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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2364407 No.2364407 [Reply] [Original]

>An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path, right? He wasn't certain of which direction to go, and he'd forgotten both where he was traveling to and who he was. He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. She grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke: 'Now your third wish. What will it be?'
>'Third wish?' The man was baffled. 'How can it be a third wish if I haven't had a first and second wish?'
>'You've had two wishes already,' the hag said, 'but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That's why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes.' She cackled at the poor berk. 'So it is that you have one wish left.'
>'All right,' said the man, 'I don't believe this, but there's no harm in wishing. I wish to know who I am.'
>'Funny,' said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. 'That was your first wish.'

Playing for the first time, why is this game so good? The lore, the stories, the characters, it's all so engrossing. The gameplay is standard Infinity Engine fare without too many bells and whistles, but I like how the characters' skills reflect their backgrounds and feelings.

>> No.2364421

i tried to play this before

couldnt get past the first dungeon cause what the fuck is this shit

well, you convinced me to give it another try

>> No.2364435

It's because you always want to know more. Everything is a mystery. How to finish the very first area in the damn game is a mystery. However, the story just trickles in little by little, at just the right rate to keep you wanting more. It's all about pacing and great writing.

Every time I play it, I feel like stopping about 3/4 through because I don't want to know how it ends. I just want it to go on forever. Some mysteries are better left unsolved…

>> No.2364524

You just might be right

every conversation and location sheds a bit of light on TNO, he has been everywhere and with everyone just under many guises and names, which is why everything seems connected to him

>> No.2364658

This game needs a remake.

>> No.2364732


not a remake, but it's gonna be the same style of game... same creators involved. Watch the video.

>> No.2365061

I hate Infinity engine,I hate Baldur's Gate,Icewind Dale was just ok it didn't tried so fucking hard to be anything else than just straight up D&D hack and slash,unlike BG series.
And then I played Torment.Fuck...forget the shitty engine,forget that the loot is almost always shit,forget the awful combat,every conversation in this game is better then anything up to date.And those sensate stones stories when you join up with them.I had shivers up my spine while reading them.And bro Morte.Fucking BEST NPC companion EVER.

>> No.2365086

he shines especially after you learn he lied to you about the tattoo

don't believe the skull

>> No.2365119

That looks great.

>> No.2365154

"What one life matters "

huh, well color me interested. See what was cool about Torment was that despite it's complexity it was all based around one simple question

"what can change the nature of a man" and the game was smart enough to realize that there is no single answer

>> No.2365160
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>raised $4,874,413.23


>> No.2365185

I know and it was great.I loved him even more after that dialogue and the story how he stayed with you even though your earlier personalities did awful things to him.
And this is one of the rare games where you can really play an evil character,not some fucking GARRRHG I SMASH YOU GIVE ME MONEY ME IS EVIL AND BAD.I actually felt horrible when I tried to play evil character and just couldn't do it.I mean how can I be an evil jerk to Morte who would literally go through hell just for me?And not just him,but Annah and Fall From Grace,Dak'kon and even Mordon maybe.

>> No.2365187

Who was the best waifu?

>> No.2365196
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>> No.2365197


Ignus is a prick though

>> No.2365264

Infinite Engine hater here. Came here to troll, left in tears. See ya.

>> No.2365301

Yeah I hated him,never had him in party more than a hour or two.But i loved Vhailor I mean he's an asshole but I liked his no bullshit kill everything that has done something even slightly bad approach.And I liked how you can tell him in the final battle that he can deliver the justice to you for all the bad thing your other personalities have done but you need his help to destroy a bigger evil and he just skyrockets in power and destroys Search Results
The Transcendent One in two hits.I mean he is not that hard either way but little things like this are what separates great games from average shit for me.

>> No.2365315

that post really updated my journal

>> No.2365737

Even the discarded music was good.

>> No.2366583

Deinoarra tbh.

>> No.2366679
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>> No.2366745 [DELETED] 

Fuck off pleb

>> No.2367065

gonna be shit, the important creators of Torment work at Obsidian and just made Pillars of Eternity. These people can make as many homages as they like but they don't have to talent to reach expectations

>> No.2367652

PoE was pretty weak. If this is the best the "important creators" can do, it seems that Planescape is as good as it gets.

>> No.2367664

anyone else consider planescape an adventure game with combat more than a standard rpg??

>> No.2367885

I consider it to be a Dark Souls clone with most of the Dark Souls gameplay elements completely removed, and with a completely different storytelling style.

>> No.2368236

they just had different narrative designers this time around and Avellone and Ziets didn't even contribute that much.

if they had Ziets as a narrative director it would have been glorious because that was exactly the case with NWN2 MotB.

Instead they had some dude who worked on F:NV before as director with seemingly very mediocre output.

I agree PoE is shit but they are on the verge of being bankrupt and had to create an "original" setting on a whim. with PS:T the whole D&D lore for Sigil was already there (especially the factions) so they just put a whole new layer over it to make that setting really shine.

>> No.2368248

seems accurate, it's close to point and click adventures but apart from that it's also more text-based. but it has all kinds of RPG stats though. it's not a standard RPG because the narrative scope is the antithesis of what RPGs usually try to do.

you're not making much sense comparing it to Dark Souls, save for the undead motives here and there.

>> No.2368263

Yet Pillars of Equa...Eternity was cocksucked to high heaven along with Obsidian.

So will be Torment: Tides of Numenera.

The stories the development of these games has are stronger than their actual lacking quality.

>> No.2368716
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>> No.2369603

>tfw liked PoE

It's supposed to be the first one in a series. I think they'll improve. Just like BG1 to BG2

>> No.2370363

I tried to play it twice, finally I came to /vr/ and just asked what I was suppose to do.

The main idea and concept you need to realize is that this game really has very little to do with combat and dungeon crawling. Everything about the world, dialog, followers and mysteries is what is important in this game.

How to play Torment correctly
> Download Torment
> Install Trainer
> Max out character
> Focus on exploring the cities and talking to everyone you can
> Enjoy it

>> No.2370405
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So what kind of videogame you want??

>> No.2370417

>this game really has very little to do with combat and dungeon crawling.

that's not really true. you still need to fight a lot in the Hive and the Dead Nations and in Curst.

>> No.2370968

no need to cheat to enjoy. in fact, that probably makes it less enjoyable. main thing is to prioritize the stats that enable dialogue options (i forget which specifically, but intelligence and charisma or along those lines).

>> No.2370978

I remember wisdom being one of the most important stats for a more dialogue driven run.