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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 170 KB, 1024x741, Everquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2385434 No.2385434 [Reply] [Original]

Are you stoked for the new progression server? What class/race will you be playing?

Trying to decide between halfling/druid or half-elf/bard.

>> No.2385923

I've just been killing time on P1999.

It's been over a decade since I played, trying to do an Iksar Necro to start off.

>> No.2386070

what new progression server?

>my planes of power figurine is ready

>> No.2386092

A friend of mine was telling me about this the other day. Is there an eta for it? I'm really interested.

>> No.2386138

Why not Project 1999? Seems like it will continue having more players than EQ Live, and suck far less dicks.

>> No.2387284

Progression servers have pretty much nothing to do with classic EQ.

I'm pretty much over EQ anyways. It was fun back in the day, but the endgame is inherently flawed. A handful of guilds monopolize everything and the game becomes more about negotiating kills with entitled asshats than actually playing. Even outside of raid bosses everything is either waiting lists or competing with people running radar apps.

>> No.2387339

>A handful of guilds monopolize everything and the game becomes more about negotiating kills with entitled asshats than actually playing. Even outside of raid bosses everything is either waiting lists or competing with people running radar apps.

It's a system that favors the ill will of large groups.

>> No.2387367
File: 55 KB, 1920x1080, map7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radar apps

I wrote one of those for P1999 a while back. Used it for over a year and never got caught, seems they can't detect anything there except MacroQuest.

>> No.2387383

How would /vr/ fix EQ's late game?

>> No.2387392

By playing a better game

>> No.2387398

Think the EQ franchise will redeem itself now that Smedley owns it again? I'm betting not.

>> No.2387407

Nope. EQ Next is just a last-ditch attempt to be relevant again by appealing to the lowest common denominator with easy leveling, no class roles, swap-out classes, and action-based gameplay. It's basically just Guild Wars 2 all over again.

>> No.2387476

MAybe you guys can help me out

I always loved Everquest but only played that trial thing where you started in a prison with spiders and stuff.
I want to get into it again and play for a long time but I don't know if I should go to a private server or the official one

>> No.2387480

Same way WoW fixed it: put raid mobs inside private instances.

>> No.2387574

Just go for a private server. Less hassle.

>> No.2387629

Well, the route that every MMO since then took was instancing content. I mean, there's not really any good "open world" solution that will scale to any population size.

I suppose the ideal solution would be a super advanced AI that could create new, personalized content for every player/group/raid in the game on the fly as needed and evolve the game world in response to player actions in a realistic manner. Of course, such technology is at least decades if not centuries off, but it's fun to think of an online game where content is never repeated and there's always new things to do. Kind of like paper & pencil games with an AI DM.

>> No.2387631

EQ Next was started by SOE long before Smedley bought them out so it's not really a good indicator. Not that I have any hope of him making it not shit.

>> No.2387687

Is this for LIVE!?

I thought everybody moved to p99 years ago?

>> No.2387710

by playing on a PvP server.

Someone camping somewhere you want? grab your friends and run them out.

>> No.2387731

I never understood why people liked the endgame at all. Leveling and running dungeons was always the best part of the game for me.

>> No.2387808

A lot of old MUDs didn't really have an endgame. You'd hit max level then you'd remort or whatever and level up again, but slightly more powerful. Leveling was the game, not just an obstacle you had to pass through before you could actually play.

>> No.2387830

I know and that's what I love about MUDs and older mmos. The leveling experience in a modern mmo just doesn't feel like it's had any sort of care put into it and I can't even be bothered to get to the endgame that the devs clearly put all their time into.

>> No.2388009


Y-yeah...I'll go get them.

>> No.2388030

>p99 thread on /vg/
>hop in
>guy giving out plat
>had already been playing for a few months on my own
>take plat, try leveling a new character
>get bored

i feel bad but i know i'll eventually get back into it

i got bored of SWG, community is extremely autistic even by MMO standards and shit is so broken so i'll need an MMO fix eventually

>> No.2388173

I've been hearing about this all week, and it's really tempting. I've never played EQ before though, and I feel like I'll be at a disadvantage since I won't know what the fuck I'm doing and everyone else is pretty much already guilded up and ready to go. That and it sounds like you'll need to be a paying subscriber anyway, so it's more appealing to just go to Project1999.

Is it even worth trying to play EQ as a new player and being completely lost?

Yeah, sadly SWGEmu sucks. SWG in general is long dead and will never come back. Sandbox MMOs in general are pretty much dead. It's all about instant-gratification, private instances, and minimal socializing.

>> No.2388179


>> No.2388271

>Is it even worth trying to play EQ as a new player and being completely lost?

Depends on if you have at least one person to play with or want to read a shitload of guides.

Probly just take a pass unless you're really determined and play during prime times.

>> No.2388272

There's quite a lot of new players on P1999 and plenty of friendly people willing to help newbies out too.

Leveling an Iksar Warrior right now and I've been getting lowbie groups outside of prime time.

>> No.2388297

Knowing nothing is what most people will tell you is the best aspect of EQ.

Only play it if you plan on playing a solo class (most of the casters) or plan to dedicate large amounts of time to it.

>> No.2389157

Play on Project 1999

The community is nice and very helpful to new players.

>> No.2389332

Is there any /vr/ (or whatever other board) guild on the main Project 1999 server?

I was never a fan of soloing in EQ, and it gets boring having nobody to talk to in game.

>> No.2389449

Would be interesting to see a "improved" classic EQ server. One that essentially follows classic gameplay, but adds some new mechanics to improve the shit endgame experience like discussed earlier in the thread. And I don't mean like custom EQ servers where they just add cheat vendors and bots and spawn commands and other hacky shit, but rather legitimate new mechanics that make sense in the context of the game.

Hell, I'd also like to see new content and class updates. A major problem with classic EQ servers is that a big part of classic EQ was that the game was constantly changing with updates - something which people take for granted these days but was a fairly new experience back then. You lose that when you know exactly what the final state of the game will be frozen at.

Maybe now that Daybreak owns EQ and they've officially recognized some private servers as legitimate fan projects, we'll see more and higher quality custom stuff. I know P1999 was held back in a lot of ways because they couldn't inject code into the binary files because of potential copyright infringement issues. If that's no longer the case you could do all sorts of crazy things. Although, honestly, if you really wanted to go all out on custom content then a custom client might be required, which is probably way more work than hobbyists would want to invest.

I wonder how hard it'd be to just get some EQ maps loaded up into UE4. Maybe Daybreak would be willing to release the official specifications for the game files?

>> No.2389497

Not that I know of but /vg/ had a player list for awhile, not sure if it's up anymore though.

you could always try being social

>> No.2389519

The best part of all of this is that P99 is stopping at Velious.

So everyone who likes up to Velious will play on P99, people who like beyond will play on Daybreak's server.

It's win/win for everyone. Feels good to see EQ moving away from the shit it's currently at.

>> No.2389561

Unfortunately, no. There used to be a /vg/ guild but they disbanded a long time ago.

>> No.2389648

i'm gonna download the game tonight maybe we could get a /vr/ thing going. if nothing else i had a 14 druid maybe i could do some light powerleveling? i also had a lowbie chanter in freeport i think i'd prefer to play on but wouldn't mind using the druid to help others get starting.

/vg/ is fucking hell right now, even the Metal Gear thread is having difficulty staying alive because of how fucking insanely active it is. fucking Valve fanboys and esports fags man, they really should split the boards again. so i think we'd have an easier time trying to get a playerbase here on /vr/ or on eightochan.

this could have changed but last i heard from Sirken and Nilbog the devs intended to develop beyond Velious. not going to the next xpac but developing their own content, either taking what they want from the future xpacs or just making their own stuff from scratch which IIRC they said was easier to do. i hope they at least incorporate some of the races and classes. i could do without mooncats tbh but frogloks are one of my favorite MMO races just due to how unique they are. so bored of the standard human/elf/dwarf in every MMO now.

>> No.2389706

My warrior's 14 and I'd love to get some groups going. If we could get some more people around that level we could do the entrance to Befallen or something.

>> No.2389764

that's the haunted mansion across from the dwarf city right? if so i think my druid is already parked there.

>> No.2389838

That's the Estate of Unrest, not sure how easy it'd be for me to run there as an Iksar haha. Maybe if I got a port...

>> No.2389858

it'd probably be easier for me cause i have outdoor invis

chances are though i'm gonna dick around on lower lvled character to get my bearings before i risk going across continents

>> No.2389863

I have a 60 Cleric on p99 if any of you need some starting cash or something, you can drop your name here.

I don't play much anymore but can log in if anyone needs shit.

>> No.2389980

maybe if we get a group going you could throw us some buffs?

>> No.2391440

Froglok is still just a humanoid. I really wish there was a MMO where you could play as completely non-humanoid races, like slimes and shit. Guess that'd be too hard to work into the game as far as NPC interactions, gear, etc.. goes.

>> No.2391448

I remember hearing about a MMO years ago called Horizon (I think?). The whole marketing gimmick was along the lines of "you can play as a dragon and it'll take infinity billion exps but you'll eventually be stronger than a raid boss!!!". Obviously the concept was broken because everyone would just bot a dragon character and play nothing else, but I wonder whatever happened to that game.

>> No.2391695

i moved my druid to EC, message Yassen

that goes for anyone else around level 14 in that area who'd like to group

>> No.2391826

>It's basically just Guild Wars 2 all over again.

I hadn't been hearing anything about Guild Wars 2.

What happened there...?

>> No.2391837

This commercial.


Is EVERYTHING I hate about American craftsmanship. The complete unawareness of uncanny valley. The painful attempts at looking badass. The pandering.

It's all the worst a western developer could hope to achieve.

>> No.2391879

Moderately successful PvE-centric MMO with crappy PvP and a cash shop.

>> No.2391884

killed City of Heroes which was a vastly superior MMO

>> No.2392689
File: 50 KB, 300x321, 1390868955215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the black guy is an orc

>> No.2392707


I remember seeing this commercial, and we agreed that the people int he commercial shouldn't have looked like they had been outside at least a two hours ago.

>> No.2392712

Looking back at it, they should for the sake of the commercial. But in real life, no.

>> No.2392714

>hatin on AMERICAN
Are you some kind of weeb who spends your days watching those North Korean cartoons?

>> No.2393370

>North Korean cartoons
The meme isn't funny when it's 'chinese cartoons' and it isn't much funnier now.

Please let this one die.

Let it slid into the sewer and die.

>> No.2393521

Wasn't able to get online yesterday but if you get a message from Kithorl, that's me.

>> No.2393593

If you guys get a /vr/ group going on P99, I have a level 20 I think shaman that I haven't played since around server launch. I'd be interested in some grinding.

>> No.2395609

Hey thread.

Eat my boogers.

>> No.2395731

Why do laotian moving doodles make you so upset?
This is like the 5th time I've seen you so upset over this.

>> No.2395743

This is the 5th time you've seen me?

I have news for you, dude.

"Anonymous" isn't a name.

>> No.2395756

I just have a hard time believing that there is more than one of you that is so upset over something so trivial.
Thai Toons really just get your britches in a wad, huh?

>> No.2395783

We should set up a /vr/ classic EQ server complete with memes and AVGN references.

>> No.2395803

>I just have a hard time believing
There's a pill for that.

>> No.2396292

what level are all of you, where are you leveling at? i have a bunch of super low characters but i really want to level a Dark Elf cleric for some reason.

>> No.2396785

Cleric is about the most boring class you can play, and I have 60 one.

Really useful to actually have though.

>> No.2397358

I was thinking about making a Cleric, but I'm really not sure whether I would enjoy playing one.

What's a good class that can still contribute to a group but isn't boring to play? I'm thinking Enchanter probably fits the bill, but I already played an Enchanter back when I played during Luclin-PoP.

>> No.2397651

You can play another game while playing Cleric and never have a problem.

If you feel you still want one, it's best to play in a duo with an Enchanter because they compliment each other insanely well.

Bard, Enchanter and Shaman are all busy classes and are almost required for most groups.

>> No.2397675

God fucking damnit, I thought it was weird that people were always beating me to rare spawns. I thought this shit was detectable?

>> No.2397758

I've always wanted to try Everquest but never had the means. I guess it's sort of the proto-typical MMO, but would it be easy to get into?

Admitedly, I'd only gotten into MMOs when it was in smaller things where everyone seemed more friendly a close knit, and I'm guessing a private server might be like that.

>> No.2397946


Apparently Daybreak supports non-profit EQ emulation. And here I was think that they were going to sue Project 1999 into oblivion.

>> No.2400062

>new progression server
>new freeport
>new desert of ro
>new commonlands
>new nek forest
>new lavastorm
>updated models
>hybrids getting spells at level 1
>bard songs
>/melody 1 2 3 4
>mana song is a buff and not a pulse
>Station Cash store is active, meaning exp potions

Sorry, this is not the classic I know. I will stick with project1999.com

>> No.2400065

>/melody is the only thing he can complain about

Most bards on P99 are using 3rd party tools to spam songs anyways.

>> No.2400076

>being this retarded about bards
>not knowing mana song 1 being a pulse effect is the best fucking thing ever because you can twist mana song 2>mana song 1x3>repeat for the best mana regen in the game

And besides, they hammered down on third party tools long ago for bards. If you know a working one let me know, may brush off my 59 bard one of these days.

>> No.2400160

Protip: the only 3rd party tool that P99 can detect is MQ

Unless they were hooking in to Win32 they aren't to check for applications reading the memory of other processes which gives false flags out the ass anyways, the only applications they can detect are known ones with known behavior. Anyone with a sliver of programming knowledge can shit out a cheat app in a matter of hours. Go on any unofficial P99 forum and you'll see people bragging and showing off their tools, and no, they probably won't share them with ignorant babies like you. You'd have to be an idiot to run a tool that you didn't write yourself or compile from source, anyways.

>> No.2400162

>all this fluff
>no proof
Calling BS and moving out of this thread because lol at daybreak attempting to call back the nostalgia crowd by having this new server being subscription only

Paying for less content.

>> No.2400252

see >>2387367

>> No.2400254


>> No.2401401

/vr/EQ when?

>> No.2401842

get vreqt m8

>> No.2401859

So is p99 actually good or does /vr/ just enjoy shitty communities?

>> No.2401918

Define 'good'. The community is alright, relative to other MMO communities. It's a bunch of nostalgic neckbeards and former poopsockers. There's always going to be a few shitters in there somewhere.

>> No.2401921

The entire raiding crowd on P99 is full of entitled, autistic shitters. Everyone else gets bored by level 20.

>> No.2402767

What's the deal with this Progression server in terms of paying? I'm interested, but I'm assuming that you have to be subbed and own the latest expansion.

>> No.2402915

I got bored by 30 something.

>> No.2404789

same happened with me. figured roll a wiz and make plat porting around, but since i have no group utility outside of dps fuck me if i can ever find a group,

>> No.2405316

>I wonder how hard it'd be to just get some EQ maps loaded up into UE4.

Probably not very. EQ's zone files have been mostly reverse engineered already. Loading them up in UE4 would be kind of cool, but that's a trivial part of the work that'd have to go into actually making a MMO client.

Rather than loading EQ's files directly, you'd probably want to convert them into a format that's easier to work with, too. For making changes an also for loading performance.

>> No.2405318

EQ is so overrated, I spent 2 hours getting P1999 set up and when I started playing i got so fucking bored i deleted it, the game is definitely dated

>> No.2405334

It's not that it's dated. There are certain aspects of it I still think it's done well.

It's more like.. Back in the day, it really was the only MMO in town.

And without that huge community, it truly is pointless.

>> No.2405342

>Back in the day, it really was the only MMO in town.

Hardly. It was just the most "technologically advanced" MMO at the time. And it took a lot of ideas from MUDs which appealed to a lot of people in the genre back then.

The combat mechanics and end-game are extremely dated. I'd even say that the primary leveling method of setting up camp in a corner of a dungeon and killing the same mobs over and over again is pretty dated, although even some modern games still do this to an extent.

Really, the most modern mechanic in the game is twinking. A lot of MMOs are just now getting back into the idea of twinking your alts.

>> No.2405894

>games are dated
>on /vr/

Are you retarded?

>> No.2405896

A friend of mine is going to run a necro, but I don't know what to duo with him. I want to be able to solo while he isn't around, so I'm guessing druid or mage would be best.

>> No.2405898

>dem titties

more like EverBREAST, amirite?

>> No.2405903

Don't be a douche.

>> No.2405907


Enchanter is probably the best however.

>> No.2405945

yeah but i always have trouble finding a group. i don't know what it is, i understood when i was on my ranger but i've had a druid that's been level 14 for like a year cause everytime i get the itch to come back i can't get any fucking groups on him so i dick around on lowbies until i get bored because low levels suck. i know druids can solo but i play MMOs to interact with other players and enjoy the dynamic quality grouping in EQ has compared to other MMOs which is just >move down the hallway behind the tank

it's kinda funny Daybreak has been shilling this everywhere and it seems to always devolve into p99 players totally ignoring the new "official" server rofl

mostly nice people, fantastic as far as MMOs go because most of the people playing are adults and not snot nosed 12 year olds who just want to kill arthas for their free epix

druid would be nice cause you could heal his pet or keep him healed so he doesn't run out of mana but enc is probably better. enc and nec are great soloists i can only imagine the crazy shit you can do as a duo.

anyway i got a level 6 cleric now Malafari feel free to add i'm in gfay atm going to try to move into CB once i hit 7

>> No.2407084

>mostly nice people, fantastic as far as MMOs go because most of the people playing are adults and not snot nosed 12 year olds who just want to kill arthas for their free epix

No, they're just faggots who monopolize the end-game and nobody else is allowed any "epix" at all. If you're not already in one of the couple raid guilds, you'll never even see a raid boss.

>> No.2407253

Everquest isn't WoW, there are things to do that don't exist purely at max level because SoE wasn't a bunch of incompetent tards pandering to kids

>> No.2407543

So, you're justifying the fact that the entire endgame is monopolized by entitled shitters who actively exclude outsiders? Other people should dictate how you're allowed to play the game? And you're saying a community like that is "nice"?

Have fun leveling alts, the friendly community of P99 decided it's the only activity you're allowed to participate in after all. Oh, and stay away from their PLing spots or they'll report you.

>> No.2407632

Both my characters have their epics and I'm unguilded. Depending on the class, you don't need a guild for it.

Other than that, you can join one of the 4 big guilds divided between the C/R system in place.

>> No.2408591

>roshan stock sounds

>> No.2408804

>it's kinda funny Daybreak has been shilling this everywhere and it seems to always devolve into p99 players totally ignoring the new "official" server rofl

Thats because the new server has all the new features in it. progression servers were designed to capture something long gone, but between all the new updated zones, all the class features, the very close to pay 2 win model exp potions provide.. its not classic everquest. its modern day everquest with zones locked out. I tried one of the old progression servers, logged into that new freeport, then that new commonlands and thought.. nope fuck this.

p99 does everything these progression servers try to do, but only better.

>> No.2409048

Anyone who plays Everquest is a butt.


I said it.

>> No.2409059

Lol it's really funny people (who've probably never even played EQ) are actually saying that the dominance of a single guild on a server is a bad thing.

EQ set the bar for MMORPG's there will never be anything like it. As far as I'm concerned instances are what killed MMORPG's and made me lose all interest. Why give every guild a fair shot? Why give everyone equal opportunity?

Obviously with WoW they had to because of the mass appeal. But for people who never played EQ pre-luclin, you have no idea. The aspect of having a gigantic "bully" on a server in the massive powerful guilds was one of the most interesting dynamics I've ever experienced in gaming. The turmoil and hate it generated amongst players was somthing else.

Also as it's been said, EQ was never about grinding and leveling, it was almost moreso about the social aspect. Outside of the top 5% of the players the vast majority were just casual who would group up, check out different zones to level and quest and he completely content.

MMORPG's are now ruined due to all the fags who pick up the game and grind as fast as humanly possible to the end content. Shit is fuckingwack now and makes me have no desire to pick up any new game because of the mentality people hVe with these games now.

There will -never- be a game with the same feeling as Kunark EQ. I feel sorry for anyone who didn't experience it because it was one hell of a time, and like I said, will never be replicated.

>> No.2409068
File: 651 KB, 500x422, 1393268696427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol it's really funny people (who've probably never even played EQ) are actually saying that the dominance of a single guild on a server is a bad thing.
Whoa anon. You typed that.

How embarrassing.

>> No.2410214

Daybreak shill pls go

yeah it's great that the epic content is actually epic and not just something you run with your buddies 7 or 8 times to get your welfare epix and your special shiny sword so you can be unique like the 8 million other players who have the same sword

>> No.2410230

Too bad p99 has been stuck in Kunark for 70 years and everyone already has their epic and level 60, so that magic is kind of gone.

>> No.2410596

lol are you just going to shitpost anytime anyone is trying to have a conversation in this thread little boy?

>> No.2411464

tl;dr you're retarded

>> No.2412230

>I'm a wowbaby.jpg.gif.png

>> No.2412237



All of it.