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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.34 MB, 1920x2160, anonsfilter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2346356 No.2346356 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for teaching me about Retroarch, /vr/

What are the best settings for old N64 games with a CRT-feel? This is the best I can make with.

>> No.2347647

CRT-Royale is the most sophisticated CRT shader, it has a ton of parameters.

The shader system gives you a lot of options to try, and it's pretty easy to create your own shader chains.

>> No.2347651 [DELETED] 

dear god, fuck off you autists

>> No.2347704

>stop liking what I don't like

Kill yourself, loser.

>> No.2347724 [DELETED] 

no, more like stop playing games for a cheesy forced false sense of nostalgia and just and enjoy games as they are. People like you guys are the worst type of "retro" gamers.

>> No.2347763 [DELETED] 

That looks like shit
>b-but it's how thuh duhvelopors intended
It still looks like shit

>> No.2347771


>maybe if I keep posting, they'll hate the N64 and accept the 6th gen as retro!

>> No.2347774

What? The N64 is a wonderful system, and I didn't even mention 6th gen. Even for a strawman that was incredibly weak.

>> No.2347776

>forced false sense of nostalgia

Shut the fuck up about this you fucking moron. It's about making games look better on a LCD which are normally poor at displaying low resolution games.

>> No.2347785

I don't think the developers ever intended it to look like OPs pic, I don't know why these people seem to think that everyone played games on TVs that had huge ass scanlines that were visible from miles away.

>> No.2347792

>It's about making games look better on a LCD which are normally poor at displaying low resolution games.
if it was about that then "CRT-feel" wouldn't even be an issue... There are much better ways of making games look better on a wide screen LCD than making it look like some 14 year old that only has vague memories of what a CRT was like's version of a CRT.

>> No.2347796

>normally poor at displaying low resolution games.
It's not "poor". It's displaying them as they are. Bilinear filtering makes them look good already.

Unless you either a) go fullscreen without any regards for aspect ratio and b) are one of those people that >>2347785 talks about.

>> No.2347798

There's no scanlines in OP's pic.

>> No.2347803

I really don't care how someone wants to play their game. I think OP's pic looks like ass, personally. I don't emulate and I'm fine with a scaler and a scanline generator.

You fucks need to get back to your containment board. Telling people to kill themselves and just plain shitposting. Leave.

>> No.2347804

>There are much better ways of making games look better on a wide screen LCD

>> No.2347807

>Bilinear filtering makes them look good already

Absolutely disgusting.

Opinion invalidated

>> No.2347810

Didn't take long for the anti-filter thread shitters to show up. Nobody cares if you don't like them, just answer the OP's or just be quiet and ignore the thread.

>> No.2347814

>There are much better ways of making games look better on a wide screen LCD

Like what?

>> No.2347824

>buzzwords buzzwords play games how I want you to play them

>> No.2347830

you fucking stop, if people really wanted to discus making games look better it would be a general filter/pixel shader thread, not a "wut can i do to get that crt feel" thread

>> No.2347834

but this thread isn't about filters in general, it's about "crt feel"

>> No.2347838
File: 883 KB, 1236x928, 1418970421372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRT Royale


>> No.2347845

Native resolution on a CRT
Well if it's the N64 and you want it to be "authentic", you probably have to blur the shit out of it with an NTSC filter.

>> No.2348435


>> No.2348532

playing OOC on the virtual console, and playing older carts with the Retcon5 looks great on HD TV's

>> No.2348642

I was interested as to what retroarch was because of OP, what is this mess? Why can't there be just emulators with shaders and overlays that are easy to set up?

>> No.2348668

Because they're hobbyists working on stuff for free on their spare time, perhaps? I think given those conditions, RetroArch is an admirable product, but you have to more or less know what you're getting into.

>> No.2348734

>there are better ways!
>>like what?
>shut up

This is an 18+ imageboard.

>> No.2348750
File: 207 KB, 600x600, Wipeout 3 [U] [SLUS-00865]-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ taught you how to use retroarch
ooh, can someone teach me how to use retroarch? I am so sick of playing WipEout 3 on PSXe. I tried it once before but it refused to work for me and was really confusing.

>> No.2348772


this, any youtube guides /vr/ suggests?