fuck does it matter? it's a perfectly good RareWare box. As long as it runs Conker's Bad Fur Day and Killer Instinct I am fine.

Actually, I do fucking despise the faggots who praise the fuck out of this console because of MUH CHILDHOOD. Shit, have you faggots ever stopped to think that you missed out on a great title that was not available on this one? grow the fuck up because emulation killed any excuse you might have had.

>> No.2410348


>hating something because of what other people might think about it

the definition of being a teenager with identity issues

>> No.2410365

In the end, none of that shit ever mattered just like Nintendo using a 64-bit CPU, RAMBUS, and marketing fluff about SGI workstations.

>> No.2410371


It's an even better Treasure box.
And Konami box.
And Hudson box.

>> No.2410373
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x892, banjo_kazooie__rookie_rescue__art_trade__by_pacificawolf-d53vgf5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heck no. I remember getting the n64 back when it came out. best damn years of my life!!! joy stick was a piece of shit though. you can get better replacement sticks for around a couple bucks so....

>> No.2410378


nooo you dolt! the ps1 was better, it had the CDs (was so fun looking at the loading screen sometimes) and also great quality games such as Final Fantasy VII and MGS (not that you'd know those games, since they're only for actual hardcore gamers, unlike Banjo and Mario who are for kiddies ha ha ha)

>> No.2410379

Yes. Everyone is an asshole.

>> No.2410385

screw that. I don't give a fuck about "great tittles I may have missed" who gives a shit. I loved this beast, the 64 had kick ass games. Yoshi story, 007, bk, bk2, conkers bad fur day, thps (and its sequels). plus I loved how each player had there own memory card. and how there was no fucking big ass power brick dangling between two cords. yeah n64 rocked and still does. p.s. the word "faggot" is so 2007 so get with the now lmfao

>> No.2410389
File: 112 KB, 380x384, Castlevania_SOTN_PAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would have been killer on the N64 if Nintendo had allowed developers to make 2d games.

>> No.2410391

um, well ok then. lol I do know about those games. one of my childhood friends had a brother who played ff religiously and I would to. I like ff but I prefer classic plat former and such. I will agree ps1 is good but I prefer Nintendo 64.

>> No.2410394

hell yes!!!!

>> No.2410396

Dude, fuck nintendo. Most on-screen stuff was 2D textures floating around and still managed to look like shit.

>> No.2410401

true, but back then it didn't look bad. back then you didn't have much better to compare it to honestly. by todays standards, duh lol. but back then that wasn't a big deal at all. the games were fun, and the carts were durable I might add.

>> No.2410405
File: 82 KB, 490x278, superman-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead we got awesome games from companies such as Tidus and Hudson. Notice that seal of approval.

>> No.2410408
File: 86 KB, 815x630, 20101227-superman-64-rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol noooooooooooooo

>> No.2410409

CGI movies, man. CGI movies.

>> No.2410425
File: 15 KB, 298x279, thR3YVBS8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>241o sorry I didn't think this thread had anything to do with movies. I just thought this was about n64 games.............GAMES!

>> No.2410434

does not excuse for not having anything better to compare to, I actually like what some PS1 games did by using CGI to render the characters in high quality while keeping gameplay stuff simple without having tons of cheap illusions all over the place.

>> No.2410516

It also had expensive-as-all-fuck-to-produce cartridges that didn't have even enough space for high-quality textures (The horrible texture-filter "hides" it.) or CD-quality audio. If you want to talk about the aspects that make the system pretty as opposed to the actual capabilities of the CPU, you chose the wrong console.

>> No.2410517

End yourself.

>> No.2410527

suck my fucking dick you fagget

>> No.2410539

9gag, everyone.

>> No.2410554
File: 1.12 MB, 897x682, n64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banjo feels like it was designed to be a babysitter, keeping kids occupied with mindless fetch quests. Is there any interesting gameplay / platforming in this title?
Mario 64 is so much better it's ridiculous.

It does play smooth and still looks alright, I'll give it that. Sound design is on par too.

>> No.2410636

It's Nintendo console of course it's bad in every way.

>> No.2410637

It is fun

>> No.2410639
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>> No.2410663

How mario 64 is better? You just collect things and fight same boss three times.

>> No.2410708

I feel the same way. I'm just wondering around, not platforming most of the time. I did like it as a kid though so I guess it's mission accomplished for Rare.

>> No.2410729

> shits on Banjo
> praises Mario 64

I don't like Banjo either but SM64 is the same shit

>> No.2411267

>Gamecube worse than N64
>Wii U worse than Wii
>Those two colossal power gaps

True tier list inbound:
Soft-Modded Wii >> SNES = GCN > Wii U > NES > Vanilla Wii > N64

>> No.2411279

mi opinion > your opinion > namefag's opinion

>> No.2411285

SM64 offers more freedom behind Mario's movement and his sense of momentum is really thrilling. BK's got platforming in it, but it feels less like a platformer as there are fewer movement options for Banjo than there are for Mario. Plus his moveset is cumulative and develops over the course of the game, whereas Mario has everything but a few hats right from the get-go.

>> No.2411521

As a console? Yes. Because you can't name a console that's good at all. PC is not a console, mind you.
But if you're talking about the games it had, while most were average to bad, the few games that were good turned out to be damn great classics.

>> No.2411541

Aye, the momentum behind Mario is key. Banjo & K feels more similar to games with tank controls.

Just walking up to trees in Mario and watching birds fly out in natural patterns... the mushroom kingdom has never felt as good before or there after to me.

>> No.2411550

GC has barely anything. Less than N64 in terms of good games.
Has like 2 weeb RPGs and 1 platformer worth a shit.

The Wii U has way better game than the Wii too.

>> No.2411565
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Summary of thread

>> No.2411684
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that's not the summary of thread at all.

here's a more accurrate one.

>> No.2411984
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Euphoria out the ass, my good sir.

>> No.2412251
File: 114 KB, 500x378, 1386023906936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GC has less good games than N64

That's a good one, m8. Maybe it's easier to remember the goliaths like Zelda and Mario on the N64, but there's hardly anything else worth mentioning in the N64 library that the Gamecube didn't already improve on.

>> No.2412258

>that the Gamecube didn't already improve on.
Like? Nice /v/ reaction image too kid.

>> No.2412273

Off the type of my head:
>Animal Crossing
>Paper Mario
>Smash Bros
>Mario Kart

In addition to the following GCN games:
>Metroid Prime
>Viewtiful Joe
>Resident Evil 4
>Custom Robo
>Chibi Robo

Sure, the N64 has SM64 over Sunshine and both Zelda games over the two that appeared on the Gamecube, but there's still a ton to look forward to.

>> No.2412278

>Animal Crossing
And confirmed kid whose first console was GC.

There is 1 platformer on GC worth a shit.

>> No.2412285

>all games are platformers

>not knowing about doubutsu no mori

>> No.2412290

Yes I know of the shitty jap game that nobody in America played. The GC version is superior and the later Animal Crossing is more so.

I like platformers. If you don't maybe you should take your GC shit back to /v/?

>> No.2412325

>And confirmed kid whose first console was GC
My first console was the Super Nintendo. I played a ton of the Disney games developed by Capcom.

If all you want out of a system are platformers, then I guess the N64 would be a better choice. But even I wouldn't say that Rare's games have aged well enough to still be called good nowadays.

>> No.2412330

Here's your reply kid. Not skedaddle back to >>>/v/.

>> No.2412347

>aged well enough to still be called good nowadays
What are you even doing here?

>> No.2412351
File: 262 KB, 768x672, 1395679089717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I being reverse trolled or something? Would you rather me straight out call those games shit?

I can at least say that Banjo-Kazooie is certainly better than Banjo-Tooie, if only because the sequel had too much scope but not enough focus. The levels were larger, sure, but they managed to be less dense than the ones in Banjo-Kazooie. Not to mention that more of the Jiggies in the game came down to mini game shenanigans instead of through actual feats of platforming. Not that Banjo-Kazooie ever demanded much from the player in that regard either, but Tooie just handled it poorly.

Donkey Kong 64 just took things even further down the wrong direction by limiting who can collect what while still further ostracizing the game from the platformer genre. I'd sooner call this an Adventure game than what I would associate as a platformer. Not that the "Adventure" genre is well defined by any means, but it certainly isn't a rewarding experience as a platformer.

>> No.2412359

Games don't age.

Recently there's been a lot of PS2 and GC talk too. And any fucking criticism about is just met with "ya well the games are better" shit.

Both are pretty fucking shit in their own way. GC's lack of games outside of multiplayer ones and PS2's lazily designed games.

Ya GC had some good games but it's only slightly better than the Wii really.

>> No.2412361

still be called good by nostalgia fagging kids. Nobody who was an adult at the time would ever say the 64 is their favorite console.

>> No.2412371

Nice generalization.

Yet you consider it better than GC?

>> No.2412374

No one outside of Japan knows what Animal Forest is. Also,
>There is 1 platformer on GC worth a shit.
Billy Hatcher?

>> No.2412387

consider GC better*

>> No.2412389

don't want to start a new thread just for this so I am asking here.

which programs do you use to organize roms? are there any that also allow you to directly download roms into their related folders etc?

>> No.2412398

i'm not even that guy I don't consider the GC better they are both shit. If I hear one more person say "muh pikmin" I'll fucking shoot em

>> No.2412403

>I don't consider the GC better they are both shit.
Fair enough. If you're not into the games N64 has it's definitely not worth it since the library is so small.

>> No.2412481
File: 119 KB, 393x721, Zaynejim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were 296 titles on the N64.

Jesus Christ, Dreamcast got more than that and it lasted not even half as long. That's pathetic.

>> No.2412842

Underrated post