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2355302 No.2355302 [Reply] [Original]

why do people praise earthbound so much

>> No.2355307

why do people invest so much time and emotion into whining about this games fanbase

>> No.2355312

For real. Go ask starmen.net why they like it. Does /vr/ really need a thread that complains about EB 24/7?

>> No.2355314

/vr/ is the only place where I disuss vidya, so I wonder- where is this game's fanbase concentrated? Where exactly do kids these days discover Earthbound?

>> No.2355319

They discover it through smash bros. I can't answer the other questions.

>> No.2355320
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>Where exactly do kids these days discover Earthbound?

>> No.2355325


Oh yeah, that. I forgot that.

>> No.2355327

I really do not know, but I would imagine YouTube and the "hearing from friends" factor. I wouldn't be surprised if just the fact that it sells for a stupidly high price helps to further the popularity ("if it sells for a lot of money, it must be good and will of course make me look cool if I own a copy!").

>> No.2355336
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Good writing, lighthearted with feelings of childhood nostalgia. It gets a little weird, it gets a little dark. Psychedelic inspired aesthetic mixed in with suburban America makes for a unique setting. Simple, solid gameplay.

Amazing sound design and soundtrack, arguably the best on the SNES and one of the best of all time.

>> No.2355352

Because threads like this one are a constant on both /v/ and /vr/.

Because the game commands a high price despite its actual rarity.

Because its style greatly appeals to a younger generation raised on Adult Swim and 4chan.

Because in spite of its notoriety, it's a unique and different JRPG with a novel setting and fun music.

>> No.2355357
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the battle themes are annoying. EBZ did it better.

>> No.2355358

Baby's first JRPG.

Same reason why FF7 and Tales of Symphonia get praise, despite both being mediocre.

>> No.2355368

I picked up a copy from Gamestop something like 12 years ago when they had that big purge to make room for more 6th gen stuff. The cost: 25 bucks (and I actually paid less than that because I traded in FFX).

Anyway, my take is that it was a combination of 1) visibility brought on by Smash Bros, 2) reduced mainstream availability of pre-6th gen stuff, and 3) emulation becoming more mainstream. I had personally heard about it a few years before from a friend who was really into emulation.

>> No.2355376

It's funny because most of the lastest Earhbound/Mother threads were started the same way.

"This game is so overrated", "This game is not as good as people said", etc. Then it devolves into people having civil discussion about the series and helping out people interested on playing them.

Honestly? All fanbases are annoying to a degree, but I don't think Mother fans are as annoying as most people say, and most of all, I don't remember they ever saying that EB is the best game ever made, just that it's their particular favorite, which is fine. People have different tastes, some people like Chrono Trigger, some others like Planescape Torment, others like Phantasy Star IV. So what's the matter?

Mother fanbase, in my experience, are very polite.

>> No.2355404

True; the annoying ones are the wannabes who want to justify their fantasies of owning a super expensive game. I find that most simply decide that it would make a great trophy piece, emulate it for a little while, get bored/stuck, then skim through Giant Bomb or R101 or something, just so that they can sound cool. They still have dreams over how awesome they'd be if they actually owned a copy, but they'd never actually save up for one. Instead, they'd either troll garage sales and hopefully not get lucky, or they'd bug resellers with offers of "great" trades out of their collection (which of course, they'd demand full market price for).

>> No.2355416

what are hipsters

>> No.2355475

I don't know. But i think love it too much actually, at least they praise it enough to get me to buy an repro cartdrige and play it. Gonna do it this week.

>> No.2355487

Shit i feeling stupid after all those grammar mistakes.
Guess my hangover from yesterday's party still is present.

>> No.2355568

I honestly wonder how many people who just got into old games within the past year are really into them as games, like if they actually enjoy playing them and think it is neat to play the real carts on real systems, or if it is more so they can say to their friends and people on YouTube lol look at me guys, I have the game they played on Game Grumps last week XD I'm such a retro nerd like Arin XD.

>> No.2355570

Apparently someone forgot that Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III/VI, Donkey Kong Country 2, and MegaMan X are on the SNES.

>> No.2355574

>I don't remember they ever saying that EB is the best game ever made

>> No.2355576

I admit I first learned about Earthbound from the first Smash Bros. back in 1999. I wanted to get a copy of EB because of it, and got copy with the guide for $20. Thank god I did in hindsight.

>> No.2355581

To clarify, I meant the soundtrack.

>> No.2355582

I don't understand why perceived authenticity is such a big deal with some gamers. If someone plays video games, they play video games, end of story. There's no secret handshake. It doesn't affect the enjoyment I get out of playing them if other people also play them. At the core of all this is a very simple "I liked it before you/stop liking what I like" argument that strikes me as insecure.

>> No.2355586

>I'm such a retro nerd
Literally who cares. Getting your panties in a bunch over some youtube dipshits is a waste of time. That is some high school level shit right there, getting butthurt because other people are into the things you enjoy.

>> No.2355590

The people who would otherwise superficially latch onto other things are the ones who end up making things more expensive for everyone.

>> No.2355601

>There's no secret handshake.

>he doesn't know the secret handshake

>> No.2355607

>my first RPG
>my first non-FF RPG
>my first underrated RPG no one but me has played or knows about
>my first cult classic that has now become overpriced because of all the dickriding about it I and it's other fans have done
Did I miss anything?

That said I finally played through EarthBound lately and apart from the game's item system and painfully slow and boring beginning I had a good time with it.

>> No.2355664

There's a Ness amibo being released next month. That might be an interesting test as to the true popularity of Earthbound. Will they be bought up and be impossible to find in stores? Will we see L@@K! R@RE! WOW! ebay postings for the Ness Amibos with $50 buyouts? Or perhaps they'll just collect dust on the shelves right next to Luigi.

I'm a long-time Earthbound fan and I intend to buy one simply because it's official Earthbound merch

>> No.2355698

I can only speak for myself but I was 12 when it released and of course a little weird. For once a game treated the world as the semi joke it is. And it basked in the absurdity of a bunch of kids travelling to save everyone.

If you weren't around that age in the mid 90s I can understand not getting it.

>> No.2355730

I'm not an earthbound cannot but I am an earthbound soundtrack fanboy. Composition is my lifeblood and the fucking music to that game UNMATCHED.

>> No.2355736


Somehow fanboy auto corrected to cannot for some cunt of a reason. I hate phones.

>> No.2355743

Autocorrect: fixing the internet one beautifully spelled non sequitur at a time.

>> No.2355753

I personally enjoy the writing, soundtrack and aesthetics, plus the gameplay is serviceable, what with it pretty much being Dragon Quest, which I also love. The rolling counter is also a nice touch that I enjoy.

>> No.2356467 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2357521

>it may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief).

>> No.2358040

This and also. unlike almost every game to save the world, Earthbound created a world worth saving. The environments, NPC's, and even the enemies in this game have charm.
Also, silent protagonists usually make memorable characters and games.

>> No.2358430
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>> No.2358449

As if, video games are so passé

>> No.2359072

So buttmad people like you will start these threads. Even the people who aren't trolling are just following a crowd they don't realize is trolling.

It's a decent game. Well worth the space it occupies on my half empty SD.

>> No.2360550

I started playing this today. Why don't shops tell you what items do before you buy them? Pissed me off to no end when I depleted all of my money on a thing I realised I didn't want after purchasing it. So stupid.

>> No.2360557

Because of the one-handed control scheme.

>> No.2360571

Aesthetically, I think Earthbound is one of the finest games ever made. Everything about it just oozes charm and I felt constantly engaged while playing it -- except the combat.

I think Earthbound would have been much better as an adventure game than a JRPG.

>> No.2360615


>> No.2360618

If I'm not mistaken, L and A have pretty much the same function in Earthbound, so you can basically play the game 1-handed for the most part.

>> No.2360625

Cool. Why would you do that though?

>> No.2360628

You know

>> No.2360632


well said. plus the way it all comes together with the end.

it was a gimmicky final boss fight, but for once a pretty good/fun gimmick.

>> No.2360634

don't do that

>> No.2360649

Also select is B. It's great.

So you can eat and play. Or whatever.

>> No.2360908

hi guys
i've actually beat the 4th boss, then progressed and beat another one, then "7th your sanctuary"
is it really that easy to skip bosses accidentally?

>> No.2360910


You don't skip them, you just went a different order.

I always do the one in the bunny cave from ramma last for some reason, even though I think lumine hall is supposed to be the final one.

>> No.2360975
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so you can eat pizza

it was part of the advertising

>> No.2361013

Great pacing.
Pokes fun at JRPG cliches(instead of the path being blocked off by some contrived rock or guard, it's blocked off by barricade-crazy cops or a metal pencil)
Good writing with some post-modernism(essentially reality being just a mental construct)
A great soundtrack.
Well-balanced combat.

>> No.2361018

It's Fire Spring.

>> No.2361101

it's like dragon quest 5, A opens the menu and let you select an action, L is context sensitive so you don't have to go through menu > talk, menu > open, etc every time.

>> No.2361149

I think some people here are actually to young to know

>> No.2362749
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I wonder how you all feel about Mother 4?

>> No.2362754

it might be fun

i mean I don't give a fuck about names. A fun game is a fun game

I like the tunes so far.

>> No.2362758


The gameplay trailer looks neat as fuck. I hope Nintendo doesn't come and shut it down at the last second.

>> No.2362760

I think it's pretty disrespectul for them to treat it as a numbered sequel, but other than that it looks ok

>> No.2362767

what about mother 798 that's my faavorite

>> No.2362774

I'm looking forward to it. It was supposed to come out last winter, but it got pushed back to summer. Possibly June.

Can you blame them? I mean, this really does look like what if the series continued. But, from here I can see them going by this game's model and making up diverging titles. I think that'd be a pretty good way to do it. Like spin off games. But then they might want to make a 5th one.

At any rate I'm glad that this game appears to be made like the first two games.

>> No.2362775

Fan games are gay as fuck. Seriously the most fedora thing ever.

>> No.2362776


Fucking truth. Call it something evocative of Earthbound and try to live up to the real thing; that's cool. Naming your shit as if it were a legitimate sequel feels really conceited and rude as fuck.

>> No.2362778

This was also meant to reply to >>2362754.

>> No.2362779

Fuck off viral team

>> No.2362785


I wonder how Itoi would think? I mean, when Itoi was asked whether he'd make another game he said that he would rather be the player from now on.

I can't help but think that he'd actual welcome this.

>> No.2362886 [DELETED] 

muh le grown up edgy abortion scene

>> No.2362891

The setting and enemies are not typical of a JRPG and the writing is charming.

It's a good game, well-made. Not worth $300 for a loose cart though.

>> No.2362916

I find it hilarious that people would pay nearly $200 for a loose Earthbound. I mean hell, if current ebay is anything to go by, it is uncommon at best. Seriously, it can outprice MANY prototypes of old games, and those are legitimately rare, and not in the "this game is kinda obscure, you probably haven't heard of it" sort of way. It is almost as bad as CIB Mario World selling for $100.

>> No.2364697

So is he dead, or just retired and out of the spotlight?

>> No.2364760

Classic case of supply + demand + youtubers + edgy teenfags snatching their parents' credit cards. Hipsters too.

>> No.2364775

It looks great and I really liked the music, too.

>> No.2364890

He was killed by the yakuza after leaving Nintendo.

>> No.2365702


What's with all the /v/ spillover recently? Don't do this to me /vr/

>> No.2366212

It's the Evagelion of /vr/.

>> No.2366586

Don't they have the 'blessing' of the Mother series devs and idea guys tho? Readed something about that.

>> No.2366763

>telling blatant viral marketers to fuck off is /v/
>a shitty fan game released in 2015 is somehow not /v/


>> No.2366789


Even with that said, I don't think it's so disrespectful as it is bold. They are making the statement of being able to make something that could have been another sequel had another one been made.

Technically speaking it probably wouldn't be that difficult considering the other entries had been basically been pretty much similar mechanically wise. The only enhancements that we've seen so far that had been made is that it's in HD with 16:9 AR. That's not bad if they are keeping it in the old style.

Also, what I said earlier here >>2362785.

>> No.2366793
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Lots of offtopic, I see the /v/ shitposting has reached /vr/

>> No.2367190

Honestly, I like first person combat. It makes battles go by a lot faster because you don't have to watch animations for each attack.

>> No.2369643

You sound exactly like /v/. Always paranoid over nothing