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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 1000x974, n64-logo-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2350157 No.2350157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about what a worthless hunk of shit this is?

>> No.2350168

You can play Mario, Zelda and Rareware games on it. Plus Treasure managed to make some OK games but yeah for the most part it was terrible.

I'm convinced all the N64 lovers are 23-25 years old with serious childhood nostalgia goggles

>> No.2350172

I bet this thread will be up for a week just like the last one. Any bets?

>> No.2350179

lol how mad is this guy? he keeps making these threads all day everyday. mods?

>> No.2350180

That means people want to discuss it then. Stop being a baby.

>> No.2350183
File: 51 KB, 579x415, mninja64-badguy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm convinced all the N64 lovers are 23-25 years old with serious childhood nostalgia goggles

More like all the N64 haters are 23-25 year olds with serious childhood traumas. Probably abusive parents and not being able to play all the vidya they wanted as kids.

I was an idort back then. I used my Saturn N64 more than my PS1. All dem great multiplayer games on N64, plus the single player games. And of course, discovering japanese gems over the years, like Sin and Punishment makes owning a N64 worth it, especially since emulation for it is awful.



>> No.2350194

I was working at Babbage's when the N64 came out. I was able to play all the games I wanted. My apartment was a major party pad and exactly 3 games ever got played on N64. Mario, Goldeneye and Zelda and now Goldeneye is pretty lame.

N64 carts were too goddamn expensive. Anybody who shelled out $70 for some typical piece of shit at release was rightfully angry.

>> No.2350196

We need a name for him, like dobson or something.

>> No.2350202

Should I adopt a tripcode?

>> No.2350204

Not sure if one guy or if N64 bashing threads are a meme now

>> No.2350205


You only played these 3 games? Mario is not even multiplayer.
You could have played stuff like, I dunno, all the Midway racing games, or the WWF wrestling games are also pretty good (AKI is a god-tier wrestling games developer).

And you played Zelda, but not Goemon?

I dunno, not sure if I buy your little babbage story.

>N64 carts were too goddamn expensive. Anybody who shelled out $70 for some typical piece of shit at release was rightfully angry.

The only shit game I bought for N64 and regretted was Sub Zero Mythologies. But that's my own fault for being a MK fanboy as a kid, I kind of knew it was shit.

>> No.2350207

I've made all of them over the past week, as far as I'm aware.

>> No.2350212
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1414, Rokujuuyon-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do it.

>> No.2350214

Whoa, it is all one guy?

>> No.2350219

I'll just use a name for the time being and if I enjoy it, I'll start tripfagging

>> No.2350228
File: 48 KB, 189x179, oiamlaffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dobson, the N64 slayer

I dig it
I'm starting to think you're actually a huge N64 fanboy and just want to shitpost to generate N64 discussion and probably try to catch on with a meme or something. Sadly, /vr/'s people are too old to enjoy memes anymore, which is why they left /v/ principally, but you're trying at least.

>> No.2350235

I only had a N64 (and PC)

Is there anything on PS1OneX that I should check out or is it all jaggedy early 3D "you had to be there" stuff

Oh and SotN is Worstlevania so don't say that

>> No.2350236

I was a hell of a lot more interested in playing Gran Turismo than Rush and Goldeneye was THE multiplayer game. Basically since we were 90s young adults we shunned everything kid-focused or we might have played Mario Party.

The main issue was that Playstation games were practically half the price so everything that there was a Playstation alternative to, we played that instead.

>> No.2350237

I actually have nothing against N64.
I just had a lot of fun with my "is it backwards compatible" thread last week and been on a binge since.

>> No.2350242

That being said. Cat's out of the bag and this'll prob be the final thread from me.

>> No.2350248

Were you also responsible for that 6th Gen thread, or is that guy hounding you for it just a 'sperg?

>> No.2350251

I haven't posted a single comment about 6th gen here.
Well once in a serious ththread, I said I was neurtal on the subject.

>> No.2350254

If you can still appreciate N64 graphics you shouldn't have a problem with PS1 games. Check the /v/ recommended games wiki.

>> No.2350265

I'm a big PS1 fan, but the graphics are a little bit more rough, in my opinion (which is funny, because when I was a kid, I tricked myself into thinking the PS1 graphics were better since it had CDs and FMV).

When I play Crash Bandicoot, for example, I feel less certain as to how close I can get to an enemy without getting killed than I do playing Mario 64.

>> No.2350274

Oddly enough, now that you namefag, I can see that you aren't so bad after all.

Its just with the whole 6th gen thing going on, I thought /vr/ was becoming /v/.

>> No.2350280

Nah, I've been on /vr/ on and off since day one and I wouldn't change a single thing here.
I'm a /tv/fag at heart though and felt like stirring the pot a little.

>> No.2350282

I won't hold it against you.

I guess I'll take a turn.
The N64 is FLOODED with shitty sports games to the point that those are the only games at my local vintage stock!

>> No.2350286

That's every console, m8. Shitty American football games, shitty European football games, everywhere.

>> No.2350287

Yeah. It's super hard to find any decent 64 titles without paying a fortune. It's the only console I don't really bother collecting for because of that.

>> No.2350304


I thought Sega Saturn's prices were way higher than N64, especially US games (and japanese games are starting to be more and more expensive with time).

How much does it cost, say, Mischief Makers or Mystical Ninja nowdays?

>> No.2350308

The nice thing about the N64 is that the library is so small you can be sure you own every good game it has that you like.
You can feel like you have a full collection.

I also think the console is worth it more than other better consoles because of how bad N64 emulation is.

>> No.2350310

They're really not that bad, most are around $10. Mario and Zelda go for a little more, but you can almost always find them for cheaper in secondhand shops.

>> No.2350314

Around $20 I'd say. Not too bad, but any of the big titles are going to be way higher than that.

>> No.2350321

I don't care so much about the Mario or Zelda N64 games. I have prettu much all of them on virtual console.
What I would really want is Conker, and unfortunately that's pretty much the Earthbound of N64.

>> No.2350347

No, It's worse.
There were about 100 games in stock and all but one was Madden 98' or 99'
The one other was some shovelware game.

>> No.2350576
File: 26 KB, 480x360, underhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my d*ck im the n64 guy

>> No.2350583

You can be N64 guy now. I'm taking a break.

>> No.2350724

I can't bring myself to beat OOT on it because how the frame-rate gets depressingly low. Thanks to this I haven't played it in a couple of months.

I should totally buy Custom Robo V2.

>> No.2350770

>I can't bring myself to beat OOT on it because how the frame-rate gets depressingly lo
OoT's framerate is a STABLE 20fps. Are you playing the PAL version?

>> No.2350776
File: 508 KB, 500x615, gjU5vxE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as games libraries go

PS1 > Saturn >N64 > 3DO > Jaguar >Amiga CD32.

I mean if you loved Nintendo games sure, everyone loves popping in Mario 64 and Banjo Tooie every now and then but back in the day, waiting for those good games was hard. Harder than being a Saturn owner.

Atleast with the Saturn you could import CPS2 ports and excellent JRPGs but with the N64, not even the imports were there.

It was a fat worse than death.