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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2378030 No.2378030 [Reply] [Original]

Since the last one was so successful, I thought we'd have another one.

If anyone wants to play with me, I'm playing hardcore on USEast, as are at least a couple of other people.

>> No.2378046

Do we know when the ladder is resetting next? I haven't been paying attention.

>> No.2378049

> Death takes it's toll of 2k gold.
How is it possible to be that poor in d2?>>2378046
I'd also like to know this. Have taken a break because I want to play on a fresh ladder.

>> No.2378054

You playing expansion?
I'll join you, almost a lvl 40 sin

>> No.2378082
File: 135 KB, 640x636, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Diablo 2 thread OP here, you beat me to it.

>cow king lightning immune
So what's a trapper to do.

>> No.2378109

death sentry + melee

>> No.2378113

>I'm playing hardcore on USEast
How to connect? I'm using a torrented version of diablo

>> No.2378116

you can't m8, gotta get legit diablo

>> No.2378168

Yes I am. On hardcore right?

>> No.2378246

Why does Wind Druid suck so much till you're like lvl 25-30

Its so annoying to lvl

>> No.2378318

>he doesn't like arctic blast

It's like you don't even know how to have fun.

Level Arctic Blast, then respec the points later.

>> No.2378325

Of course

>> No.2378328

Does anyone play on slash diablo

>> No.2378337

Literally reddit.

>> No.2378340

Are you playing right now?

>> No.2378347

Excuse me /b/rother xD, /b/, /v/ and /tv/ are these ways!


>> No.2378354

Too bad you can't downvote me here, right? Go back to plebbit, faggot.

>> No.2378358


You're shitting up this thread, leave

>> No.2378365

yes, i'll make a new game, retro games

>> No.2378412

Ah just saw this now, game does not exist

>> No.2378685

You can only play on LAN or over the internet with people using LAN over VPN/tunnel.

>> No.2379070

So what's everyone doing to level up thru NM and HELL? Playing straight, Baal,Tristram, cow runs?

I want to get the cow set for no good reason. I leveled with my last toon way back when, doing from normal to group NM Baal runs.

>> No.2379193

Tristruns first, then act2 tombruns is a good place to start, after that you can basically rush to doing Baalruns. Maybe squeeze in some Chaosruns.

>> No.2379259

>not doing baal runs in norm till 40, then chaos till 60 then doing hell chaos.

>> No.2379435

Well, the one who asked wondered about nm and hell, and my answer focused on nm.

I prefer to just rush to nm-baal.

>> No.2379683

Play straight through and do nm baal until 75 (earlier if softcore). Then, hell baal until 95, at which point you are probably done leveling.

>> No.2379701
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Pic shows if leveling first character a OK route.

>> No.2379710
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Is anyone in the world playing online classic diablo2?
>classic PVP
>no enigma

>> No.2379787

What build is the best farmer?


>> No.2379796

Depends what you want to farm. Necros are generally pretty bad for MF. I used my necros mainly for farming runes and socked items.

>> No.2379814

skelemancer is decent if it's your first character
I'd say best is blizzard/lightning sorceress depending on what areas you want to mf, javazon/hammerdin can be good if you're able to afford an enigma

>> No.2379827
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>enigma on amazon

My heart is bleeding. What a waste.

>> No.2379845

you won't achieve a decent clear speeds on an amazon without enigma, no point using one to mf over a sorc then

>> No.2379869

You would need at least 99% fcr (it's the slowest caster) to get a somewhat decent tele speed with an amazon. It's not really worth it considering the price. Much better spend on a tele skelemancer.

>> No.2379937

He's still right regardless.

Besides, most enigmas go into low tier armor that almost anyone can wear, so it's hardly like it would be stuck on one character.

>> No.2380074

Any USEast players interested in rolling a new softcore ladder character? I've got a Martial Arts build I want to try out.

>> No.2380212
File: 592 KB, 800x600, Screenshot079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I catch this stupid bot stuck In a corner wall triyin to reach Tristam, he was stucked there like 5 minutes, Impossible for his computer mind to fin a correct way... so I return to town so I can became hostile to him, and the bot instaquit the game... but he created more and more games, and instead of killing him, I just killed all the monsters in tristan before him, stealing his XP. The poor thing just roamed mindlessy everywhere.

I added him as a friend to follow his stupid misadventures : )

>> No.2380496
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haven't found a tc87 in ages, too bad it was this one

>> No.2380515
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honestly I love Diabo, its much better as a story and game than Diablo 2
Diablo is by far the darkest and most adult of the storylines. Diablo 2, comes a reasonable second but with much less claustrophobia. Diablo's genius was it's fixation on Tristram and the inescapable dread that emanated from the Cathedral, something the village NPC's were more than happy to testament to. As soon as the Diablo series became more geographically broad, it also watered down the atmosphere clearly present in Tristram. That village was cursed, and no other place in the lore ever came close

also music since the score is incredible

>> No.2380516

but that base damage though

>> No.2380525
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>MFW I got in an argument with some guy when he found a Herald of Zakarum off of Hell Heph and thought the TCs were wrong because he confused it with Zakarum Shields.

>> No.2380797

The mindless program acting mindless is a lot less pathetic than the sentient human obsessing over it, anon

>> No.2381151

Druid is fucking weird in general.
that dude is crazy strong in the beginning and in Act 2 but once you reach Act 3 he doesn't even do any damage anymore. that zyklon spell is shit and twister sucks because it fucking avoids enemies and just curves them.
vines become useless and spirits as well.

they should balance that class.

>> No.2381609
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I started an Iron Man sorcerer in Diablo 1 (1 life, no trips to town). Things have been going my way. I managed to find a Cap of the Mind, Cape of Brilliance, and an Immolator. The book drops have not been great, but I'm finding many staves to supplement my precious mana. Purifying Springs have been plentiful.

Just entered the catacombs and there are archers....

>> No.2381695

Are paladin the most boring class? It's the only one that feels like a downgrade compared to diablo 1 gameplay-wise.

>> No.2381734

Depends on the built. Hammerdin? Yeah, definitely boring. Zealer? Pretty fun if you ask me.

>> No.2381804


>> No.2381826

Just got to level six, deleted all my previous characters. USE LOD

>> No.2381827

Fun idea, D2 is great that way. There are plenty of things you can add yourself to make it more difficult or interesting.

I've been thinking about doing a no map-run, which wouldn't be THAT hard, but it would enhance the exploration.

>> No.2381831

alright boys retro game multiplayer;
game name is retro vidja
password is retro
useast lod

>> No.2381836

ng, gamename is retro vidya, same pass

>> No.2381921

I see that exactly the same way! Dark atmosphere, eerie soundtrack... I felt never comfortable with the more comical and coloured world of Diablo 2 & 3.

And Diablo (I) is by far more difficult without all the stuff to comfort the player. It was always a quest on its own to take back someone's stuff when slaughtered in hell or in the caves with the annoying poison spitting monsters ^^ Or to get the network connection running on cheap equipment back in 1996 :)

>> No.2381976

agree with both!

Diablo 1 storyline was simply..how to put it...compare Star Wars Original Trilogy to Prequels. Prequels try to explain and define the universe the OT introduced. It kills that misty mysterious feeling to the story which was previously vaguely defined and left a lot for your imagination. Also so much action and acrobatics introduced in combat, characters feeling and looking more cheerful and fun. etc.

That's how I view Diablo 2 compared to Diablo 1. D1 just gave you a mysterious village where you wandered in, and vaguely defined the crisis for you to unfold and root out. just as first anon says, there's a fixation on tristram and it feels like a cursed village, standing out...and you have the same fixation within the village over the cathedral. and there's a red light emitting from the cathedral. red as blood. red is a general "danger" color. it's simple but meaningful. and the low saturation of the colors used to paint the village, the fact that there's only a few people living there, etc. just gives it that misty foggy vaguely defined mysterious feeling. disregard the photo OP gave, I remember exploring the village to see what else is there and the fact that you had no minimap just contributed to the overall atmosphere of the game.

it's was perfectly delivered.

And the idea that you always go down the same cathedral, going in, to fight evil beings is wonderful imo. i like how its always the same entrance, same place...and the fact that its a damn CATHEDRAL, the supposed root of "good", a freaking church...but it's filled with evil creatures. the contrast is wonderful and eerie.

And the soundtrack..oh my god.

wonderful times. I play D3 nowadays because I want a fast paced game to keep me occupied and dont really care much about stories anymore. still I occasionally find myself replaying d1 more than d2 over nostalgia.

>> No.2381992
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Also these yellow bastards.

>> No.2382005


>> No.2382009
File: 407 KB, 800x600, Screenshot218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's just my 1.09 experience talking, but I wouldn't call Grandfather shitty. GF is good enough to build a melee barb around; you won't get the same kind of results that you would with one of the expensive melee runewords but you will do about as good damage as you possibly could without them. GF also has an absolutely massive boost to stats that makes it good for undergeared characters and is useful on hardcore for strength bugging. It's probably the best melee unique in the game.

Hardcore? I'm playing on East right now.

I love Diablo and consider it a great game in its own right, but the arguments in favor are, in my opinion, nullified more or less entirely by Diablo 2's incredible longevity. I have played the original Diablo to death and I've gotten more or less complete gear builds with all three characters and it didn't take all that long (sorceress took years but it only takes about 15 hell clears to get a fully-geared Rogue). To me, the slow pace isn't better, it's just different. No contest on the plot, though.

The soundtrack is something that I believe is unilaterally superior in Diablo 2. One of the reasons is that if you listen hard enough, you'll find that most of the Diablo soundtrack can be found in Diablo II (Tristram in... Tristram and half of the dungeon themes are in Act III dungeons). But mostly I just find that Diablo II's soundtrack expands on the atmospheric premise across a bunch of environments quite well and benefits from being a larger body of work.

>> No.2382015

I prefer the atmosphere, music and graphical style of D1, but D2 is, after all is said and done, for me simply the batter game with better mechanics. Not saying D1 is a bad game, but I could never imagine myself sinking the same amount of time into. It feels a bit too stiff and static.

Also, I get the feeling my blizzard sorc doesn't do any damage on NM. Thought about farming andy a bit but the damage is so pathetic, it takes forever. At this rate it's probably a better idea to let my merc handle it.

>> No.2382025

Pure blizzard should do tonnes -- as in complete overkill -- of damage on nightmare. Where are your skills? What level are you?

>> No.2382026

Next ladder get rid of enigma plis, make pvp just like classic.

>> No.2382032

agree with your d1 and d2 comparison. but as I said I still rather replay d1 over d2 because of the atmosphere and story. now that i have d3, i compare d3 to d2 the same way you do d2 to d1 (gameplay wise). there's no contest. and i dont mean it as "d3 expands over d2". I just mean it's better. better in the sense that times changed and i grew up and dont really have much time. so a dumbed down d2 experience, but expanded in other regards towards d3 feels just about right. I always found myself struggling trough d2 and never got to experience actual endgame. I always played it because hey it's diablo and 2. because a lot of friends did as well so we played together to beat the game, reroll different class and start over.

but i understand what you're saying completely. i never personally had the same approach to d1 as i have with d3. I never viewed d1 as "need to find best gear and be most efficient as possible". I just approached the game with "need a sword strong enough to cut trough the next level". as long as I beat the story I was happy.

regarding the soundtrack, I have that "it expands" feeling too, but I think d1 soundtrack had a grittier feeling to it which I loved more. it all comes down to personal preference I guess.

and also, besides the point, but I really miss paladins :(

>> No.2382065

You could just play classic, classic is a hotbed for (softcore) PvP.

Not that it's totally relevant, but I think Diablo 3 is a pile of hot garbage

>> No.2382072

Anyone want to roll some new characters in D1?

>> No.2382084

I gotta break out my motherfucking disc if i want to do that.

>> No.2382085

I played a lot of Diablo multiplayer back in its prime, but it really sounds better than it actually is. Not only do you have the whole friendly fire thing, but it is all around difficult to co-ordinate and the quests are the same every time.

>> No.2382087 [DELETED] 

You could also pirate it since there's no cd key.

Pretend I'm lending you my second disc.

I played a lot of Diablo multiplayer back in its prime, but it really sounds better than it actually is.

So did I, and I disagree. That shit was hilarious.

>> No.2382090
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I was being dumb and died, then went back to retrieve my body and regain some exp when this happened

>> No.2382091

You could also pirate it since there's no cd key.

Pretend I'm lending you my second disc.

>I played a lot of Diablo multiplayer back in its prime, but it really sounds better than it actually is.

So did I, and I disagree. That shit was hilarious.

>> No.2382093


>> No.2382103

Level 29. Blizzard is still at level 1 with some points in synergy skills.I think I should respec and put more into blizzard.

You can download the client from the battlenet page. .

That shit hurts. Never happened to me though. I found 2 ber , 1 vex and 1 ohm runes until now. Guess I was lucky.

>> No.2382110

Good to know, wish Druid and assassin could still be included. I love d2 expansion, but IMO rune words make it more of a pissing contest for gear, while teleporting.

>> No.2382121

It is not an uncommon opinion that non-x PvP was/is a lot better than expansion, especially now that there are class-homogenizing items like CTA and enigma.

Do normal baal until you're 40; then you'll breeze through nightmare.

I don't know. Maybe I would like it, but I've tried to play it multiplayer a few times in the last few years and it's never been as good as the single-player.

You can make... uh... Doom.

>> No.2382197

I'm more than half way through the catacombs, but my armor has taken a beating. I did find some nice chainmail, but am too weak to wear it for a bit.

My mana dwindles, but I think I'll make the caves....after that does not look well. Come on I need to find some jewels.

>> No.2382279

I got lucky with a Hidden Shrine that saved my gear, not so lucky with a Goat Shrine that permanently took 10% of my base mana. Also found some +Dex jewels that aren't much help. I'm now in the caves, but down to my last two mana potions. Looks like I'm going out in a blaze of firewall glory.

>> No.2382481

I ran out of mana and the dogs and slayers ended my life half way through level 10. I think that's a new record for me.

>> No.2382541

How's the Beelzebub mod for Diablo? From what I've seen it looks more like a Median XL type of thing.

>> No.2382639

I like doing this on the rogue. You are less likely to get screwed by bad luck and also less likely to make the game super easy for yourself by getting fireball on cata 1 or whatever.

Really though, I think this is fun on any character. Seems almost impossible on the warrior though.

>> No.2382671

This is completely not true. Amazons have a truly abysmal cast speed to the degree that you might as well run almost all the time. It will be so rarely advantageous to teleport that charges will be sufficient.

To waste the armor slot when a much cheaper alternative exists for the, I don't know, two times a run you will gain from teleporting seems ridiculous.

>> No.2383059

The rogue is probably your best bet, but it seems impossible with any class. I just run out of potions and then are pretty screwed. Last sorcerer game I found many staves that kept me going. At then end of it I was beating dogs with a shield.

>> No.2383127

>He's still right regardless.

He isn't, though. Making Enigma somehow usable on an amazon would require many fcr items which would take a steep cut on your mf gear.

The amazon simply isn't an optimal mf char.

>> No.2383501

Amazons kill act bosses with crappy gear than sorcs do with the best gear. The character that clears CS the fastest is the amazon andand CS is one of the best mf/leveling areas in the game.

>> No.2383503

faster than*

>> No.2383559

Agreed about D2's music. It's really good, but D1's soundtrack was just much more raw, gothic, eerie, and "gritty" as you put it. A lot of the music was more soundscape than actual music as well which really gave the game a very unique feel.

>> No.2383592

>be me


>> No.2383618
File: 527 KB, 800x600, Screenshot019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing d2 casual mode single player for years and years
>done full run with beating hell baal couple of times
>play with 74lvl necro on hell act 3
>Diablo walks the earth
>never seen that before
>go to act1 cold plains spawn of some cool shaman guy which now should instead be diablo clone
>there he is
>ok im 74lvl I got merc with 2 cool runewords, have nice gear myself, big army of summons just in case
>everything dies in 2 seconds
>I run away
>read a lot about how to kill him
>ok mb my merc can do this with 40% open wounds, 40% crushing blow, -25% enemy armor (people say it's good for making him stop heal I think)
>merc dies in 1 pink-powerspray attack
>ok I have instant potions saved up, we can do this
>about 40 small and 120 full rejuv pots after all I got is some crazy -10%hp hits from merc but then nothing
>diablo is still insane even with clay golem and decrepify on him to slow down
>I feel like world isn't fair

Is this even possible to kill him with 74lvl necro? I think not. Even if you repick spells to max bone spirit - he still outregens it. I also attach a picture to this message to show you how my summoner looks like in a wild.

>> No.2383629

Never tried him with a Necro. I always used my u-trist zealsmitter.

Maybe with the right curse, who knows.

>> No.2383642

Zealsmiter is they easiest to kill dclone with, they say. There is a video of someone doing it with lvl25 pala (with a crazy gear tho).

>> No.2383685

Literally irrelevant to what he said. Enigma will still improve their clear speed in any place with a lot of walls, even with no FCR. Teleport is teleport.

>> No.2383692

as opposed to figuratively irrelevant?
this faggotry will be stopped

>> No.2383694

>Literally irrelevant
As opposed to figuratively irrelevant?

>> No.2383703


What are you gonna do about it, bitch niggas?

I literally don't care.

>> No.2383707

Why even bother using English words at this point? Just make up your own words because suddenly it doesn't matter what their meanings are.

>> No.2383708

>bitch nigga
>overuses "literally"
You're fucking 14, go back to /v/

>> No.2383709

annoyance his open ram the visible mails

There, now we can finally understand each other.

>> No.2383716
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Does it trigger you to know that the dictionary disagrees with you faggots? Is that why you're so bootyblasted?

>3. actually; without exaggeration or inaccuracy

>thinking prescriptivism will EVER win

>> No.2383719
File: 6 KB, 146x146, urdar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The speed advantage from having teleport is highly variable; the benefit from using enigma is large when the map has a completely unpredictable layout and you are only planning
on killing a small number of monsters, whereas it's small (or nonexistent) when you are going to be killing a lot of shit in a predictable environment. That the amazon has a truly abysmal casting speed only means that the amazon will always be slower relative to other classes, although they make up for this somewhat for arguably having the best /players 1 kill speed out of any class in most environments.

In a full clear CS run, you only really need teleport to get to the entrance, and it only takes about five teleports. Do you need an enigma to do five teleports? Absolutely not; you can use a (far cheaper) item with teleport charges. If you want to save that extra second of casting time, you can even put wizard spike/spirit on a weapon switch and swap to your javs when you get to CS.

If you're old school and you're running hell meph, the javazon is a poor choice because without maphack it could take you hundreds of teleports (which you won't be able to do with charges instead of oskill) and it's not worth your time to stop and kill things anyway. But honestly, I don't ever run hell meph and I don't know any non-bots that do these days either.

Other than DoH? I think the only big thing that Amazons would need an enigma to do at competitive speeds is Baal. The route to pits is predictable from OC and their clear speed is so quick on those low health enemies that they're probably the best choice for level 85 MF, and they do full clear CS at least as fast as anyone else.

Go to any place where urdars (pic related) or any of their variants spawn, such as river of flame, and revive as many of them as you can. They have crushing blow and are actually amazing at killing Uber Diablo. Life tap helps a little bit but you're probably best off using decrepify.

>> No.2383725

Except, as I've explained numerous times that's a slang, informal definition and it's fucking retarded

"meh" is also in the dictionary, but you won't find that anywhere professional.

>> No.2383731

Conclusion: Enigma on an amazon is a waste.

>> No.2383734

>I say it's slang so it doesn't count!
>informal interjections are the same as different definitions for already accepted words!

Nice arguments fagtron, you really convinced me with your hot opinions.

I wish prescriptivists would all jump off a bridge. Your petty hair-splitting is literally holding English back.

>> No.2383739

I don't say it's slang. Your all knowing dictionary does.
It's fucking stupid and that's all there is to it.
I'm done now because I'm not gonna argue with a 14 year old and I'm starting to feel bad about being off-topic.

>> No.2383747

>ctrl+f 'slang'
>zero results


>I say it's stupid so it's wrong!
>But you're the 14 year old just for being a descriptivist!


>> No.2383759

>holding English back.

This is killing me. Shitters who overuse the same fucking adverb all the time just because their vocabulary is so embarrassingly tiny somehow think they're the saviors of the English language. And then they have the nerve to waggle with a dictionary. I'm just glad English isn't my native language, that would be too fucking sad.

"Literally" is the millennial version of "like". Luckily, just like the latter it will also be a thing of the past once its current users stop being 16 years old.

>> No.2383769

I'd say so (I said as much earlier in the thread), but not being able to do Baal efficiently IS kind of a big deal when Baal is certainly the most efficient way to level for most of the game (CS is really only a contender for speed in like, the nineties). But for the price, you're better off with something like CoH.

>> No.2383771

Thats interesting. I thought about it, but seemed like any summon dies within seconds. Even tho i got 30 on skelly mastery.

>> No.2383775

>Insinuate others have tiny vocabularies
>use "fucking" multiple times instead of more appropriate adjectives, the hallmark of a teenager
>call other people teenagers right afterwards


>> No.2383779

dude, just shut the fuck up.
you're alone in this
you're going to keep using it, and us adults will keep thinking you're a fucking retard.
So, feel free and have fun and enjoy not being taken seriously.

Now, either stay on topic or don't post.

>> No.2383784

Revives have several times the health of basically any other minion except maybe golems.

>> No.2383785

>you're alone in this

No actually, I'm not.That's why it's in the dictionary.

I've got some bad news for you; normalfags don't care. Does 'Ten items or less' trigger you? because I guarantee you 90% of English speakers have no idea that It's wrong, nor would they care if they did.

It's you prescriptivists who are alone. Alone in your ivory tower, looking down on everyone you see as inferior.

>> No.2383787

Can you dumb ass motherfuckers have your pseudo-intellectual pissing contest somewhere else?

>> No.2383856

> Single player
> Diablo walks the earth
Have your pick.

>> No.2383865

>what is PlugY

>> No.2383875
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>> No.2383881
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>act1 cold plains spawn of some cool shaman guy which now should instead be diablo clone

How do I find that guy? I think I can beat him.

>> No.2383882

Eaglehorn, Hellslayer, Messcheredmsodfs's Reaver (does anyone actually know how to spell this without googling it)? This character would have been a dream in 1.09.

>> No.2383892
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Meanwhile, on Normal...

>> No.2383904

Median XL or Vanilla?

>> No.2383917

Vanilla. I don't think any Diablo 2 mod is worth playing in lieu of the original game. Even at their best they seem to just manage to work as diversions for people who are perhaps overly familiar with the base game.

I do like Hell on Earth though, even though it's a bit of a pain to get working nowadays (since you need 1.09).

>> No.2383925

>make Barbarian
>max out leap
>every time he jumps there is a screen wide knockback effect
>keep doing small hops
>enemies cannot get anywhere near me
>insight to ensure I never run out of mana
>team kills everything
>moves on
>I switch to the 2 gull daggers in my other slot
>use find item on a few select corpses
>find a SoJ and Draculs Grasp
>later on run into pindleskin's area
>yell at the corpses before they revive and attack me
>find another SoJ

Good day to be a MF Barb

>> No.2383928

i was last reset november 2014, some people are saying it's going to reset soon, but that seems too brief a time to me

>> No.2383929

more like gemmed fail

>> No.2383934

>that feel when your Hardcore Hell character dies


>> No.2383937

When I was really involved in the ladder resets the barbs discovered that they could stave off boredom and be useful for more than just bo/shout by leaping a lot. It's actually really handy when everyone's gear is garbage because it's pretty reliable.

>> No.2383939


It's pretty easy if you can remember there's a d. schmidt is prounounced sh-mitt, if i'm not mistaken. It's German(ic).

I feel like I learned it when I was really young but I can't recall where.



>> No.2383951

>if i'm not mistaken

You aren't. It means (knife)smith, btw.

I love this kind of fuck ups. Best thing is when people are actually trying to trade it to you as some kind of SUPER BUGGED ITEM which unveils its true power only when you wear it. Only 3 Ist, basically a steal!

>> No.2383957

>knifesmith's weapon
>it's a fuckoff huge axe

deepest lore

>> No.2383959

Wow, you've really updated my journal. Do you have any explanation for the name of the helmet in Diablo that reduces all of your resistances to 0 (I'm going to take a shot in the dark here and say Gotterdamerung)?

>> No.2384036

I actually know what that means because of the Wagner opera of the same name... Twilight of the gods.

I wonder if that's why it has the light radius penalty?


>> No.2384041

Where can I download Diablo 1?

>> No.2384042 [DELETED] 

On the high seas, me hearty.

>> No.2384045

I will be playing off and on tonight on USeast hardcore ladder. Game will probly just be vr.

I'm still on normal, level 21 lit sorceress

>> No.2384048

On the high seas, me hearty.

>> No.2384049
File: 219 KB, 1152x648, d2menu4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Room name will be vr

>> No.2384056

hey i have diablo 1 and hellfire.
i recently had to switch to windows 7 from XP (goddamn i miss XP), anyway, the colors are all fucky. ive tried running as admin, compatible for xp with sp2 but no help. any other suggestions?

>> No.2384058

yarrgh walk the plank

>> No.2384062

Well piratebay is down and the ones on kickass have no seeds
Anywhere else I could get it?

>> No.2384069

If you google around, there's a simple .bat file that should fix the problem for you.

I mean, Blizzard isn't supporting it, so you should be able to get it almost anywhere.

Also TPB being down is irrelevant, you only need the magnet link. Use a cached version to get it.

>> No.2384070

dude i have diablo and hellfire isos, with the patch. i'll send em to you if you can help me fix the color, im using goddamned windows 7

>> No.2384078


I looked it up for you.


try that.

>> No.2384079


>> No.2384084

that was very sweet of you im also looking at the bat files as well thanks

>> No.2384087


btw if/when you guys get your games working, lets play some multiplayer. I've already got a character made on USEast

That file I linked is basically just a tarted up .bat file. I believe it's what I used, as well.

>> No.2384091

dude, im fucking proud of you it worked finally!!

>> No.2384096
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>> No.2384105

what channel you on?

>> No.2384120

I joined the 'Town Square' channel just now.

>> No.2384140

Thanks dude

>> No.2384149
File: 464 KB, 500x338, 46236236546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2384180

Wow, I play this shit 23 hours a day and y'all hop on for hour #24

>> No.2384203

Hours late, but in short I'm using it to play in 1920x1080 and it's great for that. Adds the hidden classes from the expansion, and lets you customize your run speed in town. There's more but those are the big ones for me. I'd recommend whole fartedly

>> No.2384216

I was at wal mart today and the battle chest of Diablo II is still 20 dollars
Can someone explain me the logic behind taking up three spaces worth of PC game with a 15 year old game that everyone who wants the game already has and everyone else would not be willing to pay a whole 20 dollars for?

>> No.2384228

>Can someone explain me the logic behind taking up three spaces worth of PC game with a 15 year old game
It still sells

>> No.2384229

Because people are probably still buying them often enough to justify it.

It's a quick way to get a copy of D1, as well as having physical evidence that you own a given pair of CD keys.

>> No.2384276

If you buy diablo from blizzard website does it include the expansion?

If you have the expansion is non-expansion check box at character creation still available?

If you install an old used copy of Diablo 2 vanilla without expansion, update patches will rune words, and the added expansion uniques be in game?

Can you install a windows98 diablo 2 disc on PC with windowsXP/Vista?

>sorry for dumbass questions, I just don't want to have to buy game twice to play classic on bnet.

>> No.2384291


I've installed my D2 discs I got at release on windows 7, so I don't think there is many issues in that field

>> No.2384294

No, you have to buy classic and LoD separately, but both are available.

Yes, you can make classic only characters even with the expansion installed.

Expansion content was not added to classic, that would defeat the purpose of an expansion.

D2 runs fine on xp/vista/7, but may require some tweaking.

>> No.2384307

I'm so fucking happy to see this thread, I can never stop coming back to this game even if bots sorta killed it.

What's more fun, Zealot or Smite paladin? I wanna go with one of those two, fuck your hammers.

Also, what do you guys think of The Hell expansion for D1? The spells added are awesome but I'm wondering if the floors past Diablo are fun, and I know it's not official but does it expand on the story at all?

>> No.2384309

>What's more fun, Zeal or Smite paladin?

You can run both. They serve different purposes.

>> No.2384396


Thanks anon, thankfully /vr/ is a slower board

>> No.2384487
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>> No.2384584

There is no expansion content, but all of the big mechanics changes from 1.10 were applied to nonx as well, most notably the synergy system and the new leveling curve that makes getting past 80 or so a real slog on nonx (even moreso than before)

I like it sometimes. Nonx is great fun for soloing because the monsters are significantly lower level on nm and hell, and the gear expectations are lowered accordingly. But it is a shorter experience overall.

>> No.2384689

I never ran a MF barb.
What combat skill should I be running on a untwinked barb for shouting find item.
Is WW with alibaba sword retarded?
Should I skip putting points in weapon mastery?

>> No.2384827

tchernobog (belzebub with multiplayer support up to 8 players) just got updated, any anon who like diablo 1 should check it out, you only need a diabat.mpq in you game folder to run it

also tons of new (not game breaking and lore friendly) features, like crafting, revived "new" quests, new characters, items, new item slot (belt) and lots of more stuff


its still in alpha so dont bother with bug riporting, just be happy they made it avaliable to download

>> No.2384857

Not the same anon you replied to, and i know this will sound stupid, but how do i install it?

I downloaded it, and the only files it had were the .bin and .cue files of diablo 1 and hellfire.

I wanted to play diablo 1 because me and my friend were playing D2 (i have been able to play TCP IP/LAN with him without any issues via hamachi, even in a pirated copy), but he was pretty busy, and i didn't want to continue without him (if i were going to play single player, i'd rather continue with my barbarian, still need to fix my pc to get his save file tho).

>> No.2384902

How playable is it? I already read about the mod like... 1,5 years ago? But didn't bother as I just decided to wait. I'm craving some D1 but I don't want to ruin it by bugs and crashes...

>> No.2384913

What's everybody's favorite character and build to play through HC?

I'm doing my first HC run as a Javazon. I'm really starting to slow down at the end of Act 1 though for some reason. I'm taking more damage while dealing less. I also seem to miss quite frequently.
I wonder if I'd be better off switching to a spear. I'm still using a base javelin and doing a whopping 5 damage.

>> No.2384924

Has anybody run Diablo 2 LOD on a mac using OSX ? i've googled it and read a few threads and forums, but i'd like to know if someone has already done this succesfully here.

>> No.2384981

Nevermind, i just need to get daemon tools.

>> No.2385036


The single player mod Belzebub is really enjoyable, there are no major bugs and all the new content is there to explore.

The multiplayer mod Tchernobog is in alpha stage, as the developer said its about 60% complete, with the recent update its definately playable. there are occasional crashes and bugs and the quest system is not fully implemented yet, but they fixed it temporarly to be completable.

The main single player mod has come a long way in 1,5 years, I would say its the best thing that could happen to diablo 1.

>> No.2385040

Ah thanks, didn't see that it was an extra MP Mod.
Now I just have to hunt down my D1 CD and try it.

>> No.2385053

Since we are talking about D1 mods, what would be the best mods for someone who is going to play diablo 1 for the first time? Or should i stick with vanilla D1 for my first playthrough?

>> No.2385063
File: 164 KB, 1000x1086, 2015-05-05 20.49.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That went faster than expected. Gotta love meine Ordnung. Now I just have to wait for DIABDAT.MPQ to copy over...

And ha! Great, including Diablo Spawn Version. Good times were had on LAN Partys.

>> No.2385407

Starting a trap assassin on HC USEast right fucking now. Get the shit in here.

game: vrplays
pass: vr

>> No.2385642

Get in on this shit ya lazybones

>> No.2385776

>nobody wants to play old games on /v/
>vr gets no fucking traffic at all


>> No.2386063

many people on d2jsp say that either the last one or the one coming up will be the last reset, but i haven't been able to get my hands on a link or screenshot that confirms the date (and november's reset announcement didn't say anything about it being the last reset

>> No.2386109

Playing diablo 1, went with warrior, already got the butcher's cleaver and the undead crown.

Are there any spells (besides town portal) that are viable for a warrior, or should i just stick with bashing things in the face?

>> No.2386123

Healing comes to mind. You can really learn whatever you want, though.

Are you playing single player? In multiplayer there's also resurrect and heal other.

>> No.2386132

how to diablo 1 color fix? Windows 7. straight up retarded with computers because I'm casual scum.

>> No.2386136

I linked the solution earlier in the thread.


>> No.2386161

not be a faggot trapper

>> No.2386443

I'm on single player. So far i only put enough points in magic to be able to use the fire Wall scrolls, the rest of them i put in strength/dex/vitality.

>> No.2386805
File: 175 KB, 2560x1440, Belzebub 2015-05-06 17-09-51-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew, that was close...

Not sure what I should think of the mod. The amount of enemies is already quite high on Lvl1/2 - at least I can't remember that there were so many on vanilla D1. The addition of at least magical/rare from Diablo 2 is quite nice. But finding 10 swords, 20 daggers and 9001 axes really grinds my gears when I just need 1 better bow...
Let's see how the Butcher goes.

>> No.2386923


you will need those items later on to salvage for crafting materials

Is that tchernobog? if yes then I think the extra monsters are there for multiplayer I guess

Anyone interested in this mod should first play through Belzebub because its more complete and polished. If you want to play with friends then you should play Tchernobog.

>> No.2386935
File: 459 KB, 2560x1440, Belzebub 2015-05-06 17-19-34-94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will need those items later on to salvage for crafting materials
Didn't even know they add that too. Good to know. Explains why the stash is so big.

>Is that tchernobog?
No, regular SP. MP is even grayed out.

>> No.2386957


I see, have fun, I couldn't stop playing the first time I started. Some quests are maybe tricky to figure out but you can find some details in the forum.

You can begin crafing when you get the anvil, somewhere in the caverns I think.

>> No.2387241
File: 201 KB, 2560x1440, Belzebub 2015-05-06 22-01-07-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can begin crafing when you get the anvil
Sounds good, let's see what kind of stuff to craft they added.

And I got to the Butcher after the hint by Ogden. Fucker was hiding behind his shitty minions. Hardcore fighting ensues.

>> No.2387247 [SPOILER] 
File: 221 KB, 2560x1440, 1430943492118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was one hell of a fight... He just stays there... probably scared of my awesome new lightning bow. Wouldn't have been a fun fight tough, with the HP he has, he took quite a few shots.

>> No.2387442
File: 68 KB, 450x627, Baal_Zebu_by_GENZOMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ Pls give me examples of items that will give my barbarian the Enchant Sorc's spell.

That fucking spell is OP for melee .

>> No.2387615

I'm playing on hc east if anyone wants to play right now.

>> No.2387628

Obedience (Polearm runeword)
Lava Gout (gloves)
i think IK armor does as well

>> No.2387670

I remember when lava gout all of a sudden became a big deal because of the bug with enchant that made leaving the game with it on completely fudge your character display and make them unplayable for awhile.

...And then there was the time when Infernostride could disconnect players on proc. Watch out for fire apparel.

>> No.2387781

Fug, obedience looks so fucking far...

I found Demon Limb mace, but fuckings shit is ethereal, It cannot replete enchant charges

>> No.2387790

Obedience is actually fairly easy to make. The only rune in there that you're not likely to have just by playing through nightmare is fal, and fal is not difficult to get from hell countess.

Honestly though, enchant without synergies isn't really that good. It augments your damage a bit but I wouldn't make it the focus of your build.

An ethereal Demon Limb is a fantastic weapon. It has self-repair and great base damage. Obedience would be a step down.

>> No.2387859
File: 52 KB, 413x585, Werewolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Counting only El runes, it would take exactly 14,281,868,906,496 (14 trillion) through Horadric Cube transmutations to create one Zod Rune.

>However, El runes alone won't cut it. In addition, one would also need 362,797,056 Chipped Topazes, 120,932,352 Chipped Amethysts, 40,310,784 Chipped Sapphires, 13,436,928 Chipped Rubies, 4,478,976 Chipped Emeralds, 1,492,992 Chipped Diamonds, 497,664 Flawed Topazes, 165,888 Flawed Amethysts, 55,296 Flawed Sapphires, 18,432 Flawed Rubies, 6144 Flawed Emeralds, 2048 Flawed Diamonds, 1024 Topazes, 512 Amethysts, 256 Sapphires, 128 Rubies, 64 Emeralds, 32 Diamonds, 16 Flawless Topazes, 8 Flawless Amethysts, 4 Flawless Sapphires, 2 Flawless Rubies, and 1 Flawless Emerald.

>Selling this instead of using it for a Zod rune would yield 3,999,059,720,467,380 gold (almost 4 quadrillion)-enough to fill a stash to its maximum gold capacity 1,599,623,888 times.
Shit Stupid Stones.

>> No.2388069

about to replay diablo 1. Only played it as a teenager once. Played warrior. Should I try another class? I'm really shit at vidya so I generally dont choose magic-oriented classes that require skill or coordination.

>> No.2388094

If you want, we could play together, and I'll be a wizard. Then you won't need to worry about it.

I'm east coast

>> No.2388109

are there any /vr/ diablolike games that are a little slower paced? i've tried playing diablo 2 so many times but it gets to a point where my eyes glaze over and i just can't follow what's going on anymore. i think it's the pseudo 3d pixel graphics with the dark color palettes, it's so hard to pick apart enemies from the background sometimes.

>> No.2388180

Maybe Darkstone?

>> No.2388276
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, 1405717087097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the old BNET channels are ghost towns
>active hardcore games don't even fill up the box anymore

>> No.2388406

I just started playing d2 classic because I don't like crafting in games in general, I find the charms filled inventory annoying and I'm not a fan of the mercenary either.

How fucked am I? I recall hearing stuff about how some patch made classic unplayable or something. Is that true?

So far the major differences I've seen are: no need to raise dex for blocking, ww has a constant attack speed no matter the weapon, and the resist handicap in nm/hell is smaller, wall of which sounds promising for an untwinkled playtrough.

>> No.2388423 [SPOILER] 
File: 311 KB, 401x481, 1430996272110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belzebub Mod has a shared stash... fuck me. Just decided to switch from Archer to Mage because I find so many spellbooks - of course I used them all on my Archer...

>> No.2388691

Mage is a pain later on since enemies become immune to various things.

>> No.2388697

There was actually a project on a German D2 site which had the goal to cube the highest rune using only El runes. They were able to get 2 Thul runes out of it.

Here's the complete list
Eld - 3
Tir - 9
Nef - 27
Eth - 81
Ith - 243
Tal - 729
Ral - 2.187
Ort - 6.561
Thul - 19.683
Amn - 59.049
Sol - 177.147
Shael - 531.441
Dol - 1.594.323
Hel - 4.782.969
Io - 14.348.907
Lum - 43.046.721
Ko - 129.140.163
Fal - 387.420.489
Lem -
Pul - 3.486.784.401
Um - 6.973.568.802
Mal - 13.947.137.604
Ist - 27.894.275.208
Gul - 55.788.550.416
Vex - 111.577.100.832
Ohm -
Lo - 446.308.403.328
Sur - 892.616.806.656
Ber - 1.785.233.613.312
Jah - 3.570.467.226.624
Cham - 7.140.934.543.248
Zod - 14.281.868.906.496

>> No.2388869

Managed to reach hell now. Got griswold's edge, akaine's valor, empyrean ring, a +15% resistance to everything ring, a +9 to all stats amulet, a +16 vitality crown and a regular large shield.

Besides having to find a better shield, what kind of gear should i search for now?

>> No.2389198

What's a good ToB mod for singleplayer fun?

>> No.2389613

320 · 212

>> No.2389616



>> No.2389894
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>starts new ladder nec because why not
>not even out of the den

>> No.2389951

Just finished the game a couple of minutes ago. It was pretty damn good, although i thought that diablo himself would be stronger (well, in close quarters he is kinda weak, but his ranged attack is fucking dangerous).

>> No.2390009

Do you think there's even been 14 trillion total el rune drops in the entire history of a single bnet realm?

>> No.2390576
File: 24 KB, 287x287, uwotm8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty easy to calculate tbh. I'm sure where wasn't as many el runes in every d2 game played ever (including offline). Maybe even including every future game of d2 that will ever be played. I mean 14kkkk would mean that if 140kk people played d2 (which I think is a overstatement?) EACH of them would have to find 100.000 el runes. I think I maybe found in my life around 100-200. Maybe more, but still its lightyears away from 100k.

What would be really cool to know is how many Zods were found legit way in the history of bnet.

>> No.2390579

god this game is ugly as fuck.

where is the remake? someone make it.

>> No.2390654

Neat indeed.
You'll probably be holding onto that till Andarial.

>> No.2390707

As a huge fan of Diablo 1, I'd say make sure to check out Diablo HD. It restores a lot of cut quests that were on the CD and makes the final battle against Diablo much MUCH harder.


>> No.2390861


No thanks. Game looks okay, not as good as Diablo 1, but that's the shitty comic art style.

>> No.2390883

Blizzard would never let anyone else touch Diablo and they would just fuck it up anyway.

>> No.2391525

i need recommendations for a necro bone build
what do

>> No.2391538


>> No.2391723

Hey, I'm starting a vanilla normal mode expansion run for anyone interested. Paladin by the name of NotDave. Room is gonna be called Douglas. Password is QQ

>> No.2391812

Looks really cool! I'll try it out some time later. The new spells look rad as fuck.

Also, diablo 1's ending feels a lot sadder now, knowing what happens to the three original heroes and tristram...

>> No.2392069

Watched a streamer the other day who claims to hold most speed run records for diablo2. His best time was 47 minutes from starting to killing Baal on normal with a sorc.

Strategy act 1 is running countess a few times and among some ruins to make a nadir and stealth. Great strategy, and pretty impressive to watch. Most runs he didn't even bother equipping boots or gloves. watching him clear act 1 with his fire Druid was cool.

>> No.2392101

the hell? can you link a complete run? according to speedrun.com the WR is 1h25min with the assassin, best sorc time isn't even close to that

>> No.2392161

Shit not sure why I wrote it like that. 47 minutes was to get to Mephisto, I don't recall the exact complete time, but it was around 1hour and 25.

He streams diablo 2 on twitch about once a week, speaks English with a German sounding accent.

I remember him saying the longest class for him is barbarian which is in the 3 hour range.
Maybe someone can chime in, with more info on him

>> No.2392185


This is him


>> No.2392214

didn't even know his sorc time was that good
his voice and commentary are kinda boring in my opinion, only d2 speedrunner I actively watched was nightfallx, but he kinda gave up on it after teo beat his record by 10 minutes

>> No.2392973

what server

>> No.2393304

I've done some Diablo 2 speed running but I really dislike the standard format because it involves wasting a lot of (real) time rerolling for absurd drops. I just like to see how quickly I can complete a regular game.

>> No.2393796

where did everyone go?

>> No.2393910

on the search for zod

>> No.2393917

Diablo I is the kind of game that you MUST play within punching distance. It's great to laugh at the bugged monsters and always ON pvp, but not really to just chill off and kill demons with huge guts.
Diablo II for multi and I for single, at least until that belzebub mod adds working multiplayer with toggleable pvp.

>> No.2394124

I feel like I am individually responsible for a third of the posts in this thread and I've been busy for a couple of days.

Still forever an open invitation to join me on hc east.

>> No.2394128

Why is diablo I filled with dark shit and spooky ambient noises and diablo III is disney faggotry?

>> No.2394142
File: 192 KB, 800x528, 1269777284844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it wasn't even made by the same people.

>> No.2394145

There is more to game design that pandering to edgy teens.

>> No.2394146

Yeah, all the talented people left Blizzard shortly after WoW.

>> No.2394150

Diablo wasn't an original Blizzard project in the first place.

>> No.2394151


I'd say a game with the premise of fighting the demon lords of hell is pretty edgy from the very start. Not making an appropriate art style just shows that those people don't even understand their own franchise anymore.

>> No.2394207

Could anyone do cows w/me from 20-24?
on useast

>> No.2394436

So shoving the soul stone of the Lord of Terror into your forehead to try to bind its soul within you isn't edgy?

>> No.2394480

Did Diablo 1 become freeware? If so where can I download it?

>> No.2394860

>Did Diablo 1 become freeware?

No, but blizzard doesn't really give a fuck at this point. The only way to buy the game is thru the old D2 battle chest. I don't think anyone will begrudge you pirating it.

It's easy to get running if you know how to use something like Daemon Tools.

>> No.2394918

Blizzard wasn't responsible for Diablo.

The original Diablo was made by a separate company and then "acquired" by Blizzard once they were nearly finished. When it was time to make Diablo II, Blizzard reorganized the team as Blizzard North. They had already begun work on Diablo III shortly after Lord of Destruction, but they were all eventually driven off by Blizzard's bullshit.

The Diablo III we know today is a bastard spawn of Metzen (hence the corruption fetish) and the WoW team.

>> No.2394960


So we could have had diablo III both sooner, and at the same level as I and II if Blizzard wasn't a bunch of dicks?

I hate diablo III even more now.

>> No.2395026

There are screenshots floating around of what Blizzard North had come up with for Diablo 3 before they were shut down. It probably won't surprise you to learn that it looks a whole lot more like Diablo 2 than it does the Diablo 3 we got.

I'm not convinced that blaming Metzen is the right way to go, however, and it's important to consider that Blizzard is the reason that Diablo is a real-time game and not turn-based. Blizzard only really started making bad decisions after the release of World of Warcraft. It was at that time, it seems, that they decided that streamlining was so important to them that they were going to disregard basically everything that made Diablo (2) a good game.

>> No.2395298

it's true, nowadays they reset ladder each 6 months or so. Previously it used to be each year, then each 2 years

GUYS, help me complete the list please, what were the exact reset dates for ladder? so far I got...

2015 05?
2014 11?
2014 05 27
2014 11?
2013 05 14
2013 11?
2012 05 02

2010 03 23 s6
2008 06 ?? s5
2007 06 ?? s4
2005 08 ?? s3
2004 06 07 s2
2003 10 28 start of season 1

>> No.2395309

itt: retards who play "hardcore" mode then complain about it

Then don't play "hardcore" mode, retard?

>> No.2395313

yes. there's pics of diablo 3 and it almost looks identical to diablo 2, I recall it having some sort of gray ground, like marble, like the pandemonium forteress, and the area was fairly bigger.

They did starcraft 1 -> diablo 2 -> warcraft 3 -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> world of warcraft -> 30000 years later they finally make starcraft 2 and diablo 3.

They were COMPLETELY obsessed about warcraft even tho they had a really strong fanbase for starcraft and diablo

>> No.2395360

What? People who play hardcore don't *like* dying.

>> No.2395384

Could you maybe curb your autism? He was clearly just venting.

>> No.2395424

Can you link any of these? I'd love to see.

>> No.2395528
File: 97 KB, 576x360, diablo-3-2005-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look great.

>> No.2395530
File: 356 KB, 1599x1181, 35ck80n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think here's all of them.

>> No.2395540


I dunno, I'm not feelin' it.

>> No.2395634
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Still only ever seen this happen a couple of times.

>> No.2395738

Anyone want a Diablo expansion code?

>> No.2395923

Hatte das selbe für starcraft auch i was mit spawn was war das noch?
Haha indiablo.de die gutmenschen

>> No.2396106

>Wal-Mart is STILL selling that Diablo II Battlechest

what the fuck

>> No.2396115

People are still buying it. It's a good value anyway.

>> No.2396128

it doesnt come with d1 though does it? Battlechest last time I saw was D2 the expansion and a guide. I think the first one had the first game and the second and expansions

>> No.2396131

Somewhere along the way Blizzard revised the Diablo II Battle Chest. It used to contain Diablo, Diablo II, Lord of Destruction and the guide.

>> No.2396154

No, the pre expansion chest had D1 and D2. Post expansion had D2, LoD, and guide. No version had all of those things.

>> No.2396160
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Why is there even argument about this? This OLD version exists literally anywhere you visit

>> No.2396171

and just to be clear they're all called "Diablo Battle Chest" on the box for aesthetics, despite not having the II

>> No.2396474

I started playing The Hell yesterday. I'm nowhere near Diablo yet, but I really like it so far.

>> No.2396479

The fuck?

>> No.2396485

Diablo 3 has some dark shit in it too, bud. Reaper of Souls made vanilla D3 (a piece of garbage in retrospect) great. And this is coming from someone who has played Diablo since 96. The colors they added made Sanctuary feel alive, unlike D1 Tristram, which was supposed to feel dead and barren. D3 wouldn't be as good if the whole thing was grey and brown.

>> No.2396831
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>No version had all of those things.

Help guys I think I'm delusional there are two copies of Diablo 1 in front of me and I only bought one. Should I call a doctor or should I call you a faggot?

>> No.2396943

Diablo Spawn war 'ne Demo Version, man konnte die ersten 2 Dungeons spielen und lediglich 2 der 3 Klassen wählen, afair sogar online.
Keine Ahnung wie es bei Starcarft aussah.

Diablo Spawn was a demo version, that let you play the first 2 dungeons with only 2 of the 3 classes, afair online as well.
Don't know about Starcraft though.

>> No.2396957

Post it, then, I've not heard of any version that had absolutely all the goodies and I'd like to see it.

>> No.2397075

Well, it's a boss pack. Of fly nests.

>> No.2397104


meh, the graphics are still wow-tier.

it's not necessarily that they look objectively 'bad' but they lost that atmospheric despair that the previous diablos had (though you could argue that the same thing happened between 1 +2)

>> No.2397212
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>> No.2397221

Where is Hellfire?

>> No.2397258

Consider me corrected.

>> No.2397278
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>> No.2397302
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Never actually played Hellfire, I just know everyone hates it. Why?

>> No.2397307


It's fan mod quality at best.

>> No.2397531

Everyone doesn't hate it; that's definitely an exaggeration. I think the reason people didn't play it that much is that it removed at least as much as it added for a lot of people by essentially being singleplayer only.

>> No.2397542

That's inexcusable, though.

>> No.2397546

I've seen Teleporting Gargoyle Trap bosses, nothing can surprise me anymore.

>> No.2397692
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On my first gamble attempt. Not perfect, but pretty much as close as I'm going to get on a level 53 amazon.

>> No.2398025

Gargoyle traps are in the category of things that can't generate as champions or bosses.

>> No.2398792
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>carry gems in inventory
>not carry the cube

>> No.2398816
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>using keys

>> No.2398825

Is there a 4chan Diablo 2 private server? I miss /v/net

>> No.2398938

And Poison Dagger can't spawn on wands...

>> No.2398973

best Diablo 1 mod there is. Balances classes, adds tons of uniques and replay value. It even revives quests that were cut from the game but are still in the gamefiles (island of the sunless see, Andariel etc.)
I can only recommend it

>> No.2399375

I carry the gems because my cube is full of stuff. I really needed to mule.

I don't use maphack, not sure what made you think I did. I do, however, use keys, because there is literally no reason not to.

There is actually a fairly extensive list of things that cannot spawn as a boss pack but can become one (like maggot youngs and flying scimitars) with a monster shrine. Gargoyle traps are one of the few things that absolutely can't. There used to be a bug that allowed you to turn the "Baal" that drops stuff on you for standing still in the worldstone keep into a boss mob, which has some nasty side-effects.

There are also things that can spawn as bosses but never do (like warped ones).

>> No.2400435

They use to have piles of these at the gamestop near me.

Do you live in Brazil or something?

>> No.2400465
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>tfw got a realm down

man now i have to wait, in the mean time look what i found

>> No.2400591
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>That pic.

>> No.2400694

Anyone on Euro Server? Would like to start a Blitz/Lightningsorc for the first time. Always only played FB/Meteor/FO/Blizzard Sorcs.

>> No.2401167


>> No.2401413

is that ladder reset date?

>> No.2401474



>> No.2402034
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Is that a good one? I can't really tell, it's the first time I made it to hell and pretty much anything I find looks amazing.

>> No.2402056

Nice to have for now, but nothing you will keep forever.

>> No.2402627

If it wasn't req 63lvl - would be amazing. But at 63lvl you probly can have better.

>> No.2402653

It's okay. The strength bonus looks cool on first sight but the necro doesn't really benefit from it that much. Life and +2 to all would be cooler.

>> No.2402919
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US EAST : ladder
non hardcore
I would like to start a reset group for Saturday May 30th. Looking for good mannered people who want to keep a descent pace but not rush so fast you can't even take a break to piss.
I would prefer to clear all quests on normal for fun/nostalgia and rush the rest. Since it is only mildly competitive a set group is not required but prefer to have a preplanned spec to optimize play and reduce redundences.
Tele sorc Salv pally, conviction pally, go to top of the list. I'll be playing ele Druid.

Anyone game?

>> No.2403062
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The same here just on EU. Still want to make that Blitz/Lightningsorc, but 2 weeks before ladder reset... nah.

>> No.2403472

Which one would you say is better for SP, D1 or D2? I played both a long time ago and was in a mood for a good gothic RPG.

>> No.2404101

D1 for single, D2 for multi. D1's interface is atrocious tho, it makes the mage far harder to play with than it should be.

>> No.2404205 [DELETED] 

I'm playing classic 1.13
Does any one know if multi-shot's arrows can hit the same enemy multiple times in this version?

>> No.2404290

what's the hardest but still fun mod for d2

>> No.2404358

I want to play on classic mode. What is the best patch for it. using 1.13

>> No.2404768

I got an um rune from my nightmare forge, feeling good. Is this enough to get me a shako/arachs in hardcore ladder?

Also, general question. Are items a bit more expensive to trade for in hardcore than in softcore?

>> No.2405097


Thinking of coming back, gonna look around for a MH and other fun things since I always resort to that anyway.

>> No.2405115


*and if I do I'd be happy to join you on that day. I imagine I'll inevitably start with a sorc on the 26th and then take a break to roll something fun that Saturday.

Well, everything is pretty fun now that you can make a low level build and then respec later. One of the most lovely changes of any online game ever.

>> No.2405120

How viable is it to get to high levels in SP?
I've never actually soloed this game seriously, I've been thinking of doing it for a long time.

>> No.2405130

It's not bad. Make good use of your mercenary though, even in normal. Especially if you are doing hardcore. Definitely doable. I'm basically doing that right now and am in act 5 nightmare hardcore

>> No.2405815

Can I just torrent this and play online with a friend? Will that work?

>> No.2405818

You can torrent and play LAN.

If you want an online game like this play path of exile. It improves d2 in every single way imaginable.

>> No.2406483

It is very possible (and in fact a fair bit easier than on battle.net if you do it right) but you need to play on an old patch version and/or use the /players command.

1.10 added extremely stiff experience penalties at certain breakpoints that make leveling past 85 very, very difficult without the use of the /players command to simulate a full(er) game. So there are two things you can do (you can even combine them if you want):

1. Use the /players command. Needless to say this is the way that most single-player players address this problem and, if your build/gear is good enough that you can play on /players 8, you will level pretty damn fast. It will still start taking you hundreds of baal runs to level once you get into the nineties -- and you'll have to kill everything yourself -- but that's just the nature of post-1.10.

2. Play on an older patch version. A lot of dedicated single-player people play on 1.13 (the current patch) and 1.07 for the broken-ass gear that exists in that version and then port their characters (or a mule with all of the good gear) forward to the new version. Playing on 1.07 is really not a great idea for leveling, but playing on 1.09 is. Hell cows is ridiculously lucrative and most certainly puts baal to shame. However, this means essentially playing 1.09, which, while fun, may not be what you're interested in.

I would say unless you want to actually play the old patch for other reasons, just use the /players command.

>> No.2406491

If anyone is interested, I'm looking to form a group on Hardcore USEast to blow through the game as soon as the ladder resets.

Classic works fine on 1.13; you will be able to solo the whole game as pretty much any build that makes sense. Really, the only problem with playing on 1.13 is that it's sort of in between "classic" and the updated expansion version since it retains everything that 1.10 added except for the items.

If you want the real non-x experience, 1.04 (or 1.06 if you don't want to deal with the soj exploit, although it's not all that relevant for single-player) is the patch you want. 1.00 is playable too but it's quite a bit more buggy.

>> No.2406554

Jesus man. That is somewhere around a 1/15000 chance

>> No.2406573

No, it's much, much lower than that. In the billionths at least.

>> No.2406653

Embalmed from ancient tunnels:
Cham Rune 0.0000679% 1:1471885

>> No.2406735

I always forget that the rates on high runes are much better than they used to be.

>> No.2406770

Yeah, I was able to find 2 ber runes within 2 weeks. That would have been almost a miracle pre 1.12. Though it involved some autistic, borderline robotic grinding on my side

>> No.2406885


>> No.2406905

No, mostly andy/meph/dia runs.

I also found an ohm rune while testing my new (almost perfect) grief blade in the act 2 tombs around that time. I think I was just on a run.

>> No.2408147


The fuck are you doing?
1280x720 is basically the highest resolution you should play Belzebub mod with.

>> No.2410534
File: 237 KB, 800x600, great success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw found an ohm rune yesterday in act 1 crypt
>used it in my cta
>6 bo

..i love you game, so much

>> No.2410546 [SPOILER] 
File: 461 KB, 1024x576, 1431951817040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting 3 CTAs with +3 in BO in a row.
Congrats to yours.

>> No.2410765

>A couple of years ago my account was stripped off of all my chars
>Haven't played in a while
>Write a mail to Blizzard support, they tell me they need the names of my characters etc, can't remember any of them
>Need to find character files to find out the names, I just formatted my own computer
>Have to contact my ex and ask if she can retrieve the names from her computer
>She does, I retrieve my characters, even all of my expired mule chars

Thanks, Blizzard.

>> No.2411753

So, does anyone else want to play on Hardcore USEast reset day?

>> No.2412914


Thinking about a particular class?

LFM - Ladder Reset Saturday

>> No.2412938

Original CD-rips of all games up to 2nd, they're english.

>> No.2412981

cheers anon, i also made a 40 hoto today as well while finding another ohm and vex

its kind of a bummer the only time i get great items in this game is when ladder is about to reset

>> No.2413002

A few years ago I found like, an entire set of gear in the week leading up to the ladder reset.

>> No.2413064

When you die and you can't retrieve your gear in D1 multiplayer, do you just have to start again from an earlier level?

Fuck you Storm Demons

>> No.2413224

I think it would be cool if they reset ladder every 2 months. Would kill a lot of item sellers, and bring ladder pvp back to reality. People running around with full inventory of perfect charms they bought is lame.

>> No.2414375

You lose your equipment, so yeah, I suppose you have to fist your way through the earlier levels, pick up some spare shit, and endure.

It shouldn't be hard to get your equipment back, though. Telekinesis lets you pick up your items and constantly staying on the move, diagonally (from the game's perspective) left to right lets you dodge lightning pretty well. Lure the Storm Demons away, telekinesis your items one at a time without putting them on and you should be able to get them back easily.

>> No.2415546

Isn't the ladder resetting on Tuesday though?

The blue post says the 26th.

>> No.2415584

Sign me in.

Im currently playing on west, but wanna start too on next lader on East.

For once, lets play this game like how it intendeed.

>> No.2415638

that's a nice character over there. it'd be a shame if you had to make a new one

>> No.2415656

well if Blizzard didn't take over the company Diablo would be a turn based game

>> No.2415856


whats your account name, i think i know you from somewhere

>> No.2416256

There were too many of them and it was close to the stairs. But it's ok, I got some nice gear from going back and doing Lazarus runs on normal. Got me a Royal Circlet. I can't wait to lose that.

>> No.2416954

Black deaths are a good thing.

In the original Diablo, you take extended hitstun when you get hit for more damage than your level but less than your maximum health. This is important because mana shield allows you to get hit for more than your maximum health and not die. You can therefore use black deaths to lower your maximum health to very low levels and employ mana shield to essentially forego the (and the incredibly dangerous springback motion that it's associated with).

>> No.2418218

Yes but life,kids and job. I'm starting Saturday. Playing more for an active community then to be #1 on ladder

Awesome. There will be a thread up on ladder reset Info will be there. My computer is currently getting hard drive replaced.

Damn use to play with a guy with a name like that. Had a character named bongbarb?

>> No.2418227 [DELETED] 

>Yes but life,kids and job
>being a normie

Might I suggest Reddit's Diablo 2 board?

>> No.2418716

I'll try to be there, prolly gonna be smiterdin.

Also to the guy I was playing with and then disappeared on in Hardcore, I'm sorry. I didn't die, I just got busy and then forgot about Diablo entirely until like right now.

>> No.2418938

Anyone want to play hardcore for the reset?

Was it me? (No stats guy)

>> No.2418943

The guy I was playing with was a Javazon.

>> No.2419131

I'm going with a skellymancer play through to see how far I can get. How do you guys build these? I figure I'll max mages after regular skellies, ignore revives and put only a few points into clay golem.

>> No.2419167

>a few points into clay golem.

More than 1 point (+1 point in mastery) is a waste, imo. He will be stable enough given the proper gear and isn't meant to deal damage anyway.

>> No.2419173

"Proper gear" is something I likely won't have going full sp.

I may follow your advice tho,I just see a lot of people hating on mages and advising to pick a golem. Should I focus on skellies all the way then, give em summon resist and all that?

>> No.2419989
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My account is Mordiscus, My barb is called mordiscus too

But Im currently playing on West, 4 days more to go.

>> No.2420021

I finished my very first d2 play-trough last week with a summon necro. I found both mages (maxed after warriors and mastery) and revives (1 point) extremely helpful. Even with no gear it's pretty easy to get at least +5 to all skills.

>> No.2420202

ah okay, I thought you were someone else

my account is WorldKeeper on west if you ever want to play together

>> No.2420208
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Anyone play the HD Mod?

I quit around the time Necromancer was released. Were there any big releases after that?

Diablo was way too fuckign hard. I had to spam Fire Wall and Lightning Wall as a Assassin because they updated it so he can see invis units I think.

>> No.2420216

that looks fucking terrible

>> No.2420227
File: 241 KB, 1280x600, spells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what Diablo looks like. You can change the resolution to whatever you want if you wanna be "pure."

>> No.2421169
File: 46 KB, 331x473, all smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finding a ber rune on mephisto's super chest

>> No.2421614
File: 29 KB, 528x543, 1351465350269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw found a vex rune in one of the chests next to it

>> No.2421776
File: 95 KB, 800x600, 126586076172.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get only keys, a potion, and gold

>> No.2422392

Mages are garbage. They scale extremely poorly and do basically no damage. Poison mages have a very specific endgame use and cold mages can be handy but not to the degree that you should invest any more than one point into the skill.

Revives, on the other hand, are probably the most useful summons in the game by virtue of the fact that they get the properties of the monster you summon, which means they'll have a massive amount of health and do a fair bit more damage than skeletons. You should prioritize maxing skeleton first, as you'll be relying on them to be consistent, but you should by no means ignore revives.

Clay golem only needs one point. Even with garbage gear, it will have plenty of health and do plenty of slow. This is especially true when you're building a summoner, because it means they probably won't be taking the brunt of the damage anyway.

>> No.2422394
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>> No.2422398

Skeleton Mastery -- Improves your army.
Raise Skeleton -- Primary method of survival and damage output for most of the game.

>Improve to your liking
Amplify Damage -- Increases damage output and breaks Physical Immune on most targets in Hell mode.
Corpse Explosion -- Massive AoE damage once things start dying; don't bother with it until mid- or late-game, though.
Decrepify -- Locks down bosses when combined with a Clay Golem and any source of Cold damage.
Lower Resist -- Good if combined with group of casters or in need of extra Fire damage on Corpse Explosion.
Dim Vision -- Will save your ass in Hell when ranged units get insane damage boosts.
Revive -- Gets better as the game goes on; wait until you've got max points in your main skeletons before dumping points here.

Also: Act2 NM Mode Offensive merc for a Might aura.

>> No.2422494

Decripify also modifies the AI pretty significantly. It's very useful against anything that does too much damage for your minions to handle.

>> No.2422703

Where is the super chest, not sure what you're talking about

>> No.2424304

Noob questions: When the description of your item says something like '+50 Damage' or '+35% Attack Speed', is this already calculated into values at the top of the description?

And is there a quick way to calculate how much damage a weapon has to make in order to justify a lower/higher attack speed?

>> No.2424335

it's the middle one at the back of mephisto's lair

>> No.2424430

Max Skellies
Max Skelemastery
One point in amplify damage and maybe decrepify and lower resist
Maybe a few points in corpse explosion but one is usually enough
One point in Clay Golem
One point in Golem Mastery
Possibly several points in Summon Resist
Almost any Act 2 Merc will do but get a Might one (I have a prayer one)
Several points in revives

Tactic: Your skellies and golem are there to provide cover for your merc who will with combination of your curses and corpse explosion kill absolutely everything. Build up an army of revives for bosses.

>> No.2424553
File: 236 KB, 1024x768, 1428590550186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since I've played, how do the cool kids farm gear in hell now if they're starting from nothing? Are endless meph runs still a thing? Baal? Hellforge runs with multiple cd-keys going straight for runewords? I'll be jumping in the next ladder, but I don't know if anything has come in vogue more than just killing Meph or Baal over and over.

>> No.2424898

If you're starting from nothing, you'll want to just grab topazes and socketed items for cheap MF gear... and then focus on running locations that drop what you want. For example, if you're not a melee fighter, you can get Gull from Coldcrow in Act 1 more easily than any other monster to further boost your MF.

Ultimately, you'll end up running the bosses. WSK and Pit runs can have good results, too, just due to monster level.

>> No.2425219


>Maybe a few points in corpse explosion but one is usually enough
If you go untwinked and/or without grinding for items whatsoever, I recommend maxing out Corpse Explosion, because +skill trinkets aren't that easy to come by, and CE's power increases exponentially with every level by just covering up more screen.

Any PvM necro works off generating a single body to later explode it and set off a chain reaction by destroying monsters and using their corpses to blow up even more enemies. Summoner necro's skeletons are there for helping generate that first corpse, for protection, and for bossfights.
You can rely on pure skeletons and/or merc, but that's slow as fuck. Blow everything up with CE, a 20 level CE isn't a bad thing and you have nothing to spend skill points on. I haven't been able to get much more than a Kelpie Snare or an Insight polearm for my merc.

In fact, one thing I do is that I put lots of extra skillpoints into different auras because I just enjoy the comfiness of having bonus area coverage. Dim Vision is a pretty underrated spell.

>> No.2425241

I've never been into going for the high-end gear because I'm not a PvPer, and as so, my MF characters used to be just standard characters like a Fireclaws Werebear, running level 85 areas like The Pit or Ancient Tunnels.

Getting a random zombie boss in Act 2 to drop a SoJ and a Mal rune from a random container was fun and way more rewarding than a million Mephisto runs that never even dropped me a Herald of Zakarum or the shittiest Shako.

>> No.2427070
File: 13 KB, 320x240, sdfjasdfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna play through Diablo 1 and 2 in coop with a friend over the summer, he hasn't played either of them and I've only finished D2

any tips for coop play? on d1 especially, is there anything to watch out for before we set off on our adventure?

should we even bother installing Hellfire? I hear it's only really single player stuff, anyway, and people don't seem all that positive about it

>> No.2427113


>should we even bother installing Hellfire?

Not on your first playthrough. Do try it out later.

It's nothing on par with the LoD expansion pack which basically makes an already amazing game even better. The negative about that expansion pack is that the cinematics aren't nearly as good as the vanilla version.

>> No.2427280

I would only install Hellfire if you beat the game and feel you want to try some of the extra stuff. It isn't really up to the same caliber as the vanilla game but it's not bad by any means.

For co-op Diablo 1, my main recommendation would be that you shouldn't have a warrior-sorcerer party. There are a couple of reasons for this; the first is that the original Diablo is notorious for having always-on PvP and, while it's not too difficult to not shoot your ally as a Rogue, it is considerably more challenging as a Sorcerer with their greater damage and propensity towards splash. The other reason is that the Sorcerer is straight up overpowered compared to the other two classes and the warrior is going to feel awfully dinky by comparison.

I think the most fun combination is warrior-rogue because they use mostly different sets of gear and deal with similar damage numbers for most of the game. Rogue-sorcerer could be interesting too but I imagine that by the end of the game the sorcerer would still be a fair bit more capable than the rogue. He'd have to go to town a whole lot more, though.

>> No.2427315

I'm down. Lucky enough, I got my Saturday swapped with Sunday for work.

I'll be a WW/battlecry barb, that's still a thing, right?

>> No.2427320

If there's already a barb with the same idea as me, I can be a zealer paly.

>> No.2427467

Usually BO is a spec by itself. If you're serious about doing the grindy part of the ladder, I would suggest going straight BO.

If not, do whirlwind and only put extra points into BO.

>> No.2427589

Could we share a few Diablo stories?
>Me, around two years ago
>Show Diablo 1 to this kind of "Adopted minor brother" I have (To the date he prefers it to any other Diablo, great kid)
>We play multiplayer on it, reach Butcherer floor
>"Oh and don't open the door to the room full of bod-"
>"Fressssssshhhhh meeeaaaaaaat"
>Spend like an hour hit and running him and dying countless times because neither of us had found a adequate weapon yet
We still joke about this each time I show him some new game.
But still fuck how easy it is to get stunlocked in this game, the butcherer is a machine gun.

>> No.2428216

how soon until reset friends

>> No.2428884

It usually takes them until the evening to actually get it done. I'll post in this thread when they do it.

Last call(?) if anyone is interested in doing hardcore ladder with me today.

>> No.2429041

I will also be checking periodically throughout the day. Hoping for sooner rather than later.

>> No.2429097

don't you mean sooner rather than ladder?

>> No.2429142
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>> No.2429175

The realms are down now, which is progress at least.

>> No.2429224

Hey, quick question here: is shadowfang any useful for a barbarian? I got one with my paladin on singleplayer after beating baal, and i though that i could use some program like ATMA to transfer it to him without having to use a patch to run two instances of the game. Well, that if the sword is useful, in another thread someone said that i should either farm pindleskin and try to get a bonesnap or get a decent sword with a decent runeword like steel or strength.

Oddly enough, i was absurdly lucky with my paladin in this run (i got a bunch of set items, and also found leadcrow, blood raven, sparking mail and duskdeep), meanwhile, i got jack shit with my barbarian.

>> No.2429284

Bonesnap can last you for the entire game if you upgrade it thanks to Crushing Blow.

Shadowfang is junk. Very suitable for early game on any meleer, I'd be happy to have it on an upstart barbarian, but still, junk.

>> No.2429317

>shadowfang is junk
Eh, i'll just sell it then. I'm going to do a nightmare run with him once i fix my other pc (since my save is in there).

Also, how do i upgrade a weapon like that? I mean, you can add sockets in that quest from lord of destruction, but i don't know much i can do after that.

>> No.2429334


>1 Ral Rune + 1 Sol Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Normal Unique Weapon -> Exceptional Version of Weapon
>1 Lum Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Unique Weapon -> Elite Version of Weapon

>> No.2429336

Cool, thanks for the tip.

>> No.2429386

The reset is up guys

>> No.2429392 [DELETED] 

Anyone USEast softcore want to join me with a new character?

Game name is damask pw is butts.

>> No.2429452

looking to get keys so i can join in on the fun
is g2a legit?

>> No.2429747

Honestly, you're almost better off just buying it retail for no hassle.

>> No.2430089

I can maybe get on in a couple of hours

>> No.2430925

WW it is. i love spinnin

>> No.2430958

>joined a cow game earlier today
>1 sin
>6 sorc
>im the only druid

feels windy man

>> No.2430959
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>Those character names on the leaderboards

Did bots conquer the ladder?

>> No.2431000
File: 214 KB, 799x623, i must savour it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have won already

lucky for me im on one of the ladders.. but it wont last forever

>> No.2431357

my sorcerer is getting destroyed in the caves in diablo 1. I barely got any spell books in any of the dungeons so I don't have things like mana shield. What am I supposed to do?

>> No.2431373


Clear all dungeons. Reroll maps by starting multiplayer games.

Not only is spell books important, spell damage also increases with your character level.

>> No.2431724

Adria changes her stock every time you return from the dungeon. If you've got the cash to spare, you can buy the books from her.

>> No.2431850

Acquire spell book
Item dupe spell book
Read duped spell book
Repeat until you can't learn any more from it

>> No.2431893

>jumps there is a screen wide knockback effect
>>keep doing small hops
i ran it on linux with wine. i think you have same program for osx

>> No.2431895

i don't know from where i quoted :D

>> No.2431915

if i remember correctly i played over b.net with pirated version few years ago

>> No.2431932

Started playing again with Plugy or whatever, it is so fucking fun to be able to change builds at will like in D3 without having to start a new game and put another dozen hours in to level up a character.
I can just put 12 points into Teeth as Necro and see what happens. Having a blast.

>> No.2432004

are meta orb sorceroress still good?

>> No.2432060


>> No.2432070

is this a good guide?

>> No.2432098

yeah it's fine

>> No.2432143

well I can't even get to the first step of aquiring the book. Bookcases and other things that drop books are so uncommon and every time I go to adria she never has any damn books

>> No.2432716

how is hellfire? can I do it with my level 22 or do I have to start over? is the monk good?

>> No.2432765

I think you can use your current character, I'd backup the file though. The added quests/monsters kind of clash with the original, but it's still fun. Added classes, items, prefixes, and spells are a bonus. You can even trade items between classes.

The Monk is an interesting character. Ultimately he'll always be second best stat wise. He get's an armor bonus for wearing lower quality armor, and can attack numerous enemies at once with a staff. I liked him.

The best part is Diablo drops loot.

>> No.2432785

holy fucking shit I'm on diablos level and everything fucking resists the shit out of all my sorceror's spells. and those fucking advocates teleporting everywhere WTF

>> No.2432838

They become triple immune in Hell difficulty. Stone curse, Golem, and your best sword.

>> No.2432848

i have 0 swords because im a fucking sorceror

>> No.2433014

>finally get to hell with my wind druid
>everythings going fine
>get to corpsefire
>cold immune, physical immune


>> No.2433242
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>it is so fucking fun to be able to change builds at will like in D3
>I'm so there aren't consequences for making bad decisions

>> No.2433332

Is it true the 1.01 hellfire patch doesn't work in 64bit windows 7? That's what I'm reading at least.

>> No.2433547


To be fair it's not really that hard to change builds in D2 nowadays.

>> No.2433934

That is easily the best thing about Diablo 3. I can't believe people didn't like diablo 3 because that seriously makes the game for me.

>> No.2434154
File: 447 KB, 800x600, Screenshot634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's everyone's ladder going? I'm 72 on hardcore, died on the first day which was a big bummer but I'm back to where I was.

There's a lot of suspiciously named players on the ladder...

>> No.2434228

I like it too, but Diablo 3 makes me fall asleep.

>> No.2434463

do diablo 1 monks have to abuse door ways/bottlenecks to be good? How do they handle range attacks?

>> No.2434496

True, but you can't just swap specs on your Sorc every 5 minutes because you run into another pack that's immune to your current element.

>> No.2434498

>d2 ladder

>> No.2434568

Seemingly anachronistic things happening on a RETRO videogames board? How'd that happen?

>> No.2434579

yea, it's weird that there are people retarded enough to play a shitty bot-only ladder that resets twice a year
they might just be too dumb to realize they can have all the ladder features in sp :^)

>> No.2434604

No more than anyone else. If you use a staff, you can attack more than one enemy at once and you can also block. Use spells or just chase down ranged attackers.

>> No.2434621

...All of the ladder features except other players. For most of the people who do the resets, it's fun because nobody has any shit and you have to improvise for awhile; the game feels a lot more like how it would if everyone didn't cheat.

Yes, the bots are omnipresent and it's annoying, but they are no more in the way than they would be if the ladder didn't reset. People who want to *top* the ladder are still able to do so and, historically, humans have beaten bots when humans have tried. But really, these days no one plays the reset to hit 99 the fastest because it's like, a three month commitment to playing the game for several hours every day.

>> No.2436962


>> No.2436964

Can someone spoonfeed me why bots broke Diablo 2? Is it just because they're farming 24/7?

>> No.2437321


Farm bots ruin the economy and spam bots ruin open public games.

>> No.2437592

What is the best way of experiencing Diablo 1?

>> No.2437619

The main thing that bots did was set the standard for item farming so high that the value of everything is vastly disproportionate to how hard they are to find legitimately. This works both ways; the rarer stuff is pretty cheap and the less rare stuff -- often things that botters are simply too lazy to bot/farm themselves -- can be sold for a disproportionately high amount by those who are willing to put the time in to sell it.
Socketables are a great example of this; socketables are generally fairly easy to find (given that they are simply a white item of a specific class) but are valued on par with items that are much rarer but not rare enough to command the big bucks. A white monarch is worth about as much as an unidentified Titan's Revenge, which is much more difficult to find. Conversely, the value of any rune above ist is far lower than their rarity and usefulness suggest because, thanks to JSP, they're basically always available to anyone who wants one. Duping is also a factor here but is not accessible to the vast majority of the population so its effects are uncertain.

Botting has also seriously modified the flow of level progression. Ironically, it's harder these days to level legitimately in the nineties because you get nowhere following a bot and people have little incentive to do Baals manually. As I've mentioned earlier in this thread, bots are a fair bit worse at leveling than humans are when they actually do it so this is a problem for anyone who does want to level.

>> No.2437693

huh, so that's what the area under adria's house looked like

>> No.2437986

You can set up an ignore list to block most/all incoming messages containing certain regularly-spammed words, effectively auto-squelching any bots that join your game.

>> No.2438007


Vanilla on a multi-sync CRT

>> No.2440830

So what was the duping method in D1 anyway? I remember hearing it was much easier than in D2.

>> No.2441063

Basicly you drop item you want to duplicate on the ground, then you walk away from it. Then you click on it so your character stars to walk towards it. Right as your character picks the item you click some cheap item like potion from your belt and it should turn into duplicate of the item on the ground.

>> No.2441074

This thread made me reinstall D2:LoD.
Currently stuck at Duriel on normal though, since I'm playing a WW barb.
I'm currently using Double Swing and Leap Attack so I guess I should grind to lvl 30 to finally get my WW.

>> No.2441101
File: 25 KB, 480x360, MailTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a great memory of playing Diablo on PS1 coop with a friend.

I wish I could find a good and affordable copy of the disk.

I also wish I had a friend.

>> No.2441120

How the fuck can you have screwed up your character that much?

Level 30? I don't even finish act 4 at level 30.

Did you like not put a single point into vitality and avoid every single piece of gear with life steel, max hp, or armor rolls?

>> No.2441220

/players 8

>> No.2441253
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>life steel

>> No.2441257

I don't get that. Doesn't it just turn all monsters into health sponges? Doesn't really make it harder just more tedious.

If your potions can outheal Durral's damage than you shouldn't need to grind, you just fight him normally but than you need to town portal and rebuy potions because he now has 6x health.

>> No.2441270

You'll level faster.
You'll need more time for killing monsters.
You'll find more items.

>> No.2441309

>>You'll need more time for killing monsters.

How is this a good thing. Right clicking on a single enemy for 30 seconds sounds like the most brain-dead experience ever. I guess if you really want to just zone out and right click on stuff watching numbers go up it's a good idea. Might as well download one of those cell-phone games than.

>> No.2441345

>I don't get that. Doesn't it just turn all monsters into health sponges?
Not entirely. Everything gets scaled up: enemy health, damage, Exp, and loot drops. For example, punching in /players 8 when starting a new Paladin will result in some HP-heavy zombies outside the Rogue Camp, but a single kill fills half your Exp bar.

So, yes, enemies become damage sponges for a bit, but only if you're not killing things quickly to begin with. When you hit the point where standard grinding isn't getting you anywhere (but you are unable to survive the boss fight), then you increase the number of players to bump up the Exp while still killing things at a decent pace.

>> No.2441363

lmao why is this guy so anally devastated

>> No.2441372

I thought it just raised monster health and gave magic find/xp buff.

That's interesting.

Wouldn't it be better to do /8players before landing the killing blow on champions and above rather than stick with it the entire grind?

>> No.2441378

press N when spam bots come around if you dont already

>> No.2441802


It doesn't apply instantly for monsters you've already encountered. It takes maybe a minute or so.

>> No.2442334

It doesn't apply for nearby monsters. It applies on monsters that are about two screens awy.

>> No.2442336

Why are you talking about it when you obviously haven't tried it yet?
You're not hacking on one single monster for 30 seconds. Act bosses maybe.
If anything, it makes the game less easier, which is still fairly easy. At least on Normal.

>> No.2442649

The build variety in this game is pretty pathetic if you arn't willing to grind for very specific gear.

The only build that can do do hell mode without very specific on an assassin is Lightning trap. Fire traps lack the damage, the elemental martial arts skills run out of synergy, the physical ones lack aoe. Blade build requires a very specif gear set up

WW is the only barbarian build unless you do some weird shit to get shouts working. Throwing barbarian is out-right unplayable. Even if you get x4 copies of each unique throwing weapon you will still deplete your ammo count faster than it regenerates.

The only workable PVE build in hell for an amazon is lightning javalon. Poisen is just directly slower, bow skills fall off.

Paladins are limited to zeal and hammer builds and unless you get very specific gear hammer is directly inferior. 80% of their auras are meaningless and a lot of their combat skills (like convert) are ineffective

The only viable build for a shapeshifter druid in hell is fury, the other builds lack aoe. Wind druids simply stop dealing damage in hell, as do summoner druids, don't know about fire druids.

Bone necromancer's damage scales horribly, golems lack damage yet still tank worst than a skeleton army, leaving poisen and skeletons as the only options

Sorceress is viable in every tree and gets some 4+ builds if you count hybrids

There are some decent builds other than this but they require grinding for very specific gear. You may end up spending more time grinding than actually going through the campaign.

>> No.2442848

You missed a few builds, but that's not really the point. The criticism that the endgame only permits a few builds without gear is more than a little bit silly, considering it wouldn't be much of an endgame if you could get there without twinking with most builds.

When you're designing a game like this you basically have to decide if you want to streamline it to the degree that every build works (at the expense of variance) or if you want less streamlining and more variety at the expense of balance. Diablo 2 is an example of the latter, and Diablo 3 is an example of the former. I'd go as far to say as that decision alone makes 2 a much better game than 3.

Having said that, I do think that there are a fair amount of skills that could use to do more damage, like the bone subtree and the elemental arrows.

>> No.2442859


>The build variety in this game is pretty pathetic

Only if you count a viable build as being one that can solo through the game without ever running into any serious hurdles.

>> No.2443047

Only the mage can have a decent manapoll anon.

>> No.2443104

Off-line the variance simply doesn't exist as it will take more time grind up the items to get the specific gear than it will to actually go through all 3 campaigns. Online getting the items requires going through the worst trading system imaginable and the economy is ruled by bots anyway.

What's funny is that Diablo 3 actually has more variety than Diablo 2. A diablo 3 class can go through dozens of builds that are all at least passable. Sure there is 1 optimum build for each class but the same is true of Diablo 2, you can number crunch ANY game and find the max dps thing. Furthermore you can actually experience the campaign with your build, while a lot of D2 builds are only for 'end-game' (aka running grinding in one of 3 different zones).

If any game is stream-lined it's diablo 2, when you compare it to 1. In diablo 1 you couldn't pick your spells so you had to improvise. You might start as a fighter but end up as a battle-mage running some very unusual spells. PoE has some similarities if you go a no-trade route.

The skill system of d2 is probably the worst system I've ever seen in an rpg. Until patch 1.13 you would often end up NOT spending your skill points for the entirety of normal mode. Having you dump 20 points (and with synergies as many as 80 points!) into enhancing 1 single ability is retarded. If something isn't a passive or your 1 attack it's worthless because it scales off. The game would have been much better if skills only needed a single point and you got less of them, than some of the usless abilities like leap attack and charge would occasionally be used.

>> No.2443141

Rogues and sorcerers almost certainly benefit by sacrificing their health pool in exchange for no hitstun. Warriors are harder to gauge I guess. It's been a long time since I've played one.

Sorcerers can get some truly surreal (1000+) mana totals without too much effort but Rogues and Warriors can get pretty good mana as well by orienting their gear towards it. This is pretty easy to do since you don't need health at all.

- There are few builds that only use one ability.
- Either don't make a character that is reliant on a small number of items as your first character -- there are plenty of good options that don't, as well as considerable overlap between those options and effective mf characters -- or prepare to grind.
-- Thanks to synergies, virtually every build in Diablo 2 is playable sub-30. Some are more fun than others, but the point is that you're wrong.
- It hasn't been advantageous to horde skill points since 1.10, which was released in 2003. Even before that there weren't really that many builds that did it.
- The game wouldn't be better if you only needed one skill point per skill. Builds would be substantially less interesting and the gear system would be too as a result of being simplified to tailor to this moronic system.

Dude, just play Diablo 3. They implemented your poor ideas already.

>> No.2443201

>usless abilities like leap attack
I use this all the time to get over things like rivers in A3 and jumping over stuff in general. It's like a light version of Teleport.

>> No.2443208

The damage part of is usless which is the whole point of the ability. The points past the first one are just noob traps

Fuck leap too is worthless because leap attack has more range with fewer points

>> No.2443234

At least know what you're talking about before you post.

>> No.2443235

d2's skill system is a giant mess, screaming 'd3 fan boy' isn't going to fix that.

When when made his first character a REALLY long time ago he had a paladin that alternated points in thorns and prayer. Worked pretty good till he got to act to act 4 when thorns damage starts to scale off and prayer doesn't do shit anymore.

He had to tell him that he had completly fucked his character by choosing 2 usless skills. He said 'well what if I try these types of items, there's lots of unique items or runewords with niche effects' and I straight up told him nothing the game interacts with his build and that the only paladin auras that are worth picking are salvation and fantasism.

d2 is filled with builds that do not work, useless skills, skills that are only good for 1 point, and encourages just picking 1 skill throwing on as many points/synergies as possible and spamming it.

>> No.2443278

You could simply use the hero editor and change some things to make every skill good enough for everything.
If you're playing SP, but why would you play anything else?

>> No.2443334

>the game has problems. Use cheat codes and set everything to 999

>> No.2443397

Well, if I like a skill that's useless I'll switch it to a higher level until it becomes useful but not overpowered, like other skills.
A few minutes and this problem is solved.

>> No.2443491

>A diablo 3 class can go through dozens of builds that are all at least passable.
Unfortunately, it's due to the dumbing-down of the game. You no longer need to invest any thought into your skill choices since you can change them at any time outside of combat. Your damage scales with your class' Primary Stat and weapon DPS so, aside from finding out which skills have decent damage output, you don't need to worry about gear choices unless you insist on not using your main stat -- which is the only poor choice you can really make with a class.

>> No.2443576

Leap isn't worthless; it's actually one of the most useful CC skills in the game.. Play on hardcore.

Right, Diablo 2's skill system is a giant mess because a player once upon a time picked two skills that make absolutely no sense in conjunction with each other and found that he couldn't get very far into the game by using them.

Diablo 2's skill system rewards using your brain. The only problem with it is that some skills scale too poorly, which produces builds that need extreme gear to be viable and a relative lack of information as to what skills those are towards new players.

>> No.2443579

More complicated skill choices does not equal dumbing down. It's actually more complicated.

I'm playing a zeal-addin right now. What type of decision making did I have to do. Well I decided I'm using zeal so thats 20 points automatically. 20 points into it's synergy that's a no brain. A paladin can only have 1 aura and the only real choices are Fanaticismand the resist all. I'm gonna get Fanaticism.

That's 60 points already and the only real choices I made where my primary attack and 1 aura. I've got about 20 points left over the only real choices are holy shield and vengeance to deal with physical immune better.

I'm playing off-line so that rules out any uniques, sets, and runewords unless I get super lucky.

I'll put just enough strength to wear gear and rest into vitality. Stat points are a no brainer

That's it I just described every single decision my paladin will ever need to make in d2.

It's not fucking complicated. There's more options in picking the runes for a d3 character. d2 has been greatly improved upon by numerous games. The only reason to still play it is for the outstanding atmosphere.

>> No.2443603
File: 488 KB, 160x120, 1273615588251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only real choices are Fanaticismand the resist all
>he doesn't want to be a Crushing Blow Frost Zealot

>> No.2443606

d2 is not a game that uses your brain. It's where you turn off your brain and mindless click on enemies and than compare numbers on loot. If your health orb drops below 75% you hit the potion button. If it drops below 40% you run away until it heals.

The only time you do anything more complicated is on Boss's which have some sort of pattern that involves waiting for an opening.

If you are on hardcore mode grab lots of resist and life gear.

It's not very hard and the only reason my friend or other people fuck up their early characters is because of how the game is filled with skills that are shitty beyond the first point.

If I want to play a game that makes me think I'll play a strategy game of some kind or just an rpg that has more than 1 party member.

>> No.2443610

>>I'm playing off-line so that rules out any uniques, sets, and runewords unless I get super lucky.

Learn to read

>> No.2443618

Why don't you use PlugY though?

>> No.2443620

Because that would make sense and negate his arguments about playing solo.

>> No.2443648

Does that increase drop rates or something?
Looks like a stash size mod. Fail to see how that's relevant.

>> No.2443665

It also activates stuff like the world event, Ubertrist, opening cow level despite having the king killed and all the rune words.
For increased drop rates type /players 8 in the chat, that simulates an eight player game so everything is tougher but also drops better loot.

>> No.2443741

It doesn't actually cause them to drop better loot, just more loot.

>> No.2444147


>2 Socket Melee Weapons
>Amn + Tir 35% Enhanced Damage
>25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
>7% Life Stolen Per Hit
>+2 To Mana After Each Kill
>+20 To Strength
>+10 To Vitality

And now I guess you'll try to argue that Amn is too rare a rune for you to actually consider it a viable runeword.

>> No.2444165

Would have been cool if I found it a few levels earlier. I got a Ral rune and stuck it in a 3 socket weapon with some other gems. Shadowfang dropped and put away the 3 socket to use that.

You can't do ANY gear planning in diablo 2 without first giving your character some items from a mule, you can only compare numbers on items that actually drop for you.

It's not like I can make Amn drop whenever I want without tons of grinding. In all of act 1 the Ral was the only rune that ever dropped.

The item drops were designed around trading with other players and that part of the game is dead (not that an economy where you spent as much time muling as shopping is interesting). The game is filled with major flaws, sorry fanboy.

>> No.2444221

The trading part of the game isn't even remotely dead. For battle.net there's jsp (which is especially active now since there was just a reset) and for single player there's incgamer's Diablo single player forums.

You can also attempt to use the game itself to find people to trade with but that's a bit of a crapshoot unless you're willing to accept trading for things you can't use.

As for the runes, amn is fairly easy to target by running nightmare Countess. I bet you in ten runs you'd have at least one most of the time. Normal cows are also an option at a similar point in the game; you have a better chance of getting other useful items but certainly a worse chance of actually getting amn.

I'm the guy who, earlier in this thread, was working on a character that didn't distribute any stat points and I had built two strength runewords in two claws by the end of nightmare act 1 and this was an untwinked character.

I'm not the poster you've been responding to thus far and I will say that Diablo 2 is my favorite game, but having spent a lot of time with it I'm pretty aware of its flaws and the things that you're pointing out are either irrelevant or just wrong. That's why you're getting a lot of resistance here. You're just straight up speaking from a place of ignorance.

I never said that Diablo 2 required a lot of active thinking, but there's definitely a fair bit of planning involved and the only reason you haven't noticed is because at this point, fifteen years since the game released, everyone else has already done all of the legwork for you.

People are still coming up with new shit though. Last year I saw a fend build.

>> No.2444550

>Never finished Diablo II, always lost motivation around Act 3
>Start again, this time immediatly with Median XL
>Get my ass kicked in act 2
>Median seems tedious to finish, but don't want to go back to vanilla

Vanilla seems slow and empty after playing Median...

>> No.2444580

if you aren't willing to finish either why are you here

>> No.2444585


I will finish it, just taking a few hours rest before going at it again.

>> No.2444647

>It's not like I can make Amn drop whenever I want without tons of grinding. In all of act 1 the Ral was the only rune that ever dropped.
Amn doesn't normally drop in Act 1, the only way you'd really get one that early is by transmuting one from other runes in the Cube -- which you wouldn't have until Act 2 anyway.

Not that the low-level ones are very hard to come by anyway when you can run The Countess and murder her a few dozen times.

>> No.2444653

>run count a few dozen times

>run countess 10 times

This is how people actually play diablo 2.

>> No.2444674

>he never made a Sorc to just teleport through the tower for fast runes
It's like some people just don't want to have decent equipment.

>> No.2444827

>listening to 10+ runs worth of teleport sound and just stopping to kill that one enemy over and over again
Sure sounds fun. I'm running through A4 normal and the guys are dropping runes and gems like nothing else.

>> No.2444963


>You can't do ANY gear planning in diablo 2

This is actually deliberate.

The game is very much designed around randomness and having different experiences with every character. The game simply does not expect you to actually solo the game with every character you make. If you hit a wall in the game and you can't get past it, you're supposed to either make a new character or find a friend willing to help you.

>> No.2445028

So one week after ladder reset, how are people doing?

I'm somewhere around 30th on the ladder for my frenzy barb Spraynard. I've got most of the gear I want, currently on the hunt for a Lo rune. And of course after this my goal is for a nice grief/ebotd. I'm really enjoying myself this time around. It's crazy to me how I can still replay this game after playing it so often and still feel this hooked.

>> No.2445041

I'm fourteenth I think on the Amazon ladder for HC east. I died on the first day which put a big damper in my plans but I bounced back pretty good.

Now I just need some gear. I intentionally decided not to carry over any fgs from previous resets for this ladder but it's a tough road. I've sold some shit so I have a titan's but I could really use a tgod's or an ss. Almost got fried yesterday on some dolls.

I suggested running nightmare countess; the other guy said normal countess. To get an amn you'd probably have to run normal countess hundreds of times. It would take less than ten to get it from nightmare countess.

>> No.2445565

Of course it's deliberate it's just a terrible design choice given the length and pacing of the game.

If you screwed up your character in diablo 1 it wasn't a big deal because the game can be beaten in a day by an experienced person. Diablo 2 is an extremely tedious trek, especially on the higher difficulties where dungeons are needlessly ballooned up in size.

Diablo 1 is also a lot more dynamic. Unique items drop all the time, given the quests you will always get at least one. Dramatic shifts can happen like getting a string of lucky spell book drops or being starved of spell book drops all together.

In diablo 2 unless you mule items each run is nearly identical. Getting good uniques is based around grinding for dozens of hours and than trading with botters. Your skill path is predictable.

Diablo 2 lacks strategic choices in items. More modern games improved on this by having crafting systems that don't suck. I honestly feel it's a toss up whether d3 or d2 has more depth to it's items.

>> No.2445634

Nobody gives a shit what you have to say about Diablo 2 because your other posts have made it clear that you don't even have a basic knowledge of the game.
>Hurr durr amn too hard

>> No.2445643

I've already made the point that the game is incredibly easy. D2 is designed for casuals for fuck sakes. It was many people's first experience with an rpg as I learned from directly talking to people on battlenet.

I'm trying to discuss the game in a critical sense, d2 fanboys will fume at the mouth if anyone criticizes 'the best action rpg ever made'.

>> No.2445667

Right. It's too easy... unless you need an amn. You can't get amn. Amn is nigh unobtainable. Only bots get amn. (By the way, if we're judging Diablo games by the veracity of the people who cheat at them, then the original Diablo ought to be one of the worst games ever made.)

I'll say what I said before: Your criticisms are either irrelevant or wrong. The only criticism that you've made that approaches a valid one is Diablo 2's considerable lack of balance, which is a result of years of patches that didn't fully take the previous systems into account.

The rest?
>Good uniques are hard to get and in most playthroughs you will see very few of them.
This is an upside. Longevity is an upside for a lot of people. Diablo 2 is not a roguelike; if you don't like grinding, you're in the wrong genre.
>Your skill path is predictable.
Of course it is! Your skill path is predictable in any game that lets you control your skills when played by any decent player.
>Diablo 2 lacks strategic choices in items.
It really doesn't, especially if you're playing untwinked. There is a huge assortment of useful mods and you have no guarantee what kind of shit you're going to get. Diablo 2 also has a larger body of loot than any other game in the genre by a considerable margin, and as a result there are more effective options in the mid-range. The best gear in the game is pretty standardized but that's because a) people have had years to figure it out and b) the best gear in the game is so rare that you'll never see any of it without trading.

>> No.2445689
File: 569 KB, 800x600, Screenshot637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one for ya

>> No.2445774

You some how managed to take every single point I made and put them out of context. I'm not even sure you are replying to the right post. You say that one I made where I said I wouldn't use an amn if it dropped right? There are two separate annons talking about amn runes.

>Diablo 2 also has a larger body of loot than any other game in the genre by a considerable margin

D2 game was very impressive when it came out but it's dated now. There was no game like it when it came out. The loot and skill points where terribly designed in d2 so we put up with it.

Now that we have games with more complex items (poe) and better skill system (a level 60 demon hunter in d3 has more toys to play with than all the d2 classes combined) d2's gimmicks aren't as impressive as they used to be. Even mediocre games like torchlight and titan quest make d2 look shallow. The big strength d2 has is it's atmosphere which is arguable one of the top in it's genre.

If you are playing d2 as a grinder (I never treated as a grind game. Hell mode can be beaten without grinding) I feel sorry for you but you can play however you want.

>> No.2445921

Tell me, what is the purpose of entering a thread about a game to start the #8910238190238219038129038120938129031283901283091238 "i don't get the appeal" posts chain? This game is old man, all of your points have been made a thousand times and, take a motherfucking guess, people still has fun with it after 15 fucking years. Do you think than D3 or PoE will be remembered for that long as anything but a curiosity? PoE MAY last that long if the developers don't fuck up, but D3 was dead from day one.

>> No.2445937

I'd say his points are brand new since they come from a place of profound ignorance. Dude straight up has no idea what he's talking about and decides to come in and tell some people who have been playing for years that they're wrong.

>> No.2445970

it says here you can make an amn with three thuls and a chipped topaz, what's so hard about that

>> No.2445993

Or you could just play on one of the many private realms/servers out there. Hell, given how many are mostly empty, with a few people you could take over.

>> No.2446004

There is no "I didn't get the appeal" I played d2 over a decade ago and I occasionally replay it. I perfectly understand the mentality of people that like to grind. I like to talk about it and that includes it's lower points. Stop getting butt-hurt just because someone on the internet doesn't think it's the best game ever. The d2 playing crowd is a vocal minority that looks at d2 as a comfort zone. Most people have more varied gaming lives than running Baal over and over again for years. I like to play d2 but also the games that improved on it.

>> No.2446015

>There is no "I didn't get the appeal" I played d2 over a decade ago and I occasionally replay it. I perfectly understand the mentality of people that like to grind.
I've beaten it several times with no grinding, besides a few boss runs before going against Baal, and those where for fun.
>Stop getting butt-hurt just because someone on the internet doesn't think it's the best game ever.
I am not getting butt hurt, and I don't think D2 is the best game ever, just one good enough to keep people interested for nearly two decades.
>The d2 playing crowd is a vocal minority that looks at d2 as a comfort zone.
[Citation needed]
> Most people have more varied gaming lives than running Baal over and over again for years.
Yup. I wake up, start the game, kill Baal again and again until my body shuts down from lack of sleep, and start again when I wake up. Sure.
>I like to play d2 but also the games that improved on it.
Something that I never said to not do. I like Torchlight 1 almost as much as I like Diablo 2.
Thing is, the only improvements where in some aspects like picking up gold by just walking over and things like that. There isn't that much improvement to be made, even if I wish that some other game had picked up the spellbooks system of D1 instead of just slapping it over the skills tree.

>> No.2446198

The problem is that you don't know what the lower points are. It's like going into a Doom thread and saying that the game is bad because the plot sucks and there isn't a BFG on every level. Well, no one gives a shit about the plot and we're pretty glad there isn't a BFG on every level.

Similarly, no one gives a shit about the possibility that idiots will screw up their character beyond repair and we're pretty glad the good loot is hard to find.

You want to talk about flaws, we can talk about how the combination of high skill point synergies and an immunity for every enemy in hell makes advancing in hell solo very difficult for most builds while not affecting the few possible dual element builds at all. Or how the strength and dexterity damage bonuses were set fifteen years ago and contribute strongly to the lack of hell viability of melee builds without extreme gear. Or why some skills simply do absurdly low damage. Or how the interface never suggests how a skill will scale when leveled. Or how energy has been a worthless stat since LoD dropped.

These are actual problems. You're just saying inflammatory words.

>> No.2446257

The shitty plot of doom is irreleveant because there are very few cutscenes.

There terrible skill trees in d2 are highly relevant because it's a significant part of the game. Going back to my friend's thorns/prayer build. You really have to ask why these skills are even in the game. Their effectiveness during the first 2 acts just acts as a way to screw up your build. If you haven't been playing d2 for years or are playing without a guide the tree is filled with stupid crap. Most of the paladin auras really only exist for perquisites and synergies. The skill tree filled with imbalanced points, is based around picking 1-2 skills and maxing them plus their synergies, and once you get to level 30 you stop receiving new abilities all-together. The supposed hardcore 'no respecing' stops being relevant at level 30. At 30 you have already made your build and it's just about pumping the same things you already got for the rest of the game. Its not really inflammatory, d2's skill system is the single biggest mistake in the game. It's by far the worst in an rpg I've ever played.

The immunity thing is pretty shitty too, it really needed documentation in the game, especially all unintuitive shit like how ice immunes have an extra 100 resistance specifically to counter ice mastery, or how - resist stats function at 20% normal power when breaking immunities. They added it in specifically to fuck with non-expansion characters, whole community moves to LoD and if you don't follow you can't find a partner to help you against immunities.

>> No.2446392

Prayer, like fire bolt, is not meant to be an endgame skill. It's meant to serve a purpose at a particular point in the game -- the beginning -- and it does. Thorns actually works pretty well for what it is and makes an okay party skill if you are with a summoner.

The problematic skills are those that should be for the endgame but don't do endgame damage like immolation arrow or bone spirit. Both of these skills are usable with very, very good gear which suggests that their viability is constrained only by their damage numbers simply being too low. I can think of at least ten skills like this.

If that was fixed, I see nothing wrong with the skill tree system.

Cold immunes on hell don't have an extra 100 cold resistance. Cold mastery isn't meant to break immunities. The only things that break immunities are lower resist and conviction. This was done yo prevent -res gear from being even better than it already is.

Nonx is actually a fair bit easier than x when it comes to immunes because the enemy health is so much lower that relatively weaker skills -- those that would be underpowered in LoD -- are usable in nonx. A javazon with a decent spear can just jab her way through immunes on hell on nonx, for example.

>> No.2446407

"Early game skills" only makes sense if
1) You are playing the newest patch where you can respec
2) The skill has a synergy
3) You are not planning on playing past normal mode.

Thorns is shitty even if you have a summoner in your party. The return damage on thorns is pathetic, you would make yourself and the skeletons stronger with the attack speed aura.

With that in mind you can pretty much say that almost the entire defensive tree for paladins is poorly designed. If you are going past normal mode you either max salvation or never touch the tree at all.

The same is true for the paladin's offensive tree. If you arn't going past normal than holy freeze/holy lightning is the only point that matter. If you are going past normal you either ignore the tree or max fantasism.

Although the paladin is a pretty extreme example and probably has poorly balanced skills in the entire game.

>> No.2446408


>You really have to ask why these skills are even in the game.

A lot of them are only worth using in certain situations or in the beginning. They aren't intended for you to build an entire character around them no more than Fallout's "Outdoorsmanship" is.

Loads of auras for example are support auras intended for parties. LIke Thorns is primarily intended for parties with summoner necros and only when you're facing melee foes.

Loads of skills in the game work like this, they are primarily for parties where they work together very well with specific classes and other characters with particular weaknesses. They become useless simply because most people these days plan for Hell and often play solo or rather with unreliable parties.

>> No.2446812

Between those three reasons almost every skill is covered. Synergies especially cover a lot of intermediate skills.

The paladin is certainly the character with the most problems, but that's probably because of the incredible stupidity that is the hammerdin. They have at least four viable builds though and are the easiest class to make work in melee.

>> No.2447690

Smiters are the most interesting paladin build, zealots are like the most vanilla thing you can do, and hammerdins are impossibly dull

>> No.2447943

I like zealots, especially in old patch versions where you could really make things happen with a lot of life leech and a decent weapon. Zealots in 1.09 are fantastic.