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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2364206 No.2364206 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry for starting a whole thread on this. I'm usually the anon that hates these threads, but...
I got sick and tired of what video game industry has become today. I won't bitch about it here though.
Point is I want to get more into retro gaming, because there must be a lot of titles that I completely missed.
I'm really into RPGs, mostly Japanese, but I like some western titles too. What exactly should I be playing right now?
So far the only retro titles I've played are Secret of Mana, Chorno Trigger, Earthbound, some Pokemons, Ocarina of Time and all MegaTen/SMT games (including recent ones).
I plan on leaving the shithole that /v/ has become and migrate here forever.
What games should I really play? I'm not really into shooters. Just RPGs, but I'm open to platformers or basically anything that's great.
I'm sorry if this thread's offensive here. It seems like a pretty nice board

Also, SMT discussions are very welcome

>> No.2364210

try out the ys series

>> No.2364216

Thanks, I was thinking of getting into that at some point. There's a lot of praise on this apparently

>> No.2364220

If you liked Chrono Trigger you should like Final Fantasy VI.

Xenogears is also a favorite of RPG fans of that era.

>> No.2364228

Final Fantasy is actually a series I never actually got into for so many years.
Is 6 a good place to start the series? All I know about FF is that there's some Sephiroth or something dude with long white hair and that cute chicken shit

>> No.2364229

I'd strongly recommend Chaos Seed, it's a pretty unique SNES game focused around digging out a dungeon, managing underlings and fighting off invaders. Also has some minor RPG elements.

>> No.2364234

Each story is unrelated to the others. Sephiroth is from 7, not 6, and yes, 6 is a great place to start.

>> No.2364238

Glad to hear this. I'll get it asap then. I really feel retarded for being a JRPG fan but never playing an FF game

This looks like fun, I really enjoy all types of dungeon crawling. I'll give that a try.

>> No.2364241

>Is 6 a good place to start the series?
I would say so. It doesn't have the rough edges of earlier titles, the graphics are more polished than FF4-5 and yet I was still able to go back and play 4-5 and still enjoy them after playing 6 although they clearly have downsides graphically and they were still trying to find their footing as far as using the SNES to its full extent.

>> No.2364243

Play Toushin Toshi and Toushin Toshi 2. They both have English translations. Especially 2 is kamige.

Also play YU-NO. Well, it's a VN, but that's beside the point, play it anyway.

>> No.2364247

>I'm really into RPGs, mostly Japanese, but I like some western titles too. What exactly should I be playing right now?
Ultima series (start with 4)
Wizardry series (start with V maybe? Not too sure)
Live a Live (SNES)
Sweet Home (NES)
Also, make sure to play some Nethack at some point.

>> No.2364261

Thank you so much. I'm writing those down right now
Also, Live a Live, Toushin Toshi and Sweet Home sound comfy as shit

>> No.2364280
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>Toushin Toshi
Wow, I HAVE to try this one.

>> No.2364283

Are there any retro JRPGs that have a good plot and writing? Really wondering

>> No.2364286

Yes but also roguelikes generally

>> No.2364292

I should also mention that untranslated games are ok too

>> No.2364307

Read Cross Channel in Japanese, it's neither a JRPG or retro, but it's well written.

>> No.2364320

I'll try it, thanks. I like stuff with good writing

>> No.2364327

I'm actually having a hard time deciding whether I should recommend you the original release https://vndb.org/r3601 or the Final Complete release https://vndb.org/r35224 Ultimately Cross Channel is something you don't read only once, so you can experience both.

Afterwards I can only recommend the other titles by the same writer (Tanaka Romeo). But chances are you'd seek them yourself after reading Cross Channel.

Beyond Tanaka Romeo, someother really well written VN is for example Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai. All and all, it might be a good idea to simply check the 「テキストGOOD」 tag on EGS.

>> No.2364338

You should also check out the Xak series and Compile's action-adventures (Golvellius and Wander Wonder, latter of which is free on D4 Enterprise's Compile Station website).

>> No.2364358

Thank you, they look like fun. I have a lot of playing to do now
This board's pretty neat

>> No.2364360

Just play what tickles your fancy man. Don't say "I'm only going to play X because X". I agree that the industry is mostly shit now and that should influence what games you look into, but you are going to miss out on a lot if you stick solely to 'classic' retro consoles.

Look into anything you can get for free. If you really want to be behind the industry shit-curve look into games made before 2004. PS1 has many many games that fit your description. Same with PS2.

>> No.2364380

>I'm really into RPGs, mostly Japanese, but I like some western titles too. What exactly should I be playing right now?


SNES is a goldmine for JRPGs. NES is alright, PS1 has some decent stuff, but SNES is probably the king of pre-PS2 systems for JRPGs.

Here are the recommended JRPGs from the 80s and 90s, excluding the ones that you already listed.
>Arabian Nights - Sabaku no Seirei Ou
>Final Fantasy
>Final Fantasy III (NES)
>Final Fantasy II/IV (SNES)
>Final Fantasy V (SNES)
>Final Fantasy III/VI (SNES)
>Seiken Densetsu 3 (SNES, sequel to Secret of Mana)
>Tactics Ogre (SNES/PS1)
>Ogre Battle (SNES)
>Ogre Battle 64 (N64)
>Front Mission (SNES)
>Front Mission - Gun Hazard (SNES)
>Front Mission 3 (PS1)
>Crystalis (NES)
>Sweet Home (NES)
>Live A Live (SNES)
>Bahamut Lagoon (SNES)
>Romancing SaGa (SNES)
>Romancing SaGa 3 (SNES)
>Metal Max Returns (SNES)
>Inindo - Way of the Ninja (SNES)
>Horai Gakuen no Bouken (SNES)
>Chaos Seed - Fuusui Kairouki (SNES)
>Fire Emblem - Monshou no Nazo (SNES)
>Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu (SNES)
>Fire Emblem - Thracia 776 (SNES)
>Lagrange Point (NES)
>Niji no Silkroad (NES)
>Just Breed (NES)
>Ninjara Hoi (NES)
>Willow (NES)
>Soul Blazer (SNES)
>Illusion of Gaia (SNES)
>Terranigma (SNES)
>Laplace no Ma (SNES)

That's not a complete list, but it should get you started and cover most titles worth playing that have translations.

Now here are some WRPGs that I'd recommend.
>Wizardry I-II-III (SNES)
>Wizardry V (SNES)
>Wizardry VI (SNES)
>Wizardry VII (PC)
>Wizardry VIII (PC)
>Ultima 7 (PC)
>Ultima Underworld (PC)


>> No.2364385

Based on your taste here are some other games that I'd highly recommend.
>Goonies II (NES)
>any Zelda especially the SNES one and/or Ocarina of Time for N64
>Famicom Tantei Club Part II (SNES)
>JESUS - Kyoufu no Bio Monster (NES)
>Clock Tower (SNES)
>Metroid (NES)
>Super Metroid (NES)
>StarTropics (NES)
>StarTropics 2 (NES)
>Harvest Moon (SNES)
>Harvest Moon 64 (N64)
>Uncharted Waters - New Horizons (SNES)

As far as platformers, check these out.
>Super Mario Bros. (NES)
>Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)
>Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
>Super Mario World (SNES)
>Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Genesis)
>Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis)
>Mega Man 2 (NES)
>Mega Man 3 (NES)
>Castlevania (NES)
>Castlevania III (NES)
>Super Castlevania IV (SNES)
>Castlevania Bloodlines (Genesis)
>Kirby's Adventure (NES)
>Kirby Superstar (SNES)

Also, OP, are you into wrestling by any chance? Because there are some retardedly amazing wrestling games on 90s systems.

>> No.2364390

Holy shit nigger, you're amazing. Thank you so damn much. Woah
Those will last me a while.
I'm really not into wresting, but thank you so much. I have some pasting to do now

>> No.2364391
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Suikoden I & II
Super Mario RPG

>> No.2364395

>Is 6 a good place to start the series?

5 has the best gameplay. 6 has the best everything else.

>I really enjoy all types of dungeon crawling

If you also like obsessing over stats as well then I HIGHLY recommend you look into the Wizardry series.

>Sweet Home

Oh boy you are in for a surprise.


Do you read moonrunes? Are you even OP?

>> No.2364401

While this is not what you asked for, I can't help but recommend you Gothic 1, Gothic 2 and Gothic 2: The Night of the Raven.

They're amazing RPGs and only slightly miss the /vr/ cut-off line. They might have problems on Win 7, but you can find solutions online.

The Night of the Raven is an expansion to Gothic 2 that integrates into it. After installing it you start a new game and there's much more content and rebalances. On Steam/GOG you can only buy a version with Night of the Raven already installed, but I'd recommend playing the base Gothic 2 before it. It's pretty amazing to see how it changes with the expansion.

>> No.2364406

Yeah it's me (OP) in all your replies.
I can read moons alright-ish. It's still good practice to play untranslated stuff.
I mostly played the untranslated SMT games and some VNs, but not many great games outside of those.

>> No.2364409

OP, also add Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) to that. One of the greatest strategy RPGs. Some people also REALLY like Final Fantasy VII (PS1), but personally it's not my cup of tea.

Also I feel like a fucking idiot for not even mentioning my all time favorite turn-based JRPG. You NEED to play Super Mario RPG (SNES) if you are even remotely interested in the genre. Just stupidly fun like few other games in the genre can claim to be.

>> No.2364410

Oh this looks like fun, thanks.

Ah, thank you. I did play the Gothic games though. They were pretty great.

>> No.2364412

Awesome. Turn-based JRPGs = my favorite genre. I'm really glad I decided to post here. I now I have games to last me a few good years

>> No.2364413

>Turn-based JRPGs = my favorite genre

Then go for Utawarerumono (PS2 or PSP version), Eien no Aselia Special Edition (PC) and Seinarukana Special Edition (PC).

Again, not retro, but among the best you can find among gameplay eroge.

>> No.2364419

Pasted everything, thank you so much.

>> No.2364439


Any of the SNES era games are good entry points anon, have fun.

And then play the VII to X. You'll have a blast.

Anything made after X is shit, and no, that's not an "opinion", it's a fucking fact.

>shitty online MMOs, i guess they are fine if you're into online shit
>a sequel no one asked for or wanted, X-2
>a whole trinity of FF13 games that sucks ass. Made by the guy who made X-2
>another MMO that had to be completely redone in order to be "decent"
>FFXV will be getting delayed and will be casual as hell

This franchise is dead. Just make the FF7 remake and be done with it Square

>> No.2364441

If you can read moonrunes then I would highly recommend these games as well. Keep in mind that most of them are visual novels or adventure games or platformers except for the first two.
>Romancing SaGa 2 (SNES)
>Metal Max 2 (SNES)
>Sanma no Meitantei (NES)
>Ganbare Goemon 2 (SNES)
>Ganbare Goemon 3 (SNES)
>Ganbare Goemon 4 (SNES)
>Metal Slader Glory - Director's Cut (SNES)
>Famicom Tantei Club (FDS)
>Gakkou Deatta Kowai Hanashi (SNES)
>Zakuro no Aji (SNES)
>Yakouchuu (SNES)
>Ihatov Monogatari (SNES)
>Jirou Akagawa - Majotachi no Nemuri (SNES)
>Getsumen no Anubis (SNES)
>Hajimari no Mori (SNES)
>Kamaitachi no Yoru (SNES)
>Otogirisou (SNES)
>Tsukikomori (SNES)

And here are a few more non-RPG games with translations that might be worth looking into.
>Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken (NES, make sure you get version B of the patch because version A doesn't work)
>Radical Dreamers - Nusumenai Houseki (SNES, visual novel sequel to Chrono Trigger)
>Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES, predecessor to the Ganbare Goemon games, officially released in America)

>> No.2364452

Yeah I heard they're all crap after X. Lots of praise on the rest, especially with the VII fanboys.
Should be a fun journey, can't wait to get to it

Man, seriously THANK YOU. I'm getting started on my library right now

>> No.2364459

I forgot to label the first three on the list, but the first two are SNES and FF1 is NES.

>> No.2364460

Do you like any genres except RPGs and platformers?

>> No.2364463

I like some action games like DMC3 and I was thinking of getting into fightans for a while.

>> No.2364485

90s fighters that you should play.
>Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Arcade, been ported to many systems)
>Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Arcade, been ported to many systems)
>Street Fighter III 3rd Strike (Arcade, been ported to many systems)
>Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Arcade, been ported to many systems)
>Samurai Shodown (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>Samurai Shodown II (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>The Last Blade (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>The Last Blade 2 (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>King of Fighters '98 (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>Garou - Mark of the Wolves (Arcade/Neo Geo)
>SNK vs. Capcom - Match of the Millennium (NGPC)
>Joy Mech Fight (NES)
>Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Endless Duel (SNES)
>Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu (NES)

There's also maybe the Guilty Gear games, but I'm not really familiar with those. And I'm probably leaving some stuff out, but that should give you a pretty solid list to start with.

>> No.2364486

I was in the same boat. The first FF game I played was 7, and I didn't know if the other games were connected or not.

Did not help that Cloud recognizes Sephiroth's sword before we even see the guy. I was sure at that point that I was from the last game, and this was his return or something.

There are a lot of confusing moments in that game though

>> No.2364489

The PS1 is the Meca of JRPGs, OP.

>> No.2364491

OP here, I must ask this. I usually emulate my SNES games on my phone because it feels a little comfier. I can only do this with RPGs that have simple controls, like I did with Chrono Trigger. Game ran pretty much alright.
Do you think it's a bad way of playing SNES games? I tried running it on PC but zsnes is a bit tedious

>> No.2364495

Thanks. I pasted those.
I have so much playing to do now.
I think I'll start with FF 3/6 for now, and then start slowly finishing all of the recommended titles in this thread

>> No.2364502

>Do you think it's a bad way of playing SNES games?

Anything without menu-based controls I image would be a freaking nightmare on a phone.

>> No.2364504

Hey, OP. You into that anime shit?

>> No.2364507

Yeah it really is. But those menu-based games seem to be running pretty fine.
I tried playing Super Castlevania IV before on the phone and Super Mario World. Shit didn't go so well, but I managed to finish Chrono Trigger and Earthbound

>> No.2364512

It really depends. I prefer darker JRPGs like SMT. I used to go full-mode fedora over weeb games, but I got a liking for them after finishing Neptunia rb1 and Persona3/4

>> No.2364515

Alright, I was asking to try to gauge what kinda themes you'd be into.

Anyway, on top of all the stuff in this thread there's also a bunch of PS1 games that are popular, but I'm not really familiar with the system, so maybe some other anons might have some recommendations for that.

>> No.2364519

Awesome. I'm really into some PS2 JRPGs, but that's not really retro.
I heard I must play Brave Fencer Musashi on the PS1 though

>> No.2364527

>basically anything that's great

SNK vs. Capcom - Card Fighter's Clash for NGPC. Trust me.

And if you like REALLY unique stuff there's these weird arcade-y train games called Densha de GO! in the arcades. They've been ported to several systems, but I don't know how many of the ports actually are emulated. I'd recommend any of these you can get working. Try looking for a gameplay guide of some sort.

And if you ever liked Sonic the Hedgehog then try Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure for SNES.

And you're missing out if you don't play Umihara Kawase. Like nothing else.

>> No.2364543

Wizardry 8

>> No.2364659

I would like to add Survival Kids as a very comfy action RPG.

Another game I didn't see mentioned is Treasure Hunter G. It has a translation and it's pretty entertaining.

Anyway, you have enough recommendations to play for a few years straight, so have fun.

>> No.2364664


You are another /v/ retard
Play whatever games you like old or new who cares about the "industry"?

>> No.2364667

>not OP, maybe I'll be checking out some old FFs

why do you say 5 is better than 6 in terms of gameplay, anon?

>> No.2364670

job system.

>> No.2364675

>did a quick search

I read it's similar to FFT, but that it also brakes the game because once you "get" (?) the job system (I imagine that it's something related to the story) you can change to any class you want whith no pre requisites, unlike FFT.

>> No.2364680

I said I won't bitch about it here, but ok.
I give up on getting any recent games because: you buy 50% of the game, and the other 50% is dlc, mods cost money on steam, bunch of edgy fatsos ruin everything, ps4 has 1 game, game with certain types of humor get patched because edgy fatsos say it's offensive.
There's literally no more point for me to play anything new, so I wanted to take this chance to get into great older games that I missed.
I knew this post would come though

>> No.2364683

It doesn't break shit. It's just fun to mess around with. If you want a harder game with the same job system then play FF3 for NES.

>> No.2364720

Ignore the person you're replying to, he's a faggot.

We normally don't argue over stuff, but for some reason there are three things that can occasionally elicit faggotry and are best avoided.
1. Sega fanboys on here who HATE Nintendo and feel the need to say so whenever the SNES is discussed.
2. Emulation technical specs. I don't know why, but this results in an odd amount of shit flinging.
3. AGTP's questionable practice of "claiming" translations and then sitting on them for a decade so they never get translated.

As long as you avoid those subjects you should be fine.

>> No.2364736

Thanks. It's good to know. The ammount of shitposting here is surprisingly low. This truly is a nice board.
I think I'll stick to this place for a while. /v/ is impossible to take anymore

>> No.2364746

>you buy 50% of the game, and the other 50% is dlc, mods cost money on steam, bunch of edgy fatsos ruin everything, ps4 has 1 game, game with certain types of humor get patched because edgy fatsos say it's offensive.
Don't know how any of that can be relevant to a person who are into jrpgs and can read moon runes.

>> No.2364770

Atlus USA started censoring 4 images in a game. I had the most hope in Atlus and they let me down completely. Xenoblade X got those edgies at it too. FFXV will be casual as shit
Besides all of this, there's just nothing really good to play, no well written games, nothing challenging and above all there's an extreme ammount of weeb pandering, so much that this prioritizes over actual gameplay, or even story.

>> No.2364771

/v/ seems like cool dudes, but they're idiots when it comes to video games.

>> No.2364779

/v/'s not really that cool. It's mostly console wars, waifu wars, WRPG vs JRPG wars, tons of complaining and shitposting.
There are occasionally great discussion threads, but most of them are about obscure non-weeb games such as SMT basically.
There's almost always 4 threads each of them stating the superiority of a Persona game over the other or a #FE hate thread.

>> No.2364783

ok. it seems he >>2364664 was right.

>> No.2364791
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Pls dont.Ive played FF3 on snes for the first time a year ago.Worst 40h ive spend on a game.Dont do it,its not worth it.

>> No.2364801


"Worst 40 hours ive spend on a game."

I don't get why people force themselves through a game they don't like. If I don't like a game, I set it aside or just sell it. Easy peasy.

>> No.2364816

Oooo, I've been wanting to play xenogears forever.
I think I will tonight.

>> No.2364820

I wanted to understand the love and hype FF series get.
And i think i know why.Its because most people and I dont want to insult anyone who like it are neet or weaboos.The story its plain dumb,and the repetitiveness drove me fucking insane after 20 hours.Its not even that hard as people make it to be.
I consider myself for a dumb person and it takes me a log time to get bored of something and this game seems to crossed the line for me.
So the only explanation is why people love it is because they have too much free time on their hands and are bored beyond what you and i can comprehend.

>> No.2364835

If you have any braincells none of the final fantasies should take you longer then 25 hours to beat, much less 40.

>> No.2364840

Yeah well it was my first time playing FF game,and i cleared it all including secret bosses and what not.

>> No.2364845


Or, y'know, it's a simple thing like "different strokes for different folks."

No need to go so far as to say "anyone who likes this is a neet or weaboo." That's just pants-on-head-retarded.

>> No.2364847

I don't see how that changes my statement.

>> No.2364857

I am retard.
you are right,who am i to judge.

>> No.2364956
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you do realise some people have fun grinding the shit out of random encounters... ? are they "no braincells" people too anon?

>> No.2364961

don't fall for it.He is one of those people that figured out everything in his life.

>> No.2365324

The player can break the game if the player is a minmaxing piece of shit, but the same is true of just about any modernesque RPG. Play it normally and it's fine. The same thing goes for FF8, which is the game most frequently cited as being "broken". It ain't broke 'til you break it.

>> No.2365329

>Just make the FF7 remake and be done with it Square
So they can make that game shit too? Why do you even want this? Square Enix remakes are NEVER the same game but looking better.

>> No.2365986
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I wish I knew moon