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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 1584x1440, Nintendo64Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2345582 No.2345582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2345586


it's not nice to laugh at the retarded kid. It's not his fault

>> No.2345587

Truth be told I still don't know the official way to hold that controller.

I hold it wrong. Both hands on the outside wings, left thumb on joystick, middle finger on the trigger.

>> No.2345593

It depends on the game you're playing. If you're mainly controlling with the d-pad, hold it by the left handle. If you're mainly controling with the analog stick hold it by the middle.

>> No.2345594

You're apparently supposed to hold it with one hand in the middle, and one hand on one of the outside wings. It's not too bad, honestly. Pretty nice.

>> No.2345596


still weird

>> No.2345601
File: 98 KB, 800x600, superpad64gc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2345602

This shitposting really needs to be banned or something.

>> No.2345606

nice me me

>> No.2345620

That's how I do it, and it works better for every game I've played. Don't feel bad.

>> No.2345626

Why is the /v/ level shitposting always about Nintendo and specifically, the N64? I don't even like Nintendo or the N64 but even I've noticed this. It has to be like one guy.

>> No.2345628

It's the next closest thing the 6th genners can shitpost about.

>> No.2345640

the mods wont do shit unless you insult jews or SJW/gays

>> No.2345643

>jews or SJW/gays
I really want /v/ to leave.

>> No.2345658

I really want automated shillbot who doesnt understand context to leave

>> No.2345664

>automated shillbot
Only the dankest of memes as always /v/.

>> No.2345668

>dankest of memes
Take your "dank meme" meme back to /v/ you dumbfuck

>> No.2345682


>> No.2345683

The irony.

>> No.2345686

What about that picture is supposed to be funny? Yeah, it's a weird drawing of the N64 controller and has the proportions wrong... but?


Ooooooh, right.

It's the N64 troll. Damn it, he got me again.

>> No.2345713

I'd like to think they're called 'Trollers.
>You know, like Controllers.

>> No.2345719

Literally the worst mainstream console since the 5200. Go ahead and report me you fucking crybabies.

>> No.2345721

LOL liek, I'm so literally agree with you man! N64 is so blurree and Mario sucks XD PS1 all the way :) all dem RPGs!

>> No.2345724

>It is a most... innovative design, Miyamato-san, truly worthy of your genius
>and I beg you to forgive my insolence, sir
>I truly mean no disrespect
>it fills me with shame even to mention this
>would it not be possible to simply place the directional pad and analog joystick adjacent to one another, and eliminate the third prong?
>pardon my dreadfully banal comment, sir. I am certain it is born of ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.2345728


Pretty sure Miyamoto wasn't the designer of the controller.

But you know what? everyone still thinks Miyamoto did everything for Nintendo, so why try to change the hivemind? Yeah, Miyamoto designed the N64 controller and the N64 itself.

>> No.2345730

>maybe I can discredit what he said by acting like a faggot :¬)

>> No.2345734


But I was agreeing with you bro... :( N64 sucks! haha, my favorite youtuber eceleb told me so, I neevr tried one myself, looks gay :P and too old

>> No.2345735

Everyone in this thread deserves a ban. Even me. See you in 3 days.

>> No.2345736

Modern controllers are pretty ergonomic. But the N64 is still the most ergonomic controller for me.

Makes sense to separate the dpad and stick. I always have to adjust my hand if I'm going to use the dpad or stick on a dualshock controller.

>> No.2345738

I was under the impression that 99% of the biggest YouTubers constantly suck Nintendo's cock.

>> No.2345740


Nintendo isn't trendy, they don't.

>> No.2345742

The only Nintendo thing they like is Earthbound

>> No.2345745

Something to do with youtube drama or something. Guess angry joe got mad so now all the modern gamers parrot his opinion that Nintendo sucks. I don't watch the drama shit or lets players much so idk.
And so the modern gamers come in here and shit the place up.

>> No.2345746

>Nintendo isn't trendy
You live under a rock or something?

>> No.2345747


Damn, yeah, I forgot about that mexican guy.

Yeah, youtubers hate Nintendo because Nintendo isn't letting them make ez dosh with their IPs.

>> No.2345748


Nintendo is massively trendy amongst that whole awful "LOL I'm such a nerd xD" crowd that YouTubers pander to.

>> No.2345749

We literally just had an LOL N64 SUCKS thread this morning, and now another one is up? Does this guy get sexual gratification from doing this or something? And yeah, hate the N64 all day if you want, but at least make decent topics, like asking "what were the actual benefits of this design? For me it is just awkward and uncomfortable. I really wonder what they were thinking." Sure, this is 4chan and all, but this is a board meant for (more or less) meaningful conversation about topics and obviously threads like this are almost literally asking for people just to fling shit back and forth. Hell, even "Tell me why you don't like the N64" would be better thread material than this.

>> No.2345756


He's absolutely obsessed witht he N64.

I have 3 theories:

1. He got beaten up with a N64 by his abusive dad when he was a kid. Like, using the N64 to physically harm him.

2. He's an autist and can't shut up about his opinions, thinking everyone cares

3. He's a troll and we can't do shit about it because this is 4chan.

I'm inclined to think the first one is the most likely. It's hard to explain otherwise... how can one guy can be so obsessed with his hateboner for something like a fucking console from 20 years ago.

>> No.2345765

Assuming he's mentally stable.

-easy to troll topic that a lot of people are passionate about
-guaranteed replies

It gives him a sense of accomplishment.

Or my theory. Janitor or a mod is trolling the shit out of this board. There seems to be some evidence for this because specific threads stay up for days while others get deleted in minutes. This could be for a few reasons. Seems to have a lot in common with /jp/ when that board was relatively new.