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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 38 KB, 640x430, zork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2386209 No.2386209 [Reply] [Original]

I hardly ever see these talked about here.
Too old for you guys?
What are some favorites?
Come on

>> No.2386223
File: 6 KB, 649x469, hitchhikers_guide_infocom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to play pic related every day after school
The great thing about these games is eventually it starts to feel like a real place, with immersion rivaling the most realistically graphical games of today

the puzzles were fucking ridiculous, but that was part of the fun. Nowadays I have so many games on my backlist that if I get fed up with one I'll just play something else and come back to it.
I didn't have that option back then. I only had a handful of games so I had to power through them as best I could.
There was something very satisfying about spending 3+ hours on an extremely difficult puzzle and finally figuring it out that I don't think many games today can compare with

>> No.2386240
File: 81 KB, 549x519, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always Wander.

It's an old mainframe game that was recently recovered.


>> No.2386295

Lost Pig (and Place Underground)

>> No.2386313

Bit before my time but i got around to trying The Lurking Horror a while back and really enjoyed it.

Felt weird being so out of my element in a game though since i don't really have any experience with these games.

>> No.2386504

I'm pretty young and fucking love these, legend of the red dragon is one I have a problem with. Although that's part of the fun even if you find it difficult.

>> No.2386559

I've been really wanting a text-to-speech and voice recognition interpreter for text games so I can play them while working out or driving

>> No.2386560

While I have played some of the actual classic text based games, the one I will always remember the best is a text game about fucking Sailor scouts.

>> No.2386576

I've been playing Zork lately

drawing a map and everthing

don't want to admit how long it took me just to find the damn dungeon :(

>> No.2386581

Cool games, but I think one needs to be a bit more mature to grasp their value. Was interested in them as a kid but due to my mother tongue not being English I got pretty frustrated.
Recently downloaded "Stationfall" and "The Lurking horror" (both C64) and though I haven't really progressed the games are beautiful - unique because the world/experience is being built inside your head.

>> No.2386595

I tried several times to get into them buy I just can't get passed how I have to try a million variations of a phrasing every time I want to try and do something, and if none of them work I still can't be sure if I can't do it or if I simply didn't phrase the command right.

>> No.2386634
File: 64 KB, 924x214, its not a game its art man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2386663
File: 8 KB, 640x400, softporn adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2386667

kick the sink

>> No.2386683

L - A mathemagical adventure on the bbc micro. edutainment, but GOOD edutainment. Weird sort of alice in wonderland vibe, but more sinister I think? Some of the puzzles were very clever.

>> No.2387364
File: 7 KB, 500x294, 500px-Star_Trek_text_game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Text based starship combat.

>> No.2387882

that's actually a really neat idea
kind of like an interactive audio book
very interesting

>> No.2388493

Best font for IF and/or MUDs go.

My vote goes to DejaVu Sans Mono

>> No.2388538

I've made several text adventure threads, they never go beyond a few responses
it's a shame

>> No.2388545

it's doing better than I thought it would
I think it's just before most people's time here
they'd mostly rather talk about N64 and PS1

>> No.2388552
File: 103 KB, 578x654, 1429166157816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was actually a roguelike made in the last few years that does text space adventure in glorious ASCII

Anyway uploaded the zork trilogy to /f/ and Assuming I can remember how to crosspost.


>> No.2388553
File: 60 KB, 500x459, 1399094743453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just realized I put /VG/ instead of /VR/ look at me and laugh.

>> No.2388557
File: 5 KB, 639x399, screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found the Roguelike, ASCII sector.


Prepare to be absolutely destroyed in combat until you can grind a better ship, truly classic gameplay.

>> No.2388578

Check out Parchment, you can play online in your browser with no download


This is how I play vidya at work

>> No.2388579

it's ok, anon
pretty neat

>> No.2388591

I'm a first-language English speaker and I didn't make a jot of progress in Zork as a child. It's just abstruse as fuck.

>> No.2388594



I had a demo of it as a kid that came with a 95 box After playing it now though you never know what your going to need and what not to pick up until you need it.

>> No.2388637

there was a hint guide that came with it that was really awesome
gave small hints without spoiling anything or outright giving you the answer
i think i still have it somewhere
it also had a bunch of awesome lore related stuff

>> No.2388639

Have you mapped the dungeon out yet?

>> No.2388642

Yeah, I first played a pirate copy my dad got from someone at work, so I had no idea what the objective was until years later (the manual mentions that you have to put shit in the trophy case). Unfortunately, there's several treasures you may not think to pick up because it doesn't seem like you should be able to (i.e., a coffin), and there was one that I thought was totally bullshit, and could easily be missed permanently (the emerald).

The best advice I can give is pick up everything that's not nailed down (there is one case where this will screw you though - I won't spoil where).

Anyone ever play the original mainframe version of Zork? I started playing through it, it's kind of interesting because you'll get items from Zork II/III earlier and in different locations (since it's all three parts in one). The maps are different too, but I didn't spend a lot of time seeing how extensive the changes were.

>> No.2388703
File: 71 KB, 640x341, grandinquisitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone played grand inquisitor?
really captured the feel of the text-based atmosphere that was built up over the previous games

>> No.2389094

No, it's kinda slow going and I'm afraid of how big it is. I need to redraw what I have from scratch because it's a mess already.

>go west once
>go east once
>be at different location than you started

That's just MIT nerds trying to fuck with each other. I don't have the SAT scores for this bullshit.

>> No.2390418

Directions not being true to their word used to annoy me as well.

I still think this genre of games gives the deepest immersion possible. I wish I hadn't played graphical games beforehand, they've tainted me..

>> No.2390437

also started with graphical games, but also a heavy reader when i was a youngin before internet caught on
that helped
now the only things I read are on my computer screen

>> No.2390469

Interesting. I wasn't a big reader early on but have become one lately. I read mostly on my ereader. Sometimes I will read an epub on my pc before I decide to move it to my ereader to finish it.

Do you play any/many text games?

I play some diku-MUDs but I also find some IF great fun, Zork, hitchhikers etc

>> No.2390491

I dabble in Avalon, which is a great game, and also could be considered /vr/ considering they started all the way back in 1989
I suggest you check it out if you haven't already

>> No.2390496

I'll read up on it tonight. I play Carrion Fields at the moment, I think it's an awesome game.

My whole life I've played shooters and what have you. I've done quite well at them as well. This game feels like a completely new challenge, I feel lost in it so it will take me a while to get any good.

>> No.2394515

Woah. Can you actually land on that planet? Are the planets procedurally generated and everything?

>> No.2394570
File: 2.92 MB, 220x220, thumbsup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this text based game on my graphing calculator in HS where you played as a drug dealer/gangster. Can't remember the name. Anyone else remember this.

>> No.2394582

That's been done. It's not a great way to play though.
Also, trying to remember the details of the last few paragraphs of text isn't a lot of fun while working out, and undoubtedly dangerous while driving.

>> No.2394598

Probably Drugwars, which is one of those games ported to everything. It's basically a version of that old Apple II game Lemonade Stand.

>> No.2394625
File: 404 KB, 350x304, birdman sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this one flash-based text adventure on Adult Swim's website based on Harvey Birdman. It was called "Habeas Dorkus", and I thought it was hilarious.

It's been gone for years now, and I doubt anyone's managed to preserve it.

>> No.2394649

>Lemonade Stand

Awesome game. That and Drugwars and its rip-offs were legit really fun.

>> No.2394754

You are aware they made a Harvey Birdman game in the vein of Phoenix Wright, you know?

>> No.2394825

Yes. I am also aware that, due to Capcom not being able to afford and/or schedule Stephen Colbert, Reducto and Phil Ken Sebben in that game sound completely wrong (Phil more so than Reducto).

>> No.2397251

What are some classic games on here? Zork is the only old one I found