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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2385301 No.2385301 [Reply] [Original]

Name a flaw.Bet you can't.

>> No.2385320

We don't know what Yoshi's eggs smell like.

>> No.2385327


Here's a flaw. Now, this might just be me, but I feel that maybe the controls for the Transformations aren't as tight as they could be.

>> No.2385335

People who can't get good and complain about baby mario's cry

>> No.2385336

You play as a gay lizard.

>> No.2385338

Yeah, the transformations felt a little weak. Especially the helicopter and mole.

>> No.2385339


People complain that Baby Mario's cry was annoying. THIS WAS INTENTIONAL.

>> No.2385341

>the controls for the Transformations aren't as tight as they could be.

>> No.2385345


What I'm talking about specifically is the part in a level in the second map screen where you turn into a train and have to navigate through really narrow chalk-drawn train tracks.

>> No.2385349
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Poochie is an asshole that just wants to see the world burn

>> No.2385351

Oh yeah that was pretty annoying.

>> No.2385358

The game mechanics feel shoddy. Shooting eggs isn't really that fun.

The fact that the game grades you after every level encourages treating it like a collectathon, which makes it even more unfun than it is normally.

Baby Mario's whining.

>> No.2385420


- Well, it's an opinion, though will be pretty alone with that one, most people obviously enjoy Yoshi's abilities, which I am one of too, I find the shoothing very precise, just press L to fix the crosshair in place before shooting. Also the egg mechanic fits Yoshi very well.

- Adds replay value. You can finish the game without caring about the collectables, you get nothing gameplay- wise from 100% it, no special ending, no new move, nothing. But if your inner collector wins he will be pleased.

-git gud

>> No.2385447

too easy
dont like the artstyle
too kiddish

literally feels like it's made for 7 year olds

>> No.2385485

all nintendos games are made for 7 year olds
but that doesn't mean theyre not good games

here's your reply, since that was probably bait anyway

>> No.2385497

The music gets annoying after a while. The minigames and transformations are stupid and boring. Skiing.

>> No.2385510

The castle theme was not as good as in SMW.

>> No.2385515

All those opinions are very valid. I mean, I don't agree with them, but I can understand it. "music gets annoying", "mini-games are stupid", etc. Don't agree but that stuff is subjective as fuck. I enjoyed the mini-games VS the bandit, they're fun as fuck. The item-farming bonuses are just standard casino-type games, nothing great and Kamek is kind of an asshole in that panel flipping one.

Nobody is really saying the game has a major flaw. This was one of the best platformers of its era, and people still play it nowdays for the gameplay alone, besides of the kiddy (yet amazingly done) graphics or Yoshi's sexuality.

>> No.2385529

too easy

>> No.2385652

All of it's fans are are autistic and can't see why any one wouldn't like the game.

>> No.2385660

looked like shit then, still looks like shit

>> No.2385673

>All of it's fans are are autistic and can't see why any one wouldn't like the game.

Those are Sonic games, not Yoshi's Island.

>> No.2385675

it isn't smw1

>> No.2385691

Bottomless Pits: the game.

>> No.2385718

>Yoshi's sexuality


>> No.2385721

That's basically every 2d platformer, really.

>> No.2385737

>babby on bag that doesn't do shit
>game doesn't have N64 Yoshi's Story graphics
>no different colored yoshis

>> No.2385756
File: 33 KB, 136x141, 1367749156618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ripped off Plok.

Plok was going to be an official Nintendo game.

And then they made this.

>> No.2385764


baby mario's cry. Yes, I'm going to be that guy, but you know it's truly a flaw.

>> No.2385773


I can see some visual similarities, especially on the later cave levels of Plok, YI's underground levels look similar. But design-wise and mechanically-wise, they're nothing alike.


Become better at not getting hit.

>> No.2385970

It isn't as fun as the Mario games that came before it, notably 3 and World.

>> No.2385981

This game's music was repetitive. It wasn't bad, but the same songs got reused all the time. Not nearly enough diversity, specially compared to SMW.

>> No.2385992
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>> No.2386000

It's called "Super Mario World 2"

>> No.2386015


It can be 100%'d in two and a half hours.

>> No.2386045

The American commercial was gross

>> No.2386393

The intention don't make it any less annoying, bro. If I act like a annoying cunt on purpose you'd have every right to complain about me being an annoying cunt, would you not?

>> No.2386398

Too short.

>> No.2386406

Lol no it can't

>> No.2386421


This. I don't understand who the fuck came up with that shit. Made me not want to buy the game.

As for the game. I guess my only complaint would be that I feel the game lacks replay value. I played it twice overall and while I don't mind playing it again, I am not actively looking to do so. But that's just looking for flaws.

>> No.2386434

I dunno, I just don't find Yoshi's Island that fun post world 1.

Its got a lot of tedious and gimmick levels. It has more then its fair share of auto-scrollers. The castles are boring, and the bosses are usually tedious and not that fun to fight,

The final showdown was pretty stupid imo.

I dunno, I think its a good game still, but people hail it like its perfect.

That being said, I don't really like any games in the Mario series. This and mario sunshine are probably te only ones I really honestly enjoyed.

>> No.2386436

It resulted in 2 really bad sequels.

>> No.2387127

>yoshi's story
>not the comfiest game to ever comf

>> No.2387159


He's probably referring to Yoshi's Island DS and Yoshi's New Island

>> No.2387179


It's the reason Miyamoto gave for not collaborating with Software Creations on Plok. That is, he was working on something that was too similar.

I don't think it's fair to blame YI, though, since he never said which game he was working on at the time (though no other game of his in 1993 would fit)

>> No.2387219


I keep hearing Yoshi's story is a bad game. Then again, I have seen some bad reviews of good or otherwise great games. How is it really?

>> No.2387223


my opinion is biased. I played it when I was little with my little sister

>> No.2387225


>> No.2387578

>no different colored yoshis
are you fucking kidding me

>> No.2387604

>the different colored yoshis in smash don't all have different voice pitches
someone fix it.

>> No.2387643


You should know basic grammar by now.

>> No.2387648

play the game and find out yourself
it's ok; I like it, but i can easily see why people bash it. Almost every Yoshi game after YI is a huge disappointment though

>> No.2387779

>preferring Yoshi's Story artstyle.
You make me want to puke into my eyes.

>> No.2387785
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>based fn mario game
Hating this game has become the cool thing to do, its the ffvii of mario vidya

>> No.2387786

It was secretly pushing the communist agenda!

>> No.2387858

I guess people just can't handle even deserved recognition. This is a weird phenomenon but I can't dispute it.

>> No.2387869

Doesn't work on an Everdrive.

>> No.2387878

The defensiveness and thin-skin of the fanbase.

>> No.2387883

Now that I'm not a kid I don't like the collectathon aspect of it anymore. Or rather, the five flowers and 20 stars is ok, but the red coins always felt pretty tedious.

>> No.2387887

>all nintendos games are made for 7 year olds

That's a terrible excuse used by people who can't come up with any real counter arguments.

>> No.2387892
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>and can't see why any one wouldn't like the game.

You mean just like any other fanbase? I seriously don't know what the hell people like you expect when you dive into threads full of fans discussing a game and start shouting that it's shit.

>> No.2387919

(1) If you want to play all the bonus levels, you have to autistically collect EVERY red coin on EVERY level, and EVERY star on EVERY level, since you must end the level with a perfect score. And if you get hit or miss a red coin on a forced scrolling level, you must start over.

(2) The jump mechanics are too floaty (even without the "air wiggle" move), especially if you prefer SMB2(J) or SMB3.

(3) It's too easy. There's zero challenge unless you go for all the bonus levels, but that's more annoying than fun.

(4) The default controls for shooting eggs are inherently inferior to the "hold the button and release" controls. While a minor gripe, it still pisses me off that I need to change it when the alternative is objectively better.

(5) Baby Mario is a crying little bitch.

>> No.2387935

Here's a flaw. Yoshi's Island is the reason this exists:

>> No.2387964
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This can't be real...

>> No.2388024
File: 138 KB, 500x321, assbend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the song becomes bearable if you look at this pic while playing it

>> No.2388070

Enemies can't kill you. It's a slow, repetitive, boring, and largely very easy game. It's like a Kirby game without the variety, smooth controls, powerups, and basically everything that makes Kirby good

>> No.2388213

>get hit on a forced scrolling level, you must start over.
You can ricochet eggs to red and get stars.
Although I still don't see it as a flaw. If you get hit or miss an item, you're punished. Simple as that.

>> No.2389369

This. I just don't find the game fun at all.

>> No.2389397

I must be tired, but I laughed hard.

>> No.2389419

Boring level design. Every level feels the same. This isn't helped by the fact that they chose mostly drab colors with low contrast. The scenery in every level feels like colored clothes that have gone through the laundry too many times. They relied too much on the egg throwing and baby-in-a-bubble mechanic. The whole game revolves around these two features. Novelty wears out very quickly.

>> No.2389425

I feel like I'm too pressured to 100% the level. While technically optional, getting 100% is obviously what the levels are designed around. And hunting for that last red coin just isn't fun for me.

>> No.2389428


I wish more games had "failure" music in that style. It's not /vr/, but Sonic Unleashed's reaction to you failing is playing the victory music badly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yODLkaF8F-Y

>> No.2389445

oh god my sides

>> No.2389509


>> No.2389536

I straight up loathed the level where if you touched those fuzzy white things the screen would go all wobbly. Made me so damn motion sick.

>> No.2389553

try smoking weed and playing that

>> No.2389556

that was my favorite level you bitch

>> No.2389572

I don't like the artstyle. It's not bad or anything, just not my cup of tea.

>> No.2389608


>baby-in-a-bubble mechanic.

jesus lord just get good and you won't ever see the bubble or hear Mario crying.

It isn't even a hard game, just stop getting hit.

>> No.2389907

Don't you get extra levels by getting 100% in each world?