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2343682 No.2343682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Grandpa, what were CRTs and vector displays like?

>> No.2343687

warm and fuzzy

>> No.2343693

I dunno. go see for yourself. I wasn't born in ancient egypt.

>> No.2343720

Fuck ugly if you ask me. Even back then I didn't like them.

>> No.2343726

I feel like these things will be littering thrift stores and road sides for decades to come.

>> No.2343732

Well son CRTs were better technology but the corporate jews were not making enough profit and they dont give a fuck about quality so they invented cheap shitty LCDs to sell to retards like you.

>> No.2343735
File: 1.85 MB, 200x200, Came.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> just imagine a 144 Hz 21:9 1440p G-Sync CRT

>> No.2343743
File: 43 KB, 800x450, 51d1ddf154d85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read this you nitwits.

>> No.2343758

They took up a lot of space, boy. Heavy as fuck to move too.

>> No.2343793

Shut that high-tech gizmo off before Skynet finds us!

>> No.2343798

Fire: Nature's Television

>> No.2343821

Would g-sync even be possible/desirable with CRT?

>> No.2343827


Go jump in the time machine and find out yourself, you lazy asshole.

>> No.2343836

Like shit, and I am glad we have these eye implants now. Jesus go play Artificial Academy™ 7 GOTY Edition with Kawaii Desu™ Expansion.

Christ. Kids.

>> No.2343863

My problem with CRTs is that I like to be up close to my games so the screen covers a large portion of my field of vision. But even on high end ones, you have to be quite a distance away before you can't see the pattern of the dots.

>> No.2343865


I just was shitposting, the wait in the sync surely will make the brightness to drop..

>> No.2343869

>Resolution listed as a disadvantage for LCD
Stopped reading there.
That would be fucking retarded. You'd add software interpolation to a CRT? May as well use a LCD then. You just got rid of about the only advantage a CRT has.

>> No.2343881

You should read it because it literally explains why lcd is shit. Crt can do any resolution without scaling. Sure lcd can do higher resolutions like 4k but anything lower will look like shit because 4k is the native res.

>> No.2343887

Do you put your face an inch away from the screen? Never had this issue.

>> No.2343891

It's funny because it says there that LCDs scaling makes things look worse than CRT, but everything on a CRT looks blurry to me. I prefer LCD screens by a landslide.

But also this >>2343863 I like to be up close and CRT just plain looks awful up close.

>> No.2343892

Are you confusing lightboost with gsync? Gsync wouldnt cause a drop in brightness.

>> No.2343896

That's not true at all.
That article is also from 2011. LCDs have come a long way. A good LCD is miles better than any CRT. And if you really want to be blown away go look at something like a X950 from Sony or one of the high end OLED TVs.

>> No.2343897

Please tell me how you can magically upscale something like 320x240 to 1080p? There is no magic perfect upscaler, it just make things look less shitty. LCDs only run best with native resolution stuff.

>> No.2343898

>implying Illusion would ever bother with an international release instead of clinging to xenophobic notions of "foreigners can't get our toys".

Although come to think of it, if they got the guy who put together Huniepop to do an actual translation with an English voice cast, holy shit would that thing sell.

>> No.2343902

Not an inch, I like to be 5-6 feet away and it's glaring at that distance.

>> No.2343906

LCD a shit. The screen equivalent of McDonald's. Plasma is legit, though.

>> No.2343907

I'm not saying it's perfect, I'm saying I think it looks far better than on a CRT. But I just hate the look of a CRT monitor. You don't have to agree with me though.

>> No.2343908

I am sure Illusion would localize if they thought it would sell at all here, and not be butchered by localization.

>> No.2343912
File: 499 KB, 745x1701, framemeister_pgmmvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really ignorant about the subject.

Have fun parroting years old google shit though.

>> No.2343913

I know about the framemeister. Still only looks less shitty.

>> No.2343916

They won't even sell the Japanese game to foreigners as I understand it. Might be for legal reasons, given how much the world loves to regulate smut.

>> No.2343917

>less shitty.
You're an idiot and obviously have never seen any of these scalers.

>> No.2343918

You're an idiot and have never seen games on a proper PVM.

>> No.2343921

Can you post a proper screen of it from a capture card or something? I can't really tell much from those low resolution shots of what appear to be photos of an LCD.

>> No.2343926
File: 295 KB, 743x871, framemeister_16bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper PVM
What is proper about it? You need to stop. Framemeister has a better image than a CRT.

>> No.2343928

what about motion blur? what about lag?

>> No.2343929

First time I've ever heard someone bash CRTs so much. I have a feeling you would of chosen the LCD even without the framemeister because you hate CRTs.

>> No.2343935

I don't hate CRTs. They are great for what they are. I would had gone with one over my LCD if they weren't on life support.
But I wouldn't had gone for one because it's better. I would had bought one because it's what I had as a kid.

If you're going to compare picture quality you need to be realistic. LCDs have passed CRTs for awhile now in picture quality.
>what about motion blur?
What about it? There's strobing backlights and interpolation.
>what about lag?
LCD will probably always have more lag. But there are TVs with sub 1 frame of lag. That's not a noticeable difference.

>> No.2343941

Not really "better", just comparable.

I thought about getting one, then I came to my senses and didn't buy a $1000 toy that does the exact same thing as a free CRT television.

The default upscaling on my Plasma isn't even horrible, though.